// 发布/订阅参数
$pipe_name = 'pipe1';
$pipelet_id = 2;
// 加1在哪里做好呢?
$start_point = -1;
// 取得可发布broker
$broker = $adapter->get_pub_broker($pipe_name, $pipelet_id);
if (false === $broker) {
    echo "[Failure][get pub info]\n";
} else {
    echo "[Success][get pub info]\n";
    // 向broker发起连接请求
    $pub_dest = array("socket_address" => $broker['ip'], "socket_port" => $broker['port'], "socket_timeout" => 300);
    $stomp->role = BStompRoleType::PUBLISHER;
    $stomp->topic_name = $broker['stripe'];
    $stomp->session_id = BigpipeUtilities::get_pipelet_name($pipe_name, $pipelet_id) . '_' . BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
    if ($stomp->connect()) {
        echo '[Success][connected on broker][ip:' . $broker['ip'] . '][port:' . $broker['port'] . ']\\n';
        echo '[session message id][' . $stomp->session_message_id . ']\\n';
    echo "\n";
    $ofs = fopen('pub.json', 'w+');
    $oval = json_encode($broker);
    fwrite($ofs, $oval);
// 取得可订阅broker_group
// todo 用户操作
// 发布参数包括
// pipe name, token, paritioner和BigpipeConf
$pipe_name = 'yzytest1';
$token = 'token';
$partitioner = new TestPubPartitioner();
// 定义了包中最多包涵的message条数
$max_package_message_count = 300;
// 定义测试中发包条数
$max_package_count = 50000;
echo "[Publish {$max_package_count} packages]\n";
$pub_file = fopen('./pub.txt', 'w+');
// 以下描述了一个bigpipe publisher的发布流程
// 该流程适合用于无状态发布(既每次都是init + send)
$uid = BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
$count = 0;
$succeed = 0;
while ($count < $max_package_count) {
    $pub = new BigpipePublisher();
    if ($pub->init_ex($pipe_name, $token, $partitioner, $conf)) {
        // 发布流程从调用init接口成功后开始
        echo '[Success][init publisher]\\n';
        // 与c-api不同,
        // bigpipe php-api 发送的是一个message package
        // message package大小不能超过2MB
        // 用户声明BigpipeMessagePackage后, 调用push接口向package添加单条message
        $max_msg_count = rand(1, $max_package_message_count);
        echo "[Pack {$max_msg_count} messages to package <{$count}>]\n";
        $msg = null;
        $msg_package = new BigpipeMessagePackage();
function run_tuning_pub($seq, $pid, $max_cnt, $one_msg)
    // 初始化log配置
    $log_conf = new BigpipeLogConf();
    $log_conf->file = sprintf('publisher-%u-%u.log', $seq, $pid);
    if (BigpipeLog::init($log_conf)) {
        //echo '[Success] [open meta agent log]\n';
        //echo '\n';
    } else {
        echo "[Failure] [open meta agent log]\n";
        echo "\n";
    // subscriber的configure
    $conf = new BigpipeConf();
    $conf_dir = './conf';
    $conf_file = './for-tuning.conf';
    if (false === bigpipe_load_file($conf_dir, $conf_file, $conf)) {
        echo "[failure][when load configure]\n";
    // 发布参数
    $pipe_name = 'pipe2';
    //$pipelet_id = 1; // 加1在哪里做好呢?
    $token = 'token';
    $partitioner = new TestPubPartitioner($pid);
    // 生成一个1K左右的包
    $max_msg_count = 12;
    // 500k
    $msg = null;
    $the_one = sprintf("[case:%u]\n", $seq);
    $uid = BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
    $msg_package = new BigpipeMessagePackage();
    $msg_count = 0;
    while ($msg_count++ < $max_msg_count) {
        $msg = sprintf("[php-api-test][bigpipe_comlog_pvt_mm][uid:%s][package:%u][seq:%u]\n", $uid, 0, $msg_count);
        if (true === $one_msg) {
            $the_one .= $msg;
        } else {
            if (!$msg_package->push($msg)) {
                echo "[fail to pack message]{$msg}\n";
                // 退出
    // end of add message to package
    if (true == $one_msg) {
        if (!$msg_package->push($the_one)) {
            echo "[fail to pack message]{$the_one}\n";
            // 退出
    // 定义测试中发包条数
    $max_package_count = $max_cnt;
    echo "\n\n[Publish {$max_package_count} packages]\n\n";
    $pub_file_name = sprintf('./pub-timer-%u-%u.csv', $seq, $pid);
    $pub_file = fopen($pub_file_name, 'w+');
    $pub = new BigpipePublisher();
    $stat = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0);
    if ($pub->init($pipe_name, $token, $partitioner, $conf)) {
        echo "[Success][init publisher]\n\n";
        $count = 0;
        $succeed = 0;
        $total_start = BigpipeUtilities::get_time_us();
        $is_first = true;
        printf("[case:%u][start:%u]\n\n", $seq, $total_start);
        while ($count < $max_package_count) {
            //$max_msg_count = rand(1, $max_package_message_count);
            //echo "[Pack $max_msg_count messages to package <$count>]\n";
            // if ($msg_count != $max_msg_count + 1)
            // {
            //     echo "[expected:$max_msg_count][actual:$msg_count]\n";
            //     continue; // 打包失败,退出
            // }
            $start_time = BigpipeUtilities::get_time_us();
            $msg_package->push(sprintf('timestamp:%u', $start_time));
            // 加入时间戳
            $pub_result = $pub->send($msg_package);
            $end_time = BigpipeUtilities::get_time_us();
            if (false === $pub_result) {
                //echo "[fail to publish message package][count:$count]\n";
                //break; // 出错便停止
            } else {
                // write result to file
                //$ret_str = sprintf("%d,%u,%u,%u\n",
                //                   $pub_result->error_no,
                //                   $pub_result->pipelet_id,
                //                   $pub_result->pipelet_msg_id,
                //                   $pub_result->session_msg_id);
                //fwrite($pub_file, $ret_str);
                if (true == $is_first) {
                    printf('[%u][%u]\\n', $pub_result->pipelet_id, $pub_result->pipelet_msg_id);
                    $is_first = false;
            // 弹出时间戳
            $t = (double) ($end_time - $start_time) / 1000;
            $t_str = sprintf("%u\n", $t);
            fwrite($pub_file, $t_str);
        $total_end = BigpipeUtilities::get_time_us();
        echo "[Publisher][seq:{$seq}][count:{$count}][success:{$succeed}]====\n";
        $avg = (double) ($total_end - $total_start) / (double) (1000 * $max_package_count);
        printf("\n[Publisher][case:%u][avg_time:%f(ms)]\n", $seq, $avg);
    } else {
        echo '[Failure][init publisher]\\n';
  * 生成ack响应供测试程序使用
  * @return ack响应集供test case选择
 private function _gen_ack_response($subject)
     $ack = new BStompAckFrame();
     $ack->status = BStompIdAckType::TOPIC_ID;
     $ack->ack_type = BStompFrameType::ACK;
     $ack->session_message_id = TestUtilities::get_private_var($subject, '_session_msg_id') + 1;
     $this->assertFalse(false === $ack->session_message_id);
     $ack->topic_message_id = 369;
     $ack->global_message_id = 7659;
     $ack->delay_time = 0;
     $ack->destination = 'unknown';
     $ack->receipt_id = 'fake-receipt-id';
     $good_ack = $ack->buffer();
     $orig_smid = $ack->session_message_id;
     $ack->session_message_id = $orig_smid + 10;
     $bad_session = $ack->buffer();
     $ack->session_message_id = $orig_smid;
     $ack->receipt_id = BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
     $bad_receipt = $ack->buffer();
     $res_arr = array('good' => $good_ack, 'bad_session' => $bad_session, 'bad_receipt' => $bad_receipt, 'error_body' => 'error');
     return $res_arr;
 private function _gen_recv_response()
     $topic_id = 65535;
     $bad_topic_id = 0;
     $pkg = new BigpipeMessagePackage();
     $msg = 'This is a test case';
     $msg_body = null;
     $sign = creat_sign_mds64($msg_body);
     $frame = new BStompMessageFrame();
     $frame->priority = 10;
     $frame->persistent = 1;
     $frame->no_dedupe = 1;
     $frame->timeout = BigpipeUtilities::get_time_us();
     $frame->destination = 'cluster-for-unittest';
     $frame->session_id = BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
     $frame->subscribe_id = BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
     $frame->receipt_id = BigpipeUtilities::gen_receipt_id();
     $frame->session_message_id = BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
     $frame->topic_message_id = $topic_id;
     $frame->global_message_id = 76248;
     $frame->cur_checksum = $sign[2];
     $frame->last_checksum = 0;
     $frame->message_body = $msg_body;
     $good = $frame->buffer();
     // topic message id ´íÎóµÄcase
     $frame->topic_message_id = $bad_topic_id;
     $bad_topic = $frame->buffer();
     // message body ´íÎóµÄcase
     $frame->topic_message_id = $topic_id;
     $frame->message_body = '';
     $bad_body = $frame->buffer();
     // checksum´íÎóµÄcase
     $frame->message_body = $msg_body;
     $frame->cur_checksum = 201;
     $bad_checksum = $frame->buffer();
     // ´´ÔìÒ»¸öerrorµÄ°ü
     $err_pkg = '1';
     $frame->message_body = $err_pkg;
     $err_sign = creat_sign_mds64($err_pkg);
     $frame->cur_checksum = $err_sign[2];
     $bad_pkg = $frame->buffer();
     // ´´ÔìÒ»¸öpop errorµÄ°ü
     $frame->message_body = pack("L2", 1, 5);
     // ÕâÊÇÒ»¸ö³¤¶ÈΪ5£¬µ«ÊÇûÓÐÊý¾ÝµÄ»µ°ü
     $empty_sign = creat_sign_mds64($frame->message_body);
     $frame->cur_checksum = $empty_sign[2];
     $empty_pkg = $frame->buffer();
     $res_arr = array('good' => $good, 'bad_topic' => $bad_topic, 'bad_body' => $bad_body, 'bad_checksum' => $bad_checksum, 'bad_pkg' => $bad_pkg, 'empty_pkg' => $empty_pkg);
     return $res_arr;
  * 更新meta信息, 记录重试次数
  * @return boolean
 private function _failover()
     // failover时, 订阅、发布状态无效,重置状态
     if (true == $this->_is_subscribed) {
         // 先尝试取消订阅, 但是不用考虑错误 (因为failover中有错误是常态)
         $this->_is_subscribed = false;
     if ($this->_fo_count > $this->_max_fo_cnt) {
         // 重置failover
         BigpipeLog::fatal("[%s:%u][%s][can not do more]", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
         $this->_fo_sleep_time = 0;
         $this->_fo_count = 0;
         return false;
     if (0 == $this->_fo_sleep_time) {
         // 第一次flush subscribe时,我们往往不希望等待,
         // 因此这时跳过sleep过程
         // php中只有微秒级的usleep和秒级的sleep
         $this->_fo_sleep_time = BigpipeCommonDefine::INIT_FO_SLEEP_TIME * 1000;
     } else {
     $this->_fo_sleep_time *= 2;
     // increase failover sleep time
     if ($this->_fo_sleep_time > BigpipeCommonDefine::MAX_FO_SLEEP_TIME) {
         // failover sleep time不能无限制增长
         $this->_fo_sleep_time = BigpipeCommonDefine::MAX_FO_SLEEP_TIME;
     // 通过meta跟新stripe
     if (false === $this->_update_meta()) {
         BigpipeLog::fatal("[%s:%u][%s][can not update meta from meta agent]", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
         return false;
     // 随机选择并连接一个broker
     $is_ok = false;
     do {
         $broker = $this->_random_select_broker();
         if (false === $broker) {
             // 无新broker可选, failover失败
             BigpipeLog::fatal("[%s:%u][%s][no broker to subcribe]", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
         // try to connect to broker
         $sub_dest = array("socket_address" => $broker->ip, "socket_port" => $broker->port, "socket_timeout" => $this->_conn_timeo);
         $this->_stomp_adapter->role = BStompRoleType::SUBSCRIBER;
         $this->_stomp_adapter->topic_name = $this->_stripe['stripe_name'];
         $this->_stomp_adapter->session_id = BigpipeUtilities::get_pipelet_name($this->_pipe_name, $this->_pipelet_id) . '_' . BigpipeUtilities::get_uid();
         if ($this->_stomp_adapter->connect()) {
             BigpipeLog::debug("[%s:%u][%s][Success][connected on broker][ip:%s][port:%u]", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $broker->ip, $broker->port);
             BigpipeLog::debug('[%s:%u][%s][session message id][smid:%s]', __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $this->_stomp_adapter->session_message_id);
             $is_ok = true;
             // 跳出连接
     } while (true);
     return $is_ok;