private function requestData($latitude, $longitude, $timestamp = false, $exclusions = false) { $validUnits = array('auto', 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk'); if (in_array($this->units, $validUnits)) { $request_url = self::API_ENDPOINT . $this->api_key . '/' . $latitude . ',' . $longitude . ($timestamp ? ',' . $timestamp : '') . '?units=' . $this->units . '&lang=' . $this->language . ($exclusions ? '&exclude=' . $exclusions : ''); /** * Use Buffer to cache API-requests if initialized * (if not, just get the latest data) * * More info: */ if (class_exists('Buffer')) { $cache = new Buffer(); $content = $cache->data($request_url); } else { $content = file_get_contents($request_url); } } else { return false; } if (!empty($content)) { return json_decode($content); } else { return false; } }
/** * Creates the global constructor used in user-land * @return Func */ static function getGlobalConstructor() { $Buffer = new Func('Buffer', function () { $self = new Buffer(); $self->init(func_get_args()); return $self; }); $Buffer->set('prototype', Buffer::$protoObject); $Buffer->setMethods(Buffer::$classMethods, true, false, true); return $Buffer; }
/** @test */ public function loopShouldSendQueuedMessages() { $writeListener = function () { }; $loop = $this->getMock('React\\EventLoop\\LoopInterface'); $loop->expects($this->once())->method('addWriteStream')->with($this->isType('integer'), $writeListener); $socket = $this->getMockBuilder('ZMQSocket')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $socket->expects($this->at(0))->method('sendmulti')->with(array('foo'), \ZMQ::MODE_DONTWAIT)->will($this->returnSelf()); $socket->expects($this->at(1))->method('sendmulti')->with(array('bar'), \ZMQ::MODE_DONTWAIT)->will($this->returnSelf()); $buffer = new Buffer($socket, 42, $loop, $writeListener); $buffer->send('foo'); $buffer->send('bar'); $buffer->handleWriteEvent(); }
protected function _is_display() { $user = Loader::get_user(); $access_zone = config(URL_AP, 'access', 'zone'); $access_users = (array) config(URL_AP, 'access', 'user'); $access_groups = (array) config(URL_AP, 'access', 'group'); $controller_name = Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER); $controller_zone = config(URL_CONTROLLER, $controller_name, 'zone'); $permissions = config(URL_AP, 'access', $controller_name, 'permissions') | config(URL_AP, 'access', 'permissions'); $path_url = get_path_url(); //Попытка доступа в области закрытые для посещения? if ($controller_zone == Z_CLOSED or $access_zone == Z_CLOSED) { return FALSE; } if ($access_zone != Z_PUBLIC and $user->is_visitor()) { return FALSE; } //Проверяем не заблокирован ли IP if (config(URL_AP, 'access', 'check_blocked_ip')) { Security::check_access_ip(); } //разрешён ли вход этому типу пользователей? if (!in_array(User::T_ALL, $access_users) and !empty($access_users) and !in_array($user->get_type(), $access_users)) { return FALSE; } //Состоит ли пользователь в нужных для доступа группах? if (!$user->is_groups($access_groups)) { return FALSE; } //Проверка прав доступа при входе в закрытую зону сайта if ((bool) $permissions === TRUE and ($controller_zone == Z_PRIVATE or $access_zone == Z_PRIVATE) and !($user->check_permission($path_url) & $permissions)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
public function browse($opt = NULL) { $interval = 1; $type = 'created'; Builder::add_meta('robots', 'noindex', TRUE); Builder::add_css('pages/frontend-browse'); Builder::set_title(get_string('pages', 'articles-browse') . ' — ' . get_string('url_naming', $type)); if (!empty($opt)) { $type = reset($opt); $url_interval = next($opt); $interval = $url_interval === FALSE ? 1 : intval($url_interval); } $articles_model = $this->model('articles_model'); $header = array(); $header['type_list'] = $articles_model->get_type_list(); $header['current'] = $type; $header = $this->view('article_types', $header, TRUE); $content = array(); $content['data_list'] = $articles_model->get_articles_list($interval, $type); $content['interval'] = array('link' => base_url(Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER) . '/' . Buffer::get(URL_METHOD) . '/' . $type), 'interval' => $articles_model->get_interval($type), 'selected' => $interval); if (empty($content['data_list'])) { throw new Exception_wx(4040004, $type, 'none'); } $content = $this->view('article_list', $content, TRUE); $nav = array(); $nav[get_string('url_naming', 'articles')] = 'articles/browse'; $nav[get_string('url_naming', $type)] = 'articles/browse/' . $type; $page = array(); $page['nav'] =& $nav; $page['submenu'] =& $header; $page['content'] =& $content; $this->view('frontend/frontend', $page); }
/** * Outputs a child template. Pass the template name (with extension) and * an associative array context of variables to be passed to the child. * * @param string The filename of the template, with extension, relative to AssertiveTemplate paths. * @param array The associative array of context the child template expects. * @return boolean Returns true on success. */ public static function draw($template, $context) { Buffer::to($body); $context = self::includeTemplate($template, $context); Buffer::end(); if (empty(self::$parentStack)) { echo $body; return true; } else { if (!isset($context['body'])) { $context['body'] = $body; } while ($parent = array_pop(self::$parentStack)) { try { $parentInputs = self::getInputs($parent, 'Layout'); } catch (RecessFrameworkException $e) { // if(RecessConf::$mode == RecessConf::DEVELOPMENT) { $trace = array_pop(self::$debugTraces); throw new RecessErrorException('Extended layout does not exist.', 0, 0, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line'], $trace[0]['args']); // } else { // throw $e; // } } $context = array_intersect_key($context, $parentInputs); $context = self::includeTemplate($parent, $context); } // if(RecessConf::$mode == RecessConf::DEVELOPMENT) { array_pop(self::$debugTraces); // } return true; } }
/** * Bootstrap the application and * call the other bootstrap classes * from the projects (if they exist) * * @return self */ public function bootstrap($environment = Application::ENVIRONMENT_WEB) { static::$environment = $environment; // Setup application $this->setup(); try { Buffer::start(); // Call own bootstrap (new Bootstrap($this))->autoCall(); // Call bootstrap of active project $project = ProjectManager::getActiveProject(); if ($project) { // Save it in case for further use $bootstrap = $project->bootstrap($this); } } catch (\Exception $err) { switch (static::$environment) { case Application::ENVIRONMENT_WEB: self::renderException(array($err)); break; case Application::ENVIRONMENT_CMD: throw $err; break; } } return $this; }
public function newAction() { $this->haveAccess(); $O_categoryMapper = new CategoryMapper(); $O_category = $O_categoryMapper->findAll(); Buffer::flushBuffer('label/new', array('category' => $O_category)); }
public function execute() { if (Session::get_state() != Session::ST_LIFE) { self::set_client_command('refresh', array('url' => 'self')); self::set_result(FALSE); return; } $additionally = Buffer::get(Identification_strategy::USER_TYPE) == User::T_ALL ? '' : 'AND `type` = "' . Buffer::get(Identification_strategy::USER_TYPE) . '"'; $pass_hash_lib = Loader::get_library('pass_hash'); $captcha_lib = Loader::get_library('captcha'); $login = db::escape_string($this->login); $row = db::row(self::Q_GET_USER_BY_NAME, array('%login' => $login, '%additionally' => $additionally)); $this->remember = (bool) $this->remember; if (empty($row)) { Security::set_ip_violation(); throw new Command_exception(NULL, 'Введённый логин - не существует!'); } if (!$captcha_lib->check($this->captcha)) { Security::set_ip_violation(); throw new Command_exception(NULL, 'Введён неправильный проверочный код!'); } if (!$pass_hash_lib->check_password($row['password'], $this->password)) { Security::set_ip_violation(); throw new Command_exception(NULL, 'Введён неправильный пароль!'); } //SELECT DATA_FREE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='db_test' AND TABLE_NAME = 'log_error' Session::set_user($row['id'], $this->remember); $user = Loader::get_user(); $secret_key = $user->get_module('secret_key')->regenerate_secret_key(); self::set_client_command('set_secret_key', array('secretKey' => $secret_key)); self::set_client_command('refresh', array('url' => 'self')); }
public static function set_output($data, $to_start = FALSE) { if ($to_start) { self::$__final_output = $data . self::$__final_output; return; } self::$__final_output .= $data; }
public function editAction($I_id) { // On vérifie si l'utilisateur connecté est bien un admin $this->haveAccess(); $O_profileMapper = new ProfileMapper(); $O_profile = $O_profileMapper->findById($I_id); Buffer::flushBuffer('profile/edit', array('profile' => $O_profile)); }
protected function _command() { Buffer::set('command', self::COMMAND, 'post'); Buffer::set('action', self::ACTION, 'post'); require_once BASEPATH . 'strategies/commands.php'; $class_name = 'Commands_strategy'; $command = new $class_name(); $command->execute(); }
public function userchecklistAction($I_pageNumber) { $O_checkMapper = new CheckMapper(); $O_pagination = new Pagination($O_checkMapper); $A_limit = $O_pagination->paginate($I_pageNumber); $I_nbPage = $A_limit['nbPage']; $A_checks = $O_checkMapper->findByUserPerPage($A_limit); Buffer::flushBuffer('check/userchecklist', array('checks' => $A_checks, 'nbPage' => $I_nbPage, 'pageNumber' => $I_pageNumber)); }
public static function check_signature($client_sig) { $user = Loader::get_user(); if (!$client_sig) { return FALSE; } if (!$user->get_module(User::M_SECRET_KEY)->check_secret_key()) { $user->get_module(User::M_SECRET_KEY)->unset_secret_key(); Session::destroy(Session::get_sid(), Session::ST_INCORRECT); return FALSE; } //Создаём серверную сигнатуру //1. получаем все параметры и удаляем параметр с сигнатурой $all_params = Buffer::get_post(); unset($all_params['sig']); $elements_sig = array(); //2. извлекаем значения из пришедших параметров в обязательный список параметров на серврере $params = config('web', 'sig_params'); foreach ($params as $param) { //некоторые параметрый дублируем в ручную, по тем правилам, по которомы они дложны были создаваться на клиенте switch ($param) { case Session::COOKIE_ID: $elements_sig[$param] = Session::get_sid(); break; case 'location': $elements_sig[$param] = get_full_url(); $elements_sig[$param] = str_replace('/www.', '/', $elements_sig[$param]); break; default: $elements_sig[$param] = isset($all_params[$param]) ? $all_params[$param] : ''; } if (isset($all_params[$param])) { unset($all_params[$param]); } } //Если в запросе остались какие-то параметры то добавляем их в конец массива if (!empty($all_params)) { $elements_sig = array_merge($elements_sig, $all_params); } //3. получаем секретный ключ текущего пользователя $elements_sig[self::NAME_SECRET_KEY] = $user->get_secret_key(); //4. Сортируем и собираем в строку элементы запроса $server_sig = array(); ksort($elements_sig); foreach ($elements_sig as $key => $value) { $server_sig[] = $key . '=' . $value; } //5. Формируем сигнатуру сервера $server_sig = md5(implode('&', $server_sig)); //6. Сравниваем результаты if ($server_sig == $client_sig) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/** * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: Администратор * Date: 01.07.14 * Time: 1:56 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ function menu__left(array $options) { $header = ''; $body = ''; $selected = FALSE; if (!empty($options['logo'])) { $logo =& $options['logo']; $logo_img = base_url($logo['image']); $header = <<<EOT <header class="ml-logo-header"> <img class="ml-logo" src="{$logo_img}" alt="logo" width="100%" /><h2 class="color-1">{$logo['title']}</h2><h5>{$logo['subtitle']}</h5> </header> EOT; } $segment_url = Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER); $full_segment_url = Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER) . '/' . Buffer::get(URL_METHOD); if (!isset($options['items'])) { return ''; } foreach ($options['items'] as $section => $items) { $body .= "<section><header class=\"ml-section-header\">{$section}</header>"; foreach ($items as $name => $link) { $class = 'ml-item'; if (empty($link)) { $link = $segment_url; } if (!$selected and strpos($link, $segment_url) !== FALSE) { $selected = TRUE; $class = 'ml-selected'; } if (strpos($link, $full_segment_url) !== FALSE) { $selected = TRUE; $body = str_replace('ml-selected', 'ml-item', $body); $class = 'ml-selected'; } if (isset($options['noindex']) and in_array($name, $options['noindex'])) { $body .= '<noindex><a class="' . $class . '" href="' . base_url($link) . '">' . $name . '</a></noindex>'; } else { $body .= '<a class="' . $class . '" href="' . base_url($link) . '">' . $name . '</a>'; } } $body .= '</section>'; } $html = <<<EOT <menu class="menu-left"> <header> {$header} </header> <br /> {$body} </menu> EOT; return $html; }
public function paginateAction($I_pageNumber) { // On vérifie si l'utilisateur connecté est bien un admin $this->haveAccess(); $O_inspectorMapper = new InspectorMapper(); $O_pagination = new Pagination($O_inspectorMapper); $A_limit = $O_pagination->paginate($I_pageNumber); $I_nbPage = $A_limit['nbPage']; $A_inspectors = $O_inspectorMapper->findPerPage($A_limit); Buffer::flushBuffer('inspector/list', array('inspector' => $A_inspectors, 'nbPage' => $I_nbPage, 'pageNumber' => $I_pageNumber)); }
function testPrepend() { $original = 'Original'; $prepend = 'Prepend'; $block = new HtmlBlock($original); Buffer::prependTo($block); echo $prepend; Buffer::end(); $this->assertType('Block', $block); $this->assertEquals($prepend . $original, (string) $block); }
/** * Get the string representation of the ListBlock. * @see recess/recess/recess/framework/helpers/blocks/Block#__toString() */ function __toString() { try { Buffer::to($block); $this->draw(); Buffer::end(); return (string) $block; } catch (Exception $e) { die($e); } }
public function execute() { $ap_name = Buffer::get(URL_AP); $controller_name = Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER); $query_param = Buffer::get(self::QUERY_PARAM, 'post'); $command = Buffer::get('command', 'post'); $client_format = Buffer::get('format', 'post'); $action = Buffer::get('action', 'post'); $access_zone = config(URL_AP, 'access', 'zone'); $server_format = config('settings', 'web_format'); if ($client_format != $server_format) { throw new Exception_wx(4060002, $client_format); } $command = Security::sanitize_string($command); $action = Security::sanitize_string($action); $command_path = APPPATH . 'commands/' . "{$ap_name}/{$command}" . EXT; if (!file_exists($command_path)) { $command_path = APPPATH . "modules/{$ap_name}/{$controller_name}/commands/{$command}" . EXT; } if (!file_exists($command_path)) { throw new Exception_wx(4040000, $command_path); } if ($access_zone != Z_PUBLIC and !Security::check_signature(Buffer::get_post('sig'))) { throw new Exception_wx(4030001); } include_once $command_path; if (!class_exists($action)) { throw new Exception_wx(4040002, $command_path, $action); } $query_param = Format::converter($query_param, $server_format, TRUE); $command_object = new $action($query_param); if (!is_a($command_object, self::COMMAND_CLASS)) { throw new Exception_wx(5000002, $command_path, $command_object); } $command_object->set_module(Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER)); try { $command_object->execute(); } catch (Command_exception $exc) { Command::set_result(FALSE); $message =& $exc->client_message; if (!empty($message)) { $options = array('message' => $message, 'type' => 'error'); Command::set_client_command('show_message', $options); } Log::log_error($exc, 'command_exception'); $this->_to_client(); } if (!Command::isset_result()) { Command::set_result(TRUE); } $this->_to_client(); }
} return "<img {$alt} src=\"{$link}\" {$class} />"; } } //Deprecated if (!function_exists('article_img')) { function article_img($img_name, $class = '', $alt = '') { $base = '/modules/images/'; $base .= Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER) . '/articles_data/' . Buffer::get(ARTICLE_ID) . '/'; $link = base_url($base . $img_name); if ($class) { $class = 'class="' . $class . '"';
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function flush() { $flushed = false; if ($this->handler) { try { $flushed = $this->handler->handleBatch($this->metrics); } catch (\Exception $e) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->error('An error occurred while flush batch of metrics', ['exception' => $e, 'batch_size' => count($this->metrics)]); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } return $flushed && parent::flush(); }
public function log($opt = array()) { if (empty($opt)) { $model = $this->model('error_model'); } else { $model = $this->model('cron_model'); } Builder::add_css('pages/backend-error_list'); $current_interval = 1; if (!empty($opt)) { $current_interval = intval(reset($opt)); } $contents['interval'] = array('link' => base_url(Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER) . '/' . Buffer::get(URL_METHOD), TRUE), 'interval' => $model->get_interval(), 'selected' => $current_interval); $contents['info_list'] = $model->get_list($current_interval); $page = array(); $page['content'] = $this->view('system_browser', $contents, TRUE); $this->view('backend/backend', $page); }
public static function &get_controller($name) { $class_name = ucfirst($name); if (array_key_exists($class_name, self::$_controller_list)) { return self::$_controller_list[$class_name]; } $ap_name = Buffer::get(URL_AP); $path = PATH_MODULES . "{$ap_name}/{$name}/controllers/{$name}" . EXT; if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new Exception_wx(4040000, $path); } include_once $path; if (!class_exists($class_name)) { throw new Exception_wx(5000001, $path, $class_name); } self::$_controller_list[$class_name] = new $class_name(); self::$_controller_list[$class_name]->set_module($name); return self::$_controller_list[$class_name]; }
unset($words); } return $structures[$name]; } } if (!function_exists('config')) { function config() { static $conf; $key_buffer = 'reloading_config_status'; if (empty($conf) or !is_array($conf)) { include_once BASEPATH . 'config/config.php'; if (!isset($config) or !is_array($config)) { exit('Config error'); } $conf = $config; unset($config); } $status = Buffer::get($key_buffer); $ap_name = Buffer::get(URL_AP); if (!empty($ap_name) and $status != $ap_name) { if (!is_array($conf)) { $conf = array(); } include_once APPPATH . "modules/{$ap_name}/config.php"; if (array_key_exists(URL_AP, $conf)) { unset($conf[URL_AP]); } if (!isset($config)) { exit('Config error'); } $conf[URL_AP] = $config; Buffer::set($key_buffer, $ap_name); unset($config); } $argv_list = func_get_args(); $cursor =& $conf; foreach ($argv_list as $key) { if (!is_array($cursor) or !array_key_exists($key, $cursor)) {
public function Calendar($sFieldName, $sFromName = "", $sToName = "", $bTime = false) { /* /** @global CMain $APPLICATION * global $APPLICATION; ob_start(); $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent('bitrix:main.calendar', '', array( 'RETURN' => 'Y', 'SHOW_INPUT' => 'N', 'INPUT_NAME' => $sFieldName, 'SHOW_TIME' => $bTime ? 'Y' : 'N' ), null, array('HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y')); $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $res; */ //Buffer::addJS(Config::getConfig("CORE_ROOT")."js/core.js"); //Buffer::addCSS(Config::getConfig("CORE_ROOT")."css/core.css"); Buffer::addJS(Config::getConfig("CORE_ROOT") . "js/core_date.js"); Buffer::addCSS(Config::getConfig("CORE_ROOT") . "css/core_date.css"); Buffer::addJS(Config::getConfig("CORE_ROOT") . "js/core_popup.js"); Buffer::addCSS(Config::getConfig("CORE_ROOT") . "css/core_popup.css"); $arParams = array('RETURN' => 'Y', 'SHOW_INPUT' => 'N', 'INPUT_NAME' => $sFieldName, 'SHOW_TIME' => $bTime ? 'Y' : 'N'); ?> <img src="/bitrix/js/main/core/images/calendar-icon.gif" alt="Выбрать дату в календаре" class="calendar-icon" onclick="BX.calendar({node:this, field:'<?php echo $arParams['INPUT_NAME']; ?> ', form: '', bTime: <?php echo $arParams['SHOW_TIME'] == 'Y' ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> , currentTime: '<?php echo time(); ?> ', bHideTime: <?php echo $arParams['HIDE_TIMEBAR'] == 'Y' ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> });" onmouseover="BX.addClass(this, 'calendar-icon-hover');" onmouseout="BX.removeClass(this, 'calendar-icon-hover');" border="0"/><?php }
public function article($opt = array()) { $articles_model = $this->model('articles_model'); $contents['type_list'] = $articles_model->get_all_types(); $type = reset($contents['type_list']); $current_interval = 1; if (!empty($opt)) { $type = reset($opt); $current_interval = intval(next($opt)); } if ($type == '_none-type') { $contents['info_list'] = $this->model('none_type_articles_model'); } else { $contents['info_list'] = $articles_model->get_list($type, NULL, $current_interval); } $contents['interval'] = array('link' => base_url(Buffer::get(URL_CONTROLLER) . '/' . Buffer::get(URL_METHOD), TRUE), 'interval' => $articles_model->get_interval($type), 'selected' => $current_interval); $page = array(); if ($type == '_none-type') { $page['content'] = $this->view('none_type_article_list', $contents, TRUE); } else { $page['content'] = $this->view('article_list', $contents, TRUE); } $this->view('backend/backend', $page); }
<?php require_once ""; require_once "Class.Parser.php"; require_once "Class.Buffer.php"; $buffer = new Buffer($config); if (empty($_GET['do'])) { $buffer->throwError(); } switch ($_GET['do']) { case 'closestupdate': if (empty($_GET['time'])) { $buffer->throwError(); } else { echo $buffer->getClosestData($_GET['time']); } break; case 'lastbatch': if (empty($_GET['time'])) { $buffer->throwError(); } else { echo $buffer->getLastBatch($_GET['time']); } break; case 'time': $date = date_create(); echo json_encode(array("time" => date_timestamp_get($date))); break; case 'lastupdate': echo $buffer->getOldestData(); break;
/** * frees up resources */ public function free() { $this->buffer->free(); }
// le fichier .htaccess à récupéré l'intégralité de ce qui se trouve après le nom de machine et la transmis au fichier index.php // sous la forme l'un paramètre GET nommé url. // On vérifie si la variable est définie et est différente de NULL, récupère cette url et la stock dans une variable : if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $S_url = $_GET['url']; } else { $S_url = null; } // On ouvre un tampon de sortie d'affichage pour que les controlleurs qui seront utilisés puissent déverser leurs vues ob_start(); // On place un bloc de gestion des exceptions, pour attraper les exceptions qui seront levées dans les controlleurs appelés try { // On crée un objet Router et l'on lui passe la variable url. il va se charger de décomposer cette url pour en determiner // le controlleur et l'action à appeler, ensuite l'objet Router va instancier à son tour un objet Controlleur d'action qui // lui se chargera de faire appel à un model pour récupérer des données sur la base de données $O_controller = new Router($S_url); } catch (Exception $e) { //On récupère le message de l'exception echo 'L\'erreur suivante s\'est produite : ' . $e->getMessage(); } // On récupère le contenu du tampon de sortie d'affichage qui à été rempli par les Controlleurs d'actions qui ont utilisés // un appel static de la class Buffer::flush, ce qui a déversé le contenu de la vue <section> à afficher dans le tampon principal . $W_section = ob_get_clean(); //il nous reste plus qu'à afficher la <section> dans le template default en déversant le contenu de $W_section dans //le tampon principal. try { Buffer::flushBuffer('template/default', array('section' => $W_section)); } catch (Exception $e) { //On récupère le message de l'exception echo 'L\'erreur suivante s\'est produite : ' . $e->getMessage(); }
} $controller = (string) str_replace('-', '_', $controller); Buffer::set(URL_CONTROLLER, $controller); if (!empty($path[$i])) { $method = $path[$i]; ++$i; } $method = (string) str_replace('-', '_', $method); Buffer::set(URL_METHOD, $method); if (!empty($path[$i])) { for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { unset($path[$j]); } $options = array_values($path); } Buffer::set(URL_OPT, $options); //Проверяем корректность сессии if (!Session::analysis()) { Session::create(); } //Разрешён ли вообще доступ пользователю? $access_zone = config(URL_AP, 'access', 'zone'); $access_users = (array) config(URL_AP, 'access', 'user'); if ($access_zone != Z_PUBLIC) { $user = Loader::get_user(); if (!empty($access_users) and !in_array(User::T_ALL, $access_users) and $user->is_visitor() or !in_array($user->get_type(), $access_users)) { require_once PATH_STRATEGIES . 'identification.php'; $class_name = 'Identification' . $postfix; $strategy = new $class_name(); } }