Exemplo n.º 1
  * Show 'edit message' page.
  * @param integer $id id of message to edit, NULL/0 to create new message
 public function edit($id = NULL)
     if ($id) {
         // load message
         $message = new Bbpp_ThankMeLater_Message($id);
     } else {
         // create default message
         $blog_name = get_bloginfo("name");
         $message = new Bbpp_ThankMeLater_Message();
         $message_subject = sprintf(_x("%s - %s", "post title - blog name", "bbpp-thankmelater"), "[post_title]", $blog_name);
         $message_message = "[t_simple]\n\n";
         $message_message .= "[t_part name=\"main\"]\n\n";
         $message_message .= sprintf(__("Hi %s,", "bbpp-thankmelater"), "[name]");
         /* translators: the string "[post_title]" will be replaced with the blog post's title. Please do not remove this string. */
         $t_message_thanks = __("Thank you for your comment on [post_title]. Please check back soon for a response.", "bbpp-thankmelater");
         $message_message .= "\n\n" . sprintf($t_message_thanks, $blog_name);
         $message_message .= "\n\n";
         $message_message .= "[htmlonly]\n<a href=\"[comment_url attr=1]\">";
         $message_message .= __("Return to your comment.", "bbpp-thankmelater");
         $message_message .= "</a>\n[/htmlonly]";
         $message_message .= "\n\n[textonly]\n";
         /* translators: the string "[comment_url]" will be replaced with the URL to the user's comment. Please do not remove this string. */
         $t_message_link = __("Return to your comment: [comment_url]", "bbpp-thankmelater");
         $message_message .= $t_message_link;
         $message_message .= "\n[/textonly]";
         $message_message .= "\n\n" . sprintf(__("You posted this comment on %s: %s", "bbpp-thankmelater"), "[date format=\"d M\"]", "[comment maxlength=200]");
         $message_message .= "\n\n" . __("Thank you!", "bbpp-thankmelater") . "\n\n";
         $message_message .= "[/t_part]\n\n";
         $message_message .= "[/t_simple]";
         $message->addMessage(array("from_name" => $blog_name, "from_email" => get_bloginfo("admin_email"), "subject" => $message_subject, "message" => $message_message, "min_delay" => 30, "min_delay_unit" => "minutes", "target_tags" => array(), "target_categories" => array(), "target_posts" => array(), "max_sends_per_email" => 0, "track_opens" => 1));
     $error = array();
     if ($_POST) {
         // save the changes to the database
         check_admin_referer("bbpp_thankmelater_edit_message_" . intval($id));
         $data = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
         if (!isset($data["target_tags"])) {
             $data["target_tags"] = array();
         if (!isset($data["target_categories"])) {
             $data["target_categories"] = array();
         if (!isset($data["target_posts"])) {
             $data["target_posts"] = array();
         if (!isset($data["track_opens"])) {
             $data["track_opens"] = "0";
         $error = $message->save();
         if (!$error) {
             // message updated! show the list of messages:
             $id = $message->getId();
             return $this->index(false, array($id));
     //$ab_sort = function ($a, $b) {
     //	return ($a->name < $b->name) ? -1 : 1;
     // get the tag targeting options
     $tag_options = get_tags(array("number" => 200, "orderby" => "count", "order" => "desc", "hide_empty" => false));
     usort($tag_options, array($this, "_cmp_name"));
     // get the category targeting options
     $category_options = get_categories(array("number" => 200, "orderby" => "count", "order" => "desc", "hide_empty" => false));
     usort($category_options, array($this, "_cmp_name"));
     // get the posts which may be targeted
     $post_options = get_posts(array("numberposts" => 200, "orderby" => "post_date", "order" => "desc", "post_status" => "publish,pending,draft,future,private"));
     usort($post_options, array($this, "_cmp_post_title"));
     // show the edit form
     require_once BBPP_THANKMELATER_PLUGIN_PATH . "admin/messages/edit.php";