/** * Get view object of the popup form * @return BizView BizView instance */ public function getViewObject() { // generate an xml attribute array for a dynamic bizview $xmlArr = BizView::GetPopupViewXML($this->m_Package, $this->m_Name); // create a BizViewPopup with the xml array global $g_BizSystem; $popupView = $g_BizSystem->getObjectFactory()->createObject("DynPopup", $xmlArr); return $popupView; }
public function __construct(&$xmlArr) { parent::__construct($xmlArr); }
/** * BizForm::ShowPopup() - Popup a selection BizForm in a dynamically generated BizView * * @param string $formName - the popup bizform * @return string - HTML text of popup view */ public function showPopup($formName, $ctrlName = "") { $this->SendUserInput(); // generate an xml attribute array for a dynamic bizview $xmlArr = BizView::GetPopupViewXML($this->m_Package, $formName); // create a BizViewPopup with the xml array global $g_BizSystem; $popupView = $g_BizSystem->getObjectFactory()->createObject("DynPopup", $xmlArr); $formName = $this->prefixPackage($formName); // set the ParentFormName and ParentCtrlName of the popup form $popupForm = BizSystem::getObject($formName); $popupForm->setParentForm($this->m_Name); $popupForm->m_PrtFormCtrlName = $ctrlName; // set the dimension of the popup $w = $popupForm->m_Width ? $popupForm->m_Width : 640; $h = $popupForm->m_Height ? $popupForm->m_Height : 480; $popupView->SetPopupSize($w, $h); // clean history $popupView->CleanViewHistory(); // render the popup $popupView->render(); // exit; }