Exemplo n.º 1
     $from = "+254711082300";
     // Specify the numbers to call - Query random user, make call, record the conversation
     $callQuery = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `phoneNumber`!= '" . $phoneNumber . "' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
     $callResult = $db->query($callQuery);
     $callAvail = $callResult->fetch_assoc();
     $callOut = $callAvail['phoneNumber'];
     //Call Random User
     $to = $callOut;
     // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class
     $gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway($username, $apikey);
     // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below,
     // so wrap the call in a try-catch block
     try {
         // Make the call
         $gateway->call($from, $to);
         echo "Calls have been initiated. Time for song and dance!\n";
         // Our API will now contact your callback URL once the recipient answers the call!
     } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException $e) {
         echo "Encountered an error while making the call: " . $e->getMessage();
 } elseif ($userResponse == "3") {
     $response = "END Please wait while we load your account.\n";
     // Search DB and the Send Airtime
     $recipients = array(array("phoneNumber" => "" . $phoneNumber . "", "amount" => "KES 10"));
     //JSON encode
     $recipientStringFormat = json_encode($recipients);
     //Create an instance of our awesome gateway class and pass your credentials
     $gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway($username, $apiKey);
     // Thats it, hit send and we'll take care of the rest. Any errors will be captured in the Exception class as shown below
     try {
Exemplo n.º 2
$direction = $_POST['direction'];
$sessionID = $_POST['sessionId'];
$isCallActive = $_POST['isActive'];
if ($isCallActive == 1 && $direction == "Inbound") {
    //hang up
    //construct response
    $response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    $response .= '<Response>';
    $response .= '<Reject/>';
    $response .= '</Response>';
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    echo $response;
    //immediately call user back
    $gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway($aitusername, $aitkey);
    try {
        $gateway->call($aitnumber, $callerNumber);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "error: " . $e->getMessage();
} elseif ($isCallActive == 1 && $direction == "Outbound") {
    //redirect call to be processed on other page
    $url = "https://santa-slybard.c9users.io/wishlist.php";
    //construct response
    $response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    $response .= '<Response>';
    $response .= '<Redirect>' . $url . '</Redirect>';
    $response .= '</Response>';
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    echo $response;
} else {
    SendResponse(false, "Goodbye!");