Exemplo n.º 1
    function fuelConsumption($distance)
        $result = $this->fuel * $distance / 100;
        return $result;
class Audi extends Car
$distance = 1000;
$car1 = new Car();
$car1->speed = 50;
$car1->fuel = 20;
echo "Время в пути " . $car1->rtipTime($distance) . "<br>";
echo "Расход топлива " . $car1->fuelConsumption($distance) . "<br>";
$car2 = new Car();
$car2->speed = 75;
$car2->fuel = 30;
echo "Время в пути " . $car2->rtipTime($distance) . "<br>";
echo "Расход топлива " . $car1->fuelConsumption($distance) . "<br>";
$bic = new Bicycle();
$bic->speed = 50;
echo "Время в пути " . $bic->rtipTime($distance) . "<br>";
echo "Расход калорий " . $bic->caloriesBurned($distance) . "<br>";
echo paint("bedroom", null);
echo paint("bedroom");
echo paint("blue");
//You have to pay attention to the order of the paramters you're passing!
//A simple inheritance example, where the parent class' method "honk" is accessed using two different syntaxes.
class Vehicle
    public function honk()
        return "HONK HONK!";
class Bicycle extends Vehicle
$bicycle = new Bicycle();
echo $bicycle->honk() . "<br>";
echo Bicycle::honk() . "<br>";
//The :: is a "scope resolution operator".  However, according to strict standards, one should not call a non-static method statically.
//Accessing a parent class constant const (notice no $ before the constant's name) without creating an object
class Hi
    const hi = "hello";
class HelloWorld extends Hi
echo HelloWorld::hi;
//The :: is a "scope resolution operator"
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
Exemplo n.º 3
class Vehicle
    public function honk()
        return "HONK HONK!";
// Adicione seu código abaixo!
class Bicycle extends Vehicle
    public function honk()
        return "Beep beep!";
$bicycle = new Bicycle();
echo $bicycle->honk();
Exemplo n.º 4
class Car extends Vehicle{
    public $gas;

    function __construct()
        $this->gas = 100;
    function drive(){
        $this->gas-= 5;
        echo "Now I have $this->gas percent of gas left.<br>";}

$bike = new Bicycle("bell");
echo $bike->drive("bell"); //prints 'Riding a bike with 2 wheels'
echo '<br>';
$car = new Car();
echo $car->drive();//prints 'Driving a car with 4 wheels'


Exemplo n.º 5

$square = new Square();
if (property_exists($square, "hasSides")) {
    echo "I have sides";

		<h2>Overriding Parent Methods</h2>
$vehicle = new Vehicle();
echo $vehicle->honk() . "<br/>";
$bicycle = new Bicycle();
echo $bicycle->honk() . "<br/>";
echo $bicycle->drive() . "<br/>";
		<h2>Using <code>const</code></h2>
// :: => scope resolution operator
if (Immortal::alive) {
    echo "I live forever!";

		<h2><code>static</code> Keyword</h2>
echo Person::greet() . "<br/>";
echo Person::$shout . "<br/>";
Exemplo n.º 6

class Model
    protected static function validateArgs($args)
        throw new Exception("You need to override this in a subclass!");
    public static function find($args)
        $class = get_called_class();
        // now you can do a database query, such as:
        // SELECT * FROM $class WHERE ...
class Bicycle extends Model
    protected static function validateArgs($args)
        return true;
Bicycle::find(['owner' => 'peewee']);