Exemplo n.º 1
 function run()
     $sError = false;
     if (AnwEnv::_POST("submit")) {
         $sLogin = AnwEnv::_POST("login", "");
         $sPassword = AnwEnv::_POST("password", "");
         $bRememberMe = AnwSessions::isResumeEnabled() && AnwEnv::_POST("remember") ? true : false;
         $sUrlRedirect = AnwEnv::_POST("redirect", "");
         try {
             //try to authenticate and open the session
             AnwCurrentSession::login($sLogin, $sPassword, $bRememberMe);
             $this->redirectInfo($sUrlRedirect, $this->t_("t_loggedin"), $this->t_("p_loggedin"));
         } catch (AnwAuthException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_auth");
         } catch (AnwBadLoginException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_badlogin");
         } catch (AnwBadPasswordException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_badpassword");
         //error occurred, display again the login form
         $this->showLoginForm($sLogin, $sUrlRedirect, $bRememberMe, $sError);
     } else {
         //arriving on the form
         $this->showLoginForm("", AnwEnv::_GET("redirect", ""), false);
 protected function createAndGrant($sLogin, $sDisplayName, $sEmail, $sPassword)
     try {
         //try to register
         $sLang = AnwCurrentSession::getLang();
         $nTimezone = AnwCurrentSession::getTimezone();
         $oUser = AnwUsers::createUser($sLogin, $sDisplayName, $sEmail, $sLang, $nTimezone, $sPassword);
     } catch (AnwLoginAlreadyTakenException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_loginalreadytaken");
     } catch (AnwBadLoginException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badlogin");
     } catch (AnwDisplayNameAlreadyTakenException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_displaynamealreadytaken");
     } catch (AnwBadDisplayNameException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_baddisplayname");
     } catch (AnwEmailAlreadyTakenException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_emailalreadytaken");
     } catch (AnwBadEmailException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_bademail");
     } catch (AnwBadPasswordException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badpassword");
     } catch (AnwBadCaptchaException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badcaptcha");
     $this->showChooseGrant($sLogin, $sDisplayName, $sEmail, "", $sError);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function doRename($sNewName, $sComment, $bUpdateLinks)
     $nTime = time();
     try {
         if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sNewName, 'create', $this->getoPage()->getLang())) {
             throw new AnwAclException("permission create denied");
         $oPageTest = new AnwPageByName($sNewName);
         if ($oPageTest->exists()) {
             throw new AnwPageAlreadyExistsException();
         $sOldName = $this->getoPage()->getName();
         //rename page
         $this->getoPage()->rename($sNewName, $bUpdateLinks);
     } catch (AnwBadPageNameException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badpagename");
         $this->renameForm($sNewName, $sComment, $sError);
     } catch (AnwBadCommentException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badcomment");
         $this->renameForm($sNewName, $sComment, $sError);
     } catch (AnwPageAlreadyExistsException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_pagealreadyexists");
         $this->renameForm($sNewName, $sComment, $sError);
     } catch (AnwAclException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_nopermission");
         $this->renameForm($sNewName, $sComment, $sError);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function getOutput()
     if (!AnwEnv::_GET("outputname") || !AnwEnv::_GET("outputlang")) {
         return self::ERR_BADCALL;
     $sOutput = "";
     try {
         //fake current page
         $_GET[AnwActionPage::GET_PAGENAME] = AnwEnv::_GET("outputcurrent");
         $sPageName = AnwEnv::_GET("outputname");
         if (substr($sPageName, 0, 1) == '/') {
             $sPageName = substr($sPageName, 1);
         $sPageLang = AnwEnv::_GET("outputlang");
         //additionnal permissions check
         if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sPageName, 'output', $sPageLang)) {
             return self::ERR_ACLS;
         //get page execution result
         $bAutoLoadTranslatedPage = true;
         $bUseCache = false;
         $sCacheKey = "";
         $sOutput = AnWiki::includePage($sPageName, $sPageLang, $bAutoLoadTranslatedPage, $bUseCache, $sCacheKey);
     } catch (AnwPageNotFoundException $e) {
         $sOutput = self::ERR_NOTFOUND;
     } catch (AnwAclException $e) {
         $sOutput = self::ERR_ACLS;
     } catch (AnwException $e) {
         $sOutput = self::ERR_UNKNOWN;
     return $sOutput;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected function doPing($bAddInDirectory)
     //here, url is passed in any case for verification purpose
     //but don't worry, it's stored on server side only when 'addindirectory' is true
     $sPingTarget = ANWIKI_WEBPING . 'newinstall?' . 'siteurl=' . urlencode(AnwComponent::globalCfgUrlRoot()) . '&sitelang=' . urlencode(AnwComponent::globalCfgLangDefault()) . '&lang=' . urlencode(AnwCurrentSession::getLang()) . '&addindirectory=' . ($bAddInDirectory ? '1' : '0') . '&versionid=' . urlencode(ANWIKI_VERSION_ID) . '&nocache=' . time();
     $this->out .= $this->tpl()->doPing($sPingTarget, $this->linkMe() . '&pingdone=1');
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected function pagenotfound()
     if (AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($this->getoPage()->getName(), 'create', -1)) {
         AnwPlugins::hook('action_view_pagenotfound_create', $this->getoPage());
         AnwUtils::redirect(AnwUtils::link($this->getoPage(), "create"));
     } else {
         AnwPlugins::hook('action_view_pagenotfound_404', $this->getoPage());
Exemplo n.º 7
 static function time($nTimestamp = false, $nTimezone = false)
     if ($nTimestamp === false) {
         $nTimestamp = time();
     if ($nTimezone === false) {
         $nTimezone = AnwCurrentSession::getTimezone();
     $nTimestamp += $nTimezone * 3600 - intval(date('Z'));
     return $nTimestamp;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function saveTranslation()
     try {
         $asAvailableLangs = $this->getoPage()->getPageGroup()->getAvailableLangs();
         //check permissions : translate
         foreach ($asAvailableLangs as $sLang) {
             if (AnwEnv::_POST($this->getChkName($sLang))) {
                 $sTranslationName = AnwEnv::_POST($this->getInputName($sLang), "");
                 if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sTranslationName, 'translate', $sLang)) {
                     throw new AnwAclException("permission translate denied");
         $oPageTranslation = null;
         try {
             foreach ($asAvailableLangs as $sLang) {
                 if (AnwEnv::_POST($this->getChkName($sLang))) {
                     $sTranslationName = AnwEnv::_POST($this->getInputName($sLang), "");
                     //create translation
                     $oPageTranslation = $this->getoPage()->createNewTranslation($sTranslationName, $sLang);
         } catch (AnwException $e) {
             throw $e;
         if ($oPageTranslation) {
             // redirect to last created translation
         } else {
             // no translation was created, show form again
     } catch (AnwBadPageNameException $e) {
     } catch (AnwBadLangException $e) {
     } catch (AnwPageAlreadyExistsException $e) {
     } catch (AnwAclException $e) {
     } catch (AnwLangExistsForPageGroupException $e) {
Exemplo n.º 9
 function run()
     if (!self::globalCfgUsersRegisterEnabled()) {
     $sError = false;
     $sLogin = "";
     $sDisplayName = "";
     $sEmail = "";
     if (AnwEnv::_POST("submit")) {
         $sLogin = AnwEnv::_POST("login", "");
         $sDisplayName = AnwEnv::_POST("displayname", "");
         $sEmail = AnwEnv::_POST("email", "");
         $sPassword = AnwEnv::_POST("password", "");
         //try to register
         try {
             $sLang = AnwCurrentSession::getLang();
             $nTimezone = AnwCurrentSession::getTimezone();
             $oUser = AnwUsers::createUser($sLogin, $sDisplayName, $sEmail, $sLang, $nTimezone, $sPassword);
             AnwCurrentSession::login($sLogin, $sPassword, false);
             //open a public time-limited session
             $this->redirectInfo(false, $this->t_("t_created"), $this->t_("p_created"));
         } catch (AnwLoginAlreadyTakenException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_loginalreadytaken");
         } catch (AnwBadLoginException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_badlogin");
         } catch (AnwDisplayNameAlreadyTakenException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_displaynamealreadytaken");
         } catch (AnwBadDisplayNameException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_baddisplayname");
         } catch (AnwEmailAlreadyTakenException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_emailalreadytaken");
         } catch (AnwBadEmailException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_bademail");
         } catch (AnwBadPasswordException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_badpassword");
         } catch (AnwBadCaptchaException $e) {
             $sError = $this->g_("err_badcaptcha");
     //display register form
     $this->out .= $this->tpl()->registerForm(AnwUtils::alink("register"), $sLogin, $sDisplayName, $sEmail, $sError);
Exemplo n.º 10
 static function includePage($sPageName, $sCurrentLang, $bAutoLoadTranslatedPage = true, $bUseCache = true, $sCacheKey = "")
     //$oPage = new AnwPageByName($sPageName);
     $oPage = AnwStorage::getPageByName($sPageName, false, false, $sCurrentLang);
     //load translation if available
     if ($bAutoLoadTranslatedPage && $oPage->getLang() != $sCurrentLang) {
         $oPage = $oPage->getPageGroup()->getPreferedPage($sCurrentLang);
     //check ACL
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($oPage->getName(), 'view', $oPage->getLang())) {
         throw new AnwAclException();
     $oOutputHtml = $oPage->toHtml($bUseCache, $sCacheKey);
     $sReturn = $oOutputHtml->runBody();
     //$sContentHtmlDir = AnwComponent::g_("local_html_dir", array(), $oPage->getLang());
     //$sReturn = '<div dir="'.$sContentHtmlDir.'">'.$sReturn.'</div>';
     return $sReturn;
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function doChangeLang($sLang, $sComment)
     try {
         if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($this->getoPage()->getName(), 'create', $sLang)) {
             throw new AnwAclException("permission create denied");
         //change page lang
         $this->getoPage()->changeLang($sLang, $sComment);
     } catch (AnwBadLangException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badlang");
         $this->changeLangForm($sLang, $sComment, $sError);
     } catch (AnwBadCommentException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_badcomment");
         $this->changeLangForm($sLang, $sComment, $sError);
     } catch (AnwLangExistsForPageGroupException $e) {
         $sError = $this->g_("err_langexistsforpagegroup");
         $this->changeLangForm($sLang, $sComment, $sError);
Exemplo n.º 12
 private static function loadTranslationsFromFile($sFileName, $sLang, $sPrefix, $sTranslationName)
     $lang = array();
     //$lang is defined in the translation file
     AnwDebug::log("Loading translation file : " . $sFileName);
     (require_once $sFileName) or die("Unable to load language file : " . $sFileName);
     foreach ($lang as $sTranslationId => $sTranslationValue) {
         if ($sLang == AnwCurrentSession::getLang()) {
             //we store ANY translationid for session lang
             self::$translations[$sLang][$sPrefix][$sTranslationId] = $sTranslationValue;
         } else {
             //for other langs, we only store LOCAL translations
             if (self::isLocalTranslation($sTranslationId)) {
                 self::$translations[$sLang][$sPrefix][$sTranslationId] = $sTranslationValue;
             } else {
                 if (!isset(self::$translations[AnwCurrentSession::getLang()][$sPrefix][$sTranslationId])) {
                     self::$translations[$sLang][$sPrefix][$sTranslationId] = $sTranslationValue;
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected function checkCaptcha()
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::testCaptcha()) {
         throw new AnwBadCaptchaException();
Exemplo n.º 14
 private function exportData($aaExportPageGroups)
     $oDoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
     //put information as comment
     $sComment = "";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_info") . "\n";
     $sComment .= ANWIKI_WEBSITE . "\n\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_time", array("time" => Anwi18n::dateTime(time()))) . "\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_version", array("version" => ANWIKI_VERSION_NAME)) . "\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_user", array("user" => AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->getLogin())) . "\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_from", array("url" => self::globalCfgUrlRoot())) . "\n\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_contents") . "\n";
     //list exported contents as comment
     foreach ($aaExportPageGroups as $amPageGroup) {
         foreach ($amPageGroup['PAGES'] as $oPage) {
             $sPageTime = Anwi18n::dateTime($oPage->getTime());
             $sComment .= ' * ' . $oPage->getName() . " (" . $oPage->getLang() . ") (" . $sPageTime . ")\n";
     $sCommentSeparator = "\n**************************************************\n";
     $sComment = " " . $sCommentSeparator . $sComment . $sCommentSeparator . " ";
     $oCommentNode = $oDoc->createComment($sComment);
     //end comment
     //<anwexport time="" origin="">
     $oRootNode = $oDoc->createElement(self::XMLTAG_ROOT);
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("time", time());
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("from", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode(self::globalCfgUrlRoot()));
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("version_id", ANWIKI_VERSION_ID);
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("version_name", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode(ANWIKI_VERSION_NAME));
     foreach ($aaExportPageGroups as $amPageGroup) {
         $oPageGroup = $amPageGroup['GROUP'];
         $sContentClassName = $oPageGroup->getContentClass()->getName();
         $oPageGroupNode = $oDoc->createElement(self::XMLTAG_PAGEGROUP);
         $oPageGroupNode->setAttribute("contentclass", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode($sContentClassName));
         foreach ($amPageGroup['PAGES'] as $oPage) {
             //add comment
             $sPageTime = Anwi18n::dateTime($oPage->getTime());
             $sComment = $oPage->getName() . " (" . $oPage->getLang() . ") (" . $sPageTime . ") (" . $oPageGroup->getContentClass()->getLabel() . "/" . $sContentClassName . ")";
             //$sComment = " \n*\n* ".$sComment."\n*\n ";
             $sCommentSeparator = "\n**************************************************\n";
             $sComment = " \n\n" . $sCommentSeparator . $sComment . $sCommentSeparator . " ";
             $oCommentNode = $oDoc->createComment($sComment);
             //end comment
             //using a CDATA node to preserve source breaklines :-)
             //$sPageContent = $oPage->getContent()->toXml();
             //$oPageContentNode = $oDoc->createCDATASection($sPageContent);
             $oContentNodeDoc = $oPage->getContent()->toXml()->documentElement;
             //here we got a <doc> node
             $oPageContentNodeDoc = $oDoc->importNode($oContentNodeDoc, true);
             //<anwpage name="" lang="" time="">
             $oPageNode = $oDoc->createElement(self::XMLTAG_PAGE);
             $oPageNode->setAttribute("name", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode($oPage->getName()));
             $oPageNode->setAttribute("lang", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode($oPage->getLang()));
             $oPageNode->setAttribute("time", $oPage->getTime());
             //we need to do this to squeeze the unwanted <doc> node in
             //WARNING - special loop ! childs are getting modified...
             while ($oChildNode = $oPageContentNodeDoc->childNodes->item(0)) {
     $sReturn = AnwUtils::xmlDumpNode($oRootNode);
     // even if final XML structure may be broken due to undeclared namespaces used in content,
     // we let raw content as it is for better compatibility in later versions.
     // $sReturn = AnwXml::prepareXmlValueToXml($sReturn);
     return $sReturn;
Exemplo n.º 15
 function run()
     $sUrlRedirect = AnwEnv::_GET("redirect", false);
     $this->redirectInfo($sUrlRedirect, $this->t_("t_loggedout"), $this->t_("p_loggedout"));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Warning! This function may call overloaded functions by contentfields with tests consomming high cpu time
  * (such as connecting to a database for checking that valid user/pwd have been edited).
  * This function should be only called when it's really needed, and should never be called more than one time.
  * This function performs ALL possible tests for checking contentfields values validity.
  * @param $oContentParent content for which fieldValues/subcontents will be set if the test is success
 final function testContentFieldValues($amFieldValuesOrSubContents, $oContentParent)
     AnwUtils::checkFriendAccess(array("AnwStructuredContent", "AnwStructuredContentField"));
     //test multiplicity
     if ($this instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
         //test each value
         foreach ($amFieldValuesOrSubContents as $sFieldValue) {
             if (is_array($sFieldValue) || is_object($sFieldValue)) {
                 throw new AnwUnexpectedException("testContentFieldValues on atomic: not a string");
             //here we don't return a simple 'AnwInvalidContentFieldValueException' to prevent unauthorized users to access PHP source
             //this will display a big ACL error page instead of edit form...
             if (AnwUtils::contentHasPhpCode($sFieldValue)) {
             //check JS permission
             if (AnwUtils::contentHasJsCode($sFieldValue) && !AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isJsEditionAllowed()) {
                 $sError = AnwComponent::g_editcontent("err_contentfield_acl_js");
                 throw new AnwInvalidContentFieldValueException($sError);
             //specific tests for atomic fields
         //if no error, test all atomic values together
     } else {
         //test each subcontents occurence
         foreach ($amFieldValuesOrSubContents as $oContent) {
             if (!$oContent instanceof AnwStructuredContent) {
                 throw new AnwUnexpectedException("testContentFieldValues on composed: not a subcontent");
             //test subsubcontents
             $aoSubContentFields = $this->getContentFields();
             foreach ($aoSubContentFields as $oSubContentField) {
                 //recursive test
                 $amSubValuesOrSubContents = null;
                 $sSubContentFieldName = $oSubContentField->getName();
                 if ($oSubContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
                     $amSubValuesOrSubContents = $oContent->getContentFieldValues($sSubContentFieldName);
                 } else {
                     $amSubValuesOrSubContents = $oContent->getSubContents($sSubContentFieldName);
                 $oSubContentField->testContentFieldValues($amSubValuesOrSubContents, $oContent);
             //specific tests for composed fields - at last
         //if no error, test all subcontents together
Exemplo n.º 17
    private function showFormRevert($oPageGroup, $aaRevertPlan, $nRevToChangeId)
        $aoChanges = array();
        $aoChangesUnfiltered = AnwStorage::getLastChanges(false, 0, null, null, null, null, $oPageGroup);
        foreach ($aoChangesUnfiltered as $oChange) {
            // only keep "revertable" changes
            if ($oChange->isRevertAvailable()) {
                $aoChanges[] = $oChange;
        $sHistoryPageGroupLink = false;
        if (AnwCurrentSession::isActionGlobalAllowed("lastchanges")) {
            $sHistoryPageGroupLink = AnwUtils::aLink("lastchanges", array("pagegroup" => $oPageGroup->getId()));
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->formRevert($this->linkMe(array("pagegroup" => $oPageGroup->getId())), $aoChanges, $nRevToChangeId, $sHistoryPageGroupLink);
        foreach ($aaRevertPlan['DELETE'] as $oPageForDelete) {
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->simulateDelete($oPageForDelete->getLang(), $oPageForDelete->getName());
        foreach ($aaRevertPlan['REVERT'] as $aoRevertPages) {
            $oPageCurrent = $aoRevertPages[0];
            $oPageForRevert = $aoRevertPages[1];
            if ($oPageCurrent->isGlobalAndViewActionAllowed('diff')) {
                $sImgDiff = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::pathImg("diff.gif"));
                $sAltDiff = AnwUtils::xQuote(self::g_("change_diff_link"));
                $sLnkDiff = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::link($oPageCurrent, "diff", array("page" => $oPageCurrent->getId(), "revfrom" => $oPageCurrent->getChangeId(), "revto" => $oPageForRevert->getChangeId())));
                $sLnkDiff = <<<EOF
<a href="{$sLnkDiff}" title="{$sAltDiff}" target="_blank"><img src="{$sImgDiff}" alt="{$sAltDiff}"/></a>
            } else {
                $sLnkDiff = '';
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->simulateRevert($oPageCurrent->getLang(), $oPageCurrent->getName(), $oPageForRevert, $sLnkDiff);
        foreach ($aaRevertPlan['RESTORE'] as $oPageForRestore) {
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->simulateCreate($oPageForRestore);
        foreach ($aaRevertPlan['KEEP'] as $oPageForKeep) {
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->simulateKeep($oPageForKeep->getLang(), $oPageForKeep->getName());
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->end();
Exemplo n.º 18
 private function saveTranslations($sAddLang)
     try {
         if (!Anwi18n::langExists($sAddLang)) {
             throw new AnwBadLangException();
         $this->out .= $this->tpl()->startProcess();
         $bSomethingDone = false;
         $aoPageGroups = AnwStorage::getPageGroups(false, null, null);
         try {
             foreach ($aoPageGroups as $oPageGroup) {
                 $aoPages = $oPageGroup->getPages();
                 $bChecked = AnwEnv::_POST($this->getChkName($oPageGroup));
                 if (!isset($aoPages[$sAddLang]) && $bChecked) {
                     $sTranslationName = AnwEnv::_POST($this->getInputName($oPageGroup));
                     //check permissions : translate
                     if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sTranslationName, 'translate', $sAddLang)) {
                         throw new AnwAclException("permission translate denied");
                     //find PageRef
                     $nPageRefId = (int) AnwEnv::_POST($this->getInputRef($oPageGroup));
                     $oPageRef = new AnwPageById($nPageRefId);
                     if (isset($aoPages[$oPageRef->getLang()]) && $oPageRef->getId() == $aoPages[$oPageRef->getLang()]->getId()) {
                         //create translation
                         $oPageTranslation = $oPageRef->createNewTranslation($sTranslationName, $sAddLang);
                         $this->out .= $this->tpl()->newTranslationCreated($sAddLang, $oPageTranslation->link());
                         $bSomethingDone = true;
         } catch (AnwException $e) {
             throw $e;
         $sUrlContinue = $this->linkMe(array("addlang" => $sAddLang));
         if (!$bSomethingDone) {
         $this->out .= $this->tpl()->endProcess($sUrlContinue);
     } catch (AnwBadPageNameException $e) {
         $this->showForm($sAddLang, $this->g_("err_badpagename"));
     } catch (AnwBadLangException $e) {
         $this->showForm($sAddLang, $this->g_("err_badlang"));
     } catch (AnwPageAlreadyExistsException $e) {
         $this->showForm($sAddLang, $this->g_("err_pagealreadyexists"));
     } catch (AnwAclException $e) {
         $this->showForm($sAddLang, $this->g_("err_nopermission"));
     } catch (AnwLangExistsForPageGroupException $e) {
         $this->showForm($sAddLang, $this->g_("err_langexistsforpagegroup"));
Exemplo n.º 19
 private function saveSession($oSession, $bCreateSessionIfNotExists = false)
     $sSessionId = $oSession->getId();
     if ($oSession->isLoggedIn()) {
         //purge the old sessions from database (needed for the update/insert test)
         //try to update session in database (if it already exists)
         $sSessionIdentifier = AnwEnv::calculateSessionIdentifier();
         $sSessionCode = self::generateSessionCode();
         //a new code is generated (even if session already exists) to prevent session stealing
         $nSessionUser = $oSession->getUser()->getId();
         $sSessionResume = $oSession->isResume() ? 1 : 0;
         $nSessionTimeSeen = time();
         $asData = array("SessionIdentifier" => $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionIdentifier), "SessionCode" => $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionCode), "SessionUser" => $this->db()->inttosql($nSessionUser), "SessionResume" => $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionResume), "SessionTimeSeen" => $this->db()->inttosql($nSessionTimeSeen));
         $this->db()->do_update($asData, "session", "WHERE SessionId=" . $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionId));
         //otherwise, we may need to INSERT this new session or to kill it
         if ($this->db()->affected_rows() != 1) {
             if ($bCreateSessionIfNotExists) {
                 //user is logging in, it's normal that the session doesn't exist in database.
                 $asData["SessionId"] = $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionId);
                 $asData["SessionTimeStart"] = $this->db()->inttosql(time());
                 $asData["SessionTimeAuth"] = $this->db()->inttosql(time());
                 $this->db()->do_insert($asData, "session");
             } else {
                 //here, the session is supposed to exist in database, but isn't found.
                 //this can happend in the following situations:
                 // - The session has expired (DurationIdle or DurationMax)
                 // - An user was using a session, when someone tried to steal it. The session was killed for security reasons.
                 // - An administrator has killed the session.
                 // - The session has expired.
                 //In both situations, the current session is no longer safe and must be closed.
                 self::debug("WARNING: Session doesn't exist in database, but session creation is NOT expected. Logging out.");
         //remember current session in cookies
         $nCookieExpires = AnwSessions::isResumeEnabled() && $oSession->isResume() ? time() + $this->cfgResumeDelayMax() : 0;
         AnwEnv::putCookie(self::COOKIE_SESSION_ID, $sSessionId, $nCookieExpires);
         AnwEnv::putCookie(self::COOKIE_SESSION_CODE, $sSessionCode, $nCookieExpires);
         AnwEnv::putSession(self::SESSION_CODE, $sSessionCode);
     } else {
         //unset cookies
Exemplo n.º 20
 function selectLang($langs = null, $selectedlang = null)
     $HTML = '';
     if (!$langs) {
         $langs = AnwComponent::globalCfgLangs();
     if (!$selectedlang) {
         $selectedlang = AnwCurrentSession::getLang();
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         $selected = $lang == $selectedlang ? ' selected="selected"' : "";
         $sSrcFlag = Anwi18n::srcFlag($lang);
         $HTML .= "<option value=\"" . $this->xQuote($lang) . "\"{$selected} style=\"background-image:url('{$sSrcFlag}');\">{$this->g_('lang_' . $lang)}</option>";
     return $HTML;
Exemplo n.º 21
 private static function loadCurrentSession()
     AnwDebug::startbench("Current session load");
     try {
         self::$oSession = AnwSessions::getCurrentSession();
         $nElapsedTimeSinceKeepalive = time() - self::getLastKeepAlive();
         $nKeepAliveInterval = AnwComponent::globalCfgKeepaliveDelay();
         AnwDebug::log('(AnwSessions) Time elapsed since last keepalive: ' . $nElapsedTimeSinceKeepalive . '/' . $nKeepAliveInterval . 's');
         if ($nElapsedTimeSinceKeepalive > $nKeepAliveInterval) {
             AnwDebug::log('(AnwSessions) Running keepalive...');
             $nTime = time();
             //keepalive session
             //run hooks
             $oSessionUser = self::$oSession->getUser();
             AnwPlugins::hook("session_keepalive_any", $oSessionUser);
             if (self::$oSession->isLoggedIn()) {
                 AnwPlugins::hook("session_keepalive_loggedin", $oSessionUser);
             } else {
                 AnwPlugins::hook("session_keepalive_loggedout", $oSessionUser);
     } catch (AnwUserNotFoundException $e) {
         //current user doesn't exist anymore
         self::$oSession = new AnwSession();
     AnwDebug::stopbench("Current session load");
Exemplo n.º 22
 function run()
     try {
         $nPageId = (int) AnwEnv::_GET("page");
         if ($nPageId <= 0) {
             throw new AnwBadCallException();
         //find TO revision
         $nRevToChangeId = (int) AnwEnv::_GET("revto");
         if ($nRevToChangeId <= 0) {
             throw new AnwBadCallException();
         } else {
             $oPageRevTo = AnwPage::getPageByChangeId($nPageId, $nRevToChangeId);
         //find FROM revision
         $nRevFromChangeId = (int) AnwEnv::_GET("revfrom");
         if ($nRevFromChangeId <= 0) {
             try {
                 $oPageRevFrom = $oPageRevTo->getPreviousArchive();
             } catch (AnwArchiveNotFoundException $e) {
                 //if TO revision is already the last...
                 $oPageRevFrom = $oPageRevTo;
         } else {
             $oPageRevFrom = AnwPage::getPageByChangeId($nPageId, $nRevFromChangeId);
         if (!$oPageRevTo) {
             throw new AnwBadCallException("page revision TO not found :" . $nRevToChangeId);
         if (!$oPageRevTo->getContent() instanceof AnwContentPage) {
             throw new AnwUnexpectedException("error getcontent for page revision TO :" . $nRevToChangeId);
         if (!$oPageRevFrom) {
             throw new AnwBadCallException("page revision FROM not found :" . $nRevFromChangeId);
         if (!$oPageRevFrom->getContent() instanceof AnwContentPage) {
             throw new AnwUnexpectedException("error getcontent for page revision FROM :" . $nRevFromChangeId);
         // check permissions
         $oContentXmlFrom = $oPageRevFrom->getContent()->toXml();
         $oContentXmlTo = $oPageRevTo->getContent()->toXml();
     } catch (AnwBadPageNameException $e) {
     } catch (AnwBadCallException $e) {
     } catch (AnwPageNotFoundException $e) {
     } catch (AnwArchiveNotFoundException $e) {
     $this->setTitle($this->t_("title", array("pagename" => $oPageRevTo->getName())));
     $oDiffs = new AnwDiffs($oContentXmlFrom, $oContentXmlTo);
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isPhpEditionAllowed()) {
     } else {
     $this->out .= $this->tpl()->beforeDiffs($this->linkMe(), $oPageRevFrom, $oPageRevTo, $oPageRevTo->getActivePage());
     if ($oPageRevFrom->getChangeId() == $oPageRevTo->getChangeId()) {
         $this->out .= $this->tpl()->drawNotice($this->t_("notice_same"));
     if ($oPageRevFrom->getChangeId() > $oPageRevTo->getChangeId()) {
         $this->out .= $this->tpl()->drawNotice($this->t_("notice_reverse"));
Exemplo n.º 23
 private function checkPermissions($sPageName, $sPageLang, $sPageContent)
     $asNotices = array();
     //check that page don't exist
     if (!AnwPage::isAvailablePageName($sPageName)) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_exists");
     //check PHP permission
     if (AnwUtils::contentHasPhpCode($sPageContent) && !AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isPhpEditionAllowed()) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_php");
     //check JS permission
     if (AnwUtils::contentHasJsCode($sPageContent) && !AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isJsEditionAllowed()) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_js");
     //check ACL permission : create and edit
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sPageName, "create", $sPageLang) || !AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sPageName, "edit", $sPageLang)) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_acl");
     return $asNotices;
Exemplo n.º 24
 function writeSettingsOverride()
     //just to be sure, we check again content validity just before writing it
     $sConfigDefaultFile = "none";
     try {
         $sConfigDefaultFile = $this->getComponent()->getConfigurableFileDefault();
     } catch (AnwFileNotFoundException $e) {
     //no default config
     $cfg = $this->toOverrideCfgArray();
     $sPhpCode = '<?php ' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= ' /**' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * Anwiki override file.' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * This file can be edited directly from file system, or from Anwiki web interface.' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * ' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * Overridden file: ' . $sConfigDefaultFile . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * Generated on: ' . Anwi18n::datetime(time()) . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * By: ' . AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->getLogin() . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  * Using version: ' . ANWIKI_VERSION_NAME . ' (' . ANWIKI_VERSION_ID . ')' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '  */' . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '$cfg = ' . AnwUtils::arrayToPhp($cfg) . "\n";
     $sPhpCode .= '?>';
     $sFileOverride = $this->getComponent()->getConfigurableFileOverride();
     AnwUtils::file_put_contents($sFileOverride, $sPhpCode, LOCK_EX);
     // clear component's cache for configurableContent
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected function unlockPageForEdition()
     AnwStorage::unlockPage($this->getoPage(), AnwCurrentSession::getSession());
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected function checkActionAllowed()
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionGlobalAllowed($this->getName())) {
         throw new AnwAclException("You are not allowed to execute this action");
Exemplo n.º 27
 private function updateSettings()
     //update prefs
     $asErrorsPrefs = array();
     try {
         $sLang = AnwEnv::_POST("lang", "");
         $nTimezone = AnwEnv::_POST("timezone", 0);
     } catch (AnwBadLangException $e) {
         $asErrorsPrefs[] = $this->g_("err_badlang");
     } catch (AnwBadTimezoneException $e) {
         $asErrorsPrefs[] = $this->g_("err_badtimezone");
     } catch (AnwException $e) {
         $asErrorsPrefs[] = $this->g_("err_unkn");
     $asErrorsAccount = array();
     if (AnwCurrentSession::isLoggedIn() && AnwUsers::isDriverInternal()) {
         //update account
         try {
             //displayname change requested ?
             if (self::globalCfgUsersChangeDisplayname()) {
                 $sDisplayname = AnwEnv::_POST("displayname", "");
                 if (AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->getDisplayName() != $sDisplayname) {
             //email change requested ?
             $sEmail = AnwEnv::_POST("email", "");
             if (AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->getEmail() != $sEmail) {
             //password change requested ?
             $sNewPassword = AnwEnv::_POST("newpassword");
             $sNewPasswordRepeat = AnwEnv::_POST("newpassword_repeat");
             $sCurrentPassword = AnwEnv::_POST("currentpassword", "");
             if ($sNewPassword) {
                 if ($sNewPassword == $sNewPasswordRepeat) {
                     try {
                         //authenticate with current password
                         //authentication ok, change the password
                         try {
                         } catch (AnwBadPasswordException $e) {
                             $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->t_("err_badnewpassword");
                     } catch (AnwBadPasswordException $e) {
                         $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_incorrectpassword");
                     } catch (AnwAuthException $e) {
                         $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_incorrectpassword");
                 } else {
                     $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_passwordsmatch");
         } catch (AnwDisplayNameAlreadyTakenException $e) {
             $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_displaynamealreadytaken");
         } catch (AnwBadDisplayNameException $e) {
             $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_baddisplayname");
         } catch (AnwEmailAlreadyTakenException $e) {
             $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_emailalreadytaken");
         } catch (AnwBadEmailException $e) {
             $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_bademail");
         } catch (AnwException $e) {
             $asErrorsAccount[] = $this->g_("err_unkn");
     if (count($asErrorsPrefs) > 0 || count($asErrorsAccount) > 0) {
         $this->formSettings(false, $asErrorsPrefs, $asErrorsAccount);
     } else {
         AnwUtils::redirect($this->linkMe(array("done" => 1)));
Exemplo n.º 28
    function showHtml($aoChanges, $amAllChangeTypes, $amDisplayChangeTypes, $asAllLangs, $asDisplayLangs, $asAllClasses, $asDisplayClasses, $nStartPrev, $nStartNext, $sTitle, $bGrouped, $oPage, $oPageGroup)
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->lastchangesHeader($sTitle);
        $sUrl = AnwEnv::_SERVER('REQUEST_URI');
        $sUrl = preg_replace("/&s=([0-9]*)/", "", $sUrl);
        //rss link
        $sRssLink = $sUrl;
        $sRssLink .= '&feed=rss2';
        //without start
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->filterBefore($this->linkMe());
        $nPageId = $oPage ? $oPage->getId() : null;
        $nPageGroupId = $oPageGroup ? $oPageGroup->getId() : null;
        $bShowHistoryColumn = $oPage ? false : true;
        //disable filters if a page is selected
        if (!$nPageId) {
            //filter lang
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->filterLangs($asAllLangs, $asDisplayLangs);
        if (!$nPageId && !$nPageGroupId) {
            //filter contentclass
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->filterClass($asAllClasses, $asDisplayClasses);
        //filter changes types
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->filterChangeTypes($amAllChangeTypes, $amDisplayChangeTypes);
        //display mode
        $sHistoryPageGroupLink = false;
        if ($oPage && AnwCurrentSession::isActionGlobalAllowed($this->getName())) {
            $sHistoryPageGroupLink = AnwEnv::_SERVER('REQUEST_URI');
            $sHistoryPageGroupLink = preg_replace("\$&page=([0-9]*)\$", "", $sHistoryPageGroupLink);
            $sHistoryPageGroupLink = preg_replace("\$&pagegroup=([0-9]*)\$", "", $sHistoryPageGroupLink);
            $sHistoryPageGroupLink .= '&pagegroup=' . $oPage->getPageGroup()->getId();
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->filterAfter($bGrouped, $nPageId, $nPageGroupId, $sRssLink, $sHistoryPageGroupLink);
        $sLatestLink = "";
        $sPrevLink = "";
        if ($nStartPrev >= 0) {
            $sPrevLink = $sUrl . '&s=' . $nStartPrev;
            if ($nStartPrev > 0) {
                $sLatestLink = $sUrl . '&s=0';
        $sNextLink = $sUrl . '&s=' . $nStartNext;
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->nav($sLatestLink, $sPrevLink, $sNextLink, $bShowHistoryColumn);
        foreach ($aoChanges as $i => $oChange) {
            $sType = AnwChange::changeTypei18n($oChange->getType());
            $sLnkPage = '<span class="pageid">#' . $oChange->getPageId() . '</span>';
            $sLnkDiff = '-';
            if ($oChange->activePageExists()) {
                $sLnkPage = $oChange->getActivePage()->link();
                //active link, if it exists
            //diffs link
            if ($oChange->isGlobalAndViewActionAllowed('diff')) {
                if ($oChange->isDiffAvailable()) {
                    $sImgDiff = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::pathImg("diff.gif"));
                    $sAltDiff = AnwUtils::xQuote(self::g_("change_diff_link"));
                    $sLnkDiff = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::alink("diff", array("page" => $oChange->getPageId(), "revto" => $oChange->getChangeId())));
                    $sLnkDiff = <<<EOF
<a href="{$sLnkDiff}" title="{$sAltDiff}"><img src="{$sImgDiff}" alt="{$sAltDiff}"/></a>
            //history link
            $sLnkHistory = false;
            if ($bShowHistoryColumn) {
                $sLnkHistory = " - ";
                if ($oChange->isActionAllowed('history')) {
                    $sImgHistory = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::pathImg("history.gif"));
                    $sAltHistory = AnwUtils::xQuote($this->t_("change_history_link"));
                    $sLnkHistory = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::alink("lastchanges", array("page" => $oChange->getPageId())));
                    $sLnkHistory = <<<EOF
<a href="{$sLnkHistory}" title="{$sAltHistory}"><img src="{$sImgHistory}" alt="{$sAltHistory}"/></a>
            //revert link
            $sLnkRevert = " - ";
            if ($oChange->isGlobalAndViewActionAllowed('revert')) {
                if ($oChange->isRevertAvailable()) {
                    $sImgRevert = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::pathImg("revert.gif"));
                    $sAltRevert = AnwUtils::xQuote(self::t_("change_revert_link"));
                    $sLnkRevert = AnwUtils::xQuote(AnwUtils::alink("revert", array("page" => $oChange->getPageId(), "revto" => $oChange->getChangeId())));
                    //we pass pageid instead of pagegroupid for better performances...
                    $sLnkRevert = <<<EOF
<a href="{$sLnkRevert}" title="{$sAltRevert}"><img src="{$sImgRevert}" alt="{$sAltRevert}"/></a>
            $this->out .= $this->tpl()->lastchangesLine(Anwi18n::dateTime($oChange->getTime()), $sType, $oChange->getComment(), $oChange->getInfo(), $oChange->getUser()->getDisplayName(), $sLnkPage, $sLnkDiff, $sLnkHistory, $sLnkRevert, $oChange->getPageName(), $oChange->getPageLang());
        $this->out .= $this->tpl()->lastchangesFooter();
Exemplo n.º 29
 function needsCaptcha()
     return AnwCurrentSession::isLoggedIn() ? false : true;
Exemplo n.º 30
 private function createPageProcess($sLang, $sContentClass)
     $sPageName = $this->getPageName();
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sPageName, 'create', $sLang)) {
         throw new AnwAclException("permission create denied");
     $oContentClass = AnwContentClasses::getContentClass($sContentClass);
     try {
         //create page
         $oPage = AnwPage::createNewPage($oContentClass, $sPageName, $sLang);
         //should we create translations for this new page?
         $asAvailableLangs = $oPage->getPageGroup()->getAvailableLangs();
         //check permissions : translate
         foreach ($asAvailableLangs as $sLang) {
             if (AnwEnv::_POST($this->getChkName($sLang))) {
                 $sTranslationName = AnwEnv::_POST($this->getInputName($sLang), "");
                 if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sTranslationName, 'translate', $sLang)) {
                     throw new AnwAclException("permission translate denied");
         foreach ($asAvailableLangs as $sLang) {
             if (AnwEnv::_POST($this->getChkName($sLang))) {
                 $sTranslationName = AnwEnv::_POST($this->getInputName($sLang), "");
                 //create translation
                 $oPageTranslation = $oPage->createNewTranslation($sTranslationName, $sLang);
     } catch (AnwException $e) {
         throw $e;
     AnwUtils::redirect(AnwUtils::link($oPage, "edit"));