function display($parent) { $pdf = $parent->getPDF(); $footerFrame = $parent->getFooterFrame(); if ($this->model) { try { $template = new Aste_Template($this->template); $footer = $template->getBlock('footer'); $content = $footer->fetch(); $pdf->writeHTMLCell($footerFrame->w, $footerFrame->h, $footerFrame->x, $footerFrame->y, $content); } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } } }
function display($parent) { $pdf = $parent->getPDF(); $headerFrame = $parent->getHeaderFrame(); if ($this->model) { try { $template = new Aste_Template($this->template); $header = $template->getBlock('header'); foreach ($this->model->keys() as $key) { $header->setVar($key, $this->model->get($key)); } $content = $header->fetch(); $pdf->writeHTMLCell($headerFrame->w, $headerFrame->h, $headerFrame->x, $headerFrame->y, $content); } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } // Add the border cell at the end // This is required to reset Y position for next write $pdf->MultiCell($headerFrame->w, $headerFrame->h - $headerFrame->y, "", 0, 'L', 0, 1, $headerFrame->x, $headerFrame->y); } }
function display($parent) { $pdf = $parent->getPDF(); $pdf->setPageOrientation($this->orientation); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 10); $parent->createPage(); $contentFrame = $parent->getContentFrame(); if ($this->documentModel) { try { $template = new Aste_Template($this->template); $header = $template->getBlock('content'); foreach ($this->documentModel->keys() as $key) { $header->setVar($key, $this->documentModel->get($key)); } $content = $header->fetch(); $pdf->writeHTMLCell($contentFrame->w, $contentFrame->h, $contentFrame->x, $contentFrame->y, $content); } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } // Add the border cell at the end // This is required to reset Y position for next write $pdf->MultiCell($contentFrame->w, $contentFrame->h - $contentFrame->y, "", 0, 'L', 0, 1, $contentFrame->x, $contentFrame->y); } }
function display($parent) { $models = $this->contentModels; $totalModels = count($models); $totalGoods = 0; $totalServices = 0; $pdf = $parent->getPDF(); $pdf->setPageOrientation($this->orientation); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 10); $parent->createPage(); $contentFrame = $parent->getContentFrame(); try { $template = new Aste_Template($this->template); $table_head = $template->getBlock('table_head'); $content = $table_head->fetch(); for ($index = 0; $index < $totalModels; ++$index) { $model = $models[$index]; $contentHeight = 1; try { $table_row = $template->getBlock('table_row', true); foreach ($this->documentModel->keys() as $key) { $table_row->setVar($key, $this->documentModel->get($key)); } foreach ($model->keys() as $key) { $table_row->setVar($key, $model->get($key)); } $content .= $table_row->fetch(); } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } try { if ($model->get('entityType') == 'Products') { $table_row = $template->getBlock('goods_row', true); foreach ($this->documentModel->keys() as $key) { $table_row->setVar($key, $this->documentModel->get($key)); } foreach ($model->keys() as $key) { $table_row->setVar($key, $model->get($key)); } $content .= $table_row->fetch(); $totalGoods++; } } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } try { if ($model->get('entityType') == 'Services') { $table_row = $template->getBlock('services_row', true); foreach ($this->documentModel->keys() as $key) { $table_row->setVar($key, $this->documentModel->get($key)); } foreach ($model->keys() as $key) { $table_row->setVar($key, $model->get($key)); } $content .= $table_row->fetch(); $totalServices++; } } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } } $summary = $template->getBlock('summary'); foreach ($this->documentModel->keys() as $key) { $summary->setVar($key, $this->documentModel->get($key)); } foreach ($this->contentSummaryModel->keys() as $key) { $summary->setVar($key, $this->contentSummaryModel->get($key)); } $summary->setVar('summaryTotalItems', $totalModels); $summary->setVar('summaryTotalGoods', $totalGoods); $summary->setVar('summaryTotalServices', $totalServices); $content .= $summary->fetch(); $ending = $template->getBlock('ending'); foreach ($this->documentModel->keys() as $key) { $ending->setVar($key, $this->documentModel->get($key)); } $content .= $ending->fetch(); $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, $contentFrame->x, $contentFrame->y, $content); } catch (Aste_Exception $e) { } }