Exemplo n.º 1
function get_asset_info($conn, $asset_id)
    $asset = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $asset_id);
    //Asset Type
    $asset_type = $asset->get_external() ? _('External') : _('Internal');
    //Asset IPs
    $asset_ips = $asset->get_ips();
    $ips = $asset_ips->get_ips();
    //Asset Sensors
    $asset_sensors = $asset->get_sensors();
    $sensors = $asset_sensors->get_sensors();
    //Asset Nets
    $networks = $asset->get_nets($conn);
    //Asset Devices
    $asset_devices = $asset->get_devices();
    $devices = array();
    foreach ($asset_devices->get_devices() as $dt_id => $dt_data) {
        foreach ($dt_data as $dst_id => $d_name) {
            $device_id = $dt_id;
            $device_id .= $dst_id > 0 ? ': ' . $dst_id : '';
            $devices[$device_id] = $d_name;
    $os_data = $asset->get_os();
    $data = array('id' => $asset_id, 'hostname' => $asset->get_name(), 'ips' => $ips, 'descr' => html_entity_decode($asset->get_descr(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'asset_type' => $asset_type, 'fqdn' => $asset->get_fqdns(), 'asset_value' => $asset->get_asset_value(), 'icon' => base64_encode($asset->get_icon()), 'os' => $os_data['value'], 'model' => $asset->get_model(), 'sensors' => $sensors, 'networks' => $networks, 'devices' => $devices);
    return $data;
Exemplo n.º 2
function get_asset_groups($conn, $asset_id)
    if (!Asset_host::is_allowed($conn, $asset_id)) {
        $error = _('Asset Not Allowed');
    try {
        $asset = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $asset_id);
        $num = $asset->get_num_group($conn);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $num = '-';
    return $num;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Property filter
        $filters = array('limit' => "{$from}, {$maxrows}", 'order_by' => "{$order} {$torder}");
        if ($search_str != '') {
            $search_str = escape_sql($search_str, $conn);
            $filters['where'] = 'p.name LIKE "%' . $search_str . '%"';
        list($vulns, $total) = $asset_object->get_vulnerabilities($conn, '', $filters);
    } else {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error retrieving information'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data = array();
foreach ($vulns as $_asset_id => $asset_vulns) {
    $_host_aux = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $_asset_id);
    foreach ($asset_vulns as $vuln) {
        $_host = $class_name == 'asset_host' ? $vuln['ip'] : $_host_aux->get_name() . " (" . $_host_aux->get_ips()->get_ips('string') . ")";
        $data[] = array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($vuln['date'])), $_host, $vuln['plugin'], $vuln['plugin_id'], $vuln['service'], Vulnerabilities::get_severity_by_risk($vuln['risk']));
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $data;
echo json_encode($response);
/* End of file dt_vulnerabilities.php */
/* Location: /av_asset/common/providers/dt_vulnerabilities.php */
Exemplo n.º 4
															<table align="center" class="noborder">
																<th style="background-position:top center"><?php 
echo _("Destination");
																<td class="left nobborder">
																	<select id="toselect" name="toselect[]" size="12" multiple="multiple" style="width:150px">
if ($rule->to != "ANY" && $rule->to != "" && !preg_match("/\\:...\\_IP/", $rule->to)) {
    $pre_list = explode(",", $rule->to);
    foreach ($pre_list as $list_element) {
        // Asset ID: Resolve by name
        if (preg_match("/(\\!)?([0-9A-Fa-f\\-]{36})/", $list_element, $found)) {
            $uuid_aux = str_replace("-", "", strtoupper($found[2]));
            $h_obj = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $uuid_aux);
            if ($h_obj != null) {
                echo "<option value='" . $found[1] . $found[2] . "'>" . $found[1] . $h_obj->get_name() . " (" . $h_obj->get_ips()->get_ips('string') . ")</option>\n";
            } else {
                $n_obj = Asset_net::get_object($conn, $uuid_aux);
                if ($n_obj != null) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $found[1] . $found[2] . "'>" . $found[1] . $n_obj->get_name() . " (" . $n_obj->get_ips() . ")</option>\n";
            // Another one (HOME_NET,
        } else {
            echo "<option value='{$list_element}'>{$list_element}</option>\n";
} else {
    foreach ($list as $s_alarm) {
        $s_id = $s_alarm->get_plugin_id();
        $s_sid = $s_alarm->get_plugin_sid();
        $s_backlog_id = $s_alarm->get_backlog_id();
        $s_event_id = $s_alarm->get_event_id();
        $ctx = $s_alarm->get_ctx();
        $s_src_ip = $s_alarm->get_src_ip();
        $s_src_port = $s_alarm->get_src_port();
        $s_dst_port = $s_alarm->get_dst_port();
        $s_dst_ip = $s_alarm->get_dst_ip();
        $s_status = $s_alarm->get_status();
        $ctxs = $s_alarm->get_sensors();
        $event_info = $s_alarm->get_event_info();
        $src_host = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $event_info["src_host"]);
        $dst_host = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $event_info["dst_host"]);
        $s_net_id = $event_info["src_net"];
        $d_net_id = $event_info["dst_net"];
        $s_asset_src = $s_alarm->get_asset_src();
        $s_asset_dst = $s_alarm->get_asset_dst();
        // Src
        if ($no_resolv || !$src_host) {
            $s_src_name = $s_src_ip;
            $ctx_src = $ctx;
        } elseif ($src_host) {
            $s_src_name = $src_host->get_name();
            $ctx_src = $src_host->get_ctx();
        // Src icon and bold
        $src_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($conn, $geoloc, $s_src_ip, $ctx_src, $event_info["src_host"], $event_info["src_net"]);
        $homelan_src = $src_output['is_internal'];
Exemplo n.º 6
Session::logcheck("analysis-menu", "ControlPanelAlarms");
$h_id = GET('id');
$h_ip = GET('ip');
$prefix = GET('prefix');
ossim_valid($h_id, OSS_HEX, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Asset ID"));
ossim_valid($h_ip, OSS_IP_ADDR_0, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Ip"));
ossim_valid($prefix, 'src', 'dst', 'illegal:' . _("Prefix"));
if (ossim_error()) {
$gloc = new Geolocation('/usr/share/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat');
$data = $_SESSION['_alarm_stats'][$prefix];
/* connect to db */
$db = new ossim_db(TRUE);
$conn = $db->connect();
$h_obj = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $h_id, TRUE);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
echo gettext("OSSIM Framework");
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
	<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"/>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ossim/style/av_common.css?t=<?php 
echo Util::get_css_id();
Exemplo n.º 7
    $aux[] = '<a href="#" data-url="' . Menu::get_menu_url(AV_MAIN_PATH . '/av_asset/common/views/detail.php?asset_id=' . $nid, 'environment', 'assets', 'asset_groups') . '">' . Util::htmlentities($nname) . '</a>';
if (empty($aux)) {
    $aux[] = $empty;
$dst_groups = implode(', ', $aux) . (count($aux) >= $limitc ? ' [...]' : '');
$dst_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($_conn, $geoloc, $current_dip, $ctx, $myrow2["dst_host"], $myrow2["dst_net"]);
$dip_aux = $dst_output['name'];
$dst_img = $dst_output['html_icon'];
$dst_loc = preg_match("/data-title\\s*=\\s*'([^\\d]+)'/", $dst_img, $matches) ? $dst_img . ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $gmaps_url . '">' . $matches[1] . '</a>' : '';
$ip_dst_data = (preg_match("/data-title\\s*=\\s*'\\d+/", $dst_img) ? $dst_img . ' ' : ' ') . ($myrow2['dst_host'] != '' ? '<A HREF="#" data-url="' . Menu::get_menu_url(AV_MAIN_PATH . '/av_asset/common/views/detail.php?asset_id=' . $myrow2['dst_host'], 'environment', 'assets', 'assets') . '">' : '<A HREF="#" data-url="' . AV_MAIN_PATH . '/forensics/base_stat_ipaddr.php?ip=' . $current_dip . '&amp;netmask=32">') . $dip_aux . ($current_dip == $dip_aux ? '' : ' [' . $current_dip . ']');
$reptooltip_dst = getreptooltip($idm_data["rep_prio_dst"], $idm_data["rep_rel_dst"], $idm_data["rep_act_dst"], $current_dip);
// Destination Map
$dst_latitude = $dst_longitude = 0;
if (valid_hex32($myrow2['dst_host'])) {
    if ($dst_obj = Asset_host::get_object($_conn, $myrow2['dst_host'])) {
        $coordinates = $dst_obj->get_location();
        if (floatval($coordinates['lat']) != 0) {
            $dst_latitude = floatval($coordinates['lat']);
        if (floatval($coordinates['lon']) != 0) {
            $dst_longitude = floatval($coordinates['lon']);
        if (empty($dst_loc)) {
            $dst_location = Asset_host::get_extended_location($_conn, $geoloc, $current_dip, $myrow2['dst_host']);
            if ($dst_location['country']['code']) {
                $dst_loc = '<img src="../pixmaps/flags/' . $dst_location['country']['code'] . '.png"/> <a target="_blank" href="' . $gmaps_url . '">' . $dst_location['country']['name'] . '</a>';
Exemplo n.º 8
function scan2html($conn, $scan)
    $count = 0;
    $text_hostname = "<div>" . _('A valid hostname satisfy the following rules (according RFC 1123)') . ":</div>\n                    <div>\n                        <ul>\n                            <li>" . _("A hostname can start or end with a letter or a number [a-zA-z0-9]") . "</li>\n                            <li>" . _("A hostname <strong>MUST NOT</strong> contain any '.' (dot)") . "</li>\n                            <li>" . _("A hostname <strong>MUST NOT</strong> start or end with a '-' (dash)") . "</li>\n                            <li>" . _("A hostname can be up to 63 characters") . "</li>\n                        </ul>\n                    </div>";
    $text_fqdn = "<div>" . _('If FQDN contains any dot, only the first label will be used') . "</div>";
    $text_mac = "<div>" . _('Place the pointer over the MAC address to show MAC vendor') . "</div>";
    $text_services = "<div>" . _('Place the pointer over the service name to show more information') . "</div>";
    $text_os = "<div>" . _('Place the pointer over the OS to show more information') . "</div>";
    $html = '';
    $s_ctx = $scan['sensor']['ctx'];
    foreach ($scan['scanned_ips'] as $ip => $host) {
        $w_msg = '';
        $w_html = '';
        $external_ctxs = Session::get_external_ctxs($conn);
        //Checking forwarded hosts
        if (empty($external_ctxs[$s_ctx])) {
            $can_i_modify_elem = TRUE;
            $md_check = "<input id='icheckbox" . $count . "' type='checkbox' checked='checked' class='mc' value='" . $ip . "' name='ip_" . $count . "'/>";
        } else {
            $can_i_modify_elem = FALSE;
            $md_check = "<input id='icheckbox" . $count . "' type='checkbox' disabled='disabled' class='mc' name='ip_" . $count . "'/>";
        $host_name = $host['hostname'];
        $fqdn = $host['fqdn'];
        $ids = Asset_host::get_id_by_ips($conn, $ip, $s_ctx);
        $id = key($ids);
        //Host already exists
        if (!empty($id)) {
            $host_object = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $id);
            if (is_object($host_object) && !empty($host_object)) {
                $host_name = $host_object->get_name();
                $h_fqdn = $host_object->get_fqdns();
                $fqdn = !empty($fqdn) ? $fqdn : $h_fqdn;
        if (!empty($fqdn)) {
            $fqdn_check = "<input id='fcheckbox" . $count . "' type='checkbox' class='fqdn' value='" . $ip . "' name='fqdn_" . $count . "'/>";
        } else {
            $fqdn = '-';
            $fqdn_check = "<input id='fcheckbox" . $count . "' type='checkbox' disabled='disabled' class='fqdn' value='" . $ip . "' name='fqdn_" . $count . "'/>";
        //Devices types
        $devices_types = count($host['device_types']) > 0 ? implode(', ', $host['device_types']) : '-';
        $mac = !empty($host['mac']) != '' ? "<a class='more_info' title='" . $host['mac_vendor'] . "'>" . $host['mac'] . "</a>" : '-';
        //Operating System
        $os = !empty($host['os']) != '' ? Properties::get_os_pixmap($host['os']) . ' ' . $host['os'] : '-';
        $services = array();
        if (is_array($host['services'])) {
            foreach ($host['services'] as $port_and_proto => $s_data) {
                $service_name = $s_data['service'] != 'unknown' ? $s_data['service'] : $port_and_proto;
                $version = $s_data['version'];
                if (preg_match('/^cpe:\\/a/', $s_data['version'])) {
                    $version = Software::get_info($conn, $s_data['version']);
                $version = !empty($version) && !preg_match("/^cpe/", $version) ? $version : $s_data['service'];
                $title = $port_and_proto . " (" . $version . ')';
                $html_data = "<a class='more_info' title='{$title}'>{$service_name}</a>";
                $services[] = $html_data;
        $services = implode(', ', $services);
        if ($can_i_modify_elem == FALSE) {
            $w_msg = _('The properties of this asset can only be modified at the USM') . ": <strong>" . $external_ctxs[$s_ctx] . '</strong>';
        if (!empty($w_msg)) {
            $w_html = "<a class='more_info' title='" . $w_msg . "'>\n                            <img src='../pixmaps/warning.png' border='0'/>\n                       </a>";
        $html .= "\n            <tr>\n                <td class='td_chk_hosts'>" . $md_check . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_ip' id='ip" . $count . "'>{$w_html} " . $host['ip'] . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_hostname' id='hostname" . $count . "'>" . $host_name . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_fqdn' id='fqdn" . $count . "'>" . $fqdn . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_device_types' id='device_types" . $count . "'>" . ucwords($devices_types) . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_mac' id='mac" . $count . "'>" . $mac . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_os' id='os" . $count . "'>" . $os . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_services' id='services" . $count . "'>" . $services . "</td>\n\n                <td class='td_chk_fqdns'>" . $fqdn_check . "</td>\n\n            </tr>";
	<form method="POST" action="scan_form.php" name="scan_form" id="scan_form">		
		<input type="hidden" name="ips" value='<?php 
    echo $count;
		<div class='results_title'><?php 
    echo _('Scan Results');
		<table class='table_data' id='t_sresults'>
    				<th class="th_chk_hosts">    				    
    				    <input type='checkbox' name='chk_all_hosts' id='chk_all_hosts' checked="checked" value="1"/>    			
    				<th class="th_ip"><?php 
    echo _('Host');
    				<th class="th_hostname"><?php 
    echo _('Hostname');
                        <a class="more_info" title="<?php 
    echo $text_hostname;
                            <img src="../pixmaps/helptip_icon.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>
                    <th class="th_fqdn"><?php 
    echo _('FQDN');
                    <th class="th_devices_types"><?php 
    echo _('Device types');
    				<th class="th_mac"><?php 
    echo _('Mac');
                        <a class="more_info" title="<?php 
    echo $text_mac;
                            <img src="../pixmaps/helptip_icon.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>
    				<th class="th_os"><?php 
    echo _('OS');
                        <a class="more_info" title="<?php 
    echo $text_os;
                            <img src="../pixmaps/helptip_icon.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>
    				<th class="th_services"><?php 
    echo _('Services');
                        <a class="more_info" title="<?php 
    echo $text_services;
                            <img src="../pixmaps/helptip_icon.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>
    			    <th class="th_chk_fqdns">                        
                        <input type='checkbox' name='chk_all_fqdns' id='chk_all_fqdns' value="1"/>                        
    echo _('FQDN as Hostname');
                        <a class="more_info" title="<?php 
    echo $text_fqdn;
                            <img src="../pixmaps/helptip_icon.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>
    echo $html;
        <div style='text-align:center; padding: 10px 0px;'>
			<input type="button" style='margin-left: 10px;' class="av_b_secondary" onclick="document.location.href='index.php?clearscan=1'" value='<?php 
    echo _('Clear scan result');
			<input type='submit' name='send' id='send' value="<?php 
    echo _('Update database values');
	<script type='text/javascript'>	

		$(".more_info").tipTip({maxWidth: "auto"});
    		if ($(this).prop("checked"))
        		$(".mc:not(:disabled)").prop("checked", true);
        		$(".mc:not(:disabled)").prop("checked", false);
    		if($('.mc:checked').length == 0) 
        		$("#chk_all_hosts").prop("checked", false);
		if ($(".fqdn:not(:disabled)").length > 0)
        		if ($(this).prop("checked"))
            		$(".fqdn:not(:disabled)").prop("checked", true);
            		$(".fqdn:not(:disabled)").prop("checked", false);
    		$("#chk_all_fqdns").prop("disabled", true);
    		if($('.fqdn:checked').length == 0) 
        		$("#chk_all_fqdns").prop("checked", false);
        *********************** Token *********************
Exemplo n.º 9
$host_id = GET('host_id');
ossim_valid($host_id, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _('Host ID'));
if (ossim_error()) {
$conf = $GLOBALS['CONF'];
$graph_link = $conf->get_conf('graph_link');
$image1 = "{$graph_link}?id={$host_id}&what=compromise&start=N-24h&end=N&type=host&zoom=1";
$image2 = "{$graph_link}?id={$host_id}&what=compromise&start=N-7D&end=N&type=host&zoom=1";
$image3 = "{$graph_link}?id={$host_id}&what=compromise&start=N-1M&end=N&type=host&zoom=1";
$image4 = "{$graph_link}?id={$host_id}&what=compromise&start=N-1Y&end=N&type=host&zoom=1";
/* Connect to DB */
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
/* Get thresholds */
$host = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $host_id);
if (is_object($host) && !empty($host)) {
    $threshold_c = $host->get_threshold_c();
    $threshold_a = $host->get_threshold_a();
} else {
    $threshold_c = $conf->get_conf('threshold');
    $threshold_a = $conf->get_conf('threshold');
/* Max C */
$list = Control_panel_host::get_list($conn, "WHERE id = '{$host_id}' ORDER BY time_range", 3);
if (isset($list[0])) {
    $max_c['day'] = $list[0]->get_max_c();
    $max_c_date['day'] = $list[0]->get_max_c_date();
if (isset($list[1])) {
    $max_c['month'] = $list[1]->get_max_c();
Exemplo n.º 10
$keyname = GET('keyname');
$nosize = GET('nosize') ? GET('nosize') : 0;
ossim_valid($type, OSS_INPUT, 'Illegal:' . _("Link Type"));
ossim_valid($keyname, OSS_HEX, 'Illegal:' . _("Keyname"));
ossim_valid($nosize, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABE, 'Illegal:' . _("nosize parameter"));
if (ossim_error()) {
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$repository_list = Repository::get_repository_linked($conn, $keyname, $type);
$vars = array();
switch ($type) {
    case 'host':
        try {
            $host = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $keyname);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $host = NULL;
        if (is_object($host)) {
            $vars['_HOST_NAME'] = $host->get_name();
            $vars['_HOST_IP'] = $host->get_ips();
            $vars['_HOST_FQDN'] = $host->get_fqdns();
            $vars['_HOST_DESC'] = $host->get_descr();
    case 'net':
        try {
            $net = Asset_net::get_object($conn, $keyname);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $net = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
} elseif (!empty($dst_ip)) {
    $where = "WHERE inet_ntoa(dst_ip) = '{$dst_ip}'";
} else {
    $where = '';
//Datasource filter
$plugin_id = "";
$plugin_sid = "";
if (!empty($ds_id)) {
    $ds = explode("-", $ds_id);
    $plugin_id = $ds[0];
    $plugin_sid = $ds[1];
// Asset filter
if ($host_id != "") {
    if ($host_obj = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $host_id)) {
        $asset_filter = $host_obj->get_name();
if ($net_id != "") {
    if ($net_obj = Asset_net::get_object($conn, $net_id)) {
        $asset_filter = $net_obj->get_name();
if (!isset($_GET["hide_search"])) {

    <form method="GET" id="queryform" name="filters">

        <input type="hidden" name="tag" value="<?php 
    echo $tag;
Exemplo n.º 12
    //Empty geo-data, try with Geoloc
    $country = $geoloc->get_country_by_host($conn, $ip);
    $flag = strtolower($country[0]);
    $location = $country[1];
    if (!file_exists("/usr/share/ossim/www/pixmaps/flags/{$flag}.png")) {
        $location = _('Unknown');
        $flag = '';
$vulns = -1;
$_ctx = $ctx;
$homelan = '';
$hostname = '';
$_net_id = preg_match('/src/', $prefix) ? $event_info['src_net'] : $event_info['dst_net'];
$host_obj = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $uuid, TRUE);
if (is_object($host_obj)) {
    $hostname = $host_obj->get_name();
    $_ctx = $host_obj->get_ctx();
$host_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($conn, $geoloc, $ip, $_ctx, $uuid, $_net_id);
$homelan = $host_output['is_internal'] ? 'bold' : '';
if ($homelan) {
    $location = '<strong>' . _('UNKNOWN') . '</strong>';
    $vulns = Vulnerabilities::get_latest_vulns($conn, $ip);
$net = array_shift(Asset_host::get_closest_net($conn, $ip, $_ctx));
if (is_array($net) && !empty($net)) {
    $location = '';
    if ($net['icon'] != '') {
        $location = "<img src='data:image/png;base64," . base64_encode($net['icon']) . "' border='0'> ";
Exemplo n.º 13
ossim_valid($load_tab, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Tab'));
if (ossim_error()) {
// Database Object
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
// ********** Select mode of details: Asset, Network, Asset Group ***********
//This var is used for groups, when we dont have visibility for all the elements within the group
$button_disabled = '';
$img_disabled = '';
$flag_restricted_group = FALSE;
// Host
if (Asset_host::is_in_db($conn, $id)) {
    if (Asset_host::is_allowed($conn, $id)) {
        $asset_object = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $id);
        $asset_type = 'host';
        $breadcrumb = array('section' => _('Assets'), 'current' => _('Asset Details'));
    } else {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Host not allowed'));
    $can_i_modify_ips = Asset_host::can_i_modify_ips($conn, $id);
    if ($can_i_modify_ips == FALSE) {
        $img_disabled = 'img_disabled';
} elseif (Asset_net::is_in_db($conn, $id)) {
    if (Asset_net::is_allowed($conn, $id)) {
        $asset_object = Asset_net::get_object($conn, $id);
        $asset_type = 'net';
        $breadcrumb = array('section' => _('Networks'), 'current' => _('Network Details'));
    } else {