Exemplo n.º 1
  * Pushes the saved post to the relevant portal blogs
  * Assembles the post data required for submitting a new post in the portal sites, grabs a list
  * of portal sites to push to and then runs through each, submitting the post data as a new post.
  * @param int    $orig_post_id ID of the saved post.
  * @param object $orig_post WP_Post object for the saved post.
  * @return void
 protected function push_post_data_to_blogs($orig_post_id, $orig_post)
     global $current_blog;
     if ($this->recursing) {
     $this->recursing = true;
     // Prepare the post data.
     $orig_post_data = $this->prepare_post_data($orig_post_id);
     // Prepare the metadata.
     $orig_meta_data = $this->prepare_meta_data($orig_post_id, $current_blog);
     // Prepare terms.
     $orig_terms = $this->prepare_terms($orig_post_id, $orig_post);
     // Prepare featured image.
     $featured_image = $this->prepare_featured_image($orig_post_id);
     // Get the array of sites to sync to.
     $sync_destinations = $this->aggregator->get_portals($current_blog->blog_id);
     // Loop through all destinations to perform the sync.
     foreach ($sync_destinations as $sync_destination) {
         // Check this destination is (probably) okay to push to.
         if (!$this->check_destination($sync_destination)) {
         // Get the relevant sync job, if there is one.
         $this->job = new Aggregator_Job($sync_destination, $current_blog->blog_id);
         if (!$this->job->job_id) {
             // There is no job for this destination.
         // Check if we should be pushing this post, don't if not.
         if (!$this->allowed_post_type($orig_post->post_type, $this->job->get_post_types())) {
         // Take the list of associated taxonomy terms and remove any taxonomies not allowed.
         $destination_terms = $this->allowed_taxonomies($orig_terms);
         // Take the list of associated taxonomy terms and remove any terms not allowed.
         $destination_terms = $this->allowed_terms($destination_terms);
         if (is_wp_error($destination_terms)) {
             // See allowed_terms().
         // Okay, fine, switch sites and do the synchronisation dance.
         // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
         // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
         // Make we use the right author.
         $orig_post_data['author'] = $this->prepare_author_id($orig_post_data['author'], $sync_destination);
         // Acquire ID and update post (or insert post and acquire ID).
         $portal_target_post_id = $this->get_portal_blog_post_id($orig_post_id, $current_blog->blog_id);
         if (false !== $portal_target_post_id) {
             $target_post_id = $orig_post_data['ID'];
         } else {
             $target_post_id = wp_insert_post($orig_post_data);
         // Push the meta data.
         $this->push_meta_data($target_post_id, $orig_meta_data);
         // Push the featured image.
         if ($featured_image) {
             $this->push_featured_image($target_post_id, $featured_image);
         // Push taxonomies and terms.
         $this->push_taxonomy_terms($target_post_id, $destination_terms);
         $portal_site_url = get_home_url($sync_destination);
         // Filter url of portal_site_url.
         $portal_site_url = apply_filters('aggregator_remote_get_url', $portal_site_url);
         // Args for wp_remote_get function.
         $args = array('blocking' => false);
         // If WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT is set and a number, set the curl timeout to a higher value.
         if (defined(WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT) && is_numeric(WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT)) {
             // Add 1 to time, give it a little extra time.
             $timeout = intval(WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT) + 1;
             $args['timeout'] = $timeout;
         // Filter args for wp_remote_get.
         $args = apply_filters('aggregator_remote_get_args', $args, $portal_site_url);
         // Ping the cron on the portal site to trigger term import now.
         if (function_exists('vip_safe_wp_remote_get')) {
             vip_safe_wp_remote_get($portal_site_url . '/wp-cron.php', $args);
         } else {
             // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
             wp_remote_get($portal_site_url . '/wp-cron.php', $args);
             // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
         // Finally, set the post status.
         $new_post_data = get_post($target_post_id);
          * Filter the status of a syncing post.
          * Allows for the status of a synced post to be overridden. Before
          * this filter runs, the status will be 'pending'. The value of
          * `$status` is the status of the original post being synced, which
          * will be passed to `wp_update_post()`.
          * @var string $status The final status of the post.
         $new_post_data->post_status = apply_filters('aggregator_post_status', $orig_post_data['post_status']);
         // Get boolean on if post is updated or brand new.
         $updating = false !== $portal_target_post_id;
         $new_post_id = $updating ? $portal_target_post_id : $new_post_data->ID;
          * Do an action after the post has been successfully created on the destination site.
          * @param int  $new_post_id Fresh post ID
          * @param int  $orig_post_id Original post ID
          * @param int  $sync_destination Destination site ID
          * @param int  $current_blog Original site ID
          * @param bool $updating Whether post is updating (true) or a new post
         do_action('aggregator_after_push_post_data', $new_post_id, $orig_post_id, $sync_destination, $current_blog->blog_id, $updating);
         // Switch back to source blog.
     $this->recursing = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        submit_button(esc_html__('Save &amp; Continue'));
    case 'delete':
        // Check we have valid portal and source IDs.
        if (!$portal_id || !$source_id) {
            wp_die(esc_html__('Invalid site ID(s).'));
        // Get the job to be deleted.
        $job = new Aggregator_Job($portal_id, $source_id);
        // Do the deletion.
        // Return to Aggregator Setup and print a message.
if (!isset($action) || 'edit' !== $action && 'add' !== $action) {
    echo '<div class="wrap">';
    echo '<h2>' . esc_html(get_admin_page_title());
    // Allow network admins to add new Aggregator Jobs.
    if (current_user_can('manage_sites')) {
		<a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(network_admin_url('settings.php?page=aggregator&action=add'));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Save the aggregator job.
  * @param int     $post_id ID of the Aggregator post.
  * @param WP_Post $post Post object of the Aggregator post.
 public function publish_aggregator_job($post_id, $post)
     // Find the portal ID.
     if (isset($_POST['portal'])) {
         // Input var okay.
         $portal = intval($_POST['portal']);
         // Input var okay.
     } else {
     // Create a new aggregator job. If one already exists for this porta/source combination
     // the following will load the existing settings.
     $sync_job = new Aggregator_Job($portal, get_current_blog_id());
     // Set the post ID. If a post already exists for this job, it will be deleted.
     // Defaults for the post types and taxonomies.
     $cpts = $sync_job->get_post_types();
     $taxos = $sync_job->get_taxonomies();
     // Get any selected post types.
     if (isset($_POST['cpts'])) {
         // Input var okay.
         $cpts = array_map('sanitize_text_field', wp_unslash($_POST['cpts']));
         // Input var okay.
     // Save the new/changed post types.
     // Get any selected taxonomies.
     if (isset($_POST['taxos'])) {
         // Input var okay.
         $taxos = array_map('sanitize_text_field', wp_unslash($_POST['taxos']));
         // Input var okay.
     // Save the new/changed taxonomies.
     // Save the portal ID as post meta.
     // Set the author.
     // Update the network options for network admin pages.
     // Redirect back to network admin settings, with a success message.