Exemplo n.º 1
     * @param string $folderName
     * @param strin(32) $folderParent
     * @return Ambigous <>|number
    public function createFolder ($folderName, $folderParent = "/", $action = "createifnotexists")
        $validActions = array ("createifnotexists","create","update");
        if (! in_array( $action, $validActions )) {
            $action = "createifnotexists";

        //Clean Folder and Parent names (delete spaces...)
        $folderName = trim( $folderName );
        $folderParent = trim( $folderParent );
        //Try to Load the folder (Foldername+FolderParent)
        $oCriteria = new Criteria( 'workflow' );
        $oCriteria->add( AppFolderPeer::FOLDER_NAME, $folderName );
        $oCriteria->add( AppFolderPeer::FOLDER_PARENT_UID, $folderParent );
        $oDataset = AppFolderPeer::doSelectRS( $oCriteria );
        $oDataset->setFetchmode( ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
        if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            //Folder exist, then return the ID
            $response['success'] = false;
            $response['message'] = $response['error'] = "Can't create folder <br /> A folder with same name already exist. <br /> $folderName";
            $response['folderUID'] = $aRow['FOLDER_UID'];
            //return ($aRow ['FOLDER_UID']);
            return ($response);
        } else {
            //Folder doesn't exist. Create and return the ID
            $folderUID = G::GenerateUniqueID();
            $tr = new AppFolder();
            $tr->setFolderUid( $folderUID );
            $tr->setFolderParentUid( $folderParent );
            $tr->setFolderName( $folderName );
            $tr->setFolderCreateDate( 'now' );
            $tr->setFolderUpdateDate( 'now' );
            if ($tr->validate()) {
                // we save it, since we get no validation errors, or do whatever else you like.
                $res = $tr->save();
                $response['success'] = true;
                $response['message'] = "Folder successfully created. <br /> $folderName";
                $response['folderUID'] = $folderUID;
                return ($response);
                //return $folderUID;
            } else {
                // Something went wrong. We can now get the validationFailures and handle them.
                $msg = '';
                $validationFailuresArray = $tr->getValidationFailures();
                foreach ($validationFailuresArray as $objValidationFailure) {
                    $msg .= $objValidationFailure->getMessage() . "<br/>";
                $response['success'] = false;
                $response['message'] = $response['error'] = "Can't create folder \n A  \n " . $msg;
                return ($response);
Exemplo n.º 2
 $aOD['__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS']['NEXT_STEP'] = $aNextStep['PAGE'];
 $aOD['__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS']['NEXT_STEP_LABEL'] = G::loadTranslation("ID_NEXT_STEP");
 switch ($_GET['ACTION']) {
     case 'GENERATE':
         //START: If there is a Break Step registered from Plugin Similar as a Trigger debug
         $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
         if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_BEFORE)) {
             //If a Plugin has registered a Break Page Evaluator
             $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_BEFORE, array('USR_UID' => $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']));
         //END: If there is a Break Step registered from Plugin
         $sFilenameOriginal = $sFilename = preg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', G::replaceDataField($aOD['OUT_DOC_FILENAME'], $Fields['APP_DATA']));
         require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php';
         require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php';
         //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
         $oFolder = new AppFolder();
         $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH']);
         $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aOD['OUT_DOC_TAGS']);
         //Get last Document Version and apply versioning if is enabled
         $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
         $lastDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion($_GET['UID'], $_SESSION['APPLICATION']);
         //  $lastDocVersion++;
         $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
         $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $_SESSION['APPLICATION']);
         //$oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX,    $_SESSION['INDEX']);
         $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID, $_GET['UID']);
         $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_VERSION, $lastDocVersion);
         $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'OUTPUT');
Exemplo n.º 3

global $rootFolder;
require_once "classes/model/AppFolder.php";
$oPMFolder = new AppFolder();
if ($rootFolder == '0' || $rootFolder == 0) {
    $folderPath['PATH'] = "/";
} else {
    $folderPath = $oPMFolder->getFolderStructure($rootFolder);
$html = '

	 <div class="boxTopBlue"><div class="a"></div><div class="b"></div><div class="c"></div></div>
	 <div class="boxContentBlue">

	  <table style="margin:0px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		  <td class="userGroupTitle"><div class="userGroupLink">' . G::LoadTranslation("ID_PM_FOLDER") . ': <a href="javascript:openPMFolder(\'' . $rootFolder . '\',\'' . $rootFolder . '\')">' . $folderPath['PATH'] . '</a></div></td>
	<div class="boxBottomBlue"><div class="a"></div><div class="b"></div><div class="c"></div></div>

$html .= '<div class="treeBase" style="width:360px;height: expression( this.scrollHeight > 319 ? \'320px\' : \'auto\' ); /* sets max-height for IE */  max-height: 320px; /* sets max-height value for all standards-compliant browsers */  overflow:hidden;">
	<div class="boxTop">
		<div class="a"></div>
		<div class="b"></div>
		<div class="c"></div>
Exemplo n.º 4
 $docType = isset($_GET['docType']) ? $_GET['docType'] : "";
 //save info
 require_once "classes/model/AppDocument.php";
 require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php';
 require_once 'classes/model/InputDocument.php';
 $oInputDocument = new InputDocument();
 if ($_GET['UID'] != -1) {
     $aID = $oInputDocument->load($_GET['UID']);
 } else {
     $oFolder = new AppFolder();
     $folderStructure = $oFolder->getFolderStructure(isset($_GET['folderId']) ? $_GET['folderId'] : "/");
     $aID = array('INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH' => $folderStructure['PATH']);
 $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
 //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
 $oFolder = new AppFolder();
 if ($_GET['UID'] != -1) {
     $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aID['INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $appId);
     $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aID['INP_DOC_TAGS'], $appId);
 } else {
     $folderId = isset($_GET['folderId']) ? $_GET['folderId'] : "/";
     $fileTags = "EXTERNAL";
 switch ($actionType) {
     case "R":
         $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $appDocUid, 'APP_UID' => $appId, 'DOC_VERSION' => $docVersion, 'DEL_INDEX' => 1, 'USR_UID' => $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], 'DOC_UID' => $docUid, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => $_POST['form']['APP_DOC_TYPE'], 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_COMMENT' => isset($_POST['form']['APP_DOC_COMMENT']) ? $_POST['form']['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] : '', 'APP_DOC_TITLE' => '', 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => isset($_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME']) ? $_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] : '', 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
Exemplo n.º 5

     * Add a input document


     * Return the application document ID


     * @param string $inputDocumentUid Input document ID

     * @param string $appDocUid Application document ID

     * @param int $docVersion Document version

     * @param string $appDocType Document type

     * @param string $appDocComment Document comment

     * @param string $inputDocumentAction Action, posible values: null or empty (Add), "R" (Replace), "NV" (New Version)

     * @param string $applicationUid Application ID

     * @param int $delIndex Delegation index

     * @param string $taskUid Task ID

     * @param string $userUid User ID

     * @param string $option Option, posible values: "xmlform", "file"

     * @param string $file File ($_FILES["form"]["name"]["APP_DOC_FILENAME"] or path to file)

     * @param int $fileError File error ($_FILES["form"]["error"]["APP_DOC_FILENAME"] or 0)

     * @param string $fileTmpName File temporal name ($_FILES["form"]["tmp_name"]["APP_DOC_FILENAME"] or null)

     * @param string $fileSize    File size ($_FILES["form"]["size"]["APP_DOC_FILENAME"] or 0)

     * @return string Return application document ID


    public function addInputDocument($inputDocumentUid, $appDocUid, $docVersion, $appDocType, $appDocComment, $inputDocumentAction, $applicationUid, $delIndex, $taskUid, $userUid, $option, $file, $fileError = 0, $fileTmpName = null, $fileSize = 0)


        $appDocFileName = null;

        $sw = 0;

        switch ($option) {

            case "xmlform":

                $appDocFileName = $file;

                if ($fileError == 0) {

                    $sw = 1;



            case "file":

                $appDocFileName = basename($file);

                if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file)) {

                    $sw = 1;




        if ($sw == 0) {

            return null;



        $inputDocument = new InputDocument();

        $arrayInputDocumentData = $inputDocument->load($inputDocumentUid);

        //--- Validate Filesize of $_FILE

        $inpDocMaxFilesize = $arrayInputDocumentData["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE"];

        $inpDocMaxFilesizeUnit = $arrayInputDocumentData["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE_UNIT"];

        $inpDocMaxFilesize = $inpDocMaxFilesize * (($inpDocMaxFilesizeUnit == "MB")? 1024 *1024 : 1024); //Bytes

        if ($inpDocMaxFilesize > 0 && $fileSize > 0) {

            if ($fileSize > $inpDocMaxFilesize) {

                throw new Exception(G::LoadTranslation("ID_SIZE_VERY_LARGE_PERMITTED"));



        //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)

        $appFolder = new AppFolder();

        $folderId = $appFolder->createFromPath($arrayInputDocumentData["INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH"], $applicationUid);

        $tags = $appFolder->parseTags($arrayInputDocumentData["INP_DOC_TAGS"], $applicationUid);

        $appDocument = new AppDocument();

        $arrayField = array();

        switch ($inputDocumentAction) {

            case "R":


                $arrayField = array(

                    "APP_DOC_UID" => $appDocUid,

                    "APP_UID" => $applicationUid,

                    "DOC_VERSION" => $docVersion,

                    "DEL_INDEX" => $delIndex,

                    "USR_UID" => $userUid,

                    "DOC_UID" => $inputDocumentUid,

                    "APP_DOC_TYPE" => $appDocType,

                    "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),

                    "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => $appDocComment,

                    "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "",

                    "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $appDocFileName,

                    "FOLDER_UID" => $folderId,

                    "APP_DOC_TAGS" => $tags




            case "NV":

                //New Version

                $arrayField = array(

                    "APP_DOC_UID" => $appDocUid,

                    "APP_UID" => $applicationUid,

                    "DEL_INDEX" => $delIndex,

                    "USR_UID" => $userUid,

                    "DOC_UID" => $inputDocumentUid,

                    "APP_DOC_TYPE" => $appDocType,

                    "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),

                    "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => $appDocComment,

                    "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "",

                    "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $appDocFileName,

                    "FOLDER_UID" => $folderId,

                    "APP_DOC_TAGS" => $tags






                $arrayField = array(

                    "APP_UID" => $applicationUid,

                    "DEL_INDEX" => $delIndex,

                    "USR_UID" => $userUid,

                    "DOC_UID" => $inputDocumentUid,

                    "APP_DOC_TYPE" => $appDocType,

                    "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),

                    "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => $appDocComment,

                    "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "",

                    "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $appDocFileName,

                    "FOLDER_UID" => $folderId,

                    "APP_DOC_TAGS" => $tags





        //Save the file

        $appDocUid = $appDocument->getAppDocUid();

        $docVersion = $appDocument->getDocVersion();

        $arrayInfo = pathinfo($appDocument->getAppDocFilename());

        $extension = (isset($arrayInfo["extension"])) ? $arrayInfo["extension"] : null;

        $strPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($applicationUid) . PATH_SEP;

        $strFileName = $appDocUid . "_" . $docVersion . "." . $extension;

        switch ($option) {

            case "xmlform":

                G::uploadFile($fileTmpName, $strPathName, $strFileName);


            case "file":

                $umaskOld = umask(0);

                if (!is_dir($strPathName)) {

                    G::verifyPath($strPathName, true);



                $filter = new InputFilter();

                $file = $filter->xssFilterHard($file, 'path');

                copy($file, $strPathName . $strFileName);

                chmod($strPathName . $strFileName, 0666);




        //Plugin Hook PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT for upload document

        $pluginRegistry = &PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();

        if ($pluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) && class_exists("uploadDocumentData")) {

            $triggerDetail = $pluginRegistry->getTriggerInfo(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT);

            $documentData = new uploadDocumentData(



                            $strPathName . $strFileName,





            $uploadReturn = $pluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);

            if ($uploadReturn) {

                $arrayField["APP_DOC_PLUGIN"] = $triggerDetail->sNamespace;

                if (!isset($arrayField["APP_DOC_UID"])) {

                    $arrayField["APP_DOC_UID"] = $appDocUid;


                if (!isset($arrayField["DOC_VERSION"])) {

                    $arrayField["DOC_VERSION"] = $docVersion;



                unlink($strPathName . $strFileName);



        //End plugin

        return $appDocUid;

Exemplo n.º 6
         $indocUid = $_POST["INPUTS"][$arrayField[$i]["grdName"]][$arrayField[$i]["grdFieldName"]];
     $fieldName = $arrayField[$i]["grdName"] . "_" . $arrayField[$i]["index"] . "_" . $arrayField[$i]["grdFieldName"];
 } else {
     if (isset($_POST["INPUTS"][$arrayField[$i]]) && !empty($_POST["INPUTS"][$arrayField[$i]])) {
         $indocUid = $_POST["INPUTS"][$arrayField[$i]];
     $fieldName = $arrayField[$i];
 if ($indocUid != null) {
     //require_once ("classes/model/AppFolder.php");
     //require_once ("classes/model/InputDocument.php");
     $oInputDocument = new InputDocument();
     $aID = $oInputDocument->load($indocUid);
     //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
     $oFolder = new AppFolder();
     $documentFileStructure = $oFolder->getFolderStructure();
     $aFields = array("APP_UID" => $_SESSION["APPLICATION"], "DEL_INDEX" => $_SESSION["INDEX"], "USR_UID" => $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"], "DOC_UID" => $indocUid, "APP_DOC_TYPE" => "INPUT", "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => "", "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "", "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $arrayFileName[$i], "FOLDER_UID" => $oFolder->createFromPath($aID["INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH"]), "APP_DOC_TAGS" => $oFolder->parseTags($aID["INP_DOC_TAGS"]), "APP_DOC_FIELDNAME" => $fieldName);
 } else {
     $aFields = array("APP_UID" => $_SESSION["APPLICATION"], "DEL_INDEX" => $_SESSION["INDEX"], "USR_UID" => $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"], "DOC_UID" => -1, "APP_DOC_TYPE" => "ATTACHED", "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => "", "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "", "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $arrayFileName[$i], "APP_DOC_FIELDNAME" => $fieldName);
 $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
 $iDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getDocVersion();
 $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid();
 $aInfo = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename());
 $sExtension = isset($aInfo["extension"]) ? $aInfo["extension"] : "";
 $pathUID = G::getPathFromUID($_SESSION["APPLICATION"]);
 $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . $pathUID . PATH_SEP;
 // . $documentFileStructure;
 $sFileName = $sAppDocUid . "_" . $iDocVersion . "." . $sExtension;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Get data of Cases OutputDocument
  * @param string $applicationUid
  * @param string $outputDocumentUid
  * @param string $userUid
  * return object Return an object with data of an OutputDocument
 public function addCasesOutputDocument($applicationUid, $outputDocumentUid, $userUid)
     try {
         $sApplication = $applicationUid;
         $index = \AppDelegation::getCurrentIndex($applicationUid);
         $sUserLogged = $userUid;
         $outputID = $outputDocumentUid;
         $g = new \G();
         \G::LoadClass( 'case' );
         $oCase = new \Cases();
         $oCase->thisIsTheCurrentUser( $sApplication, $index, $sUserLogged, '', 'casesListExtJs' );
         //require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php';
         $oOutputDocument = new \OutputDocument();
         $aOD = $oOutputDocument->load( $outputID );
         $Fields = $oCase->loadCase( $sApplication );
         $sFilename = preg_replace( '[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', \G::replaceDataField( $aOD['OUT_DOC_FILENAME'], $Fields['APP_DATA'] ) );
         require_once (PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "AppFolder.php");
         require_once (PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "AppDocument.php");
         //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
         $oFolder = new \AppFolder();
         $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath( $aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $sApplication );
         $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags( $aOD['OUT_DOC_TAGS'], $sApplication );
         //Get last Document Version and apply versioning if is enabled
         $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
         $lastDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion( $outputID, $sApplication );
         $oCriteria = new \Criteria( 'workflow' );
         $oCriteria->add( \AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $sApplication );
         $oCriteria->add( \AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID, $outputID );
         $oCriteria->add( \AppDocumentPeer::DOC_VERSION, $lastDocVersion );
         $oCriteria->add( \AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'OUTPUT' );
         $oDataset = \AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS( $oCriteria );
         $oDataset->setFetchmode( \ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
         if (($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING']) && ($lastDocVersion != 0)) {
             //Create new Version of current output
             $lastDocVersion ++;
             if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
                 $aFields = array ('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'],'APP_UID' => $sApplication,'DEL_INDEX' => $index,'DOC_UID' => $outputID,'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion + 1,'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged,'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT','APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename,'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId,'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
                 $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
                 $oAppDocument->create( $aFields );
                 $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'];
         } else {
             ////No versioning so Update a current Output or Create new if no exist
             if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
                 $aFields = array ('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'],'APP_UID' => $sApplication,'DEL_INDEX' => $index,'DOC_UID' => $outputID,'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion,'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged,'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT','APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename,'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId,'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags
                 $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
                 $oAppDocument->update( $aFields );
                 $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'];
             } else {
                 //we are creating the appdocument row
                 if ($lastDocVersion == 0) {
                     $lastDocVersion ++;
                 $aFields = array ('APP_UID' => $sApplication,'DEL_INDEX' => $index,'DOC_UID' => $outputID,'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion,'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged,'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT','APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename,'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId,'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags
                 $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
                 $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $sDocUID = $oAppDocument->create( $aFields );
         $sFilename = $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] . "_" . $lastDocVersion;
         $pathOutput = PATH_DOCUMENT . \G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP . 'outdocs' . PATH_SEP; //G::pr($sFilename);die;
         \G::mk_dir( $pathOutput );
         $aProperties = array ();
         if (! isset( $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'] )) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'] = 'Letter';
         if (! isset( $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'] )) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'] = '15';
         if (! isset( $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'] )) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'] = '15';
         if (! isset( $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'] )) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'] = '15';
         if (! isset( $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'] )) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'] = '15';
         $aProperties['media'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'];
         $aProperties['margins'] = array ('left' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'],'right' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'],'top' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'],'bottom' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN']
         if (isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'])) {
             $aProperties['report_generator'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'];
         $this->generate( $outputID, $Fields['APP_DATA'], $pathOutput, $sFilename, $aOD['OUT_DOC_TEMPLATE'], (boolean) $aOD['OUT_DOC_LANDSCAPE'], $aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE'], $aProperties , $applicationUid);
         //Plugin Hook PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT for upload document
         $oPluginRegistry = & \PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
         if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger( PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT ) && class_exists( 'uploadDocumentData' )) {
             $triggerDetail = $oPluginRegistry->getTriggerInfo( PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT );
             $aFields['APP_DOC_PLUGIN'] = $triggerDetail->sNamespace;
             $oAppDocument1 = new \AppDocument();
             $oAppDocument1->update( $aFields );
             $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . \G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP;
             $oData['APP_UID'] = $sApplication;
             $oData['ATTACHMENT_FOLDER'] = true;
             switch ($aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) {
                 case "BOTH":
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData( $sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion() );
                     $documentData->sFileType = "PDF";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers( PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData );
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink( $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf' );
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData( $sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion() );
                     $documentData->sFileType = "DOC";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers( PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData );
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink( $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc' );
                 case "PDF":
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData( $sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion() );
                     $documentData->sFileType = "PDF";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers( PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData );
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink( $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf' );
                 case "DOC":
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData( $sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion() );
                     $documentData->sFileType = "DOC";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers( PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData );
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink( $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc' );
         $oAppDocument = \AppDocumentPeer::retrieveByPK( $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'], $lastDocVersion);
         if ($oAppDocument->getAppDocStatus() == 'DELETED') {
         $response = $this->getCasesOutputDocument($applicationUid, $userUid, $aFields['APP_DOC_UID']);
         return $response;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @method
 * Generates an Output Document
 * @name PMFGenerateOutputDocument
 * @label PMF Generate Output Document
 * @param string(32) | $outputID | Output ID | Output Document ID
 * @return none | $none | None | None
function PMFGenerateOutputDocument($outputID, $sApplication = null, $index = null, $sUserLogged = null)
    $g = new G();
    if ($sApplication) {
        $_SESSION["APPLICATION"] = $sApplication;
    } else {
        $sApplication = $_SESSION["APPLICATION"];
    if ($index) {
        $_SESSION["INDEX"] = $index;
    } else {
        $index = $_SESSION["INDEX"];
    if ($sUserLogged) {
        $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"] = $sUserLogged;
    } else {
        $sUserLogged = $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"];
    $oCase = new Cases();
    $oCase->thisIsTheCurrentUser($sApplication, $index, $sUserLogged, '', 'casesListExtJs');
    //require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php';
    $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument();
    $aOD = $oOutputDocument->load($outputID);
    $Fields = $oCase->loadCase($sApplication);
    //The $_GET['UID'] variable is used when a process executes.
    //$sUID = ($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'])?$_GET['UID']:$aOD['OUT_DOC_UID'];
    $sFilename = preg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', G::replaceDataField($aOD['OUT_DOC_FILENAME'], $Fields['APP_DATA']));
    require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php';
    require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php';
    //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
    $oFolder = new AppFolder();
    $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $sApplication);
    $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aOD['OUT_DOC_TAGS'], $sApplication);
    //Get last Document Version and apply versioning if is enabled
    $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
    $lastDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion($outputID, $sApplication);
    $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
    $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $sApplication);
    //$oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX,    $index);
    $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID, $outputID);
    $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_VERSION, $lastDocVersion);
    $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'OUTPUT');
    $oDataset = AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
    if ($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'] && $lastDocVersion != 0) {
        //Create new Version of current output
        if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], 'APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion + 1, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
            $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
            $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'];
    } else {
        ////No versioning so Update a current Output or Create new if no exist
        if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
            $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], 'APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
            $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
            $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'];
        } else {
            //we are creating the appdocument row
            if ($lastDocVersion == 0) {
            $aFields = array('APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
            $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
            $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $sDocUID = $oAppDocument->create($aFields);
    $sFilename = $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] . "_" . $lastDocVersion;
    $pathOutput = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP . 'outdocs' . PATH_SEP;
    $aProperties = array();
    if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'])) {
        $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'] = 'Letter';
    if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'])) {
        $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'] = '15';
    if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'])) {
        $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'] = '15';
    if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'])) {
        $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'] = '15';
    if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'])) {
        $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'] = '15';
    $aProperties['media'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'];
    $aProperties['margins'] = array('left' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'], 'right' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'], 'top' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'], 'bottom' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN']);
    if (isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'])) {
        $aProperties['report_generator'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'];
    $oOutputDocument->generate($outputID, $Fields['APP_DATA'], $pathOutput, $sFilename, $aOD['OUT_DOC_TEMPLATE'], (bool) $aOD['OUT_DOC_LANDSCAPE'], $aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE'], $aProperties);
    //Plugin Hook PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT for upload document
    $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
    if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) && class_exists('uploadDocumentData')) {
        $triggerDetail = $oPluginRegistry->getTriggerInfo(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT);
        $aFields['APP_DOC_PLUGIN'] = $triggerDetail->sNamespace;
        $oAppDocument1 = new AppDocument();
        $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP;
        $oData['APP_UID'] = $sApplication;
        $oData['ATTACHMENT_FOLDER'] = true;
        switch ($aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) {
            case "BOTH":
                $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                $documentData->sFileType = "PDF";
                $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                if ($uploadReturn) {
                    //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                    unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf');
                $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                $documentData->sFileType = "DOC";
                $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                if ($uploadReturn) {
                    //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                    unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc');
            case "PDF":
                $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                $documentData->sFileType = "PDF";
                $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                if ($uploadReturn) {
                    //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                    unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf');
            case "DOC":
                $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                $documentData->sFileType = "DOC";
                $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                if ($uploadReturn) {
                    //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                    unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc');
Exemplo n.º 9

try {
    $form = $_POST['form'];
    $FolderUid = $form['FOLDER_UID'];
    $FolderParentUid = $form['FOLDER_PARENT_UID'];
    $FolderName = $form['FOLDER_NAME'];
    $FolderCreateDate = 'now';
    $FolderUpdateDate = 'now';
    require_once "classes/model/AppFolder.php";
    //if exists the row in the database propel will update it, otherwise will insert.
    $tr = AppFolderPeer::retrieveByPK($FolderUid);
    if (!(is_object($tr) && get_class($tr) == 'AppFolder')) {
        $tr = new AppFolder();
    if ($tr->validate()) {
        // we save it, since we get no validation errors, or do whatever else you like.
        $res = $tr->save();
    } else {
        // Something went wrong. We can now get the validationFailures and handle them.
        $msg = '';
        $validationFailuresArray = $tr->getValidationFailures();
        foreach ($validationFailuresArray as $objValidationFailure) {
            $msg .= $objValidationFailure->getMessage() . "<br/>";
        //return array ( 'codError' => -100, 'rowsAffected' => 0, 'message' => $msg );
Exemplo n.º 10
 * if the post attached file has error code 0 continue in other case nothing to do.
if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES["ATTACH_FILE"]["error"] == 0) {
    try {
        $folderId = "";
        $fileTags = "";
        if (isset($_POST["DOC_UID"]) && $_POST["DOC_UID"] != -1) {
            //The document is of an Specific Input Document. Get path and Tag information
            require_once "classes/model/AppFolder.php";
            require_once "classes/model/InputDocument.php";
            $oInputDocument = new InputDocument();
            $aID = $oInputDocument->load($_POST["DOC_UID"]);
            //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
            $oFolder = new AppFolder();
            $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aID["INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH"], $_POST["APPLICATION"]);
            $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aID["INP_DOC_TAGS"], $_POST["APPLICATION"]);
        $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
        if (isset($_POST["APP_DOC_UID"]) && trim($_POST["APP_DOC_UID"]) != "") {
            echo "[update]";
            $aFields["APP_DOC_UID"] = $_POST["APP_DOC_UID"];
            $aFields["DOC_VERSION"] = $_POST["DOC_VERSION"];
            $aFields["APP_DOC_FILENAME"] = $_FILES["ATTACH_FILE"]["name"];
            if (isset($_POST["APPLICATION"])) {
                $aFields["APP_UID"] = $_POST["APPLICATION"];
            if (isset($_POST["INDEX"])) {
Exemplo n.º 11
 * The point of this application is upload the file and create the input document record
 * if the post attached file has error code 0 continue in other case nothing to do. */
if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES['ATTACH_FILE']['error'] == 0) {
    try {
        $folderId = '';
        $fileTags = '';
        if (isset($_POST['DOC_UID']) && $_POST['DOC_UID'] != -1) {
            //The document is of an Specific Input Document. Get path and Tag information
            require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php';
            require_once 'classes/model/InputDocument.php';
            $oInputDocument = new InputDocument();
            $aID = $oInputDocument->load($_POST['DOC_UID']);
            //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
            $oFolder = new AppFolder();
            $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aID['INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $_POST['APPLICATION']);
            $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aID['INP_DOC_TAGS'], $_POST['APPLICATION']);
        $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();
        if (isset($_POST['APP_DOC_UID']) && trim($_POST['APP_DOC_UID']) != '') {
            echo '[update]';
            $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $_POST['APP_DOC_UID'];
            $aFields['DOC_VERSION'] = $_POST['DOC_VERSION'];
            $aFields['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] = $_FILES['ATTACH_FILE']['name'];
            if (isset($_POST['APPLICATION'])) {
                $aFields['APP_UID'] = $_POST['APPLICATION'];
            if (isset($_POST['INDEX'])) {
Exemplo n.º 12
function deletePMFolder()
    include_once ("classes/model/AppFolder.php");
    $oAppFoder = new AppFolder ();

Exemplo n.º 13
  * Get data of Cases OutputDocument
  * @param string $applicationUid
  * @param string $outputDocumentUid
  * @param string $userUid
  * return object Return an object with data of an OutputDocument
 public function addCasesOutputDocument($applicationUid, $outputDocumentUid, $userUid)
     try {
         $sApplication = $applicationUid;
         $index = \AppDelegation::getCurrentIndex($applicationUid);
         $sUserLogged = $userUid;
         $outputID = $outputDocumentUid;
         $g = new \G();
         $oCase = new \Cases();
         $oCase->thisIsTheCurrentUser($sApplication, $index, $sUserLogged, '', 'casesListExtJs');
         //require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php';
         $oOutputDocument = new \OutputDocument();
         $aOD = $oOutputDocument->load($outputID);
         $Fields = $oCase->loadCase($sApplication);
         $sFilename = preg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', \G::replaceDataField($aOD['OUT_DOC_FILENAME'], $Fields['APP_DATA']));
         require_once PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "AppFolder.php";
         require_once PATH_TRUNK . "workflow" . PATH_SEP . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "AppDocument.php";
         //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary)
         $oFolder = new \AppFolder();
         $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $sApplication);
         $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aOD['OUT_DOC_TAGS'], $sApplication);
         //Get last Document Version and apply versioning if is enabled
         $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
         $lastDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion($outputID, $sApplication);
         $oCriteria = new \Criteria('workflow');
         $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $sApplication);
         $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID, $outputID);
         $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::DOC_VERSION, $lastDocVersion);
         $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'OUTPUT');
         $oDataset = \AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
         if ($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'] && $lastDocVersion != 0) {
             //Create new Version of current output
             if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
                 $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], 'APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion + 1, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
                 $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
                 $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'];
         } else {
             ////No versioning so Update a current Output or Create new if no exist
             if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) {
                 $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], 'APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
                 $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
                 $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'];
             } else {
                 //we are creating the appdocument row
                 if ($lastDocVersion == 0) {
                 $aFields = array('APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
                 $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument();
                 $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $sDocUID = $oAppDocument->create($aFields);
         $sFilename = $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] . "_" . $lastDocVersion;
         $pathOutput = PATH_DOCUMENT . \G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP . 'outdocs' . PATH_SEP;
         $aProperties = array();
         if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'])) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'] = 'Letter';
         if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'])) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'] = '15';
         if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'])) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'] = '15';
         if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'])) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'] = '15';
         if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'])) {
             $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'] = '15';
         $aProperties['media'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'];
         $aProperties['margins'] = array('left' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'], 'right' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'], 'top' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'], 'bottom' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN']);
         if (isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'])) {
             $aProperties['report_generator'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'];
         $this->generate($outputID, $Fields['APP_DATA'], $pathOutput, $sFilename, $aOD['OUT_DOC_TEMPLATE'], (bool) $aOD['OUT_DOC_LANDSCAPE'], $aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE'], $aProperties, $applicationUid);
         $licensedFeatures =& \PMLicensedFeatures::getSingleton();
         if ($licensedFeatures->verifyfeature('7qhYmF1eDJWcEdwcUZpT0k4S0xTRStvdz09')) {
             $pmDrive = new \PMDrive();
             if ($pmDrive->getStatusService()) {
                 $app = new \Application();
                 $user = new \Users();
                 $dataUser = $user->load($userUid);
                 $appData = $app->Load($applicationUid);
                 if ($appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID'] == null) {
                     $process = new \Process();
                     $result = $pmDrive->createFolder($process->getProTitle() . ' - ' . G::LoadTranslation("ID_CASE") . ' #' . $appData['APP_NUMBER'], $pmDrive->getFolderIdPMDrive($userUid));
                     $appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID'] = $result->id;
                 $fileIdDriveDoc = '';
                 $fileIdDrivePdf = '';
                 $sFilenameOriginal = preg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', \G::replaceDataField($aOD['OUT_DOC_FILENAME'], $Fields['APP_DATA']));
                 switch ($aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) {
                     case "BOTH":
                         $result = $pmDrive->uploadFile('application/pdf', $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilenameOriginal . '.pdf', $appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID']);
                         $oAppDocument->setDriveDownload('OUTPUT_PDF', $result->webContentLink);
                         $fileIdDrivePdf = $result->id;
                         $result = $pmDrive->uploadFile('application/doc', $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilenameOriginal . '.doc', $appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID']);
                         $oAppDocument->setDriveDownload('OUTPUT_DOC', $result->webContentLink);
                         $fileIdDriveDoc = $result->id;
                     case "PDF":
                         $result = $pmDrive->uploadFile('application/pdf', $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilenameOriginal . '.pdf', $appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID']);
                         $oAppDocument->setDriveDownload('OUTPUT_PDF', $result->webContentLink);
                         $fileIdDrivePdf = $result->id;
                     case "DOC":
                         $result = $pmDrive->uploadFile('application/doc', $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilenameOriginal . '.doc', $appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID']);
                         $oAppDocument->setDriveDownload('OUTPUT_DOC', $result->webContentLink);
                         $fileIdDriveDoc = $result->id;
                 $aFields['DOC_VERSION'] = $oAppDocument->getDocVersion();
                 // $docVersion;
                 $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid();
                 $appDocUid = $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'];
                 //$option = 'pmDrive';
                 //add permissions
                 $criteria = new \Criteria('workflow');
                 $criteria->add(\ApplicationPeer::APP_UID, $applicationUid);
                 $criteria->addJoin(\ApplicationPeer::PRO_UID, \TaskPeer::PRO_UID, \Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
                 $criteria->addJoin(\TaskPeer::TAS_UID, \TaskUserPeer::TAS_UID, \Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
                 $dataset = \ApplicationPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
                 $userPermission = array();
                 $case = new \Cases();
                 while ($dataset->next()) {
                     $row = $dataset->getRow();
                     if ($row['TU_RELATION'] == 1) {
                         $dataUser = $user->load($row['USR_UID']);
                         if (array_search($dataUser['USR_EMAIL'], $userPermission) === false) {
                             $objectPermissions = $case->getAllObjects($row['PRO_UID'], $applicationUid, $row['TAS_UID'], $row['USR_UID']);
                             if (array_search($appDocUid, $objectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS']) !== false) {
                                 $userPermission[] = $dataUser['USR_EMAIL'];
                     } else {
                         $criteria = new \Criteria('workflow');
                         $criteria->add(\GroupUserPeer::GRP_UID, $row['USR_UID']);
                         $criteria->addJoin(\GroupUserPeer::USR_UID, \UsersPeer::USR_UID, \Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
                         $oDataset = \AppDelegationPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
                         while ($oDataset->next()) {
                             $aRow = $oDataset->getRow();
                             if (array_search($aRow['USR_EMAIL'], $userPermission) === false) {
                                 $objectPermissions = $case->getAllObjects($row['PRO_UID'], $applicationUid, $row['TAS_UID'], $aRow['USR_UID']);
                                 if (array_search($appDocUid, $objectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS']) !== false) {
                                     $userPermission[] = $aRow['USR_EMAIL'];
                 $userPermission = array_unique($userPermission);
                 foreach ($userPermission as $key => $val) {
                     $pmDrive->setPermission($appData['APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID'], $val, 'user', 'writer');
                     $pmDrive->setPermission($fileIdDrivePdf, $val);
                     $pmDrive->setPermission($fileIdDriveDoc, $val);
         //Plugin Hook PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT for upload document
         $oPluginRegistry =& \PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
         if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) && class_exists('uploadDocumentData')) {
             $triggerDetail = $oPluginRegistry->getTriggerInfo(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT);
             $aFields['APP_DOC_PLUGIN'] = $triggerDetail->sNamespace;
             $oAppDocument1 = new \AppDocument();
             $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . \G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP;
             $oData['APP_UID'] = $sApplication;
             $oData['ATTACHMENT_FOLDER'] = true;
             switch ($aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) {
                 case "BOTH":
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                     $documentData->sFileType = "PDF";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf');
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                     $documentData->sFileType = "DOC";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc');
                 case "PDF":
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                     $documentData->sFileType = "PDF";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf');
                 case "DOC":
                     $documentData = new \uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion());
                     $documentData->sFileType = "DOC";
                     $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true;
                     $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData);
                     if ($uploadReturn) {
                         //Only delete if the file was saved correctly
                         unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc');
         $oAppDocument = \AppDocumentPeer::retrieveByPK($aFields['APP_DOC_UID'], $lastDocVersion);
         if ($oAppDocument->getAppDocStatus() == 'DELETED') {
         $response = $this->getCasesOutputDocument($applicationUid, $userUid, $aFields['APP_DOC_UID']);
         return $response;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;