public function upload_avatar() { $upload = array(); if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['avatar']['size'] <= AmpConfig::get('max_upload_size')) { $path_info = pathinfo($_FILES['avatar']['name']); $upload['file'] = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']; $upload['mime'] = 'image/' . $path_info['extension']; $image_data = Art::get_from_source($upload, 'user'); if ($image_data) { $art = new Art($this->id, 'user'); $art->insert($image_data, $upload['0']['mime']); } } }
// Store the results for further use $_SESSION['form']['images'] = $images; require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; } else { show_confirmation(T_('Art Not Located'), T_('Art could not be located at this time. This may be due to write access error, or the file is not received correctly.'), $burl); } require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; break; case 'select_art': /* Check to see if we have the image url still */ $image_id = $_REQUEST['image']; // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit(0); $image = Art::get_from_source($_SESSION['form']['images'][$image_id], 'album'); $mime = $_SESSION['form']['images'][$image_id]['mime']; // Special case for albums, I'm not sure if we should keep it, remove it or find a generic way if ($object_type == 'album') { $album = new $object_type($object_id); $album_groups = $album->get_group_disks_ids(); foreach ($album_groups as $a_id) { $art = new Art($a_id, $object_type); $art->insert($image, $mime); } } else { $art = new Art($object_id, $object_type); $art->insert($image, $mime); } header("Location:" . $burl); break; } UI::show_footer();
public static function library_metadata($params) { $r = Plex_XML_Data::createLibContainer(); $n = count($params); $litem = null; $createMode = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'; $editMode = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT'; if ($n > 0) { $key = $params[0]; $id = Plex_XML_Data::getAmpacheId($key); if ($editMode) { self::check_access(50); } if ($n == 1) { // Should we check that files still exists here? $checkFiles = $_REQUEST['checkFiles']; $extra = $_REQUEST['includeExtra']; if (Plex_XML_Data::isArtist($key)) { $litem = new Artist($id); $litem->format(); if ($editMode) { $dmap = array('title' => 'name', 'summary' => null); $litem->update(self::get_data_from_map($dmap)); } Plex_XML_Data::addArtist($r, $litem); } elseif (Plex_XML_Data::isAlbum($key)) { $litem = new Album($id); $litem->format(); if ($editMode) { $dmap = array('title' => 'name', 'year' => null); $litem->update(self::get_data_from_map($dmap)); } Plex_XML_Data::addAlbum($r, $litem); } elseif (Plex_XML_Data::isTrack($key)) { $litem = new Song($id); $litem->format(); if ($editMode) { $dmap = array('title' => null); $litem->update(self::get_data_from_map($dmap)); } Plex_XML_Data::addSong($r, $litem); } elseif (Plex_XML_Data::isTVShow($key)) { $litem = new TVShow($id); $litem->format(); if ($editMode) { $dmap = array('title' => 'name', 'year' => null, 'summary' => null); $litem->update(self::get_data_from_map($dmap)); } Plex_XML_Data::addTVShow($r, $litem); } elseif (Plex_XML_Data::isTVShowSeason($key)) { $litem = new TVShow_Season($id); $litem->format(); Plex_XML_Data::addTVShowSeason($r, $litem); } elseif (Plex_XML_Data::isVideo($key)) { $litem = Video::create_from_id($id); if ($editMode) { $dmap = array('title' => null, 'year' => null, 'originallyAvailableAt' => 'release_date', 'originalTitle' => 'original_name', 'summary' => null); $litem->update(self::get_data_from_map($dmap)); } $litem->format(); $subtype = strtolower(get_class($litem)); if ($subtype == 'tvshow_episode') { Plex_XML_Data::addEpisode($r, $litem, true); } elseif ($subtype == 'movie') { Plex_XML_Data::addMovie($r, $litem, true); } } elseif (Plex_XML_Data::isPlaylist($key)) { $litem = new Playlist($id); $litem->format(); if ($editMode) { $dmap = array('title' => 'name'); $litem->update(self::get_data_from_map($dmap)); } Plex_XML_Data::addPlaylist($r, $litem); } } else { $subact = $params[1]; if ($subact == "children") { if (Plex_XML_Data::isArtist($key)) { $litem = new Artist($id); $litem->format(); Plex_XML_Data::setArtistRoot($r, $litem); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isAlbum($key)) { $litem = new Album($id); $litem->format(); Plex_XML_Data::setAlbumRoot($r, $litem); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isTVShow($key)) { $litem = new TVShow($id); $litem->format(); Plex_XML_Data::setTVShowRoot($r, $litem); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isTVShowSeason($key)) { $litem = new TVShow_Season($id); $litem->format(); Plex_XML_Data::setTVShowSeasonRoot($r, $litem); } } } } } elseif ($subact == "thumbs" || $subact == "posters" || $subact == "arts" || $subact == 'backgrounds') { $kind = Plex_XML_Data::getPhotoKind($subact); if ($createMode) { // Upload art $litem = Plex_XML_Data::createLibraryItem($key); if ($litem != null) { $uri = Plex_XML_Data::getMetadataUri($key) . '/' . Plex_XML_Data::getPhotoPlexKind($kind) . '/' . $key; if (is_a($litem, 'video')) { $type = 'video'; } else { $type = get_class($litem); } $art = new Art($litem->id, $type, $kind); $raw = file_get_contents("php://input"); $art->insert($raw); header('Content-Type: text/html'); echo $uri; exit; } } Plex_XML_Data::addPhotos($r, $key, $kind); } elseif ($subact == "thumb" || $subact == "poster" || $subact == "art" || $subact == "background") { if ($n == 3) { $kind = Plex_XML_Data::getPhotoKind($subact); // Ignore art id as we can only have 1 thumb $art = null; if (Plex_XML_Data::isArtist($key)) { $art = new Art($id, "artist", $kind); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isAlbum($key)) { $art = new Art($id, "album", $kind); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isTrack($key)) { $art = new Art($id, "song", $kind); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isTVShow($key)) { $art = new Art($id, "tvshow", $kind); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isTVShowSeason($key)) { $art = new Art($id, "tvshow_season", $kind); } else { if (Plex_XML_Data::isVideo($key)) { $art = new Art($id, "video", $kind); } } } } } } if ($art != null) { $art->get_db(); ob_clean(); if (!isset($size)) { self::setHeader($art->raw_mime); echo $art->raw; } else { $dim = array(); $dim['width'] = $size; $dim['height'] = $size; $thumb = $art->get_thumb($dim); self::setHeader($art->thumb_mime); echo $thumb['thumb']; } exit; } } } } } if ($litem != null) { $catalog_ids = $litem->get_catalogs(); if (count($catalog_ids) > 0) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_ids[0]); Plex_XML_Data::addCatalogIdentity($r, $catalog); } } Plex_XML_Data::setContainerSize($r); self::apiOutputXml($r->asXML()); }
/** * gather_art * * This runs through all of the albums and finds art for them * This runs through all of the needs art albums and trys * to find the art for them from the mp3s */ public function gather_art() { // Make sure they've actually got methods $art_order = AmpConfig::get('art_order'); if (!count($art_order)) { debug_event('gather_art', 'art_order not set, Catalog::gather_art aborting', 3); return true; } // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit(0); $search_count = 0; $albums = $this->get_album_ids(); // Run through them and get the art! foreach ($albums as $album_id) { $art = new Art($album_id, 'album'); $album = new Album($album_id); // We're going to need the name here $album->format(); debug_event('gather_art', 'Gathering art for ' . $album->name, 5); $options = array('album_name' => $album->full_name, 'artist' => $album->artist_name, 'keyword' => $album->artist_name . ' ' . $album->full_name); $results = $art->gather($options, 1); if (count($results)) { // Pull the string representation from the source $image = Art::get_from_source($results[0], 'album'); if (strlen($image) > '5') { $art->insert($image, $results[0]['mime']); // If they've enabled resizing of images generate a thumbnail if (AmpConfig::get('resize_images')) { $thumb = $art->generate_thumb($image, array('width' => 275, 'height' => 275), $results[0]['mime']); if (is_array($thumb)) { $art->save_thumb($thumb['thumb'], $thumb['thumb_mime'], '275x275'); } } } else { debug_event('gather_art', 'Image less than 5 chars, not inserting', 3); } } // Stupid little cutesie thing $search_count++; if (UI::check_ticker()) { UI::update_text('count_art_' . $this->id, $search_count); UI::update_text('read_art_' . $this->id, scrub_out($album->name)); } unset($found); } // foreach albums // One last time for good measure UI::update_text('count_art_' . $this->id, $search_count); }
/** * * @param string $type * @param int $id */ public function gather_art_item($type, $id) { debug_event('gather_art', 'Gathering art for ' . $type . '/' . $id . '...', 5); // Should be more generic ! if ($type == 'video') { $libitem = Video::create_from_id($id); } else { $libitem = new $type($id); } $options = array(); $libitem->format(); if ($libitem->id) { if (count($options) == 0) { // Only search on items with default art kind as `default`. if ($libitem->get_default_art_kind() == 'default') { $keywords = $libitem->get_keywords(); $keyword = ''; foreach ($keywords as $key => $word) { $options[$key] = $word['value']; if ($word['important']) { if (!empty($word['value'])) { $keyword .= ' ' . $word['value']; } } } $options['keyword'] = $keyword; } $parent = $libitem->get_parent(); if ($parent != null) { if (!Art::has_db($parent['object_id'], $parent['object_type'])) { $this->gather_art_item($parent['object_type'], $parent['object_id']); } } } } $art = new Art($id, $type); $results = $art->gather($options, 1); if (count($results)) { // Pull the string representation from the source $image = Art::get_from_source($results[0], $type); if (strlen($image) > '5') { $art->insert($image, $results[0]['mime']); // If they've enabled resizing of images generate a thumbnail if (AmpConfig::get('resize_images')) { $size = array('width' => 275, 'height' => 275); $thumb = $art->generate_thumb($image, $size, $results[0]['mime']); if (is_array($thumb)) { $art->save_thumb($thumb['thumb'], $thumb['thumb_mime'], $size); } } } else { debug_event('gather_art', 'Image less than 5 chars, not inserting', 3); } } if ($type == 'video' && AmpConfig::get('generate_video_preview')) { Video::generate_preview($id); } if (UI::check_ticker()) { UI::update_text('read_art_' . $this->id, $libitem->get_fullname()); } }
/** * get_artist_info * Returns artist information */ public static function get_artist_info($artist_id, $fullname = '') { $artist = null; if ($artist_id) { $artist = new Artist($artist_id); $artist->format(); $fullname = $artist->f_full_name; // Data newer than 6 months, use it if ($artist->last_update + 15768000 > time()) { $results = array(); $results['summary'] = $artist->summary; $results['placeformed'] = $artist->placeformed; $results['yearformed'] = $artist->yearformed; $results['largephoto'] = Art::url($artist->id, 'artist'); $results['megaphoto'] = $results['largephoto']; return $results; } } $query = 'artist=' . rawurlencode($fullname); $xml = self::get_lastfm_results('artist.getinfo', $query); $results = array(); $results['summary'] = strip_tags(preg_replace("#<a href=([^<]*)Last\\.fm</a>.#", "", (string) $xml->artist->bio->summary)); $results['placeformed'] = (string) $xml->artist->bio->placeformed; $results['yearformed'] = (string) $xml->artist->bio->yearformed; $results['largephoto'] = $xml->artist->image[2]; $results['megaphoto'] = $xml->artist->image[4]; if ($artist) { if (!empty($results['summary']) || !empty($results['megaphoto'])) { $artist->update_artist_info($results['summary'], $results['placeformed'], $results['yearformed']); $image = Art::get_from_source(array('url' => $results['megaphoto']), 'artist'); $rurl = pathinfo($results['megaphoto']); $mime = 'image/' . $rurl['extension']; $art = new Art($artist->id, 'artist'); $art->reset(); $art->insert($image, $mime); $results['largephoto'] = Art::url($artist->id, 'artist'); $results['megaphoto'] = $results['largephoto']; } } return $results; }
public static function generate_preview($video_id, $overwrite = false) { if ($overwrite || !Art::has_db($video_id, 'video', 'preview')) { $artp = new Art($video_id, 'video', 'preview'); $video = new Video($video_id); $image = Stream::get_image_preview($video); $artp->insert($image, 'image/png'); } }