Exemplo n.º 1

 * @version $Header$
 * @package articles
 * @subpackage functions
 * Initialization
require_once ARTICLES_PKG_PATH . 'BitArticle.php';
require_once LIBERTY_PKG_PATH . 'lookup_content_inc.php';
// if we already have a gContent, we assume someone else created it for us, and has properly loaded everything up.
if (empty($gContent) || !is_object($gContent)) {
    if (@BitBase::verifyId($_REQUEST['article_id'])) {
        $gContent = new BitArticle($_REQUEST['article_id']);
    } elseif (@BitBase::verifyId($_REQUEST['content_id'])) {
        $gContent = new BitArticle(NULL, $_REQUEST['content_id']);
    } else {
        $gContent = new BitArticle();
        $gContent->mInfo['expire_date'] = strtotime("+1 year");
    if (empty($gContent->mArticleId) && empty($gContent->mContentId)) {
        //handle legacy forms that use plain 'article' form variable name
    } else {
    $gBitSmarty->assign('gContent', $gContent);
Exemplo n.º 2

// $Header$
// Copyright( c )2002-2003, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al.
// All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html for details.
// Initialization
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
// Is package installed and enabled
require_once ARTICLES_PKG_PATH . 'BitArticle.php';
// Now check permissions to access this page
if (!empty($_REQUEST['article_id'])) {
    $param = array('article_id' => (int) $_REQUEST['article_id']);
// Display the template
$gDefaultCenter = 'bitpackage:articles/center_display_articles.tpl';
$gBitSmarty->assignByRef('gDefaultCenter', $gDefaultCenter);
// Display the template
$gBitSystem->display('bitpackage:kernel/dynamic.tpl', tra('Articles'), array('display_mode' => 'display'));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getTopicArticles()
     if (!$this->mTopicId) {
         return NULL;
     $sql = "SELECT `article_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "articles` WHERE `topic_id` = ?";
     $rs = $this->mDb->query($sql, array($this->mTopicId));
     $ret = array();
     while ($row = $rs->fetchRow()) {
         $tmpArticle = new BitArticle($row['article_id']);
         $ret[] = $tmpArticle;
Exemplo n.º 4
            if ($tmpArt->expunge()) {
                bit_redirect(ARTICLES_PKG_URL . 'list.php?status_id=' . (!empty($_REQUEST['status_id']) ? $_REQUEST['status_id'] : ''));
            } else {
                $feedback['error'] = $tmpArt->mErrors;
        $gBitSystem->setBrowserTitle(tra('Confirm removal of') . ' ' . $tmpArt->mInfo['title']);
        $formHash['remove'] = TRUE;
        $formHash['action'] = 'remove';
        $formHash['status_id'] = !empty($_REQUEST['status_id']) ? $_REQUEST['status_id'] : '';
        $formHash['remove_article_id'] = $_REQUEST['remove_article_id'];
        $msgHash = array('label' => tra('Remove Article'), 'confirm_item' => $tmpArt->mInfo['title'], 'warning' => tra('Remove the above article.'), 'error' => tra('This cannot be undone!'));
        $gBitSystem->confirmDialog($formHash, $msgHash);
$article = new BitArticle();
// change the status of an article first
if (!empty($_REQUEST['action'])) {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['article_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['set_status_id']) && $gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_approve_submission')) {
        $article->setStatus($_REQUEST['set_status_id'], $_REQUEST['article_id'], $_REQUEST['content_id']);
if (empty($_REQUEST['status_id']) || !($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('articles_auto_approve') && $gBitUser->isRegistered() || $gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_update_submission') || $gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_admin'))) {
$listArticles = $article->getList($_REQUEST);
$topics = BitArticleTopic::getTopicList();
$gBitSmarty->assign('topics', $topics);
$types = BitArticleType::getTypeList();
$gBitSmarty->assign('types', $types);
$gBitSmarty->assign('listInfo', $_REQUEST['listInfo']);
Exemplo n.º 5

 * @version $Header$
 * @package articles
 * @subpackage functions
if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('articles_display_filter_bar') && ($gBitUser->isAdmin() || $gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_admin'))) {
    $filter['topic'][] = '';
    $filter['type'][] = '';
    $filter['status'][] = '';
    $_topics = BitArticleTopic::getTopicList();
    foreach ($_topics as $topic) {
        $filter['topic'][$topic['topic_id']] = $topic['topic_name'];
    $_types = BitArticleType::getTypeList();
    foreach ($_types as $type) {
        $filter['type'][$type['article_type_id']] = $type['type_name'];
    $_statuses = BitArticle::getStatusList();
    foreach ($_statuses as $status) {
        $filter['status'][$status['status_id']] = $status['status_name'];
    $gBitSmarty->assign('filter', $filter);
Exemplo n.º 6

 * @version $Header$
 * @package articles
 * @subpackage modules
 * Initialization
include_once ARTICLES_PKG_PATH . 'BitArticle.php';
$articles = new BitArticle();
$stati = array('pending', 'approved');
if (!empty($module_params['status']) && in_array($module_params['status'], $stati)) {
    $status_id = constant('ARTICLE_STATUS_' . strtoupper($module_params['status']));
} else {
$sortOptions = array("last_modified_asc", "last_modified_desc", "created_asc", "created_desc", "publish_date_desc", "publish_date_asc", "expire_date_desc", "expire_date_asc");
if (!empty($module_params['sort_mode']) && in_array($module_params['sort_mode'], $sortOptions)) {
    $sort_mode = $module_params['sort_mode'];
} else {
    $sort_mode = 'last_modified_desc';
$getHash['status_id'] = $status_id;
$getHash['sort_mode'] = $sort_mode;
$getHash['max_records'] = !empty($module_rows) ? $module_rows : $gBitSystem->getConfig('articles_max_list');
$getHash['topic_name'] = !empty($module_params['topic_name']) ? $module_params['topic_name'] : NULL;
$getHash['topic_id'] = !empty($module_params['topic_id']) ? $module_params['topic_id'] : NULL;
$articlelist = $articles->getList($getHash);
Exemplo n.º 7
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
require_once ARTICLES_PKG_PATH . "BitArticle.php";
require_once RSS_PKG_PATH . "rss_inc.php";
$rss->title = $gBitSystem->getConfig('articles_rss_title', $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_title') . ' - ' . tra('Articles'));
$rss->description = $gBitSystem->getConfig('articles_rss_description', $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_title') . ' - ' . tra('RSS Feed'));
// check permission to view articles
if (!$gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_read')) {
    require_once RSS_PKG_PATH . "rss_error.php";
} else {
    // check if we want to use the cache file
    $cacheFile = TEMP_PKG_PATH . RSS_PKG_NAME . '/' . ARTICLES_PKG_NAME . '/' . $cacheFileTail;
    $rss->useCached($rss_version_name, $cacheFile, $gBitSystem->getConfig('rssfeed_cache_time'));
    $articles = new BitArticle();
    $listHash = array('status_id' => ARTICLE_STATUS_APPROVED, 'sort_mode' => 'publish_date_desc', 'max_records' => $gBitSystem->getConfig('articles_rss_max_records', 10));
    $feeds = $articles->getList($listHash);
    // set the rss link
    $rss->link = ARTICLES_PKG_URI;
    // get all the data ready for the feed creator
    foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
        $item = new FeedItem();
        $item->title = $feed['title'];
        $item->link = $articles->getDisplayUrlFromHash($feed);
        // show the full article in the feed
        $parseHash['content_id'] = $feed['content_id'];
        $parseHash['format_guid'] = $feed['format_guid'];
        $parseHash['data'] = preg_replace(LIBERTY_SPLIT_REGEX, "", $feed['data']);
        $item->description = $articles->parseData($parseHash);
        $item->date = (int) $feed['publish_date'];
Exemplo n.º 8
function data_articles($data, $params)
    // No change in the parameters with Clyde
    global $gLibertySystem, $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem;
    if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('articles')) {
        // Do not include this Plugin if the Package is not active
        // The next 2 lines allow access to the $pluginParams given above and may be removed when no longer needed
        $pluginParams = $gLibertySystem->mPlugins[PLUGIN_GUID_DATAARTICLES];
        require_once ARTICLES_PKG_PATH . 'BitArticle.php';
        require_once LIBERTY_PKG_PATH . 'lookup_content_inc.php';
        $module_params = $params;
        $articlesObject = new BitArticle();
        $stati = array('pending', 'approved');
        if (!empty($module_params['status']) && in_array($module_params['status'], $stati)) {
            $status_id = constant('ARTICLE_STATUS_' . strtoupper($module_params['status']));
        } else {
            $status_id = ARTICLE_STATUS_APPROVED;
        $sortOptions = array("last_modified_asc", "last_modified_desc", "created_asc", "created_desc", "random");
        if (!empty($module_params['sort_mode']) && in_array($module_params['sort_mode'], $sortOptions)) {
            $sort_mode = $module_params['sort_mode'];
        } else {
            $sort_mode = 'last_modified_desc';
        $getHash = array();
        $getHash['status_id'] = $status_id;
        $getHash['sort_mode'] = $sort_mode;
        $getHash['max_records'] = empty($module_params['max']) ? 1 : $module_params['max'];
        if (isset($module_params['topic'])) {
            $getHash['topic'] = !empty($module_params['topic']) ? $module_params['topic'] : NULL;
        if (isset($module_params['topic_id'])) {
            $getHash['topic_id'] = $module_params['topic_id'];
        $articles_results = $articlesObject->getList($getHash);
        $display_format = empty($module_params['format']) ? 'simple_title_list' : $module_params['format'];
        $display_result = "";
        switch ($display_format) {
            case 'full':
                $display_result = '<div class="articles">';
                $gBitSmarty->assign('showDescriptionsOnly', TRUE);
                foreach ($articles_results as $article) {
                    $gBitSmarty->assign('article', $article);
                    $gBitSmarty->assign('gContent', $articlesObject);
                    $display_result .= $gBitSmarty->fetch('bitpackage:articles/article_display.tpl');
                $display_result .= '</div>';
                $display_result = eregi_replace("\n", "", $display_result);
            case 'list':
                $display_result = "<ul>";
                foreach ($articles_results as $article) {
                    $link = $articlesObject->getdisplaylink($article['title'], $article);
                    $display_result .= "<li>{$link}</li>\n";
                $display_result .= "</ul>\n";
        return $display_result;
    } else {
        return "<div class=error>The articles package is not active.</div>";