public function create() { $userid = Auth::user()->userid; // return Input::get("");exit(); $book = new Books(); $book->title = Input::get('title'); $book->description = Input::get('description'); $book->category = Input::get('genre'); $book->sub_category = "none"; $book->author = Input::get('author'); $book->condition = Input::get('cond'); $book->location = Input::get('loc'); $book->cover = Input::get('image'); $book->snippet = "none"; $book->language = Input::get('lang'); $book->popularity = "none"; $book->quantity = Input::get('quantity'); $book->expected_price = Input::get('rate'); $book->purpose = Input::get('purpose'); $book->added_by = $userid; //The USERID $book->save(); //Add Book to Personal Info of the User $tn = $userid . "_books"; DB::table($tn)->insert(array('title' => Input::get('title'), 'author' => Input::get("author"), 'condition' => Input::get('cond'), 'location' => Input::get('loc'), 'language' => Input::get('lang'), 'quantity' => Input::get('quantity'), 'expected_price' => Input::get('rate'), 'avlb' => 1)); }
public function actionAdd() { Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCoreScript('jquery'); Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCoreScript('jquery.ui'); $cs = Yii::app()->clientScript; $cs->registerCssFile('/js/datepicker/css/' . 'datepicker.css'); $cs->registerScriptFile('/js/' . 'books.js'); // $book = new Books(); $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(); if (isset($_POST['Books'])) { $book->attributes = $_POST['Books']; if ($book->validate()) { $book->save(); if (isset($_POST['add_auth']) && !empty($_POST['add_auth'])) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('lastname', $_POST['add_auth']); $add_author = Authors::model()->find($criteria); //If author exists if (!empty($add_author)) { //insert link book-author to link table $command->insert('lt_books_authors', array('author_id' => $add_author->id, 'book_id' => $book->id)); } } $this->actionIndex(); return true; } } $this->render('edit', array('model' => $book)); }
function showBook() { $model = new Books(); $comment_section = new CommentsController(); $data = $model->getBookData(); include 'view/libro/libro.php'; $comment_section->showComments(); }
public function actionSearch() { $model = Books::model(); $params = array('result' => $model->searchPhrase($_POST['search_field'])); $this->render('search', $params); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); echo'</pre>'; }
function getOne() { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `genre` WHERE `name`=' . Database::escape($this->genre_name); $data = Database::sql2row($query); if (!isset($data['name'])) return; $this->data['genres'][$data['id']] = array( 'name' => $data['name'], 'id' => $data['id'], 'id_parent' => $data['id_parent'], 'title' => $data['title'], 'books_count' => $data['books_count'] ); if (!$data['id_parent']) { $this->data['genres'][$data['id']]['subgenres'] = $this->getAll($data['id']); return; } $query = 'SELECT `id_book` FROM `book_genre` BG JOIN `book` B ON = BG.id_book WHERE BG.id_genre = ' . $data['id'] . ' ORDER BY B.mark DESC LIMIT 20'; $bids = Database::sql2array($query, 'id_book'); $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded(array_keys($bids)); Books::LoadBookPersons(array_keys($bids)); foreach ($books as $book) { $book = Books::getById($book->id); list($aid, $aname) = $book->getAuthor(1, 1, 1); // именно наш автор, если их там много $this->data['genres'][$data['id']]['books'][] = array('id' => $book->id, 'cover' => $book->getCover(), 'title' => $book->getTitle(true), 'author' => $aname, 'author_id' => $aid, 'lastSave' => $book->data['modify_time']); } }
public function run() { DB::table('books')->delete(); Books::create(array('bname' => 'talha', 'bauthor' => 'talha1', 'bedition' => 'Eight', 'p_url' => 'ajed5hrgt4y', 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime())); DB::table('books')->insert(['bname' => 'talha', 'bauthor' => 'talha2', 'bedition' => 'ten', 'p_url' => 'ajed53y56hy', 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]); DB::table('books')->insert(['bname' => 'talha', 'bauthor' => 'talha3', 'bedition' => 'nine', 'p_url' => 'ajed5hy', 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]); }
public function actionIndex() { $book_model = Books::model(); $authors_model = Authors::model(); $params = array('book_model' => $book_model, 'authors_model' => $authors_model); $this->render('report', $params); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $student = Student::find($id); if ($student == NULL) { throw new Exception('Invalid Student ID'); } $student->year = (int) substr($student->year, 2, 4); $student_category = StudentCategories::find($student->category); $student->category = $student_category->category; $student_branch = Branch::find($student->branch); $student->branch = $student_branch->branch; if ($student->rejected == 1) { unset($student->approved); unset($student->books_issued); $student->rejected = (bool) $student->rejected; return $student; } if ($student->approved == 0) { unset($student->rejected); unset($student->books_issued); $student->approved = (bool) $student->approved; return $student; } unset($student->rejected); unset($student->approved); $student_issued_books = Logs::select('book_issue_id', 'issued_at')->where('student_id', '=', $id)->orderBy('time_stamp', 'desc')->take($student->books_issued)->get(); foreach ($student_issued_books as $issued_book) { $issue = Issue::find($issued_book->book_issue_id); $book = Books::find($issue->book_id); $issued_book->name = $book->title; $issued_book->issued_at = date('d-M', $issued_book->issued_at); } $student->issued_books = $student_issued_books; return $student; }
static function getRoutes() { $routes = [['get:books', function () { return (new Books())->index(); }], ['get:books\\/(?<id>\\d+)', function ($params) { return (new Books())->show($params['id']); }], ['post:books', function () { return (new Books())->store(Books::filterData($_REQUEST)); }], ['put:books\\/(?<id>\\d+)', function ($params) { return (new Books())->update($params['id'], Books::filterData($_REQUEST)); }], ['delete:books\\/(?<id>\\d+)', function ($params) { return (new Books())->destroy($params['id']); }], ['get:libs', function () { return (new Libraries())->index(); }], ['get:libs\\/(?<id>\\d+)', function ($params) { return (new Libraries())->show($params['id']); }], ['post:libs', function () { return (new Libraries())->store(Libraries::filterData($_REQUEST)); }], ['put:libs\\/(?<id>\\d+)', function ($params) { return (new Libraries())->update($params['id'], Libraries::filterData($_REQUEST)); }], ['delete:libs\\/(?<id>\\d+)', function ($params) { return (new Libraries())->destroy($params['id']); }]]; return $routes; }
public function commitEdit() { $id = Input::get('id'); // validate the info, create rules for the inputs $rules = array('title' => 'required', 'author' => 'required'); // run the validation rules on the inputs from the form $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); // if the validator fails, redirect back to the form if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('edit/' . $id)->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); // send back the input (not the password) so that we can repopulate the form } else { //return 'book added'; // create our user data for the authentication $bookdata = array('title' => Input::get('title'), 'author' => Input::get('author')); //return $id; // update the data if ($Book = Books::where('id', '=', $id)->update($bookdata)) { // update successful! return Redirect::to('books')->with('message', 'Book info updated'); } else { // validation not successful, send back to form return Redirect::to('edit/' . $id)->with('message', 'Book info editing failed'); } } }
public function actionSearch() { if (!isset($_GET['val'])) { $_GET['val'] = NULL; } echo Books::getList(NULL, $_GET['val']); }
private function getBooksFromFiltr($arg) { //прием аргументов фильтрации, снова повторюсь сори что без валидации $authors = $arg['authors']; $genre = $arg['genre']; $from_year = $arg['from_year']; $to_year = $arg['to_year']; //все индификаторы книг что прошли фильтр по автору и по жанрам $book_author = BookAuthor::model()->with('books')->findAllByAttributes($authors); $book_gerne = BookGenre::model()->with('books')->findAllByAttributes($genre); foreach ($book_author as $class) { $flag[$class->bid] = true; //методом флажок - выясню есть ли в другом масиве теже bid } foreach ($book_gerne as $class) { if ($flag[$class->bid]) { $bids[] = $class->bid; } //если была создана ячека флажка, то значит что первый фильтр bid прошел } //выборка всех книг по фильтрованым индификаторам $books = Books::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('bid' => $bids), 'year>=' . $from_year . ' AND year<=' . $to_year); //хочу свормировать красивый масив без ячеек, которые сотворил yii $result = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($books as $book) { $result[$i]['authors'] = $this->getAuthorsFromBid($book->bid); $result[$i]['genres'] = $this->getGenresFromBid($book->bid); $result[$i]['book']['bid'] = $book->bid; $result[$i]['book']['name'] = $book->name; $result[$i]['book']['year'] = $book->year; $i = $i + 1; } return $result; }
public function actionSample() { $json = file_get_contents('E:\\xampp\\htdocs\\books\\protected\\data\\data.json'); $arr = json_decode($json, true); foreach ($arr["Books"] as $item) { $model = new Books(); $model->book_description = $item['Description']; $model->book_name = $item['Title']; $model->book_image = $item['Image']; $model->book_author = 'Anonymous'; $model->book_publisher = 'It Ebook'; $model->book_year = 2009; $model->created_at = time(); $model->updated_at = time(); $model->status = 1; $model->save(FALSE); } }
public function actionAbout($id) { $book = Books::model()->findByPk($id); if (!empty($book)) { $comments = BooksComments::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'book_id = :bookId', 'params' => array(':bookId' => $book->id), 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => '10')); $this->render('about', array('book' => $book, 'comments' => $comments)); } else { $this->redirect(array('index/index')); } }
public function loadModel($id = null, $new = false) { if ($this->_book === null) { if ($new) { return $this->_book = new Books(); } $this->_book = Books::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']); if ($this->_book === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'Sorry! There is no such book.'); } } return $this->_book; }
public function index($id = NULL) { if ($id == NULL) { $res = array('heading' => '404', 'message' => 'no such book'); $this->load->view('errors/html/error_404', $res); } else { $this->load->model('Books'); $book = Books::findByIds($id); // $comments = Comment::findOnCond(); // TO DO $data = array('book' => $book); $this->load->view('book_details', $data); } }
public function getBookInfo($bookId) { if (empty($bookId)) { return array('result' => 'fail', 'message' => 'Не задан идентифкатор книги'); } $bookInfo = Books::getBookInfo($bookId); if (count($bookInfo) <= 0) { return array('result' => 'success', 'message' => 'Книг с указанным идентификатором не найдено'); } $info = array($bookInfo->getAttributes()); $authors = array(); foreach ($bookInfo->authors as $item) { $authors[] = $item->getAttributes(); } $info['authors'] = $authors; return $info; }
public static function setStatus($id_user, $id_book, $status, $state) { global $current_user; $book = Books::getInstance()->getByIdLoaded($id_book); /* @var $book Book */ if ($book->getQuality() >= BOOK::BOOK_QUALITY_BEST) { throw new Exception('book quality is best, you cant fix states'); } if (!isset(self::$statuses[$status])) { throw new Exception('no status #' . $status); } if (!isset(self::$states[$state])) { throw new Exception('no status #' . $state); } $can_comment = false; if ($state > 0) { $query = 'SELECT `time` FROM `ocr` WHERE `id_book`=' . $id_book . ' AND `id_user`=' . $id_user . ' AND `status`=' . $status . ' AND `state`=' . $state; $last_time = Database::sql2single($query); if (time() - $last_time > 24 * 60 * 60) { $can_comment = true; } } if ($state == 0 && $status !== 0) { // delete $query = 'DELETE FROM `ocr` WHERE `id_book`=' . $id_book . ' AND `id_user`=' . $id_user . ' AND `status`=' . $status . ''; } else { // upsert $query = 'INSERT INTO `ocr` SET `id_book`=' . $id_book . ', `id_user`=' . $id_user . ', `status`=' . $status . ',`state`=' . $state . ',`time`=' . time() . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `time`=' . time() . ', `state`=' . $state; } if (!Database::query($query, false)) { throw new Exception('Duplicating #book ' . $id_book . ' #status' . $status . ' #state' . $state); } if ($state == 0) { $comment = 'User ' . $current_user->id . ' drop status ' . $status . ' state ' . $state . ' user_id ' . $id_user; } else { $comment = 'User ' . $current_user->id . ' set status ' . $status . ' state ' . $state . ' user_id ' . $id_user; } $comUser = Users::getById($id_user); /* @var $comUser User */ if ($can_comment && ($part = self::getMessagePart($status, $state))) { $comment = mb_strtolower($part, 'UTF-8') . ' книгу'; MongoDatabase::addSimpleComment(BiberLog::TargetType_book, $id_book, $id_user, $comment); } }
/** * @property Books $book */ public static function setBookRate($id, $percent) { $percent = $percent > 100 ? 100 : $percent < 0 ? 0 : $percent; $rate = self::model()->findByAttributes(array('book_id' => $id, 'user_id' => Yii::app()->user->id)); if (empty($rate)) { $rate = new BookRate(); $rate->book_id = $id; $rate->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; } $rate->rate = $percent; $rate->save(); $book = Books::model()->findByPk($id); if (!empty($book)) { $book->updateRate(); } return $book->rate; }
public static function notifyGenreNewBook($id_genre, $id_book) { global $current_user; $query = 'SELECT `id_user` FROM `genre_subscribers` WHERE `id_genre`=' . (int) $id_genre; $user_ids = array_keys(Database::sql2array($query, 'id_user')); if (isset($user_ids[$current_user->id])) { unset($user_ids[$current_user->id]); } if (count($user_ids)) { $genre = Database::sql2single('SELECT `title` FROM `genre` WHERE `id`=' . $id_genre); $book = Books::getInstance()->getByIdLoaded($id_book); /* @var $person Person */ $subject = 'Добавлена книга в жанре ' . $genre; /* @var $book Book */ $message = 'Книга <a href="/b/' . $book->id . '">' . $book->getTitle(1) . '</a> добавлена'; self::send($user_ids, $subject, $message, UserNotify::UN_G_NEW_GENRES); } }
public function _after_idsToData($data) { $aids = array(); foreach ($data['books'] as $bookid => $d) { $book = Books::getInstance()->getByIdLoaded($bookid); $aid = $book->getAuthorId(); if ($aid) { $aids[$aid] = $aid; } } if (count($aids)) { $persons = Persons::getInstance()->getByIdsLoaded($aids); foreach ($persons as $person) { $data['authors'][] = $person->getListData(); } } else { $data['authors'] = array(); } return $data; }
public function index() { $this->load->model('Books'); $books = Books::findOnCond(array(), 0); $results = array('one' => array(), 'two' => array(), 'three' => array()); foreach ($books as $key => $value) { switch ($key % 3) { case 0: $results['one'][] = $value; break; case 1: $results['two'][] = $value; break; case 2: $results['three'][] = $value; break; } } $this->loadAll('index', $results); }
public function index() { $logs = Logs::select('id', 'book_issue_id', 'student_id', 'issued_at')->where('return_time', '=', 0)->orderBy('issued_at', 'DESC'); $logs = $logs->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($logs); $i++) { $issue_id = $logs[$i]['book_issue_id']; $student_id = $logs[$i]['student_id']; // to get the name of the book from book issue id $issue = Issue::find($issue_id); $book_id = $issue->book_id; $book = Books::find($book_id); $logs[$i]['book_name'] = $book->title; // to get the name of the student from student id $student = Student::find($student_id); $logs[$i]['student_name'] = $student->first_name . ' ' . $student->last_name; // change issue date and return date in human readable format $logs[$i]['issued_at'] = date('d-M', $logs[$i]['issued_at']); $logs[$i]['return_at'] = date('d-M', $logs[$i]['issued_at'] + 1209600); } return $logs; }
private function checkPdfColumns($book, CheckLinks &$check_links) { $pdfs_only_book = Books::pdfsOnlyList($book); $book_count = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pdfs_only_book); $i = $i + Books::$COLUMNS_OF_PDF_IN_BOOK) { $index_pdf_location = $i; $index_pdf_pages = $i + 1; $index_pdf_info = $i + 2; $pdf_location = $pdfs_only_book[$index_pdf_location]; if (NULL === $pdf_location) { break; } $this->checkPdfLink($pdf_location, "?-PDF Link {$book_count}"); $check_links->addUrl($pdf_location); $pdf_pages = $pdfs_only_book[$index_pdf_pages]; $this->checkNumber($pdf_pages, "?-PDF Page Count {$book_count}"); if (isset($pdfs_only_book[$index_pdf_info])) { $pdf_info = $pdfs_only_book[$index_pdf_info]; $this->checkCharacters($pdf_info, "?-PDF INFO {$book_count}"); } ++$book_count; } }
public function add() { $post_data = $this->input->post(); $w_id = $post_data['w_id']; $this->load->model('Wishlists'); $url_array = $this->parse_url($post_data['urls']); $results = array(); foreach ($url_array as $key => $value) { // $start = strpos($value, 'subject') + 8; // $end = $start; // for (; is_numeric($value[$end]); $end++) {} // $id = substr($value, $start, $end - $start); $temp = []; preg_match('/([0-9]+)/i', $value, $temp); $id = $temp[0]; $results[] = $this->get_info($id); $wishlist = Wishlists::findByIds($w_id); $wishlist->is_stocked_in = 1; $wishlist->save(TRUE); } $this->load->model('Books'); Books::insert_batch($results); }
function write() { global $current_user; //$this->setWriteParameter('register_module', 'result', false); $id = isset(Request::$post['id']) ? (int) Request::$post['id'] : false; if (!$id) { $this->newBook(); return; } $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded(array($id)); $book = is_array($books) ? $books[$id] : false; if (!$book) return; /* @var $book Book */ $fields = array( 'title' => 'title', 'subtitle' => 'subtitle', 'isbn' => 'ISBN', 'year' => 'year', 'lang_code' => 'id_lang', //lang_code 'annotation' => 'description' ); Request::$post['lang_code'] = Config::$langs[Request::$post['lang_code']]; $to_update = array(); if (isset($_FILES['cover']) && $_FILES['cover']['tmp_name']) { $folder = Config::need('static_path') . '/upload/covers/' . (ceil($book->id / 5000)); @mkdir($folder); chmod($folder, 755); $filename = $folder . '/' . $book->id . '.jpg'; $upload = new UploadAvatar($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'], 100, 100, "simple", $filename); if ($upload->out) $to_update['is_cover'] = 1; else { throw new Exception('cant copy file to ' . $filename, 100); } } if (isset($_FILES['file']) && isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) { $filetype = explode('.', $_FILES['file']['name']); $filetype = isset($filetype[count($filetype) - 1]) ? $filetype[count($filetype) - 1] : 'fb2'; $filetype = $filetype == 'fb2' ? 1 : 0; if (!$filetype) throw new Exception('only fb2 allowed'); $destinationDir = Config::need('files_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . getBookFileDirectory($book->id, $filetype); @mkdir($destinationDir, 755); // добавляем запись в базу $filesize = $_FILES['file']['size']; $query = 'INSERT INTO `book_files` SET `id_book`=' . $book->id . ', `filetype`=' . $filetype . ', `id_file_author`=' . $current_user->id . ', `modify_time`=' . time() . ', `filesize`=' . $filesize; //Database::query($query); if ($id_file = 78037 || $id_file = Database::lastInsertId()) { $destinationFile = getBookFilePath($id_file, $book->id, $filetype, Config::need('files_path')); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $destinationFile); } if ($filetype == 1) { $parser = new FB2Parser($destinationFile); $parser->parseDescription(); $toc = $parser->getTOCHTML(); Request::$post['annotation'] = $parser->getProperty('annotation'); Request::$post['title'] = $parser->getProperty('book-title'); $to_update['table_of_contents'] = $toc; } } foreach ($fields as $field => $bookfield) { if (!isset(Request::$post[$field])) { throw new Exception('field missed #' . $field); } if ($book->data[$bookfield] !== Request::$post[$field]) { $to_update[$bookfield] = Request::$post[$field]; } } $q = array(); foreach ($to_update as $field => &$value) { if (in_array($field, array('ISBN', 'year'))) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? $value : 0; } $q[] = '`' . $field . '`=' . Database::escape($value) . ''; } if (count($q)) { $query = 'UPDATE `book` SET ' . implode(',', $q) . ' WHERE `id`=' . $book->id; Database::query($query); BookLog::addLog($to_update, $book->data); BookLog::saveLog($book->id, BookLog::TargetType_book, $current_user->id, BiberLog::BiberLogType_bookEdit); } ob_end_clean(); header('Location:' . Config::need('www_path') . '/b/' . $book->id); exit(); }
public static function buildPageTitlePart($var) { $x = explode(':', $var[1]); $name = false; if (count($x) == 3) { list($name, $paramtype, $paramvalue) = $x; } if (count($x) == 2) { list($name, $paramvalue) = $x; $paramtype = 'raw_get'; } if ($name) { $val = self::parseParams($paramtype, $paramvalue); switch ($name) { case 'profile-nickname': $user = Users::getByIdsLoaded(array((int) $val)); $user = isset($user[$val]) ? $user[$val] : false; /* @var $user User */ if ($user) { return $user->getNickName(); } break; case 'book-title': $book = Books::getInstance()->getByIdLoaded((int) $val); /* @var $book Book */ return $book->getTitle(1); break; case 'person-title': $person = Persons::getInstance()->getById((int) $val); /* @var $person Person */ return $person->getName(); break; case 'genre-title': return Request::pass('genre-title'); break; case 'forum-title': $t = Request::pass('forum-title'); if (!$t) { $t = Database::sql2single('SELECT name FROM `term_data` WHERE `tid`=' . (int) $val); } return $t; break; case 'post-subject': return Request::pass('post-subject'); break; case 'theme-title': return Request::pass('theme-title'); break; case 'serie-title': $t = Request::pass('serie-title'); if (!$t) { $t = Database::sql2single('SELECT `title` FROM `series` WHERE `id`=' . (int) $val); } return $t; break; case 'shelf-name': if ($val == 'loved') { return 'Любимые книги'; } if (isset(Config::$shelfIdByNames[$val])) { return isset(Config::$shelves[Config::$shelfIdByNames[$val]]) ? Config::$shelves[Config::$shelfIdByNames[$val]] : $val; } break; case 'magazine-title': $query = 'SELECT `title` FROM `magazines` WHERE `id`=' . (int) $val; return Database::sql2single($query); break; case 'thread-subject': $query = 'SELECT `subject` FROM `users_messages` WHERE `id`=' . (int) $val; return Database::sql2single($query); break; case 'get': return $val; break; default: throw new Exception('Cant process title part "' . $var[1] . '"'); break; } } }
function getContributionBooks($ids) { $person_id = isset($opts['person_id']) ? $opts['person_id'] : false; $books = Books::getInstance()->getInstance()->getByIdsLoaded($ids); Books::getInstance()->getInstance()->LoadBookPersons($ids); $out = array(); $aids = array(); /* @var $book Book */ if (is_array($books)) { foreach ($books as $book) { $out[] = $book->getListData(); list($author_id, $name) = $book->getAuthor(); if ($author_id) { $aids[$author_id] = $author_id; } } } return array($out, $aids); }
function _show() { $out = array(); if ($this->loadForFullView()) { if ($redirect_to = $this->getDuplicateId()) { $book2 = Books::getInstance()->getByIdLoaded($redirect_to); if ($book2->loaded) { @ob_end_clean(); header('Location: ' . $this->getUrl($redirect = true) . '?redirect=b_' . $this->id); exit; } } $out['id'] = $this->id; $langId = $this->data['id_lang']; foreach (Config::$langs as $code => $id_lang) { if ($id_lang == $langId) { $langCode = $code; } } $out['quality'] = $this->getQuality(); $out['lang_code'] = $langCode; $out['lang_title'] = Config::$langRus[$langCode]; $out['lang_id'] = $langId; $out['download_count'] = $this->data['download_count']; $title = $this->getTitle(); $out['title'] = $title['title']; $out['subtitle'] = $title['subtitle']; $out['loved_count'] = $this->getLovedCount(); $out['public'] = $this->isPublic(); $out['qualities'] = array(0 => array('id' => 0, 'title' => 'не оценен'), 1 => array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'ужасно'), 2 => array('id' => 2, 'title' => 'плохо'), 3 => array('id' => 3, 'title' => 'средне'), 4 => array('id' => 4, 'title' => 'хорошо'), 5 => array('id' => 5, 'title' => 'идеально')); $persons = $this->getPersons(); uasort($persons, 'sort_by_role'); foreach ($persons as $data) { $tmp_person = Persons::getInstance()->getById($data['id'], $data); if ($tmp_person->id) { $out['authors'][$data['id']] = $tmp_person->getListData(); $out['authors'][$data['id']]['role'] = $data['role']; $out['authors'][$data['id']]['roleName'] = $data['roleName']; } } $out['genres'] = $this->getGenres(); $out['series'] = $this->getSeries(); $out['isbn'] = $this->getISBN(); $out['rightsholder'] = $this->getRightsholder(); $out['annotation'] = $this->getChunkedAnnotation(); $out['cover'] = $this->getCover(); $out['files'] = $this->getFiles(true); $out['mark'] = $this->getMarkNumber(); $out['mark_percents'] = $this->getMarkPercents(); $out['mark_number'] = $this->getMarkRoundNumber(); $out['path'] = $this->getUrl(); $out['path_read'] = $this->getUrlRead(); $out['lastSave'] = $this->data['modify_time']; $out['id_rightholder'] = $this->data['id_rightholder']; $out['path_admin'] = Config::need('www_path') . '/admin/books/' . $this->id; $out['year'] = (int) $this->data['year'] ? (int) $this->data['year'] : ''; $out['book_type'] = Book::$book_types[$this->data['book_type']]; if ($this->data['book_type'] == Book::BOOK_TYPE_MAGAZINE) { $out['magazine'] = Database::sql2row('SELECT * FROM `magazines` WHERE `id`=' . $this->getMagazineId()); $out['magazine']['path'] = isset($out['magazine']['id']) ? Config::need('www_path') . '/m/' . $out['magazine']['id'] : ''; $out['n'] = Database::sql2single('SELECT `n` FROM `book_magazines` WHERE `id_book`=' . $this->id); } } else { throw new Exception('no book #' . $id . ' in database'); } return $out; }
function generateData() { global $current_user; /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */ if (!$current_user->authorized) { throw new Exception('Auth required'); } $current_user->can_throw('books_download'); $filetype = Request::get(0); list($id_file, $id_book) = explode('_', Request::get(1)); $can_load = $current_user->canBookDownload($id_book, $id_file); if ($can_load !== true) { if ($can_load[1]) { throw new Exception('You cant download this book - limit of a ' . $can_load[1] . ' books in day exceed'); } else { throw new Exception('Please prolong your subscription, сучечка!'); } } $book = Books::getInstance()->getByIdLoaded($id_book); /* @var $book Book */ if (!$book->loaded) { throw new Exception('Book doesn\'t exists'); } if (!$filetype || !$id_file || !$id_book) { throw new Exception('Wrong download url'); } $realPath = getBookFilePath($id_file, $id_book, $filetype, Config::need('files_path')); global $dev_mode; if (!is_readable($realPath)) { if ($dev_mode) { throw new Exception('Sorry, file ' . $realPath . ' doesn\'t exists'); } else { throw new Exception('Sorry, file doesn\'t exists'); } } $current_user->onBookDownload($book->id); $current_user->save(); if (Request::get('html') !== false) { // downloading generated html $book->getHTMLDownload(); $realPath = getBookFilePathFB2HtmlDownload($id_file, $id_book, $filetype, Config::need('files_path')); $filetype = 4; } @ob_end_clean(); $ft = Config::need('filetypes'); $book->setReaded(); if (Config::need('smart_download')) { header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $book->getTitle(1) . '.' . $ft[$filetype]); header("X-Accel-Redirect: " . str_replace('/w/ru.jnpe.ls2/core', '', $realPath)); exit; } // header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $book->getTitle(1) . '.' . $ft[$filetype]); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); readfile($realPath); exit; }