Exemplo n.º 1
 public function run()
     //send non-payers back to the reports page.
     if (empty($_SESSION['is_payer'])) {
         $this->view = null;
     $is_runner = !empty($_SESSION['is_runner']) ? 1 : 0;
     $is_payer = !empty($_SESSION['is_payer']) ? 1 : 0;
     $userId = Session::uid();
     $payer_id = $userId;
     // set default fund to worklist
     $fund_id = 3;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['fund_id'])) {
         $fund_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['fund_id']);
         // clear POST if this was just a fund change
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
     //open db connection
     $db = @mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
     $db = @mysql_select_db(DB_NAME);
     // get a list of projects so we can display the project name in table
     $sql_get_fund_projects_array = "\n            SELECT\n                project_id, name\n            FROM\n                " . PROJECTS . "\n            WHERE\n                fund_id = " . $fund_id;
     // sql sub-query for limiting fees to specific fund
     $sql_get_fund_projects = "\n            SELECT\n                project_id\n            FROM\n                " . PROJECTS . "\n            WHERE\n                fund_id = " . $fund_id;
     if ($fund_id == 0) {
         $sql_get_fund_projects = '0';
     $fund_projects = array();
     $fund_projects[0] = 'none';
     $fund_projects_query = mysql_query($sql_get_fund_projects_array);
     while ($project = mysql_fetch_array($fund_projects_query)) {
         $fund_projects[$project['project_id']] = $project['name'];
     $this->sql_get_fee_totals = "\n            SELECT\n                sum(f.amount) AS total_amount,\n                u.id AS mechanic_id,\n                u.nickname AS mechanic_nick,\n                u.paypal_email AS mechanic_paypal_email,\n                wl.summary AS worklist_item, f.bonus AS bonus, 'BONUS' AS bonus_desc\n            FROM\n                (" . FEES . " f LEFT JOIN " . USERS . " u ON f.user_id = u.id)\n                LEFT JOIN " . WORKLIST . " wl ON f.worklist_id = wl.id\n            WHERE\n                wl.status = 'Done'\n                AND f.paid = '0'\n                AND f.withdrawn = '0'\n                AND f.amount > 0\n                AND u.paypal_verified = '1'\n                AND u.has_W2 = 0\n                AND wl.project_id IN (" . $sql_get_fund_projects . ")\n            GROUP BY f.user_id\n            ";
     $this->sql_get_bonus_totals = false;
     // only pull bonuses for if worklist fund chosen - temporary hardcoding
     // until we determine further solution
     if ($fund_id == 3) {
         $this->sql_get_bonus_totals = "\n                SELECT\n                    sum(b.amount) AS total_amount,\n                    b.user_id AS mechanic_id,\n                    b.desc AS worklist_item,\n                    u.nickname AS mechanic_nick,\n                    u.paypal_email AS mechanic_paypal_email\n                FROM\n                    " . FEES . " b\n                    LEFT JOIN " . USERS . " u on u.id = b.user_id\n                WHERE\n                    b.paid = 0\n                    AND b.withdrawn = 0\n                    AND u.paypal_verified = '1' \n                    AND b.bonus = 1\n                    AND u.has_W2 = 0\n               GROUP BY b.user_id\n                ";
     $action = isset($_POST["action"]) ? $_POST["action"] : '';
     // Initialize empty arrays if no fees or bonuses were selected
     if (!isset($_POST['payfee'])) {
         $_POST['payfee'] = array();
     if (!isset($_POST['paybonus'])) {
         $_POST['paybonus'] = array();
     $pp_message = $httpParsedResponseAr = $alert_msg = $message = "";
     //Check action - should be confirm, pay or not set
     switch ($action) {
         case 'confirm':
             //$fees_csv = implode(',', $_POST["payfee"]);
             //pull list of payees from db based on the time span
             $payee_totals = $this->getUserTotalsArray();
         case 'pay':
             //collect confirmed payees and run paypal transaction
             if ($this->checkAdmin($_POST['password']) == '1') {
                 error_log("Made it Admin!");
                 if (empty($_POST['pp_api_username']) || empty($_POST['pp_api_password']) || empty($_POST['pp_api_signature'])) {
                     $alert_msg = "You need to provide all credentials!";
                 //Get fee information for paypal transaction
                 $num_fees = count($_POST["payfee"]);
                 $fee_id_csv = implode(',', $_POST["payfee"]);
                 $fees_info_sql = 'SELECT
                         f.id AS fee_id,
                         f.amount AS amount,
                         f.worklist_id AS worklist_id,
                         u.id AS mechanic_id,
                         u.nickname AS mechanic_nick,
                         u.paypal_email AS mechanic_paypal_email,
                         wl.summary AS worklist_item  
                         (' . FEES . ' f LEFT JOIN ' . USERS . ' u ON f.user_id = u.id)
                         LEFT JOIN ' . WORKLIST . ' wl ON f.worklist_id = wl.id
                         f.id in (' . $fee_id_csv . ')';
                 $fees_info_results = mysql_query($fees_info_sql);
                 $num_bonuses = count($_POST["paybonus"]);
                 $bonus_id_csv = $num_bonuses ? implode(',', $_POST["paybonus"]) : 0;
                 $bonus_info_sql = '
                         b.id AS fee_id,
                         b.amount AS amount,
                         "BONUS" AS worklist_id,
                         b.user_id AS mechanic_id,
                         u.nickname AS mechanic_nick,
                         u.paypal_email AS mechanic_paypal_email,
                         b.desc AS worklist_item
                         ' . FEES . ' b
                         LEFT JOIN ' . USERS . ' u on u.id = b.user_id
                         b.id in (' . $bonus_id_csv . ') and b.bonus = 1
                 $bonus_info_results = mysql_query($bonus_info_sql) or error_log("bonussql failed: " . mysql_error() . "\n{$bonus_info_sql}");
                 // Set request-specific fields.
                 $emailSubject = urlencode('You\'ve got money!');
                 $receiverType = urlencode('EmailAddress');
                 // TODO Other currency ('GBP', 'EUR', 'JPY', 'CAD', 'AUD') ?
                 $currency = urlencode('USD');
                 // Add request-specific fields to the request string.
                 $nvpStr = "&EMAILSUBJECT={$emailSubject}&RECEIVERTYPE={$receiverType}&CURRENCYCODE={$currency}";
                 //build payment data array
                 $message .= "<pre>";
                 $receiversArray = array();
                 $totalFees = 0;
                 //log data
                 if (mysql_num_rows($fees_info_results)) {
                     $message .= "Fees:\n";
                     while ($fees_data = mysql_fetch_array($fees_info_results)) {
                         $receiversArray[] = array('receiverEmail' => $fees_data["mechanic_paypal_email"], 'amount' => $fees_data["amount"], 'uniqueID' => $fees_data["fee_id"], 'note' => 'Worklist #' . $fees_data["worklist_id"] . ' - ' . $fees_data["worklist_item"]);
                         $totalFees = $totalFees + $fees_data["amount"];
                         $message .= "    " . $fees_data['mechanic_paypal_email'] . " - \$" . $fees_data['amount'] . "\n";
                 if (mysql_num_rows($bonus_info_results) > 0) {
                     $message .= "Bonuses:\n";
                     while ($fees_data = mysql_fetch_array($bonus_info_results)) {
                         $receiversArray[] = array('receiverEmail' => $fees_data["mechanic_paypal_email"], 'amount' => $fees_data["amount"], 'uniqueID' => $fees_data["fee_id"], 'note' => $fees_data["worklist_id"] . ' - ' . $fees_data["worklist_item"]);
                         $totalFees = $totalFees + $fees_data["amount"];
                         $message .= "    " . $fees_data['mechanic_paypal_email'] . " - \$" . $fees_data['amount'] . "\n";
                 $message .= "</pre>";
                 //build nvp string
                 foreach ($receiversArray as $i => $receiverData) {
                     $receiverEmail = urlencode($receiverData['receiverEmail']);
                     $amount = urlencode($receiverData['amount']);
                     $uniqueID = urlencode($receiverData['uniqueID']);
                     $note = urlencode($receiverData['note']);
                     $nvpStr .= "&L_EMAIL{$i}={$receiverEmail}&L_Amt{$i}={$amount}&L_UNIQUEID{$i}={$uniqueID}&L_NOTE{$i}={$note}";
                 // Execute the API operation; see the PPHttpPost function
                 $httpParsedResponseAr = $this->PPHttpPost($nvpStr, $_POST);
                 #$httpParsedResponseAr = array("ACK" => "SUCCESS");
                 if ("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"])) {
                     error_log('masspay success!');
                     $pp_message = '<p>MassPay Completed Successfully! - $' . $totalFees . ' Paid.</p>';
                     if (isset($_GET["debug"])) {
                         $pp_message .= '<p><pre>' . print_r($httpParsedResponseAr, true) . '</pre></p>';
                     //$fee_sql_update = "UPDATE ".FEES." SET paid=1, paid_date='".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."' WHERE id in (".$fees_csv.")";
                     //$update_fees_paid = mysql_query($fee_sql_update);
                     $summaryData = Fee::markPaidByList(explode(',', $fee_id_csv), $user_paid = 0, $paid_notes = '', $paid = 1, $fund_id);
                     if ($bonus_id_csv) {
                         Bonus::markPaidByList(explode(',', $bonus_id_csv), $user_paid = 0, $paid = 1, false, $fund_id);
                 } else {
                     $alert_msg = "MassPay Failure";
                     $pp_message = '<p>MassPay failed:</p><p><pre>' . print_r($httpParsedResponseAr, true) . '</pre></p>';
                     if (!Utils::send_email(FINANCE_EMAIL, 'Masspay Fail', $pp_message)) {
                         error_log("view-payments:MassPayFailure: Utils::send_email failed");
             } else {
                 $error_msg = 'Invalid MassPay Authentication<br />';
                 $error_msg .= 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '<br />';
                 $error_msg .= 'UserID: ' . $userId;
                 if (!Utils::send_email(FINANCE_EMAIL, "Masspay Invalid Auth Attempt", $error_msg)) {
                     error_log("view-payments:MassPayAuth: Utils::send_email failed");
                 $alert_msg = "Invalid Authentication";
             //pull list of payees from db based on the time span
             $payee_totals = $this->getUserTotalsArray();
     $this->write('fund_id', $fund_id);
     $this->write('message', $message);
     $this->write('pp_message', $pp_message);
     $this->write('alert_msg', $alert_msg);
     $this->write('payee_totals', $payee_totals);
     $this->write('fund_projects', $fund_projects);
     $this->write('sql_get_fund_projects', $sql_get_fund_projects);
     $this->write('input', array('action' => isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '', 'order' => isset($_GET["order"]) ? 'order=' . $_GET["order"] : ''));