Exemplo n.º 1
    public static function getDataPointsWithinRange($p_start, $p_end)
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT mount_name, count(*)
    FROM cc_listener_count AS lc
    INNER JOIN cc_timestamp AS ts ON (lc.timestamp_id = ts.ID)
    INNER JOIN cc_mount_name AS mn ON (lc.mount_name_id = mn.ID)
WHERE (ts.timestamp >=:p1 AND ts.timestamp <=:p2)
group by mount_name
        $data = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array('p1' => $p_start, 'p2' => $p_end));
        $out = array();
        foreach ($data as $d) {
            $jump = intval($d['count'] / 1000);
            $jump = max(1, $jump);
            $remainder = $jump == 1 ? 0 : 1;
            $sql = <<<SQL
    (SELECT lc.id, ts.timestamp, lc.listener_count, mn.mount_name,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY timestamp) as rownum
    FROM cc_listener_count AS lc
    INNER JOIN cc_timestamp AS ts ON (lc.timestamp_id = ts.ID)
    INNER JOIN cc_mount_name AS mn ON (lc.mount_name_id = mn.ID)
    WHERE (ts.timestamp >=:p1 AND ts.timestamp <= :p2) AND mount_name=:p3) as temp
WHERE (temp.rownum%:p4) = :p5;
            $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array('p1' => $p_start, 'p2' => $p_end, 'p3' => $d['mount_name'], 'p4' => $jump, 'p5' => $remainder));
            $utcTimezone = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
            $displayTimezone = new DateTimeZone(Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone());
            foreach ($result as $r) {
                $t = new DateTime($r['timestamp'], $utcTimezone);
                // tricking javascript so it thinks the server timezone is in UTC
                $dt = new DateTime($t->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $utcTimezone);
                $r['timestamp'] = $dt->format("U");
                $out[$r['mount_name']][] = $r;
        $enabledStreamIds = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getEnabledStreamIds();
        $enabledOut = array();
        foreach ($enabledStreamIds as $sId) {
            $sql = "SELECT value FROM cc_stream_setting" . " WHERE keyname = :key";
            $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array('key' => $sId . "_mount"), "single");
            $enabledMountPoint = $result["value"];
            if (isset($out[$enabledMountPoint])) {
                $enabledOut[$enabledMountPoint] = $out[$enabledMountPoint];
            } else {
                //TODO fix this hack (here for CC-5254)
                //all shoutcast streams are automatically put under "shoutcast" mount point.
                if (isset($out["shoutcast"])) {
                    $enabledOut["shoutcast"] = $out["shoutcast"];
        return $enabledOut;