  * Saves all *new* comments to the db.
  * $mysqli : manual db connection (for transaction handling)
  * $bookingId : booking id for this allocation
 function save($mysqli, $bookingId)
     foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
         if ($comment->id == 0) {
             // ignore $commentId for now, it needs to remain set to 0 in case we rollback on exception
             $comment->bookingId = $bookingId;
             $commentId = BookingDBO::insertBookingComment($mysqli, $comment);
  * Updates the booking dates for the given allocation.
  * Only those dates that appear in *both* the old and new arrays *and* are different will be updated.
  * $mysqli : database link (to enforce manual transaction handling)
  * $allocationId : id of parent allocation record
  * $oldBookingDates : current array() of BookingDate indexed by date (d.m.Y)
  * $newBookingDates : new updated array() of BookingDate indexed by date (d.m.Y)
 static function updateBookingDates($mysqli, $allocationId, $oldBookingDates, $newBookingDates)
     global $wpdb;
     error_log("updateBookingDates {$allocationId} ");
     // these are the dates that exist in both old and new
     $bookingDates = array_intersect_key($oldBookingDates, $newBookingDates);
     error_log("updateBookingDates intersection " . var_export($bookingDates, true));
     // fetch allocation details
     $allocationRs = self::fetchAllocationForId($mysqli, $allocationId);
     $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "bookingdates \r\n                SET status = ?,\r\n                    checked_out = ?,\r\n                    last_updated_by = ?,\r\n                    last_updated_date = NOW()\r\n              WHERE allocation_id = ?\r\n                AND booking_date = STR_TO_DATE(?, '%d.%m.%Y')");
     $userLogin = wp_get_current_user()->user_login;
     $auditMsg = "";
     foreach ($bookingDates as $bd => $bdObj) {
         // only apply where the status has changed
         $hasChanged = false;
         if ($oldBookingDates[$bd]->status !== $newBookingDates[$bd]->status) {
             $auditMsg .= "{$bd} => " . $newBookingDates[$bd]->status . ", ";
             $hasChanged = true;
         if ($oldBookingDates[$bd]->checkedOut !== $newBookingDates[$bd]->checkedOut) {
             $hasChanged = true;
         // do db update using the same statement
         if ($hasChanged) {
             $checkedOut = $newBookingDates[$bd]->checkedOut ? 'Y' : 'N';
             $stmt->bind_param('sssis', $newBookingDates[$bd]->status, $checkedOut, $userLogin, $allocationId, $bd);
             if (false === $stmt->execute()) {
                 throw new DatabaseException("Error during UPDATE: " . $mysqli->error);
     $auditMsg = rtrim($auditMsg, ', ');
     // if blank, we didn't actually do anything
     if ($auditMsg !== '') {
         // keep an audit trail...
         $auditMsg = "Updating dates for allocation {$allocationId} ({$allocationRs->guest_name}) and " . $allocationRs->resource_name . ": " . $auditMsg;
         BookingDBO::insertBookingComment($mysqli, new BookingComment($allocationRs->booking_id, $auditMsg, BookingComment::COMMENT_TYPE_AUDIT));