public function processPost($items, $params) { $dbo = JFactory::getDBO(); $update_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); date_default_timezone_set($params->get('timezone')); $global = $params->get('schedule'); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $now = date('H:i', strtotime('-24 hours', time())); $now = explode(":", $now); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!empty($item->params)) { $available = json_decode($item->params); $query = 'SELECT count(' . $available->tb_id . ') FROM ' . $available->table . ' WHERE ' . $available->published . ' AND ' . $available->tb_id . '=' . $available->id; $dbo->setQuery($query); $iSpublish = $dbo->loadResult(); } else { $iSpublish = 1; } if ($iSpublish == 1) { $cron = (object) unserialize($item->scron); $schedule = (object) unserialize($item->schedule); $hour = preg_replace('/( *)/', '', $schedule->hour); $sche_date = preg_replace('/( *)/', '', $schedule->date); if ($hour == '' && $global != '') { $hour = $global; } $hour = explode(":", $hour); if ($schedule->date == '' || $sche_date == $date) { if ($hour[0] == '' || (int) $hour[0] < (int) $now[0] || (int) $hour[0] == (int) $now[0] && (int) $hour[1] <= (int) $now[1]) { $name = $cron->name; if (self::checkClass($cron->alias)) { $publishes = new BTPublishes($cron->alias, $dbo); $result = $name::postMessage($publishes, $cron->attachment); if (!$dbo->connected()) { $dbo = BTJFactory::createDbo(); } if ($result['checked'] == 1) { $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET published =\'' . $result['publish'] . '\',log =\'' . $dbo->escape($result['log']) . '\',sent_time= \'' . $update_time . '\' WHERE id=' . $item->id; $dbo->setQuery($query); $dbo->query(); } } } } } } }
public function save($data) { $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $table = $this->getTable(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $schedule = ''; $pk = !empty($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : (int) $this->getState(''); $isNew = true; $db = $this->getDbo(); if (isset($data['schedule'])) { $schedule = serialize($data['schedule']); } $Idmessage = self::MessageIds(); $IdOld = self::findMessageOld($data['id'], $Idmessage); if ($IdOld >= 0) { if ($data['published'] == 1) { $items = self::getItemsObject($data['id']); //Check is publish content if (!empty($items->params)) { $available = json_decode($items->params); $query = 'SELECT count(' . $available->tb_id . ') FROM ' . $available->table . ' WHERE ' . $available->published . ' AND ' . $available->tb_id . '=' . $available->id; $db->setQuery($query); $iSpublish = $db->loadResult(); } else { $iSpublish = 1; } //end $type = $items->message_type; $item = (object) unserialize($items->scron); $attachment = $item->attachment; switch ($type) { case 'profile': require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_bt_socialconnect/helpers/html/factory.php'; if ($iSpublish == 1) { switch ($item->alias) { case 'facebook': $facebook_id = $attachment['item']->social_id; $url = "{$facebook_id}/feed"; $post = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::socialPost($item->alias, $attachment['attachment'], $url, $item->name, $facebook_id); break; case 'twitter': if (!class_exists('TwitterOAuth')) { require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_bt_socialconnect/helpers/html/twitter/twitteroauth.php'; } $twitter = unserialize($attachment['item']->access_token); $connection = new TwitterOAuth(trim($params->get('ttappId', '')), trim($params->get('ttsecret', '')), $twitter['oauth_token'], $twitter['oauth_token_secret']); $message = $attachment['attachment']; //Share link in twitter $parameters = array('status' => $message); $status = $connection->post('statuses/update', $parameters); if (isset($status->errors)) { $post['log'] = $status->errors[0]->message; $post['publish'] = 0; } else { $post['log'] = JText::_('COM_BT_SOCIALCONNECT_SUBMIITED_SUCCESSFULL'); $post['publish'] = 1; } break; case 'linkedin': $response = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::fetch($attachment['item']->access_token, $attachment['attachment']); $post = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::socialPost($item->alias, $response['body'], $response['url'], $item->name, $attachment['item']->social_id); break; } } else { $post['log'] = JText::_('COM_BT_SOCIALCONNECT_ITEM_POST_UNPUBLISH'); $post['publish'] = 0; } break; case 'system': require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_bt_socialconnect/publishes/btpublishes.php'; if ($iSpublish == 1) { $name = $item->name; if (self::checkClass($item->alias)) { $publishes = new BTPublishes($item->alias, $db); $post = $name::postMessage($publishes, $item->attachment); } else { $post['log'] = JText::_('COM_BT_SOCIALCONNECT_CHANNEL_UNPUBLISH'); $post['publish'] = 0; } } else { $post['log'] = JText::_('COM_BT_SOCIALCONNECT_ITEM_POST_UNPUBLISH'); $post['publish'] = 0; } break; } if (isset($post)) { if (!$db->connected()) { $db = BTJFactory::createDbo(); } $update_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET published= \'' . $post['publish'] . '\',schedule = \'' . $db->escape($schedule) . '\',sent_time= \'' . $update_time . '\',log = \'' . $post['log'] . '\' WHERE id =' . $data['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); return $post; } } else { $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET published= \'' . $db->escape($data['published']) . '\' ,schedule = \'' . $db->escape($schedule) . '\' WHERE id =' . (int) $data['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $this->setState('', $data['id']); } else { $params_scoialpublish = $data['channel']; //Prepare data $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_bt_socialconnect'); $trigger = 'Custom Content'; $title = $data['title']; $message = $data['message']; $link = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getcaseshortlink($data['url']); $description = $data['fulltext']; $message_type = 'system'; if (!empty($data['image'])) { $picture = JURI::root() . $data['image']; } else { $picture = ''; } if ($params->get('cropthumb')) { $saveDir = JPATH_SITE . '/images/bt_socialconnect/'; JHtmlBt_Socialpost::createFolder($saveDir); $images_path = $saveDir . 'thumb/'; JHtmlBt_Socialpost::createFolder($images_path); if ($picture) { $cropimage = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::cropimage($picture, $images_path, $params); $picture = JURI::root() . 'images/bt_socialconnect/thumb/' . $cropimage; } } $created_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); //NNONO require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_bt_socialconnect/helpers/html/factory.php'; require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_bt_socialconnect/publishes/btpublishes.php'; //END $result = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getpublish($params_scoialpublish); foreach ($result as $key => $item) { $publishes = new BTPublishes($item->alias, $db); $name = $publishes->type; $access_token = $publishes->params->get('access_token'); //Check facebookname post message if ($publishes->params->get('uname')) { $uname = $publishes->params->get('uname'); } else { $uname = $user->name; } //Check facebook id $uid = $publishes->params->get('uid'); $getuser = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getUser($uid); if (empty($getuser)) { $userpost = $user->name; } else { $userpost = $getuser; } //Set content to post $token = $access_token; //end //Set attachment default $attachment = self::setDataSocial('', $message, $title, $link, $description, $picture); $urlprocess = self::processAttachment($userpost, $item->type, $title, $data['url'], $attachment, $trigger, $created_time, $params, $data['title'], $message, $link, $item->id, $message_type, $db); $attachment = self::setDataSocial($token, $urlprocess['message'], $title, $urlprocess['link'], $description, $picture); //Set Cronjob for all site to renew post $seralizedCron = self::setDataOfline('system', $item->alias, $name, $attachment); if ($data['published'] == 1) { $result = $name::postMessage($publishes, $attachment); if (!$db->connected()) { $db = BTJFactory::createDbo(); } if ($result['checked'] == 1) { $update_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET published= \'' . $db->escape($result['publish']) . '\',schedule = \'' . $db->escape($schedule) . '\',log = \'' . $db->escape($result['log']) . '\',scron= \'' . $seralizedCron . '\',sent_time= \'' . $update_time . '\' WHERE id =' . (int) $urlprocess['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } else { $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET published= \'' . $db->escape($data['published']) . '\',schedule = \'' . $db->escape($schedule) . '\',scron= \'' . $seralizedCron . '\' WHERE id =' . (int) $urlprocess['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $this->setState('', $urlprocess['id']); } } return true; }
public static function postArticle($article, $cronjob, $config) { $app = JApplication::getInstance('site'); $router = $app->getRouter(); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_bt_socialconnect'); $uri = JURI::getInstance(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Get link article $link_article = $article->link; $self_url = $router->build($link_article); $link_article = $self_url->toString(); $link_article = str_replace('/administrator/', '/', $link_article); $link_article = $uri->getScheme() . "://" . $uri->getHost() . $link_article; $trigger = $article->trigger; $template = $config->def('template', ''); $dc_template = $config->def('des_template', ''); $image = ''; $default_image = $config->def('default_img', ''); if ($default_image != '') { $image = $default_image; } else { $image = $article->image; } if ($image != '') { if (strpos($image, "http") !== false) { $urlimage = $image; } else { $urlimage = JURI::root() . $image; } } else { $urlimage = ''; } // Crop image neu config trong admin if ($params->get('cropthumb')) { $saveDir = JPATH_SITE . '/images/bt_socialconnect/'; JHtmlBt_Socialpost::createFolder($saveDir); $images_path = $saveDir . 'thumb/'; JHtmlBt_Socialpost::createFolder($images_path); if ($urlimage) { $cropimage = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::cropimage($urlimage, $images_path, $params); $urlimage = JURI::root() . 'images/bt_socialconnect/thumb/' . $cropimage; } } //Prepare content----------------------------------------------------- post $created_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $message = self::setmessage($template, $user->name, $article, $link_article); $description = self::setmessage($dc_template, $user->name, $article, $link_article); $title = $article->title; $link = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getcaseshortlink($link_article); $picture = $urlimage; $default_content = self::setDataSocial('', $message, $title, $link, $description, $picture); $publish = 2; $log = 'Waiting to process in queue'; // Post len social network neu tai khoan ket noi nhieu mang xa hoi $items = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getSocialpostuser($user->id); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { $token = $item->access_token; switch ($item->social_type) { case 'facebook': $facebook_id = $item->social_id; $url = "{$facebook_id}/feed"; $sociatype = 'facebookprofile'; $message_type = 'profile'; //Check count the link and get id Re set attachmetn when save attachment default $urlprocess = self::processAttachment($user->name, $sociatype, $article, $link_article, $default_content, $trigger, $created_time, $params, $template, $message, $link, $user->id, $message_type, $db); $attachment = self::setAttachment($token, $urlprocess['message'], $title, $urlprocess['link'], $description, $picture); $attachment = $attachment['facebook']; if (!$cronjob) { //Post message user connect and update $result = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::socialPost($item->social_type, $attachment, $url, $user->name, $facebook_id); $log = $result['log']; $publish = $result['publish']; } break; case 'twitter': $sociatype = 'twitterprofile'; $message_type = 'profile'; $twitter = unserialize($item->access_token); if (!class_exists('TwitterOAuth')) { require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_bt_socialconnect/helpers/html/twitter/twitteroauth.php'; } $connection = new TwitterOAuth(trim($params->get('ttappId', '')), trim($params->get('ttsecret', '')), $twitter['oauth_token'], $twitter['oauth_token_secret']); $urlprocess = self::processAttachment($user->name, $sociatype, $article, $link_article, $default_content, $trigger, $created_time, $params, $template, $message, $link, $user->id, $message_type, $db); $attachment = $urlprocess['message']; //Share link in twitter if (!$cronjob) { $parameters = array('status' => $urlprocess['message']); $status = $connection->post('statuses/update', $parameters); if (isset($status->errors)) { $log = $status->errors[0]->message; $publish = 0; } else { $log = JTEXT::_('Message has sent ' . '<a href="' . $user->username . '" style="text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">' . $user->name . '</a>' . ' successfully'); $publish = 1; } } break; case 'linkedin': $sociatype = 'linkedinprofile'; $message_type = 'profile'; $urlprocess = self::processAttachment($user->name, $sociatype, $article, $link_article, $default_content, $trigger, $created_time, $params, $template, $message, $link, $user->id, $message_type, $db); //Set re attachment $attachment = self::setAttachment($token, $urlprocess['message'], $title, $urlprocess['link'], $description, $picture); $attachment = $attachment['linkedin']; if (!$cronjob) { $response = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::fetch($item->access_token, $attachment); $return = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::socialPost($item->social_type, $response['body'], $response['url'], $user->name, $item->social_id); $log = $return['log']; $publish = $return['publish']; } break; } //Set Cronjob for all site to renew post $data = array(); $data['item'] = $item; $data['attachment'] = $attachment; //Set data to renew post $seralizedCron = self::setDataOfline($item->social_type, $user->name, $data); $update_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET `published`= \'' . $publish . '\',`log` = \'' . $log . '\',`scron`= \'' . $db->escape($seralizedCron) . '\',`sent_time`= \'' . $update_time . '\' WHERE `id` =' . (int) $urlprocess['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } //Post message group system $params_scoialpublish = $config->get('channel', 0); $result = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getpublish($params_scoialpublish); if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $key => $item) { $publishes = new BTPublishes($item->alias, $db); $name = $publishes->type; $access_token = $publishes->params->get('access_token'); //Check facebookname post message if ($publishes->params->get('uname')) { $uname = $publishes->params->get('uname'); } else { $uname = $user->name; } //Check facebook id $uid = $publishes->params->get('uid'); $getuser = JHtmlBt_Socialpost::getUser($uid); if (empty($getuser)) { $userpost = $user->name; } else { $userpost = $getuser; } //Set and assign content to post $token = $access_token; $message = self::setmessage($template, $uname, $article, $link_article); $title = $article->title; $message_type = 'system'; //end //Set attachment default $urlprocess = self::processAttachment($userpost, $item->type, $article, $link_article, $default_content, $trigger, $created_time, $params, $template, $message, $link, $item->id, $message_type, $db); $attachment = self::setDataSocial($token, $urlprocess['message'], $title, $urlprocess['link'], $description, $picture); $seralizedCron = self::setDataOfline($item->alias, $name, $attachment); //Kiem tra co de dang cronjob ko if ($cronjob) { $time = array(); $time['hour'] = $params->get('schedule', ''); $time['date'] = ''; $schedule = serialize($time); $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET `scron`= \'' . $db->escape($seralizedCron) . '\',`schedule` = \'' . $db->escape($schedule) . '\' WHERE id =' . (int) $urlprocess['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } else { if (!empty($name)) { $result = $name::postMessage($publishes, $attachment); if (!$db->connected()) { $db = BTJFactory::createDbo(); } if ($result['checked'] == 1) { $update_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $query = 'UPDATE #__bt_messages SET `published`= \'' . $result['publish'] . '\',`log` = \'' . $db->escape($result['log']) . '\',`scron`= \'' . $db->escape($seralizedCron) . '\',`sent_time`= \'' . $update_time . '\' WHERE `id` =' . (int) $urlprocess['id']; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } } } } //End }