Exemplo n.º 1
 * Purchase product function
 * this function is POST
function purchaseProduct()
    $productIns = new BuckysShopProduct();
    $orderIns = new BuckysShopOrder();
    $buyerID = get_secure_integer($_REQUEST['buyerID']);
    $productID = get_secure_integer($_REQUEST['productID']);
    $userID = buckys_is_logged_in();
    //Can  you purchase this item?
    if ($buyerID != $userID) {
        buckys_redirect('/shop/view.php?id=' . $productID, MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    //Product is active?
    $prodData = $productIns->getProductById($productID, false);
    if (!$prodData || $prodData['status'] == BuckysShopProduct::STATUS_INACTIVE) {
        echo "here";
        buckys_redirect('/shop/index.php' . $productID, MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    //Is this your product?
    if ($prodData['userID'] == $buyerID) {
        buckys_redirect('/shop/view.php?id=' . $productID, MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    //Shipping price is set?
    if (!$prodData['isDownloadable']) {
        $shippingPrice = fn_buckys_get_available_shipping_price($buyerID, $productID);
        if ($shippingPrice === null) {
            buckys_redirect('/shop/view.php?id=' . $productID, 'This item can not be shipped to your address. Check your shipping address or contact the owner.', MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    } else {
        $shippingPrice = 0;
    //Do you have money?
    $balance = BuckysBitcoin::getUserWalletBalance($buyerID);
    $balance = 100;
    $total = $prodData['price'] + $shippingPrice;
    if ($total > $balance) {
        buckys_redirect('/shop/view.php?id=' . $productID, 'You do not have bitcoin enough to purchase this item.', MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    //Purchase product
    $flag = $orderIns->makePayment($buyerID, $prodData['userID'], $total);
    if ($flag) {
        if (!$prodData['isDownloadable']) {
            $buyerShippingInfoID = $orderIns->createShippingInfo($buyerID);
        } else {
            $buyerShippingInfoID = 0;
        $param = ['sellerID' => $prodData['userID'], 'buyerID' => $buyerID, 'productID' => $productID, 'unitPrice' => $prodData['price'], 'shippingPrice' => $shippingPrice, 'totalPrice' => $total, 'buyerShippingID' => $buyerShippingInfoID, 'trackingNo' => '', 'createdDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'status' => BuckysShopOrder::STATUS_SOLD];
        if ($orderIns->createOrder($param)) {
            buckys_redirect('/shop/purchase.php', 'You have purchased an item successfully!', MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS);
        } else {
            buckys_redirect('/shop/view.php?id=' . $productID, 'Something goes wrong with your purchase. Please contact customer support!', MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    } else {
        buckys_redirect('/shop/view.php?id=' . $productID, 'Payment problem. Please contact customer support!', MSG_TYPE_ERROR);