Exemplo n.º 1

/* Original code based on showtimelist.php writed by Sébastien Dabet (sdabet) */
require_once __DIR__ . '/allocine.class.php';
define('ALLOCINE_PARTNER_KEY', '100043982026');
define('ALLOCINE_SECRET_KEY', '29d185d98c984a359e6e6f26a0474269');
$zip = "75001";
// Zip code of location to search
$radius = "10";
// Radius of area
$response = $allocine->showtimelist($zip, $radius);
print $response;
$json = json_decode($response);
// Parse the returned json
$theaters = $json->feed->theaterShowtimes;
// Retrieve list of theaters
$table = array();
// Array of data to display
$max_length = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Array of max column length (to display equal length columns)
$index = 0;
// Index of current movie
// Iterate over all theaters and fill table with movies information
foreach ($theaters as $theater) {
    $times = $theater->movieShowtimes;
    foreach ($times as $i => $time) {
        // Append times in an array
        $horaires = $time->scr;
        $today = $horaires[0];
        $formatted_times = array();