Exemplo n.º 1
 private static function findMovedNodes($aoDiffs, $aoRootDiffs = false)
     //AnwDebug::logdetail(" ------ findMovedNodes ------ ");
     if (!$aoRootDiffs) {
         $aoRootDiffs = $aoDiffs;
     //find moved nodes = deletion + addition with the same nodeName and nodeValue
     //2 passes are necessary, otherwise we could get sub-level movednodes included in main-level movednodes...
     //first pass
     $aoNewDiffs = array();
     $nCountDiffs = count($aoDiffs);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nCountDiffs; $i++) {
         $oDiff = $aoDiffs[$i];
         //don't move blank lines... just delete it and add it again. avoids lots of problems.
         if ($oDiff->getDiffType() == AnwDiff::TYPE_ADDED && !AnwXml::xmlIsEmptyNode($oDiff->getNode())) {
             //important : don't move nodes into untranslatable parent nodes ! (testApplyDiffsMoved20)
             if (AnwXml::xmlIsTranslatableParent($oDiff->getNode())) {
                 $oDiffDeleted = self::findMovedNodes_findDeleted($aoRootDiffs, $oDiff);
                 if ($oDiffDeleted) {
                     //AnwDebug::logdetail(" * MOVED NODE FOUND : ".htmlentities(AnwUtils::xmlDumpNode($oDiff->getNode()))." <-- ".htmlentities(AnwUtils::xmlDumpNode($oDiffDeleted->getNode()))." ---parentDeleted---".htmlentities(AnwUtils::xmlDumpNode($oDiffDeleted->getNode()->parentNode)));
                     // warning, here there is 2 possible cases:
                     // 1. Nodes are 100% equals
                     // 2. Values are not equals, but values are the same but have a different textLayout.
                     // We do the test here, for better performances, so we don't test it more than 1 time even when applying diffs to several documents
                     $oDiffMoved = new AnwDiffMoved();
                     // did the textlayout changed?
                     $sNewNodeValue = $oDiff->getNode()->nodeValue;
                     if ($oDiffDeleted->getNode()->nodeValue != $sNewNodeValue) {
                         // mark the textlayout changed (ie: "\n" added/removed before/after text value), so that we will apply the new textlayout when applying the diffs later
                     } else {
                         // textlayout didn't change, the moved nodes are 100% the same
                     if ($oDiff->getDiffAddedParent()) {
                         //$oDiff->getNode()->set = "***moved-node-from-added***";
                         //AnwDebug::logdetail("findMovedNodes : !special !!! moved node from SubAdded");
                         $oOldDiffSubAdded = $oDiff;
                         //notify ancestors from change
                     } else {
                         //replace AnwDiffAdded by AnwDiffMoved
                     $oDiff = $oDiffMoved;
                 						//this DiffAdded has no move found. continue search into its subdiffsadded
                 						if ($oDiff->hasSubAddedDiffs())
                 							AnwDebug::log("findMovedNodes : subAddedDiffs --->");
                 							$aoSubAddedDiffs = $oDiff->getSubAddedDiffs();
                 							$aoSubAddedDiffs = self::findMovedNodes($aoSubAddedDiffs, $aoRootDiffs, true);
                 							AnwDebug::log("findMovedNodes : subAddedDiffs <---");
         /*else if ($oDiff->getDiffType() == AnwDiff::TYPE_DIFFS)
         			//continue into sub diffs
         			AnwDebug::log("findMovedNodes : diffs --->");
         			$aoSubDiffs = self::findMovedNodes($oDiff->getAllDiffs(), $aoRootDiffs);
         			AnwDebug::log("findMovedNodes : diffs <---");
         $aoNewDiffs[] = $oDiff;
     //second pass
     $aoNewDiffs2 = array();
     $nCountDiffs = count($aoNewDiffs);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nCountDiffs; $i++) {
         $oDiff = $aoNewDiffs[$i];
         if ($oDiff->getDiffType() == AnwDiff::TYPE_DIFFS) {
             //continue into sub diffs
             //AnwDebug::logdetail("findMovedNodes : diffs --->");
             $aoSubDiffs = self::findMovedNodes($oDiff->getAllDiffs(), $aoRootDiffs);
             //AnwDebug::logdetail("findMovedNodes : diffs <---");
         } else {
             if ($oDiff->getDiffType() == AnwDiff::TYPE_ADDED) {
                 if (AnwXml::xmlIsTranslatableParent($oDiff->getNode())) {
                     //continue search into its subdiffsadded
                     if ($oDiff->hasSubAddedDiffs()) {
                         //AnwDebug::logdetail("findMovedNodes : subAddedDiffs --->");
                         $aoSubAddedDiffs = $oDiff->getSubAddedDiffs();
                         $aoSubAddedDiffs = self::findMovedNodes($aoSubAddedDiffs, $aoRootDiffs);
                         //AnwDebug::logdetail("findMovedNodes : subAddedDiffs <---");
         $aoNewDiffs2[] = $oDiff;
     return $aoNewDiffs2;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function getNodeWithTranslateTags($bMarkAsUntranslated, $oContentField)
     $oNode = null;
     if ($this->getMovedNode()) {
         //return moved node and don't touch it's translation flags
         //AnwDebug::log("getNodeWithTranslateTags : NO subdiffs/movedNode");
         $oNode = $this->getMovedNode();
     } else {
         $oNode = $this->oNode;
         //can't remember why did I put that here?
         //if (AnwXml::xmlIsTranslatableParent($oNode))
         //we don't need to check ancestors, it was already checked by applyDiffsToTranslation
         if ($bMarkAsUntranslated == true && !AnwXml::xmlIsTranslatableParent($oNode)) {
             //if we enter in a <fix> node, don't mark childs as untranslated !
             $bMarkAsUntranslated = false;
         if ($this->hasSubAddedDiffs()) {
             //if a child of $node has been linked to a moved node, replace this subnode by the related moved node
             $i = 0;
             $oSubChilds = $oNode->childNodes;
             foreach ($this->aoSubAddedDiffs as $oSubDiffAdded) {
                 $oSubChild = $oSubChilds->item($i);
                 //AnwDebug::log("getNodeWithTranslateTags : subdiffs --->");
                 if ($oSubDiffAdded->getMovedNode()) {
                     //let's replace this child by the moved node
                     $oNewNode = $oSubDiffAdded->getMovedNode();
                     $oNewNode = $oNode->ownerDocument->importNode($oNewNode, true);
                     $oNode->replaceChild($oNewNode, $oSubChild);
                 } else {
                     //automatically replaced?
                     $oNewNode = $oSubDiffAdded->getNodeWithTranslateTags($bMarkAsUntranslated, $oContentField);
                 //AnwDebug::log("getNodeWithTranslateTags : <--- subdiffs");
         } else {
             //AnwDebug::log("getNodeWithTranslateTags : NO subdiffs/NO MovedNode -> addTranslateTags");
             if ($bMarkAsUntranslated) {
                 //$oNode = AnwXml::xmlAddTranslateTags($oNode);
                 $oNode = AnwXml::xmlSetContentFieldUntranslated($oNode, $oContentField);
     //AnwDebug::log("getNodeWithTranslateTags result : ".htmlentities(AnwUtils::xmlDumpNode($oNode)));
     return $oNode;
Exemplo n.º 3
 static function runCallbacksOnTranslatableValue($oInstance, $oRootNode, $sFieldInput, $fOnTextValue, $fBeforeChilds = null, $fAfterChilds = null, $fOnUntranslatableNode = null, $bFirstCall = true)
     static $j = 0;
     if ($bFirstCall) {
         $j = 0;
     if (AnwXml::xmlIsTranslatableParent($oRootNode)) {
         if (AnwXml::xmlIsTextNode($oRootNode)) {
             if (!AnwXml::xmlIsEmptyNode($oRootNode)) {
                 if ($fOnTextValue) {
                     $oInstance->{$fOnTextValue}($oRootNode, $sFieldInput);
         } else {
             if (AnwXml::xmlIsCommentNode($oRootNode)) {
             } else {
                 if (AnwXml::xmlIsPhpNode($oRootNode)) {
                     //do nothing
                 } else {
                     if ($fBeforeChilds && !AnwXml::xmlIsRootNode($oRootNode)) {
                     $oChildNodes = $oRootNode->childNodes;
                     if ($oChildNodes) {
                         //WARNING - don't use foreach here ! bug on some servers, as childs are getting modified...
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $oChildNodes->length; $i++) {
                             $oChild = $oChildNodes->item($i);
                             $sFieldInputNew = self::runCallbacks_getInputName($sFieldInput, $j, '-');
                             self::runCallbacksOnTranslatableValue($oInstance, $oChild, $sFieldInputNew, $fOnTextValue, $fBeforeChilds, $fAfterChilds, $fOnUntranslatableNode, false);
                     if ($fAfterChilds && !AnwXml::xmlIsRootNode($oRootNode)) {
     } else {
         if ($fOnUntranslatableNode) {