Exemplo n.º 1
 public function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $shortURL = str_replace('index.php', '', AppConfig::main('site_URL'));
     $viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
     $viewer->assign('URLCSS', $shortURL . Yeti_Layout::getLayoutFile('modules/AJAXChat/Chat.css'));
     $viewer->assign('URL', $shortURL . "libraries/AJAXChat/index.php");
     $viewer->view('Index.tpl', 'AJAXChat');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function getLayoutFile($name)
     $basePath = 'layouts' . '/' . AppConfig::main('defaultLayout') . '/';
     $filePath = Vtiger_Loader::resolveNameToPath('~' . $basePath . $name);
     if (is_file($filePath)) {
         return $basePath . $name;
     $basePath = 'layouts' . '/' . Vtiger_Viewer::getDefaultLayoutName() . '/';
     return $basePath . $name;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
     $moduleName = $request->getModule();
     $viewer->assign('MODULE', $moduleName);
     $viewer->assign('ENABLED_MOBILE_MODULE', in_array('mobileModule', vglobal('enabledServices')));
     $viewer->assign('CURRENT_VERSION', vglobal('YetiForce_current_version'));
     $viewer->assign('LANGUAGE_SELECTION', AppConfig::main('langInLoginView'));
     $viewer->assign('LAYOUT_SELECTION', AppConfig::main('layoutInLoginView'));
     $viewer->assign('ERROR', $request->get('error'));
     $viewer->assign('FPERROR', $request->get('fpError'));
     $viewer->assign('STATUS', $request->get('status'));
     $viewer->assign('STATUS_ERROR', $request->get('statusError'));
     $viewer->view('Login.tpl', 'Users');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Function to check the file access is made within web root directory. 
  * @param String File path to check
  * @param Boolean False to avoid die() if check fails
 static function checkFileAccess($filepath, $dieOnFail = true)
     // Set the base directory to compare with
     $use_root_directory = AppConfig::main('root_directory');
     if (empty($use_root_directory)) {
         $use_root_directory = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../.');
     $realfilepath = realpath($filepath);
     /** Replace all \\ with \ first */
     $realfilepath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $realfilepath);
     $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $use_root_directory);
     /** Replace all \ with / now */
     $realfilepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $realfilepath);
     $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $rootdirpath);
     if (stripos($realfilepath, $rootdirpath) !== 0) {
         if ($dieOnFail) {
             $log = LoggerManager::getInstance();
             $log->error(__CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__ . '(' . $filepath . ') - Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file. realfilepath: ' . print_r($realfilepath, true));
             throw new AppException('Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.');
         return false;
     return true;
 public function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $moduleName = $request->getModule();
     $uid = $request->get('uid');
     $folder = $request->get('folder');
     $rcId = $request->get('rcId');
     $account = OSSMail_Record_Model::getAccountByHash($rcId);
     if (!$account) {
         throw new NoPermittedException('LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED');
     $rcId = $account['user_id'];
     $mailViewModel = OSSMailView_Record_Model::getCleanInstance('OSSMailView');
     $record = $mailViewModel->checkMailExist($uid, $folder, $rcId);
     $viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
     $viewer->assign('RECORD', $record);
     if ($record) {
         $reletedRecords = $mailViewModel->getReletedRecords($record);
         $viewer->assign('RELETED_RECORDS', $reletedRecords);
     $viewer->assign('MODULE_NAME', $moduleName);
     $viewer->assign('URL', AppConfig::main('site_URL'));
     $viewer->view('MailActionBar.tpl', $moduleName);
Exemplo n.º 6
 function GetSite_URL()
     $site_URL = AppConfig::main('site_URL');
     if (substr($site_URL, -1) != '/') {
         $site_URL = $site_URL . '/';
     return $site_URL;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * function to return whether the file access is made within vtiger root directory
  * and it exists.
  * @global String $root_directory vtiger root directory as given in config.inc.php file.
  * @param String $filepath relative path to the file which need to be verified
  * @return Boolean true if file is a valid file within vtiger root directory, false otherwise.
 static function isFileAccessible($filepath)
     // Set the base directory to compare with
     $use_root_directory = AppConfig::main('root_directory');
     if (empty($use_root_directory)) {
         $use_root_directory = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../.');
     $realfilepath = realpath($filepath);
     /** Replace all \\ with \ first */
     $realfilepath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $realfilepath);
     $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $use_root_directory);
     /** Replace all \ with / now */
     $realfilepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $realfilepath);
     $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $rootdirpath);
     if (stripos($realfilepath, $rootdirpath) !== 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static function getBacktrace($ignore = 2)
     $trace = '';
     $rootDirectory = rtrim(AppConfig::main('root_directory'), '/');
     foreach (debug_backtrace() as $k => $v) {
         if ($k < $ignore) {
         $file = str_replace($rootDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $v['file']);
         $trace .= '#' . ($k - $ignore) . ' ' . (isset($v['class']) ? $v['class'] . '->' : '') . $v['function'] . '() in ' . $file . '(' . $v['line'] . '): ' . PHP_EOL;
     return $trace;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Detect if the task was started by never finished.
 function hadTimeout()
     if (!$this->isRunning()) {
         return false;
     $maxExecutionTime = intval(ini_get('max_execution_time'));
     if ($maxExecutionTime == 0) {
         $maxExecutionTime = AppConfig::main('maxExecutionCronTime');
     $time = $this->getLastEnd();
     if ($time == 0) {
         $time = $this->getLastStart();
     if (time() > $time + $maxExecutionTime) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
 } else {
     // Run all service
     $cronTasks = Vtiger_Cron::listAllActiveInstances();
 $cronStarts = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
 //set global current user permissions
 $current_user = vglobal('current_user');
 $current_user = Users::getActiveAdminUser();
 echo sprintf('---------------  %s | Start CRON  ----------', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . PHP_EOL;
 foreach ($cronTasks as $cronTask) {
     try {
         // Timeout could happen if intermediate cron-tasks fails
         // and affect the next task. Which need to be handled in this cycle.
         if ($cronTask->hadTimeout()) {
             echo sprintf('%s | %s - Cron task had timedout as it was not completed last time it run' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cronTask->getName());
             if (AppConfig::main('unblockedTimeoutCronTasks')) {
         // Not ready to run yet?
         if ($cronTask->isRunning()) {
             $log->fatal($cronTask->getName() . ' - Task omitted, it has not been finished during the last scanning');
             echo sprintf('%s | %s - Task omitted, it has not been finished during the last scanning' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cronTask->getName());
         // Not ready to run yet?
         if (!$cronTask->isRunnable()) {
             $log->info($cronTask->getName() . ' - Not ready to run as the time to run again is not completed');
             echo sprintf('%s | %s - Not ready to run as the time to run again is not completed' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cronTask->getName());
Exemplo n.º 11
 function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('System');
     vglobal('log', $log);
     if (AppConfig::main('forceSSL') && !Vtiger_Functions::getBrowserInfo()->https) {
         header("Location: https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
     // Better place this here as session get initiated
     //skipping the csrf checking for the forgot(reset) password
     if (AppConfig::main('csrfProtection') && $request->get('mode') != 'reset' && $request->get('action') != 'Login') {
         require_once 'libraries/csrf-magic/csrf-magic.php';
         require_once 'config/csrf_config.php';
     // TODO - Get rid of global variable $current_user
     // common utils api called, depend on this variable right now
     $currentUser = $this->getLogin();
     vglobal('current_user', $currentUser);
     $currentLanguage = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getLanguage();
     vglobal('current_language', $currentLanguage);
     $module = $request->getModule();
     $qualifiedModuleName = $request->getModule(false);
     if ($currentUser && $qualifiedModuleName) {
         $moduleLanguageStrings = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getModuleStringsFromFile($currentLanguage, $qualifiedModuleName);
         vglobal('mod_strings', $moduleLanguageStrings['languageStrings']);
     if ($currentUser) {
         $moduleLanguageStrings = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getModuleStringsFromFile($currentLanguage);
         vglobal('app_strings', $moduleLanguageStrings['languageStrings']);
     $view = $request->get('view');
     $action = $request->get('action');
     $response = false;
     try {
         if ($this->isInstalled() === false && $module != 'Install') {
         if (empty($module)) {
             if ($this->hasLogin()) {
                 $defaultModule = AppConfig::main('default_module');
                 if (!empty($defaultModule) && $defaultModule != 'Home') {
                     $module = $defaultModule;
                     $qualifiedModuleName = $defaultModule;
                     $view = 'List';
                     if ($module == 'Calendar') {
                         // To load MyCalendar instead of list view for calendar
                         //TODO: see if it has to enhanced and get the default view from module model
                         $view = 'Calendar';
                 } else {
                     $module = 'Home';
                     $qualifiedModuleName = 'Home';
                     $view = 'DashBoard';
             } else {
                 $module = 'Users';
                 $qualifiedModuleName = 'Settings:Users';
                 $view = 'Login';
             $request->set('module', $module);
             $request->set('view', $view);
         if (!empty($action)) {
             $componentType = 'Action';
             $componentName = $action;
         } else {
             $componentType = 'View';
             if (empty($view)) {
                 $view = 'Index';
             $componentName = $view;
         $handlerClass = Vtiger_Loader::getComponentClassName($componentType, $componentName, $qualifiedModuleName);
         $handler = new $handlerClass();
         if ($handler) {
             vglobal('currentModule', $module);
             $csrfProtection = vglobal('csrfProtection');
             if ($csrfProtection) {
                 // Ensure handler validates the request
             if ($handler->loginRequired()) {
             //TODO : Need to review the design as there can potential security threat
             $skipList = array('Users', 'Home', 'CustomView', 'Import', 'Export', 'Inventory', 'Vtiger', 'Migration', 'Install');
             if (!in_array($module, $skipList) && stripos($qualifiedModuleName, 'Settings') === false) {
                 $this->triggerCheckPermission($handler, $request);
             // Every settings page handler should implement this method
             if (stripos($qualifiedModuleName, 'Settings') === 0 || $module == 'Users') {
             $notPermittedModules = array('ModComments', 'Integration', 'DashBoard');
             if (in_array($module, $notPermittedModules) && $view == 'List') {
             $this->triggerPreProcess($handler, $request);
             $response = $handler->process($request);
             $this->triggerPostProcess($handler, $request);
         } else {
             throw new AppException(vtranslate('LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'));
     } catch (AppException $e) {
         $log->error($e->getMessage() . ' => ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine());
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($e->getMessage(), false);
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             exit('<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>');
     } catch (NoPermittedToRecordException $e) {
         //No permissions for the record
         $log->error($e->getMessage() . ' => ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine());
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($e->getMessage(), false, 'NoPermissionsForRecord.tpl');
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             exit('<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log->error($e->getMessage() . ' => ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine());
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($e->getMessage(), false);
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             exit('<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>');
     if ($response) {
Exemplo n.º 12
  *      This function is used to upload the attachment in the server and save that attachment information in db.
  *      @param int $id  - entity id to which the file to be uploaded
  *      @param string $module  - the current module name
  *      @param array $file_details  - array which contains the file information(name, type, size, tmp_name and error)
  *      return void
 function uploadAndSaveFile($id, $module, $file_details, $attachmentType = 'Attachment')
     $log = LoggerManager::getInstance();
     $log->debug("Entering into uploadAndSaveFile({$id},{$module},{$file_details}) method.");
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $current_user = vglobal('current_user');
     $date_var = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     //to get the owner id
     $ownerid = $this->column_fields['assigned_user_id'];
     if (!isset($ownerid) || $ownerid == '') {
         $ownerid = $current_user->id;
     if (isset($file_details['original_name']) && $file_details['original_name'] != null) {
         $file_name = $file_details['original_name'];
     } else {
         $file_name = $file_details['name'];
     $saveFile = 'true';
     //only images are allowed for Image Attachmenttype
     $mimeType = Vtiger_Functions::getMimeContentType($file_details['tmp_name']);
     $mimeTypeContents = explode('/', $mimeType);
     // For contacts and products we are sending attachmentType as value
     if ($attachmentType == 'Image' || $file_details['size'] && $mimeTypeContents[0] == 'image') {
         $saveFile = validateImageFile($file_details);
     if ($saveFile == 'false') {
         return false;
     $binFile = sanitizeUploadFileName($file_name, AppConfig::main('upload_badext'));
     $current_id = $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_crmentity');
     $filename = ltrim(basename(' ' . $binFile));
     //allowed filename like UTF-8 characters
     $filetype = $file_details['type'];
     $filesize = $file_details['size'];
     $filetmp_name = $file_details['tmp_name'];
     //get the file path inwhich folder we want to upload the file
     $upload_file_path = decideFilePath($module);
     //upload the file in server
     $upload_status = move_uploaded_file($filetmp_name, $upload_file_path . $current_id . '_' . $binFile);
     $save_file = 'true';
     //only images are allowed for these modules
     if ($module == 'Contacts' || $module == 'Products') {
         $save_file = validateImageFile($file_details);
     if ($save_file == 'true' && $upload_status == 'true') {
         //This is only to update the attached filename in the vtiger_notes vtiger_table for the Notes module
         $params = ['crmid' => $current_id, 'smcreatorid' => $current_user->id, 'smownerid' => $ownerid, 'setype' => $module . " Image", 'description' => $this->column_fields['description'], 'createdtime' => $adb->formatDate($date_var, true), 'modifiedtime' => $adb->formatDate($date_var, true)];
         if ($module == 'Contacts' || $module == 'Products') {
             $params['setype'] = $module . " Image";
         } else {
             $params['setype'] = $module . " Attachment";
         $adb->insert('vtiger_crmentity', $params);
         $params = ['attachmentsid' => $current_id, 'name' => $filename, 'description' => $this->column_fields['description'], 'type' => $filetype, 'path' => $upload_file_path];
         $adb->insert('vtiger_attachments', $params);
         if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'edit') {
             if ($id != '' && vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['fileid']) != '') {
                 $delparams = [$id, vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['fileid'])];
                 $adb->delete('vtiger_seattachmentsrel', 'crmid = ? AND attachmentsid = ?', $delparams);
         if ($module == 'Documents') {
             $adb->delete('vtiger_seattachmentsrel', 'crmid = ?', [$id]);
         if ($module == 'Contacts') {
             $att_sql = "select vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid  from vtiger_seattachmentsrel inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype='Contacts Image' and vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=?";
             $res = $adb->pquery($att_sql, array($id));
             $attachmentsid = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'attachmentsid');
             if ($attachmentsid != '') {
                 $adb->delete('vtiger_seattachmentsrel', 'crmid = ? AND attachmentsid = ?', [$id, $attachmentsid]);
                 $adb->delete('vtiger_crmentity', 'crmid = ?', [$attachmentsid]);
                 $adb->insert('vtiger_seattachmentsrel', ['crmid' => $id, 'attachmentsid' => $current_id]);
             } else {
                 $adb->insert('vtiger_seattachmentsrel', ['crmid' => $id, 'attachmentsid' => $current_id]);
         } else {
             $adb->insert('vtiger_seattachmentsrel', ['crmid' => $id, 'attachmentsid' => $current_id]);
         return true;
     } else {
         $log->debug("Skip the save attachment process.");
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
 function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $username = $request->get('username');
     $password = $request->get('password');
     if ($request->get('mode') == 'install') {
         $dirPath = 'install';
         $configTemplate = "config/config.template.php";
         if (file_exists($configTemplate)) {
     $checkBlocked = Settings_BruteForce_Module_Model::checkBlocked();
     $bruteForceSettings = Settings_BruteForce_Module_Model::getBruteForceSettings();
     if ($checkBlocked && $bruteForceSettings['active']) {
         header('Location: index.php?module=Users&parent=Settings&view=Login&error=2');
     $user = CRMEntity::getInstance('Users');
     $user->column_fields['user_name'] = $username;
     $moduleModel = Users_Module_Model::getInstance('Users');
     if ($user->doLogin($password)) {
         if (AppConfig::main('session_regenerate_id')) {
         // to overcome session id reuse.
         $userid = $user->retrieve_user_id($username);
         Vtiger_Session::set('AUTHUSERID', $userid);
         // For Backward compatability
         // TODO Remove when switch-to-old look is not needed
         Vtiger_Session::set('authenticated_user_id', $userid);
         Vtiger_Session::set('app_unique_key', AppConfig::main('application_unique_key'));
         Vtiger_Session::set('authenticated_user_language', AppConfig::main('default_language'));
         Vtiger_Session::set('user_name', $username);
         Vtiger_Session::set('full_user_name', Vtiger_Functions::getUserRecordLabel($userid));
         if ($request->has('language') && AppConfig::main('langInLoginView')) {
             Vtiger_Session::set('language', $request->get('language'));
         if ($request->has('layout')) {
             Vtiger_Session::set('layout', $request->get('layout'));
         //Enabled session variable for KCFINDER
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER'] = [];
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['disabled'] = false;
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadURL'] = 'cache/upload';
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadDir'] = '../../cache/upload';
         $deniedExts = implode(' ', AppConfig::main('upload_badext'));
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['deniedExts'] = $deniedExts;
         // End
         //Track the login History
         if (isset($_SESSION['return_params'])) {
             $return_params = urldecode($_SESSION['return_params']);
             header("Location: index.php?{$return_params}");
         } else {
             header('Location: index.php');
     } else {
         //Track the login History
         $browser = Settings_BruteForce_Module_Model::browserDetect();
         $moduleModel->saveLoginHistory($username, 'Failed login', $browser);
         header('Location: index.php?module=Users&parent=Settings&view=Login&error=1');
Exemplo n.º 14
 protected function validateReferer()
     $user = vglobal('current_user');
     // Referer check if present - to over come
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $user) {
         //Check for user post authentication.
         if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], AppConfig::main('site_URL')) !== 0 && $this->get('module') != 'Install') {
             throw new CsrfException('Illegal request');
     return true;