Exemplo n.º 1
  * (non-PHPdoc).
  * @see Alpha\Model\ActiveRecordProviderInterface::save()
 public function save()
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
     $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
     // get the class attributes
     $reflection = new ReflectionClass(get_class($this->BO));
     $properties = $reflection->getProperties();
     $sqlQuery = '';
     $stmt = null;
     if ($this->BO->getVersion() != $this->BO->getVersionNumber()->getValue()) {
         throw new LockingException('Could not save the object as it has been updated by another user.  Please try saving again.');
     // set the "updated by" fields, we can only set the user id if someone is logged in
     if ($session->get('currentUser') != null) {
         $this->BO->set('updated_by', $session->get('currentUser')->getOID());
     $this->BO->set('updated_ts', new Timestamp(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     // check to see if it is a transient object that needs to be inserted
     if ($this->BO->isTransient()) {
         $savedFieldsCount = 0;
         $sqlQuery = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->BO->getTableName() . ' (';
         foreach ($properties as $propObj) {
             $propName = $propObj->name;
             if (!in_array($propName, $this->BO->getTransientAttributes())) {
                 // Skip the OID, database auto number takes care of this.
                 if ($propName != 'OID' && $propName != 'version_num') {
                     $sqlQuery .= "{$propName},";
                 if ($propName == 'version_num') {
                     $sqlQuery .= 'version_num,';
         if ($this->BO->isTableOverloaded()) {
             $sqlQuery .= 'classname,';
         $sqlQuery = rtrim($sqlQuery, ',');
         $sqlQuery .= ') VALUES (';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $savedFieldsCount; ++$i) {
             $sqlQuery .= '?,';
         if ($this->BO->isTableOverloaded()) {
             $sqlQuery .= '?,';
         $sqlQuery = rtrim($sqlQuery, ',') . ')';
         self::$logger->debug('Query [' . $sqlQuery . ']');
         $stmt = self::getConnection()->stmt_init();
         if ($stmt->prepare($sqlQuery)) {
             $stmt = $this->bindParams($stmt);
         } else {
             throw new FailedSaveException('Failed to save object, error is [' . $stmt->error . '], query [' . $this->BO->getLastQuery() . ']');
     } else {
         // assume that it is a persistent object that needs to be updated
         $savedFieldsCount = 0;
         $sqlQuery = 'UPDATE ' . $this->BO->getTableName() . ' SET ';
         foreach ($properties as $propObj) {
             $propName = $propObj->name;
             if (!in_array($propName, $this->BO->getTransientAttributes())) {
                 // Skip the OID, database auto number takes care of this.
                 if ($propName != 'OID' && $propName != 'version_num') {
                     $sqlQuery .= "{$propName} = ?,";
                 if ($propName == 'version_num') {
                     $sqlQuery .= 'version_num = ?,';
         if ($this->BO->isTableOverloaded()) {
             $sqlQuery .= 'classname = ?,';
         $sqlQuery = rtrim($sqlQuery, ',');
         $sqlQuery .= ' WHERE OID=?;';
         $stmt = self::getConnection()->stmt_init();
         if ($stmt->prepare($sqlQuery)) {
         } else {
             throw new FailedSaveException('Failed to save object, error is [' . $stmt->error . '], query [' . $this->BO->getLastQuery() . ']');
     if ($stmt != null && $stmt->error == '') {
         // populate the updated OID in case we just done an insert
         if ($this->BO->isTransient()) {
         try {
             foreach ($properties as $propObj) {
                 $propName = $propObj->name;
                 if ($this->BO->getPropObject($propName) instanceof Relation) {
                     $prop = $this->BO->getPropObject($propName);
                     // handle the saving of MANY-TO-MANY relation values
                     if ($prop->getRelationType() == 'MANY-TO-MANY' && count($prop->getRelatedOIDs()) > 0) {
                         try {
                             try {
                                 // check to see if the rel is on this class
                                 $side = $prop->getSide(get_class($this->BO));
                             } catch (IllegalArguementException $iae) {
                                 $side = $prop->getSide(get_parent_class($this->BO));
                             $lookUp = $prop->getLookup();
                             // first delete all of the old RelationLookup objects for this rel
                             try {
                                 if ($side == 'left') {
                                     $lookUp->deleteAllByAttribute('leftID', $this->BO->getOID());
                                 } else {
                                     $lookUp->deleteAllByAttribute('rightID', $this->BO->getOID());
                             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                 throw new FailedSaveException('Failed to delete old RelationLookup objects on the table [' . $prop->getLookup()->getTableName() . '], error is [' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
                             $OIDs = $prop->getRelatedOIDs();
                             if (isset($OIDs) && !empty($OIDs[0])) {
                                 // now for each posted OID, create a new RelationLookup record and save
                                 foreach ($OIDs as $oid) {
                                     $newLookUp = new RelationLookup($lookUp->get('leftClassName'), $lookUp->get('rightClassName'));
                                     if ($side == 'left') {
                                         $newLookUp->set('leftID', $this->BO->getOID());
                                         $newLookUp->set('rightID', $oid);
                                     } else {
                                         $newLookUp->set('rightID', $this->BO->getOID());
                                         $newLookUp->set('leftID', $oid);
                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
                             throw new FailedSaveException('Failed to update a MANY-TO-MANY relation on the object, error is [' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
                     // handle the saving of ONE-TO-MANY relation values
                     if ($prop->getRelationType() == 'ONE-TO-MANY') {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new FailedSaveException('Failed to save object, error is [' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
     } else {
         // there has been an error, so decrement the version number back
         $temp = $this->BO->getVersionNumber()->getValue();
         $this->BO->set('version_num', $temp - 1);
         // check for unique violations
         if (self::getConnection()->errno == '1062') {
             throw new ValidationException('Failed to save, the value ' . $this->findOffendingValue(self::getConnection()->error) . ' is already in use!');
         } else {
             throw new FailedSaveException('Failed to save object, MySql error is [' . self::getConnection()->error . '], query [' . $this->BO->getLastQuery() . ']');
     if ($this->BO->getMaintainHistory()) {