Exemplo n.º 1
  * Editor Element - this function defines the visual appearance of an element on the AviaBuilder Canvas
  * Most common usage is to define some markup in the $params['innerHtml'] which is then inserted into the drag and drop container
  * Less often used: $params['data'] to add data attributes, $params['class'] to modify the className
  * @param array $params this array holds the default values for $content and $args.
  * @return $params the return array usually holds an innerHtml key that holds item specific markup.
 function editor_element($params)
     //fetch all registered sidebars
     $sidebars = AviaHelper::get_registered_sidebars();
     if (empty($params['args']['widget_area'])) {
         $params['args']['widget_area'] = reset($sidebars);
     $element = array('subtype' => $sidebars, 'type' => 'select', 'std' => htmlspecialchars_decode($params['args']['widget_area']), 'class' => 'avia-recalc-shortcode', 'data' => array('attr' => 'widget_area'));
     $inner = "<img src='" . $this->config['icon'] . "' title='" . $this->config['name'] . "' />";
     $inner .= "<div class='avia-element-label'>" . $this->config['name'] . "</div>";
     $inner .= AviaHtmlHelper::render_element($element);
     $params['class'] = "";
     $params['content'] = NULL;
     $params['innerHtml'] = $inner;
     return $params;
Exemplo n.º 2

global $builder;
$boxes = array(array('title' => __('Avia Layout Builder', 'avia_framework'), 'id' => 'avia_builder', 'page' => array('portfolio', 'page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'expandable' => true), array('title' => __('Layout', 'avia_framework'), 'id' => 'layout', 'page' => array('portfolio', 'page', 'post'), 'context' => 'side', 'priority' => 'low'), array('title' => __('Additional Portfolio Settings', 'avia_framework'), 'id' => 'preview', 'page' => array('portfolio'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high'), array('title' => __('Breadcrumb Hierarchy', 'avia_framework'), 'id' => 'hierarchy', 'page' => array('portfolio'), 'context' => 'side', 'priority' => 'low'));
$boxes = apply_filters('avf_builder_boxes', $boxes);
$elements = array(array("slug" => "avia_builder", "name" => __("Visual layout editor", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "layout_editor", "type" => array($builder, 'visual_editor'), "tab_order" => array(__('Layout Elements', 'avia_framework'), __('Content Elements', 'avia_framework'), __('Media Elements', 'avia_framework')), "desc" => '<h4>' . __('Quick Info & Hotkeys', 'avia_framework') . "</h4>" . '<strong>' . __('General Info', 'avia_framework') . '</strong>' . "<ul>" . '   <li>' . __('To insert an Element either click the insert button for that element or drag the button onto the canvas', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . '   <li>' . __('If you place your mouse above the insert button a short info tooltip will appear', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . '   <li>' . __('To sort and arrange your elements just drag them to a position of your choice and release them', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . '   <li>' . __('Valid drop targets will be highlighted. Some elements like fullwidth sliders and color section can not be dropped onto other elements', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . "</ul>" . '<strong>' . __('Edit Elements in Popup Window:', 'avia_framework') . '</strong>' . "<ul>" . '   <li>' . __('Most elements open a popup window if you click them', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . '   <li>' . __('Press TAB to navigate trough the various form fields of a popup window.', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . '   <li>' . __('Press ESC on your keyboard or the Close Button to close popup window.', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . '   <li>' . __('Press ENTER on your keyboard or the Save Button to save current state of a popup window', 'avia_framework') . '</li>' . "</ul>"), array("container_class" => "av_2columns av_col_1 avia-style", "slug" => "preview", "name" => __("Overwrite Portfolio Link setting", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("If this entry is displayed in a portfolio grid, it will use the grids link settings (open either in lightbox, or open link url). You may overwrite this setting here", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_portfolio_custom_link", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "subtype" => array("Use default setting" => '', "Define custom link" => 'custom')), array("slug" => "preview", "name" => __("Link portfolio item to external URL", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("You can add a link to any (external) page here. <br/> If you add a link to a video that video will open in a lightbox", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_portfolio_custom_link_url", "type" => "input", "required" => array('_portfolio_custom_link', 'equals', 'custom'), "container_class" => "avia-style av_2columns av_col_2", "std" => "http://"), array("slug" => "preview", "id" => "_portfolio_hr", "type" => "hr", "std" => ""), array("slug" => "preview", "name" => __("Ajax Portfolio Preview Settings", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("If you have selected to display your portfolio grid as an 'Ajax Portfolio' please choose preview images here and write some preview text. Once the user clicks on the portfolio item a preview element with those images and info will open.", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_preview_heading", "type" => "heading", "std" => ""), array("slug" => "preview", "container_class" => "av_2columns av_col_1", "name" => __("Add Preview Images", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Create a new Preview Gallery or Slideshow by selecting existing or uploading new images", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_preview_ids", "type" => "gallery", "title" => __("Add Preview Images", 'avia_framework'), "delete" => __("Remove Images", 'avia_framework'), "button" => __("Insert Images", 'avia_framework'), "std" => ""), array("container_class" => "av_2columns av_col_2", "slug" => "preview", "name" => __("Display Preview Images", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Display Images as either gallery, slideshow or as a list below each other", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_preview_display", "type" => "select", "std" => "gallery", "class" => "avia-style", "subtype" => array(__("Gallery", 'avia_framework') => 'gallery', __("Slideshow", 'avia_framework') => 'slideshow', __("Image List", 'avia_framework') => 'list', __("Don't show the images at all and display the preview text only", 'avia_framework') => 'no')), array("container_class" => "av_2columns av_col_2", "slug" => "preview", "name" => __("Autorotation", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Slideshow autorotation Settings in Seconds", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_preview_autorotation", "type" => "select", "std" => "disabled", "class" => "avia-style", "required" => array('_preview_display', 'equals', 'slideshow'), "subtype" => array(__("Disabled", 'avia_framework') => 'disabled', "3" => '3', "4" => '4', "5" => '5', "6" => '6', "7" => '7', "8" => '8', "9" => '9', "10" => '10', "15" => '15', "20" => '20')), array("container_class" => "av_2columns av_col_2", "slug" => "preview", "name" => __("Gallery Thumbnail Columns", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("How many Thumbnails should be displayed beside each other", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_preview_columns", "type" => "select", "std" => "6", "class" => "avia-style", "required" => array('_preview_display', 'equals', 'gallery'), "subtype" => array("2" => '2', "3" => '3', "4" => '4', "5" => '5', "6" => '6', "7" => '7', "8" => '8', "9" => '9', "10" => '10', "11" => '11', "12" => '12')), array("slug" => "preview", "container_class" => "avia_clear", "name" => __("Add Preview Text", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("The text will appear beside your gallery/slideshow", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "_preview_text", "type" => "tiny_mce", "std" => ""), array("slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Layout", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Select the desired Page layout", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "layout", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style", "subtype" => array(__("Default Layout - set in", 'avia_framework') . " " . THEMENAME . " > " . __('Sidebar', 'avia_framework') => '', __("No Sidebar", 'avia_framework') => 'fullsize', __("Left Sidebar", 'avia_framework') => 'sidebar_left', __("Right Sidebar", 'avia_framework') => 'sidebar_right')), array("slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Sidebar Setting", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Choose a custom sidebar for this entry", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "sidebar", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style", "required" => array('layout', 'not', 'fullsize'), "subtype" => AviaHelper::get_registered_sidebars(array('Default Sidebars' => ""), array('Displayed Everywhere'))), array("slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Footer Settings", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Display the footer widgets?", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "footer", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style", "subtype" => array(__("Default Layout - set in", 'avia_framework') . " " . THEMENAME . " > " . __('Footer', 'avia_framework') => '', __('Display the footer widgets & socket', 'avia_framework') => 'all', __('Display only the footer widgets (no socket)', 'avia_framework') => 'nosocket', __('Display only the socket (no footer widgets)', 'avia_framework') => 'nofooterwidgets', __('Don\'t display the socket & footer widgets', 'avia_framework') => 'nofooterarea')), array("slug" => "layout", "notice" => __("These settings are only available for layouts with a main menu placed at the top", 'avia_framework') . " - <a href='" . admin_url('admin.php?page=avia#goto_general_layout') . "'>" . __("Change layout", 'avia_framework') . "</a>", "id" => "conditional_header", "type" => "condition", "class" => "avia-style", "condition" => array('option' => 'header_position', 'compare' => "equal_or_empty", "value" => "header_top"), "nodescription" => true), array("slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Title Bar Settings", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Display the Title Bar with Page Title and Breadcrumb Navigation?", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "header_title_bar", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style", "subtype" => array(__("Default Layout - set in", 'avia_framework') . " " . THEMENAME . " > " . __('Header', 'avia_framework') => '', __('Display title and breadcrumbs', 'avia_framework') => 'title_bar_breadcrumb', __('Display only title', 'avia_framework') => 'title_bar', __('Hide both', 'avia_framework') => 'hidden_title_bar')), array("slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Header visibility and transparency", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Several options to change the header transparency and visibility on this page.", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "header_transparency", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style", "subtype" => array(__("No transparency", 'avia_framework') => '', __('Transparent Header', 'avia_framework') => 'header_transparent', __('Transparent & Glassy Header', 'avia_framework') => 'header_transparent header_glassy ', __('Header is invisible and appears once the users scrolls down ', 'avia_framework') => 'header_transparent header_scrolldown ', __('Hide Header on this page ', 'avia_framework') => 'header_transparent header_hidden ')), array("slug" => "layout", "id" => "conditional_header_end", "type" => "condition_end", "nodescription" => true), array("slug" => "hierarchy", "name" => __("Breadcrumb parent page", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Select a parent page for this entry. If no page is selected the them will use session data to build the breadcrumb.", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "breadcrumb_parent", "type" => "select", "subtype" => 'page', "with_first" => true, "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style"));
$elements = apply_filters('avf_builder_elements', $elements);

        "slug"  => "avia_builder",
        "name"  => "Layout",
        "desc"  => "Select the desired Page layout",
        "id"    => "layout",
        "type"  => "radio",
        "class" => "image_radio image_radio_layout",
        "std"   => "fullwidth",
        "options" => array( 'default'       => "Default layout",
                            'sidebar_left'  => "Left Sidebar",
                            'sidebar_right' => "Right Sidebar",
                            'fullwidth'     => "No Sidebar"

        "images" => array(  'default'       => AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."layout-slideshow.png",
                            'sidebar_left'  => AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."layout-left.png",
                            'sidebar_right' => AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."layout-right.png",
                            'fullwidth'     => AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."layout-fullwidth.png",