Exemplo n.º 1
function add_feedback_form_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $view, $artefact, $USER;
    $data = (object) array('title' => get_string('Comment', 'artefact.comment'), 'description' => $values['message']);
    if ($artefact) {
        $data->onartefact = $artefact->get('id');
        $data->owner = $artefact->get('owner');
        $data->group = $artefact->get('group');
        $data->institution = $artefact->get('institution');
    } else {
        $data->onview = $view->get('id');
        $data->owner = $view->get('owner');
        $data->group = $view->get('group');
        $data->institution = $view->get('institution');
    if ($author = $USER->get('id')) {
        $anonymous = false;
        $data->author = $author;
    } else {
        $anonymous = true;
        $data->authorname = $values['authorname'];
    if (isset($values['moderate']) && $values['ispublic'] && !$USER->can_edit_view($view)) {
        $data->private = 1;
        $data->requestpublic = 'author';
        $moderated = true;
    } else {
        $data->private = (int) (!$values['ispublic']);
        $moderated = false;
    $private = $data->private;
    if (get_config('licensemetadata')) {
        $data->license = $values['license'];
        $data->licensor = $values['licensor'];
        $data->licensorurl = $values['licensorurl'];
    if (isset($values['rating'])) {
        $data->rating = valid_rating($values['rating']);
    $comment = new ArtefactTypeComment(0, $data);
    $url = $comment->get_view_url($view->get('id'), true, false);
    $goto = get_config('wwwroot') . $url;
    if (isset($data->requestpublic) && $data->requestpublic === 'author' && $data->owner) {
        $arg = $author ? display_name($USER, null, true) : $data->authorname;
        $moderatemsg = (object) array('subject' => false, 'message' => false, 'strings' => (object) array('subject' => (object) array('key' => 'makepublicrequestsubject', 'section' => 'artefact.comment', 'args' => array()), 'message' => (object) array('key' => 'makepublicrequestbyauthormessage', 'section' => 'artefact.comment', 'args' => array(hsc($arg))), 'urltext' => (object) array('key' => 'Comment', 'section' => 'artefact.comment')), 'users' => array($data->owner), 'url' => $url);
    if (!empty($values['attachments']) && is_array($values['attachments']) && !empty($data->author)) {
        require_once get_config('libroot') . 'uploadmanager.php';
        safe_require('artefact', 'file');
        $ownerlang = empty($data->owner) ? get_config('lang') : get_user_language($data->owner);
        $folderid = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirname', 'artefact.comment'), get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirdesc', 'artefact.comment'), null, true, $data->owner, $data->group, $data->institution);
        $attachment = (object) array('owner' => $data->owner, 'group' => $data->group, 'institution' => $data->institution, 'author' => $data->author, 'allowcomments' => 0, 'parent' => $folderid, 'description' => get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackonviewbyuser', 'artefact.comment', $view->get('title'), display_name($USER)));
        foreach ($values['attachments'] as $filesindex) {
            $originalname = $_FILES[$filesindex]['name'];
            $attachment->title = ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title($originalname, $folderid, $data->owner, $data->group, $data->institution);
            try {
                $fileid = ArtefactTypeFile::save_uploaded_file($filesindex, $attachment);
            } catch (QuotaExceededException $e) {
                if ($data->owner == $USER->get('id')) {
                    $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => $e->getMessage()));
            } catch (UploadException $e) {
                $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => $e->getMessage()));
    require_once 'activity.php';
    $data = (object) array('commentid' => $comment->get('id'), 'viewid' => $view->get('id'));
    activity_occurred('feedback', $data, 'artefact', 'comment');
    if (isset($moderatemsg)) {
        activity_occurred('maharamessage', $moderatemsg);
    $newlist = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments(10, 0, 'last', $view, $artefact);
    // If you're anonymous and your message is moderated or private, then you won't
    // be able to tell what happened to it. So we'll provide some more explanation in
    // the feedback message.
    if ($anonymous && $moderated) {
        $message = get_string('feedbacksubmittedmoderatedanon', 'artefact.comment');
    } else {
        if ($anonymous && $private) {
            $message = get_string('feedbacksubmittedprivateanon', 'artefact.comment');
        } else {
            $message = get_string('feedbacksubmitted', 'artefact.comment');
    $form->reply(PIEFORM_OK, array('message' => $message, 'goto' => $goto, 'data' => $newlist));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function default_parent_for_copy(&$view, &$template, $artefactstoignore)
     static $folderid;
     if (!empty($folderid)) {
         return $folderid;
     $viewfilesfolder = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string('viewfilesdirname', 'view'), get_string('viewfilesdirdesc', 'view'), null, true, $view->get('owner'), $view->get('group'), $view->get('institution'), $artefactstoignore);
     $foldername = $view->get('id');
     $existing = get_column_sql("\n            SELECT title\n            FROM {artefact}\n            WHERE parent = ? AND title LIKE ? || '%'", array($viewfilesfolder, $foldername));
     $sep = '';
     $ext = '';
     if ($existing) {
         while (in_array($foldername . $sep . $ext, $existing)) {
             $sep = '-';
     $data = (object) array('title' => $foldername . $sep . $ext, 'description' => get_string('filescopiedfromviewtemplate', 'view', $template->get('title')), 'owner' => $view->get('owner'), 'group' => $view->get('group'), 'institution' => $view->get('institution'), 'parent' => $viewfilesfolder);
     $folder = new ArtefactTypeFolder(0, $data);
     $folderid = $folder->get('id');
     return $folderid;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Grab a delegate object for auth stuff
 public function request_user_authorise($token, $remotewwwroot)
     global $USER, $SESSION;
     $peer = get_peer($remotewwwroot);
     if ($peer->deleted != 0 || $this->config['theyssoin'] != 1) {
         throw new XmlrpcClientException('We don\'t accept SSO connections from ' . institution_display_name($peer->institution));
     $client = new Client();
     $remoteuser = (object) $client->response;
     if (empty($remoteuser) or !property_exists($remoteuser, 'username')) {
         // Caught by land.php
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     $create = false;
     $update = false;
     if ('1' == $this->config['updateuserinfoonlogin']) {
         $update = true;
     // Retrieve a $user object. If that fails, create a blank one.
     try {
         $user = new User();
         if (get_config('usersuniquebyusername')) {
             // When turned on, this setting means that it doesn't matter
             // which other application the user SSOs from, they will be
             // given the same account in Mahara.
             // This setting is one that has security implications unless
             // only turned on by people who know what they're doing. In
             // particular, every system linked to Mahara should be making
             // sure that same username == same person.  This happens for
             // example if two Moodles are using the same LDAP server for
             // authentication.
             // If this setting is on, it must NOT be possible to self
             // register on the site for ANY institution - otherwise users
             // could simply pick usernames of people's accounts they wished
             // to steal.
             if ($institutions = get_column('institution', 'name', 'registerallowed', '1')) {
                 log_warn("usersuniquebyusername is turned on but registration is allowed for an institution. " . "No institution can have registration allowed for it, for security reasons.\n" . "The following institutions have registration enabled:\n  " . join("\n  ", $institutions));
                 throw new AccessDeniedException();
             if (!get_config('usersallowedmultipleinstitutions')) {
                 log_warn("usersuniquebyusername is turned on but usersallowedmultipleinstitutions is off. " . "This makes no sense, as users will then change institution every time they log in from " . "somewhere else. Please turn this setting on in Site Options");
                 throw new AccessDeniedException();
         } else {
             $user->find_by_instanceid_username($this->instanceid, $remoteuser->username, true);
         if ($user->get('suspendedcusr')) {
             die_info(get_string('accountsuspended', 'mahara', strftime(get_string('strftimedaydate'), $user->get('suspendedctime')), $user->get('suspendedreason')));
     } catch (AuthUnknownUserException $e) {
         if (!empty($this->config['weautocreateusers'])) {
             $institution = new Institution($this->institution);
             if ($institution->isFull()) {
                 throw new XmlrpcClientException('SSO attempt from ' . $institution->displayname . ' failed - institution is full');
             $user = new User();
             $create = true;
         } else {
             log_debug("User authorisation request from {$remotewwwroot} failed - " . "remote user '{$remoteuser->username}' is unknown to us and auto creation of users is turned off");
             return false;
     if ($create) {
         $user->passwordchange = 1;
         $user->active = 1;
         $user->deleted = 0;
         //TODO: import institution's expiry?:
         //$institution = new Institution($peer->institution);
         $user->expiry = null;
         $user->expirymailsent = 0;
         $user->lastlogin = time();
         $user->firstname = $remoteuser->firstname;
         $user->lastname = $remoteuser->lastname;
         $user->email = $remoteuser->email;
         $imported = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email');
         //TODO: import institution's per-user-quota?:
         //$user->quota              = $userrecord->quota;
         $user->authinstance = empty($this->config['parent']) ? $this->instanceid : $this->parent;
         $user->username = get_new_username($remoteuser->username);
         $user->id = create_user($user, array(), $this->institution, $this, $remoteuser->username);
         $locked = $this->import_user_settings($user, $remoteuser);
         $locked = array_merge($imported, $locked);
          * We need to convert the object to a stdclass with its own
          * custom method because it uses overloaders in its implementation
          * and its properties wouldn't be visible to a simple cast operation
          * like (array)$user
         $userobj = $user->to_stdclass();
         $userarray = (array) $userobj;
         // Now we have fired the create event, we need to re-get the data
         // for this user
         $user = new User();
     } elseif ($update) {
         $imported = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email');
         foreach ($imported as $field) {
             if ($user->{$field} != $remoteuser->{$field}) {
                 $user->{$field} = $remoteuser->{$field};
                 set_profile_field($user->id, $field, $user->{$field});
         if (isset($remoteuser->idnumber)) {
             if ($user->studentid != $remoteuser->idnumber) {
                 $user->studentid = $remoteuser->idnumber;
                 set_profile_field($user->id, 'studentid', $user->studentid);
             $imported[] = 'studentid';
         $locked = $this->import_user_settings($user, $remoteuser);
         $locked = array_merge($imported, $locked);
         $user->lastlastlogin = $user->lastlogin;
         $user->lastlogin = time();
         //TODO: import institution's per-user-quota?:
         //$user->quota              = $userrecord->quota;
     if (get_config('usersuniquebyusername')) {
         // Add them to the institution they have SSOed in by
     // See if we need to create/update a profile Icon image
     if ($create || $update) {
         $imageobject = (object) $client->response;
         $u = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', $user->username);
         $filename = get_config('dataroot') . 'temp/mpi_' . intval($this->instanceid) . '_' . $u;
         if (array_key_exists('f1', $client->response)) {
             $imagecontents = base64_decode($client->response['f1']);
             if (file_put_contents($filename, $imagecontents)) {
                 $imageexists = false;
                 $icons = false;
                 if ($update) {
                     $newchecksum = sha1_file($filename);
                     $icons = get_records_select_array('artefact', 'artefacttype = \'profileicon\' AND owner = ? ', array($user->id), '', 'id');
                     if (false != $icons) {
                         foreach ($icons as $icon) {
                             $iconfile = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $icon->id % 256 . '/' . $icon->id;
                             $checksum = sha1_file($iconfile);
                             if ($newchecksum == $checksum) {
                                 $imageexists = true;
                 if (false == $imageexists) {
                     $filesize = filesize($filename);
                     if (!$user->quota_allowed($filesize)) {
                         $error = get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot'));
                     require_once 'file.php';
                     $imagesize = getimagesize($filename);
                     if (!$imagesize || !is_image_type($imagesize[2])) {
                         $error = get_string('filenotimage');
                     $mime = $imagesize['mime'];
                     $width = $imagesize[0];
                     $height = $imagesize[1];
                     $imagemaxwidth = get_config('imagemaxwidth');
                     $imagemaxheight = get_config('imagemaxheight');
                     if ($width > $imagemaxwidth || $height > $imagemaxheight) {
                         $error = get_string('profileiconimagetoobig', 'artefact.file', $width, $height, $imagemaxwidth, $imagemaxheight);
                     try {
                     } catch (QuotaException $qe) {
                         $error = get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot'));
                     require_once get_config('docroot') . '/artefact/lib.php';
                     require_once get_config('docroot') . '/artefact/file/lib.php';
                     // Entry in artefact table
                     $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon();
                     $artefact->set('owner', $user->id);
                     $artefact->set('parent', ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file'), get_string('imagesdirdesc', 'artefact.file'), null, true, $user->id));
                     $artefact->set('title', ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title(get_string('profileicon', 'artefact.file'), (int) $artefact->get('parent'), $user->id));
                     // unique title
                     $artefact->set('description', get_string('uploadedprofileicon', 'artefact.file'));
                     $artefact->set('note', get_string('profileicon', 'artefact.file'));
                     $artefact->set('size', $filesize);
                     $artefact->set('filetype', $mime);
                     $artefact->set('width', $width);
                     $artefact->set('height', $height);
                     $id = $artefact->get('id');
                     // Move the file into the correct place.
                     $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/';
                     rename($filename, $directory . $id);
                     if ($create || empty($icons)) {
                         $user->profileicon = $id;
             } else {
                 log_warn(get_string('cantcreatetempprofileiconfile', 'artefact.file', $filename));
         if ($update) {
             $locked[] = 'profileicon';
     // We know who our user is now. Bring her back to life.
     $USER->reanimate($user->id, $this->instanceid);
     // Set session variables to let the application know this session was
     // initiated by MNET. Don't forget that users could initiate their
     // sessions without MNET sometimes, which is why this data is stored in
     // the session object.
     $SESSION->set('mnetuser', $user->id);
     $SESSION->set('authinstance', $this->instanceid);
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         $SESSION->set('mnetuserfrom', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if ($update && isset($locked)) {
         $SESSION->set('lockedfields', $locked);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
function add_feedback_form_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $view, $artefact, $USER;
    $data = new StdClass();
    $data->view = $view->get('id');
    if ($artefact) {
        $data->artefact = $artefact->get('id');
        $table = 'artefact_feedback';
    } else {
        $table = 'view_feedback';
    $data->message = $values['message'];
    $data->public = (int) $values['ispublic'];
    $data->author = $USER->get('id');
    if (!$data->author) {
        $data->authorname = $values['authorname'];
    $data->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time());
    if (is_array($values['attachment'])) {
        require_once get_config('libroot') . 'group.php';
        require_once get_config('libroot') . 'uploadmanager.php';
        safe_require('artefact', 'file');
        $groupid = $view->get('submittedgroup');
        if (group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($groupid, $USER->get('id'))) {
            $um = new upload_manager('attachment');
            if ($error = $um->preprocess_file()) {
                throw new UploadException($error);
            $owner = $view->get('owner');
            $ownerlang = get_user_language($owner);
            $folderid = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirname', 'view'), get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirdesc', 'view'), null, true, $owner);
            $attachment = (object) array('owner' => $owner, 'parent' => $folderid, 'title' => ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title($values['attachment']['name'], $folderid, $owner), 'size' => $values['attachment']['size'], 'filetype' => $values['attachment']['type'], 'oldextensin' => $um->original_filename_extension(), 'description' => get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackonviewbytutorofgroup', 'view', $view->get('title'), display_name($USER), get_field('group', 'name', 'id', $groupid)));
            try {
                $data->attachment = ArtefactTypeFile::save_uploaded_file('attachment', $attachment);
            } catch (QuotaExceededException $e) {
    insert_record($table, $data, 'id', true);
    require_once 'activity.php';
    activity_occurred('feedback', $data);
    if ($artefact) {
        $goto = get_config('wwwroot') . 'view/artefact.php?artefact=' . $artefact->get('id') . '&view=' . $view->get('id');
    } else {
        $goto = get_config('wwwroot') . 'view/view.php?id=' . $view->get('id');
    $form->reply(PIEFORM_OK, array('message' => get_string('feedbacksubmitted', 'view'), 'goto' => $goto));
Exemplo n.º 5
function upload_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $filesize;
    safe_require('artefact', 'file');
    try {
    } catch (QuotaException $qe) {
        $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot'))));
    // Entry in artefact table
    $data = new stdClass();
    $data->owner = $USER->id;
    $data->parent = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file'), get_string('imagesdirdesc', 'artefact.file'), null, true, $USER->id);
    $data->title = $values['title'] ? $values['title'] : $values['file']['name'];
    $data->title = ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title($data->title, (int) $data->parent, $USER->id);
    // unique title
    $data->note = $values['file']['name'];
    $data->size = $filesize;
    $imageinfo = getimagesize($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $data->width = $imageinfo[0];
    $data->height = $imageinfo[1];
    $data->filetype = $imageinfo['mime'];
    $data->description = get_string('uploadedprofileicon', 'artefact.file');
    $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(0, $data);
    if (preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $values['file']['name'], $saved)) {
        $artefact->set('oldextension', $saved[1]);
    $id = $artefact->get('id');
    // Move the file into the correct place.
    $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/';
    move_uploaded_file($values['file']['tmp_name'], $directory . $id);
    $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, get_string('profileiconaddedtoimagesfolder', 'artefact.file', get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file')));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function add_artefacts()
     // we're just adding them as files into an 'incoming' directory in the user's file area.
     safe_require('artefact', 'file');
     try {
         $this->importdir = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id('incoming', get_string('incomingfolderdesc'), null, true, $this->get('usr'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new ImportException($e->getMessage());
     $savedfiles = array();
     // to put files into so we can delete them should we encounter an exception
     foreach ($this->files as $f) {
         try {
             $data = (object) array('title' => $f->wantsfilename, 'description' => $f->wantsfilename . ' (' . get_string('importedfrom', 'mahara', $this->get('importertransport')->get_description()) . ')', 'parent' => $this->importdir, 'owner' => $this->get('usr'), 'container' => 0, 'locked' => 0);
             if ($imagesize = getimagesize($this->tempdir . 'extract/' . $f->actualfilename)) {
                 $mime = $imagesize['mime'];
                 $data->filetype = $mime;
             $id = ArtefactTypeFile::save_file($this->tempdir . 'extract/' . $f->actualfilename, $data, $this->get('usrobj'), true);
             if (empty($id)) {
                 throw new ImportException("Failed to create new artefact for {$f->sha1}");
             $savedfiles[] = $id;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             foreach ($savedfiles as $fileid) {
                 $tmp = artefact_instance_from_id($fileid);
             throw new ImportException('Failed to create some new artefacts');
     $this->artefacts = $savedfiles;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Logic shared by create_file_from_request() and create_file(). This actually takes the data and processes it into a file artefact
  * @param object $data
  * @param PluginImportLeap $importer
  * @param int $parent
  * @param SimplexMLElement $entry
  * @param unknown_type $entry_request
  * @return PluginArtefactFile
  * @throws ImportException
 private static function create_file_from_entry_data($data, PluginImportLeap $importer, $entryid, $fromrequest = false)
     global $USER;
     if ($fromrequest) {
         $usr = $USER;
     } else {
         $usr = $importer->get('usrobj');
     $data->oldextension = end(explode('.', $data->title));
     // This API sucks, but that's not my problem
     if (!($id = ArtefactTypeFile::save_file($data->pathname, $data, $usr, true))) {
         $importer->trace("WARNING: the file for entry {$entryid} does not exist in the import (path={$data->pathname})");
         return false;
     $artefact = artefact_instance_from_id($id);
     $artefact->set('tags', $data->tags);
     if ($fromrequest) {
         $artefact->set('mtime', $data->mtime);
     } else {
         // Work around that save_file doesn't let us set the mtime
         $artefact->set('mtime', strtotime($data->mtime));
     // Now that we've actually imported the file, let's check to see whether it was an image, before making it a real profile icon
     $isprofileicon = $data->isprofileicon && $artefact->get('artefacttype') == 'image';
     if ($isprofileicon) {
         $artefact->set('artefacttype', 'profileicon');
         // Put profile pic in 'profile pics' folder
         $artefact->set('parent', ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file'), get_string('imagesdirdesc', 'artefact.file'), null, true, $importer->get('usr')));
         // Sadly the process for creating a profile icon is a bit dumb. To
         // be honest, it shouldn't even be a separate artefact type
         $basedir = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/';
         $olddir = 'originals/' . $id % 256 . '/';
         $newdir = 'profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/';
         check_dir_exists($basedir . $newdir);
         if (!rename($basedir . $olddir . $id, $basedir . $newdir . $id)) {
             throw new ImportException($importer, 'TODO: get_string: was unable to move profile icon');
     return $artefact;
Exemplo n.º 8
function add_feedback_form_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $view, $artefact, $USER;
    require_once 'embeddedimage.php';
    $data = (object) array('title' => get_string('Comment', 'artefact.comment'), 'description' => $values['message']);
    if ($artefact) {
        $data->onartefact = $artefact->get('id');
        $data->owner = $artefact->get('owner');
        $data->group = $artefact->get('group');
        $data->institution = $artefact->get('institution');
        $onvieworartefactstr = "onartefact = {$data->onartefact}";
    } else {
        $data->onview = $view->get('id');
        $data->owner = $view->get('owner');
        $data->group = $view->get('group');
        $data->institution = $view->get('institution');
        $onvieworartefactstr = "onview = {$data->onview}";
    $owner = $data->owner;
    $author = null;
    if ($author = $USER->get('id')) {
        $anonymous = false;
        $data->author = $author;
    } else {
        $anonymous = true;
        $data->authorname = $values['authorname'];
    if (isset($values['moderate']) && $values['ispublic'] && !$USER->can_edit_view($view)) {
        $data->private = 1;
        $data->requestpublic = 'author';
        $moderated = true;
    } else {
        $data->private = (int) (!$values['ispublic']);
        $moderated = false;
    $private = $data->private;
    if (get_config('licensemetadata')) {
        $data->license = $values['license'];
        $data->licensor = $values['licensor'];
        $data->licensorurl = $values['licensorurl'];
    if (isset($values['rating'])) {
        $data->rating = valid_rating($values['rating']);
    if ($values['replyto'] && ($pcomment = artefact_instance_from_id($values['replyto']))) {
        $data->parent = $pcomment->get('id');
        $grandparentid = $pcomment->get('parent');
        // Find the position for the new comment
        // Find the last offspring of the parent
        $parentid = $data->parent;
        $data->threadedposition = $pcomment->get('threadedposition');
        while ($lastchild = get_records_sql_array('
                SELECT c.artefact, c.threadedposition
                FROM {artefact_comment_comment} c
                    INNER JOIN {artefact} a ON a.id = c.artefact
                    ' . $onvieworartefactstr . '
                    AND a.parent = ?
                ORDER BY c.threadedposition DESC
                LIMIT 1', array($parentid))) {
            $parentid = $lastchild[0]->artefact;
            $data->threadedposition = $lastchild[0]->threadedposition;
        // Increase the threaded position of following comments by 1
            UPDATE {artefact_comment_comment}
            SET threadedposition = threadedposition + 1
                ' . $onvieworartefactstr . '
                AND threadedposition >= ?', array($data->threadedposition));
    if (!isset($data->threadedposition)) {
        $lastcomment = get_record_sql('
            SELECT max(threadedposition) AS lastposition
            FROM {artefact_comment_comment} c
                ' . $onvieworartefactstr);
        $data->threadedposition = $lastcomment->lastposition ? $lastcomment->lastposition + 1 : 1;
    $comment = new ArtefactTypeComment(0, $data);
    $newdescription = EmbeddedImage::prepare_embedded_images($values['message'], 'comment', $comment->get('id'), $data->group);
    if ($newdescription !== $values['message']) {
        $updatedcomment = new stdClass();
        $updatedcomment->id = $comment->get('id');
        $updatedcomment->description = $newdescription;
        update_record('artefact', $updatedcomment, 'id');
    $url = $comment->get_view_url($view->get('id'), true, false);
    $goto = get_config('wwwroot') . $url;
    if (isset($data->requestpublic) && $data->requestpublic === 'author' && $data->owner) {
        $arg = $author ? display_name($USER, null, true) : $data->authorname;
        $moderatemsg = (object) array('subject' => false, 'message' => false, 'strings' => (object) array('subject' => (object) array('key' => 'makepublicrequestsubject', 'section' => 'artefact.comment', 'args' => array()), 'message' => (object) array('key' => 'makepublicrequestbyauthormessage', 'section' => 'artefact.comment', 'args' => array(hsc($arg))), 'urltext' => (object) array('key' => 'Comment', 'section' => 'artefact.comment')), 'users' => array($data->owner), 'url' => $url);
    if (!empty($values['attachments']) && is_array($values['attachments']) && !empty($data->author)) {
        require_once get_config('libroot') . 'uploadmanager.php';
        safe_require('artefact', 'file');
        $ownerlang = empty($data->owner) ? get_config('lang') : get_user_language($data->owner);
        $folderid = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirname', 'artefact.comment'), get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirdesc', 'artefact.comment'), null, true, $data->owner, $data->group, $data->institution);
        $attachment = (object) array('owner' => $data->owner, 'group' => $data->group, 'institution' => $data->institution, 'author' => $data->author, 'allowcomments' => 0, 'parent' => $folderid, 'description' => get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackonviewbyuser', 'artefact.comment', $view->get('title'), display_name($USER)));
        foreach ($values['attachments'] as $filesindex) {
            $originalname = $_FILES[$filesindex]['name'];
            $attachment->title = ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title($originalname, $folderid, $data->owner, $data->group, $data->institution);
            try {
                $fileid = ArtefactTypeFile::save_uploaded_file($filesindex, $attachment);
            } catch (QuotaExceededException $e) {
                if ($data->owner == $USER->get('id')) {
                    $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => $e->getMessage()));
            } catch (UploadException $e) {
                $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => $e->getMessage()));
    require_once 'activity.php';
    $data = (object) array('commentid' => $comment->get('id'), 'viewid' => $view->get('id'));
    // We want to add the user placing the comment to the watchlist so they
    // can get notified about future comments to the page.
    // @TODO Add a site/institution preference to override this.
    $updatelink = false;
    if (!get_field('usr_watchlist_view', 'ctime', 'usr', $author, 'view', $view->get('id')) && $author != $owner) {
        insert_record('usr_watchlist_view', (object) array('usr' => $author, 'view' => $view->get('id'), 'ctime' => db_format_timestamp(time())));
        $updatelink = $artefact ? get_string('removefromwatchlistartefact', 'view', $view->get('title')) : get_string('removefromwatchlist', 'view');
    activity_occurred('feedback', $data, 'artefact', 'comment');
    if (isset($moderatemsg)) {
        activity_occurred('maharamessage', $moderatemsg);
    $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options();
    $commentoptions->showcomment = $comment->get('id');
    $commentoptions->view = $view;
    $commentoptions->artefact = $artefact;
    $newlist = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions);
    $newlist->updatelink = $updatelink;
    // If you're anonymous and your message is moderated or private, then you won't
    // be able to tell what happened to it. So we'll provide some more explanation in
    // the feedback message.
    if ($anonymous && $moderated) {
        $message = get_string('feedbacksubmittedmoderatedanon', 'artefact.comment');
    } else {
        if ($anonymous && $private) {
            $message = get_string('feedbacksubmittedprivateanon', 'artefact.comment');
        } else {
            $message = get_string('feedbacksubmitted', 'artefact.comment');
    $form->reply(PIEFORM_OK, array('message' => $message, 'goto' => $goto, 'data' => $newlist));