Exemplo n.º 1
// Or load the AlchemyAPI PHP+CURL module.
/*include "../module/AlchemyAPI_CURL.php";*/
// Create an AlchemyAPI object.
$alchemyObj = new AlchemyAPI();
// Load the API key from disk.
// Extract sentiment from a web URL.
$result = $alchemyObj->URLGetTextSentiment("http://www.techcrunch.com/");
echo "{$result}<br/><br/>\n";
// Extract sentiment from a text string.
$result = $alchemyObj->TextGetTextSentiment("It's wonderful when the sun is shining and ABBA is playing.");
echo "{$result}<br/><br/>\n";
// Load a HTML document to analyze.
$htmlFile = file_get_contents("data/example.html");
// Extract sentiment from a HTML document.
$result = $alchemyObj->HTMLGetTextSentiment($htmlFile, "http://www.test.com/");
echo "{$result}<br/><br/>\n";
// Enable entity-level sentiment.
$namedEntityParams = new AlchemyAPI_NamedEntityParams();
// Extract entities with entity-level sentiment.
$result = $alchemyObj->TextGetRankedNamedEntities("Wyle E. Coyote is slow.", "xml", $namedEntityParams);
echo "{$result}<br/><br/>\n";
// Enable keyword-level sentiment.
$keywordParams = new AlchemyAPI_KeywordParams();
// Extract keywords with keyword-level sentiment.
$result = $alchemyObj->TextGetRankedKeywords("Wyle E. Coyote is slow.", "xml", $keywordParams);
echo "{$result}<br/><br/>\n";
// Enable Targeted Sentiment
$targetedSentimentParams = new AlchemyAPI_TargetedSentimentParams();