Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function getLoginAttempts($login)
     $sql = "SELECT login_attempts FROM cc_subjs WHERE login=:login";
     $map = array(":login" => $login);
     $res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $map, Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
     return $res !== false ? $res : 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function resetAttempts($ip)
     $sql = "select count(*) from cc_login_attempts WHERE ip= :ip";
     $res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':ip' => $ip), Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
     if ($res > 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM cc_login_attempts WHERE ip= :ip";
         Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':ip' => $ip), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function getLocales()
     $con = Propel::getConnection();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_locale";
     $res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql);
     $out = array();
     foreach ($res as $r) {
         $out[$r["locale_code"]] = $r["locale_lang"];
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static function setValue($key, $value, $isUserValue = false)
     try {
         //called from a daemon process
         if (!class_exists("Zend_Auth", false) || !Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
             $id = NULL;
         } else {
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $id = $auth->getIdentity()->id;
         //Check if key already exists
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cc_pref" . " WHERE keystr = :key";
         $paramMap = array();
         $paramMap[':key'] = $key;
         //For user specific preference, check if id matches as well
         if ($isUserValue) {
             $sql .= " AND subjid = :id";
             $paramMap[':id'] = $id;
         $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $paramMap, 'column');
         $paramMap = array();
         if ($result == 1) {
             // result found
             if (is_null($id) || !$isUserValue) {
                 // system pref
                 $sql = "UPDATE cc_pref" . " SET subjid = NULL, valstr = :value" . " WHERE keystr = :key";
             } else {
                 // user pref
                 $sql = "UPDATE cc_pref" . " SET valstr = :value" . " WHERE keystr = :key AND subjid = :id";
                 $paramMap[':id'] = $id;
         } else {
             // result not found
             if (is_null($id) || !$isUserValue) {
                 // system pref
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO cc_pref (keystr, valstr)" . " VALUES (:key, :value)";
             } else {
                 // user pref
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO cc_pref (subjid, keystr, valstr)" . " VALUES (:id, :key, :value)";
                 $paramMap[':id'] = $id;
         $paramMap[':key'] = $key;
         $paramMap[':value'] = $value;
         Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $paramMap, 'execute');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
         Logging::info("Could not connect to database: " . $e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function insertDataPoints($p_dataPoints)
     $timestamp_sql = "INSERT INTO cc_timestamp (timestamp) VALUES\n            (:ts::TIMESTAMP) RETURNING id;";
     $mount_name_check_sql = "SELECT id from cc_mount_name WHERE\n            mount_name = :mn;";
     $mount_name_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO cc_mount_name (mount_name) VALUES\n                (:mn) RETURNING id;";
     $stats_sql = "INSERT INTO cc_listener_count (timestamp_id,\n            listener_count, mount_name_id) VALUES (:timestamp_id,\n            :listener_count, :mount_name_id)";
     foreach ($p_dataPoints as $dp) {
         $timestamp_id = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($timestamp_sql, array('ts' => $dp['timestamp']), "column");
         $mount_name_id = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($mount_name_check_sql, array('mn' => $dp['mount_name']), "column");
         if (strlen($mount_name_id) == 0) {
             //there is a race condition here where theoretically the row
             //with value "mount_name" could appear, but this is *very*
             //unlikely and won't break anything even if it happens.
             $mount_name_id = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($mount_name_insert_sql, array('mn' => $dp['mount_name']), "column");
         Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($stats_sql, array('timestamp_id' => $timestamp_id, 'listener_count' => $dp["num_listeners"], 'mount_name_id' => $mount_name_id));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function smartPrepareAndExecute($sql, array $params, $type = 'all', $fetchType = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
     $new_params = array();
     $new_sql = $sql;
     foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
         $matches_count = substr_count($sql, $k);
         if ($matches_count == 0) {
             throw new Exception("Argument {$k} is not inside {$sql}");
         } elseif ($matches_count == 1) {
             $new_params[$k] = $new_params[$v];
         } else {
             foreach (range(1, $matches_count) as $i) {
                 preg_replace("/{$k}(\\D)/", "{$k}{$i}{${1}}", $sql, 1);
                 $new_params[$k . $i] = $v;
     return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($new_sql, $new_params, $type, $fetchType);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static function updatePastFilesIsScheduled()
        /* Set the is_scheduled flag to false where it was true in the
         * past, and where tracks are not scheduled in the future and do
         * not belong to a show that has not ended yet. We need to check
         * for show end times in case a track is overbooked, which would
         * indicate it is still scheduled in the future
        $sql = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_files SET is_scheduled = false
WHERE is_scheduled = true
  SELECT s.file_id FROM cc_schedule AS s
  LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances AS i
  ON s.instance_id = i.id
  WHERE s.ends > now() at time zone 'UTC'
  AND i.ends > now() at time zone 'UTC'
        Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
Exemplo n.º 8
     * Given a start time $timeStart and end time $timeEnd, returns the next $limit
     * number of shows within the time interval
     * If $timeEnd not given, shows within next 48 hours from $timeStart are returned
     * If $limit not given, all shows within the intervals are returned
     * Times are all in UTC time.
     * @param  String $timeStart - interval start time (in UTC)
     * @param  int    $limit     - number of shows to return
     * @param  String $timeEnd   - interval end time (in UTC)
     * @return array  - the next $limit number of shows within the time interval
    public static function getNextShows($timeStart, $limit = "ALL", $timeEnd = "")
        // defaults to retrieving shows from next 2 days if no end time has
        // been specified
        if ($timeEnd == "") {
            $timeEnd = "'{$timeStart}' + INTERVAL '2 days'";
        //TODO, returning starts + ends twice (once with an alias). Unify this after the 2.0 release. --Martin
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT si.starts AS start_timestamp,
       si.ends AS end_timestamp,
       si.id AS instance_id,
FROM cc_show_instances si
     LEFT JOIN cc_show s
     ON si.show_id = s.id
WHERE si.show_id = s.id
  AND si.starts >= :timeStart::timestamp
  AND si.starts < :timeEnd::timestamp
  AND modified_instance != TRUE
ORDER BY si.starts
        //PDO won't accept "ALL" as a limit value (complains it is not an
        //integer, and so we must completely remove the limit clause if we
        //want to show all results - MK
        if ($limit != "ALL") {
            $sql .= PHP_EOL . "LIMIT :lim";
            $params = array(':timeStart' => $timeStart, ':timeEnd' => $timeEnd, ':lim' => $limit);
        } else {
            $params = array(':timeStart' => $timeStart, ':timeEnd' => $timeEnd);
        return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'all');
 private static function replaceInstanceContentCheck($currentShowStamp, $showStamp)
     /*$currentShowStamp = CcScheduleQuery::create()
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($showStamp as $item) {
         if ($item["file_id"] != $currentShowStamp[$counter]["file_id"] || $item["stream_id"] != $currentShowStamp[$counter]["stream_id"]) {
             $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM cc_schedule " . "WHERE instance_id = {$currentShowStamp[$counter]["instance_id"]}";
             Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($delete_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
             return true;
     /* If we get here, the content in the show instance is the same
      * as what we want to replace it with, so we can leave as is
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function GetAllListenerStatErrors()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_stream_setting WHERE keyname like :p1";
     $mounts = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':p1' => '%_mount'));
     $mps = array();
     foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
         $mps[] = "'" . $mount["value"] . "_listener_stat_error'";
     $in = implode(",", $mps);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_stream_setting WHERE keyname IN ( {$in} )";
     return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array());
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function GetCountryList()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_country";
     $res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array());
     $out = array();
     $out[""] = _("Select Country");
     foreach ($res as $r) {
         $out[$r["isocode"]] = $r["name"];
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Enter description here ...
  * @param $scheduleItems
  *     cc_schedule items, where the items get inserted after
  * @param $filesToInsert
  *     array of schedule item info, what gets inserted into cc_schedule
  * @param $adjustSched
 private function insertAfter($scheduleItems, $mediaItems, $filesToInsert = null, $adjustSched = true, $moveAction = false)
     try {
         $affectedShowInstances = array();
         //dont want to recalculate times for moved items
         //only moved items have a sched_id
         $excludeIds = array();
         $startProfile = microtime(true);
         $temp = array();
         $instance = null;
         /* Items in shows are ordered by position number. We need to know
          * the position when adding/moving items in linked shows so they are
          * added or moved in the correct position
         $pos = 0;
         $linked = false;
         foreach ($scheduleItems as $schedule) {
             $this->applyCrossfades = true;
             $id = intval($schedule["id"]);
             /* Find out if the show where the cursor position (where an item will
              * be inserted) is located is linked or not. If the show is linked,
              * we need to make sure there isn't another cursor selection in one of it's
              * linked shows. If there is that will cause a duplication, in the least,
              * of inserted items
             if ($id != 0) {
                 $schedule_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_schedule WHERE id = " . $id;
                 $ccSchedule = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($schedule_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::SINGLE);
                 $show_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show WHERE id IN (" . "SELECT show_id FROM cc_show_instances WHERE id = " . $ccSchedule["instance_id"] . ")";
                 $ccShow = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($show_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::SINGLE);
                 $linked = $ccShow["linked"];
                 if ($linked) {
                     $unique = $ccShow["id"] . $ccSchedule["position"];
                     if (!in_array($unique, $temp)) {
                         $temp[] = $unique;
                     } else {
             } else {
                 $show_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show WHERE id IN (" . "SELECT show_id FROM cc_show_instances WHERE id = " . $schedule["instance"] . ")";
                 $ccShow = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($show_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::SINGLE);
                 $linked = $ccShow["linked"];
                 if ($linked) {
                     $unique = $ccShow["id"] . "a";
                     if (!in_array($unique, $temp)) {
                         $temp[] = $unique;
                     } else {
             /* If the show where the cursor position is located is linked
              * we need to insert the items for each linked instance belonging
              * to that show
             if ($linked) {
                 $instance_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_instances " . "WHERE show_id = " . $ccShow["id"];
                 $instances = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($instance_sql);
             } else {
                 $instance_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_instances " . "WHERE id = " . $schedule["instance"];
                 $instances = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($instance_sql);
             $excludePositions = array();
             foreach ($instances as &$instance) {
                 $this->applyCrossfades = true;
                 $instanceId = $instance["id"];
                 if ($id !== 0) {
                     /* We use the selected cursor's position to find the same
                      * positions in every other linked instance
                     $pos = $ccSchedule["position"];
                     $linkedItem_sql = "SELECT ends FROM cc_schedule " . "WHERE instance_id = {$instanceId} " . "AND position = {$pos} " . "AND playout_status != -1";
                     $linkedItemEnds = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($linkedItem_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
                     if (!$linkedItemEnds) {
                         //With dynamic smart blocks there may be different number of items in
                         //each show. In case the position does not exist we need to select
                         //the end time of the last position
                         $maxPos_sql = "SELECT max(position) from cc_schedule " . "WHERE instance_id = {$instanceId}";
                         $pos = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($maxPos_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
                         //show instance has no scheduled tracks
                         if (empty($pos)) {
                             $pos = 0;
                             $nextStartDT = new DateTime($instance["starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
                         } else {
                             $linkedItem_sql = "SELECT ends FROM cc_schedule " . "WHERE instance_id = {$instanceId} " . "AND position = {$pos} " . "AND playout_status != -1";
                             $linkedItemEnds = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($linkedItem_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
                             $nextStartDT = $this->findNextStartTime(new DateTime($linkedItemEnds, new DateTimeZone("UTC")), $instanceId);
                     } else {
                         $nextStartDT = $this->findNextStartTime(new DateTime($linkedItemEnds, new DateTimeZone("UTC")), $instanceId);
                 } else {
                     $showStartDT = new DateTime($instance["starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
                     $nextStartDT = $this->findNextStartTime($showStartDT, $instanceId);
                     //first item in show so start position counter at 0
                     $pos = 0;
                     /* Show is empty so we don't need to calculate crossfades
                      * for the first inserted item
                     $this->applyCrossfades = false;
                 if (!in_array($instanceId, $affectedShowInstances)) {
                     $affectedShowInstances[] = $instanceId;
                  * $adjustSched is true if there are schedule items
                  * following the item just inserted, per show instance
                 if ($adjustSched === true) {
                     $pstart = microtime(true);
                     if ($this->applyCrossfades) {
                         $initalStartDT = clone $this->findTimeDifference($nextStartDT, $this->crossfadeDuration);
                     } else {
                         $initalStartDT = clone $nextStartDT;
                     $pend = microtime(true);
                     Logging::debug("finding all following items.");
                     Logging::debug(floatval($pend) - floatval($pstart));
                 if (is_null($filesToInsert)) {
                     $filesToInsert = array();
                     foreach ($mediaItems as $media) {
                         $filesToInsert = array_merge($filesToInsert, $this->retrieveMediaFiles($media["id"], $media["type"]));
                 $doInsert = false;
                 $doUpdate = false;
                 $values = array();
                 foreach ($filesToInsert as &$file) {
                     //item existed previously and is being moved.
                     //need to keep same id for resources if we want REST.
                     if (isset($file['sched_id'])) {
                         $adjustFromDT = clone $nextStartDT;
                         $doUpdate = true;
                         $movedItem_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_schedule " . "WHERE id = " . $file["sched_id"];
                         $sched = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($movedItem_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::SINGLE);
                         /* We need to keep a record of the original positon a track
                          * is being moved from so we can use it to retrieve the correct
                          * items in linked instances
                         if (!isset($originalPosition)) {
                             $originalPosition = $sched["position"];
                         /* If we are moving an item in a linked show we need to get
                          * the relative item to move in each instance. We know what the
                          * relative item is by its position
                         if ($linked) {
                             $movedItem_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_schedule " . "WHERE position = {$originalPosition} " . "AND instance_id = {$instanceId}";
                             $sched = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($movedItem_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::SINGLE);
                         /* If we don't find a schedule item it means the linked
                          * shows have a different amount of items (dyanmic block)
                          * and we should skip the item move for this show instance
                         if (!$sched) {
                         $excludeIds[] = intval($sched["id"]);
                         $file["cliplength"] = $sched["clip_length"];
                         $file["cuein"] = $sched["cue_in"];
                         $file["cueout"] = $sched["cue_out"];
                         $file["fadein"] = $sched["fade_in"];
                         $file["fadeout"] = $sched["fade_out"];
                     } else {
                         $doInsert = true;
                     // default fades are in seconds
                     // we need to convert to '00:00:00' format
                     $file['fadein'] = Application_Common_DateHelper::secondsToPlaylistTime($file['fadein']);
                     $file['fadeout'] = Application_Common_DateHelper::secondsToPlaylistTime($file['fadeout']);
                     switch ($file["type"]) {
                         case 0:
                             $fileId = $file["id"];
                             $streamId = "null";
                         case 1:
                             $streamId = $file["id"];
                             $fileId = "null";
                     if ($this->applyCrossfades) {
                         $nextStartDT = $this->findTimeDifference($nextStartDT, $this->crossfadeDuration);
                         $endTimeDT = $this->findEndTime($nextStartDT, $file['cliplength']);
                         $endTimeDT = $this->findTimeDifference($endTimeDT, $this->crossfadeDuration);
                         /* Set it to false because the rest of the crossfades
                          * will be applied after we insert each item
                         $this->applyCrossfades = false;
                     $endTimeDT = $this->findEndTime($nextStartDT, $file['cliplength']);
                     if ($doInsert) {
                         $values[] = "(" . "'{$nextStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}', " . "'{$endTimeDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}', " . "'{$file["cuein"]}', " . "'{$file["cueout"]}', " . "'{$file["fadein"]}', " . "'{$file["fadeout"]}', " . "'{$file["cliplength"]}', " . "{$pos}, " . "{$instanceId}, " . "{$fileId}, " . "{$streamId})";
                     } elseif ($doUpdate) {
                         $update_sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule SET " . "starts = '{$nextStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}', " . "ends = '{$endTimeDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}', " . "cue_in = '{$file["cuein"]}', " . "cue_out = '{$file["cueout"]}', " . "fade_in = '{$file["fadein"]}', " . "fade_out = '{$file["fadeout"]}', " . "clip_length = '{$file["cliplength"]}', " . "position = {$pos} " . "WHERE id = {$sched["id"]}";
                         Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($update_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
                     $nextStartDT = $this->findTimeDifference($endTimeDT, $this->crossfadeDuration);
                 //all files have been inserted/moved
                 if ($doInsert) {
                     $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO cc_schedule " . "(starts, ends, cue_in, cue_out, fade_in, fade_out, " . "clip_length, position, instance_id, file_id, stream_id) VALUES " . implode($values, ",") . " RETURNING id";
                     $stmt = $this->con->prepare($insert_sql);
                     if ($stmt->execute()) {
                         foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $row) {
                             $excludeIds[] = $row["id"];
                 // update is_scheduled flag for each cc_file
                 $fileIds = array();
                 foreach ($filesToInsert as &$file) {
                     $fileIds[] = $file["id"];
                 $selectCriteria = new Criteria();
                 $selectCriteria->add(CcFilesPeer::ID, $fileIds, Criteria::IN);
                 $selectCriteria->addAnd(CcFilesPeer::IS_SCHEDULED, false);
                 $updateCriteria = new Criteria();
                 $updateCriteria->add(CcFilesPeer::IS_SCHEDULED, true);
                 BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $updateCriteria, $this->con);
                 /* Reset files to insert so we can get a new set of files. We have
                  * to do this in case we are inserting a dynamic block
                 if (!$moveAction) {
                     $filesToInsert = null;
                 if ($adjustSched === true) {
                     $followingItems_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_schedule " . "WHERE starts >= '{$initalStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}' " . "AND instance_id = {$instanceId} ";
                     if (count($excludeIds) > 0) {
                         $followingItems_sql .= "AND id NOT IN (" . implode($excludeIds, ",") . ") ";
                     $followingItems_sql .= "ORDER BY starts";
                     $followingSchedItems = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($followingItems_sql);
                     $pstart = microtime(true);
                     //recalculate the start/end times after the inserted items.
                     foreach ($followingSchedItems as $item) {
                         $endTimeDT = $this->findEndTime($nextStartDT, $item["clip_length"]);
                         $endTimeDT = $this->findTimeDifference($endTimeDT, $this->crossfadeDuration);
                         $update_sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule SET " . "starts = '{$nextStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}', " . "ends = '{$endTimeDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u")}', " . "position = {$pos} " . "WHERE id = {$item["id"]}";
                         Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($update_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
                         $nextStartDT = $this->findTimeDifference($endTimeDT, $this->crossfadeDuration);
                     $pend = microtime(true);
                     Logging::debug("adjusting all following items.");
                     Logging::debug(floatval($pend) - floatval($pstart));
                 if ($moveAction) {
             //for each instance
         //for each schedule location
         $endProfile = microtime(true);
         Logging::debug("finished adding scheduled items.");
         Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
         //update the status flag in cc_schedule.
         $instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKeys($affectedShowInstances)->find($this->con);
         $startProfile = microtime(true);
         foreach ($instances as $instance) {
         $endProfile = microtime(true);
         Logging::debug("updating show instances status.");
         Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
         $startProfile = microtime(true);
         //update the last scheduled timestamp.
         CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKeys($affectedShowInstances)->update(array('DbLastScheduled' => new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))), $this->con);
         $endProfile = microtime(true);
         Logging::debug("updating last scheduled timestamp.");
         Logging::debug(floatval($endProfile) - floatval($startProfile));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public static function getAllBlockFiles()
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT distinct(file_id)
FROM cc_blockcontents
        $files = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array());
        $real_files = array();
        foreach ($files as $f) {
            $real_files[] = $f['file_id'];
        return $real_files;
Exemplo n.º 14
    public static function getMaxLengths()
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT column_name, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'cc_show' AND character_maximum_length > 0
        $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql);
        $assocArray = array();
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $assocArray[$row['column_name']] = $row['character_maximum_length'];
        return $assocArray;
Exemplo n.º 15
    public static function getUserData($id)
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT login, first_name, last_name, type, id, email, cell_phone, skype_contact,
FROM cc_subjs
WHERE id = :id
        return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(":id" => $id), 'single');
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Enter description here ...
  * @param ccShowDays $showDay
  * @param DateTime $showStartDate user's local time
  * @param $instanceId
 private function createRebroadcastInstances($showDay, $showStartDate, $instanceId)
     $currentUtcTimestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $showId = $this->ccShow->getDbId();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_rebroadcast WHERE show_id=:show_id";
     $rebroadcasts = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':show_id' => $showId), 'all');
     foreach ($rebroadcasts as $rebroadcast) {
         $days = explode(" ", $rebroadcast["day_offset"]);
         $time = explode(":", $rebroadcast["start_time"]);
         $offset = array("days" => $days[0], "hours" => $time[0], "mins" => $time[1]);
         list($utcStartDateTime, $utcEndDateTime) = $this->createUTCStartEndDateTime($showStartDate, $showDay->getDbDuration(), $offset);
         if ($utcStartDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") > $currentUtcTimestamp) {
             $ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
Exemplo n.º 17
     * There are 2 cases where this function can be called.
     * 1. When watched dir was removed
     * 2. When some dir was watched, but it was unmounted
     *  In case of 1, $userAddedWatchedDir should be true
     *  In case of 2, $userAddedWatchedDir should be false
     *  When $userAddedWatchedDir is true, it will set "Watched" flag to false
     *  otherwise, it will set "Exists" flag to true
    public function remove($userAddedWatchedDir = true)
        $music_dir_id = $this->getId();
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT DISTINCT s.instance_id
FROM cc_music_dirs            AS md
LEFT JOIN cc_files            AS f ON f.directory = md.id
RIGHT JOIN cc_schedule        AS s ON s.file_id = f.id
WHERE md.id = :musicDirId;
        $show_instances = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':musicDirId' => $music_dir_id), 'all');
        // get all the files on this dir
        $sql = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_files
SET file_exists = 'f'
    (SELECT f.id
     FROM cc_music_dirs AS md
     LEFT JOIN cc_files AS f ON f.directory = md.id
     WHERE md.id = :musicDirId);
        $affected = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':musicDirId' => $music_dir_id), 'all');
        // set RemovedFlag to true
        if ($userAddedWatchedDir) {
        } else {
        //$res = $this->_dir->delete();
        foreach ($show_instances as $show_instance_row) {
            $temp_show = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($show_instance_row["instance_id"]);
Exemplo n.º 18
    public static function checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update = false, $instanceId = null, $showId = null)
        $overlapping = false;
        $params = array(':show_end1' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end2' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end3' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
        /* If a show is being edited, exclude it from the query
         * In both cases (new and edit) we only grab shows that
         * are scheduled 2 days prior
        if ($update) {
            $sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE (ends <= :show_end1
       OR starts <= :show_end2)
  AND date(starts) >= (date(:show_end3) - INTERVAL '2 days')
  AND modified_instance = FALSE
            if (is_null($showId)) {
                $sql .= <<<SQL
  AND id != :instanceId
                $params[':instanceId'] = $instanceId;
            } else {
                $sql .= <<<SQL
  AND show_id != :showId
                $params[':showId'] = $showId;
            $rows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'all');
        } else {
            $sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE (ends <= :show_end1
       OR starts <= :show_end2)
  AND date(starts) >= (date(:show_end3) - INTERVAL '2 days')
  AND modified_instance = FALSE
            $rows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':show_end1' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end2' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end3' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'all');
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $start = new DateTime($row["starts"], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
            $end = new DateTime($row["ends"], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
            if ($show_start->getTimestamp() < $end->getTimestamp() && $show_end->getTimestamp() > $start->getTimestamp()) {
                $overlapping = true;
        return $overlapping;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Change cueIn/cueOut values for block element
  * @param int $pos
  *         position of audioclip in block
  * @param string $cueIn
  *         new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
  * @param string $cueOut
  *         new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
  * @return boolean or pear error object
 public function changeClipLength($id, $cueIn, $cueOut)
     $errArray = array();
     try {
         if (is_null($cueIn) && is_null($cueOut)) {
             $errArray["error"] = "Cue in and cue out are null.";
             return $errArray;
         $row = CcBlockcontentsQuery::create()->joinWith(CcFilesPeer::OM_CLASS)->filterByPrimaryKey($id)->findOne($this->con);
         if (is_null($row)) {
             throw new Exception("Block item does not exist.");
         $oldCueIn = $row->getDBCuein();
         $oldCueOut = $row->getDbCueout();
         $fadeIn = $row->getDbFadein();
         $fadeOut = $row->getDbFadeout();
         $file = $row->getCcFiles($this->con);
         $origLength = $file->getDbLength();
         if (!is_null($cueIn) && !is_null($cueOut)) {
             if ($cueOut === "") {
                 $cueOut = $origLength;
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_out::INTERVAL > :orig_length::INTERVAL";
             $params = array(':cue_out' => $cueOut, ':orig_length' => $origLength);
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             if ($result) {
                 $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be greater than file length.";
                 return $errArray;
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_in::INTERVAL > :cue_out::INTERVAL";
             $params = array(':cue_in' => $cueIn, ':cue_out' => $cueOut);
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             if ($result) {
                 $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue in to be larger than cue out.";
                 return $errArray;
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_out::INTERVAL - :cue_in::INTERVAL";
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             $cliplength = $result;
         } elseif (!is_null($cueIn)) {
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_in::INTERVAL > :old_cue_out::INTERVAL";
             $params = array(':cue_in' => $cueIn, ':old_cue_out' => $oldCueOut);
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             if ($result) {
                 $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue in to be larger than cue out.";
                 return $errArray;
             $sql = "SELECT :old_cue_out::INTERVAL - :cue_in::INTERVAL";
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             $cliplength = $result;
         } elseif (!is_null($cueOut)) {
             if ($cueOut === "") {
                 $cueOut = $origLength;
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_out::INTERVAL > :orig_length::INTERVAL";
             $params = array(':cue_out' => $cueOut, ':orig_length' => $origLength);
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             if ($result) {
                 $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be greater than file length.";
                 return $errArray;
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_out::INTERVAL < :old_cue_in::INTERVAL";
             $params = array(':cue_out' => $cueOut, ':old_cue_in' => $oldCueIn);
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             if ($result) {
                 $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be smaller than cue in.";
                 return $errArray;
             $sql = "SELECT :cue_out::INTERVAL - :old_cue_in::INTERVAL";
             $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
             $cliplength = $result;
         $cliplength = $row->getDbCliplength();
         $sql = "SELECT :fade_in::INTERVAL > :clip_length::INTERVAL";
         $params = array(':fade_in' => $fadeIn, ':clip_length' => $cliplength);
         $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
         if ($result) {
             $fadeIn = $cliplength;
         $sql = "SELECT :fade_out::INTERVAL > :clip_length::INTERVAL";
         $params = array(':fade_out' => $fadeOut, ':clip_length' => $cliplength);
         $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params, 'column');
         if ($result) {
             $fadeOut = $cliplength;
         $this->block->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return array("cliplength" => $cliplength, "cueIn" => $cueIn, "cueOut" => $cueOut, "length" => $this->getUnformatedLength(), "fadeIn" => $fadeIn, "fadeOut" => $fadeOut);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static function findEntries($con, $displayColumns, $fromTable, $data, $dataProp = "aaData")
     $where = array();
     /* Holds the parameters for binding after the statement has been
        prepared */
     $params = array();
     if (isset($data['advSearch']) && $data['advSearch'] === 'true') {
         $librarySetting = Application_Model_Preference::getCurrentLibraryTableColumnMap();
         //$displayColumns[] = 'owner';
         // map that maps original column position to db name
         $current2dbname = array();
         // array of search terms
         $orig2searchTerm = array();
         foreach ($data as $key => $d) {
             if (strstr($key, "mDataProp_")) {
                 list($dump, $index) = explode("_", $key);
                 $current2dbname[$index] = $d;
             } elseif (strstr($key, "sSearch_")) {
                 list($dump, $index) = explode("_", $key);
                 $orig2searchTerm[$index] = $d;
         // map that maps dbname to searchTerm
         $dbname2searchTerm = array();
         foreach ($current2dbname as $currentPos => $dbname) {
             $new_index = $librarySetting($currentPos);
             // TODO : Fix this retarded hack later. Just a band aid for
             // now at least we print some warnings so that we don't
             // forget about this -- cc-4462
             if (array_key_exists($new_index, $orig2searchTerm)) {
                 $dbname2searchTerm[$dbname] = $orig2searchTerm[$new_index];
             } else {
                 Logging::warn("Trying to reorder to unknown index\n                            printing as much debugging as possible...");
                 $debug = array('$new_index' => $new_index, '$currentPos' => $currentPos, '$orig2searchTerm' => $orig2searchTerm);
         $advancedWhere = self::buildWhereClauseForAdvancedSearch($dbname2searchTerm);
         if (!empty($advancedWhere['clause'])) {
             $where[] = join(" AND ", $advancedWhere['clause']);
             $params = $advancedWhere['params'];
     if ($data["sSearch"] !== "") {
         $searchTerms = explode(" ", $data["sSearch"]);
     $selectorCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) ";
     $selectorRows = "SELECT " . join(",", $displayColumns) . " ";
     $sql = $selectorCount . " FROM " . $fromTable;
     $sqlTotalRows = $sql;
     if (isset($searchTerms)) {
         $searchCols = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $data["iColumns"]; $i++) {
             if ($data["bSearchable_" . $i] == "true") {
                 $searchCols[] = $data["mDataProp_{$i}"];
         $outerCond = array();
         $simpleWhere = array();
         foreach ($searchTerms as $term) {
             foreach ($searchCols as $col) {
                 $simpleWhere['clause']["simple_" . $col] = "{$col}::text ILIKE :simple_" . $col;
                 $simpleWhere['params']["simple_" . $col] = "%" . $term . "%";
             $outerCond[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $simpleWhere['clause']) . ")";
         $where[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $outerCond) . ")";
         $params = array_merge($params, $simpleWhere['params']);
     // End Where clause
     // Order By clause
     $orderby = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $data["iSortingCols"]; $i++) {
         $num = $data["iSortCol_" . $i];
         $orderby[] = $data["mDataProp_{$num}"] . " " . $data["sSortDir_" . $i];
     $orderby[] = "id";
     $orderby = join(",", $orderby);
     // End Order By clause
     $displayLength = intval($data["iDisplayLength"]);
     $needToBind = false;
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $needToBind = true;
         $where = join(" OR ", $where);
         $sql = $selectorCount . " FROM " . $fromTable . " WHERE " . $where;
         $sqlTotalDisplayRows = $sql;
         $sql = $selectorRows . " FROM " . $fromTable . " WHERE " . $where . " ORDER BY " . $orderby;
     } else {
         $sql = $selectorRows . " FROM " . $fromTable . " ORDER BY " . $orderby;
     //limit the results returned.
     if ($displayLength !== -1) {
         $sql .= " OFFSET " . $data["iDisplayStart"] . " LIMIT " . $displayLength;
     try {
         $r = $con->query($sqlTotalRows);
         $totalRows = $r->fetchColumn(0);
         if (isset($sqlTotalDisplayRows)) {
             //Logging::info("sql is set");
             $totalDisplayRows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sqlTotalDisplayRows, $params, 'column');
         } else {
             //Logging::info("sql is not set.");
             $totalDisplayRows = $totalRows;
         if ($needToBind) {
             $results = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $params);
         } else {
             $stmt = $con->query($sql);
             $results = $stmt->fetchAll();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return array("sEcho" => intval($data["sEcho"]), "iTotalDisplayRecords" => intval($totalDisplayRows), "iTotalRecords" => intval($totalRows), $dataProp => $results);
Exemplo n.º 21
    public static function getAllPlaylistStreams()
        $sql = <<<SQL
SELECT distinct(stream_id)
FROM cc_playlistcontents
WHERE stream_id is not null
        $streams = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql);
        $real_streams = array();
        foreach ($streams as $s) {
            $real_streams[] = $s['stream_id'];
        return $real_streams;
Exemplo n.º 22
    public static function GetEndTimeOfNextShowWithLiveDJ($p_startTime, $p_endTime)
        $sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances AS si
JOIN cc_show AS sh ON si.show_id = sh.id
WHERE si.ends > :startTime::TIMESTAMP
  AND si.ends < :endTime::TIMESTAMP
  AND (sh.live_stream_using_airtime_auth
       OR live_stream_using_custom_auth)
ORDER BY si.ends
        return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':startTime' => $p_startTime, ':endTime' => $p_endTime), 'all');
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static function SetEndTime($state, $dateTime, $override = false)
     try {
         $dj_live = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('live_dj');
         $master_live = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('master_dj');
         if ($dj_live == 'off' && $master_live == 'off' || $state == 'S' || $override) {
             $sql = "SELECT id, state from cc_live_log" . " where id in (select max(id) from cc_live_log)";
             $row = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::SINGLE);
             /* Only set end time if state recevied ($state)
              * is the last row in cc_live_log
             if ($row['state'] == $state) {
                 $update_sql = "UPDATE CC_LIVE_LOG" . " SET end_time = :end" . " WHERE id = :id";
                 $params = array(':end' => $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ':id' => $row['id']);
                 Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($update_sql, $params, Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
             //If live broadcasting is off, turn scheduled play on
             $scheduled = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('scheduled_play');
             if ($state == 'L' && $scheduled == 'on' && !$override) {
                 self::SetNewLogTime('S', $dateTime);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
         Logging::info("SetEndTime - Could not connect to database.");