function _load_data() { $save = false; $data = get_option('plugin_advman'); if (!empty($data)) { if (version_compare($data['settings']['version'], ADVMAN_VERSION, '<')) { include_once ADVMAN_LIB . '/Upgrade.php'; Advman_Upgrade::upgrade_advman($data); $save = true; } } else { $data = get_option('plugin_adsensem'); if (!empty($data)) { include_once ADVMAN_LIB . '/Upgrade.php'; Advman_Upgrade::upgrade_adsensem($data); $save = true; } } if (empty($data)) { $data['ads'] = array(); $data['networks'] = array(); $data['settings'] = array(); $data['settings']['next_ad_id'] = 1; $data['settings']['default-ad'] = ''; $data['settings']['version'] = ADVMAN_VERSION; $data['settings']['openx-sync'] = true; $data['settings']['publisher-id'] = md5(uniqid('', true)); $data['settings']['enable-php'] = false; $data['settings']['purge-stats-days'] = 30; $data['settings']['stats'] = true; $data['stats'] = array(); $save = true; } if (!empty($data['stats'])) { $oldest = time() - $data['settings']['purge-stats-days'] * 24 * 60 * 60; foreach ($data['stats'] as $day => $stat) { $ts = strtotime($day); if ($ts < $oldest) { unset($data['stats'][$day]); $save = true; } } } if ($save) { update_option('plugin_advman', $data); } $this->_map_objects($data); return $data; }
static function notice_action($action) { // Activate advertising manager if ($action == 'activate advertising-manager') { Advman_Admin::remove_notice('activate advertising-manager'); } // Learn more about Adjs beta if ($action == 'adjs-beta') { if (OX_Tools::sanitize_post_var('advman-notice-confirm-yes')) { wp_redirect(admin_url('options-general.php?page=advman-settings')); } Advman_Admin::remove_notice('adjs-beta'); } // Update shortcodes if ($action == 'update_shortcodes') { if (OX_Tools::sanitize_post_var('advman-notice-confirm-yes')) { include_once ADVMAN_LIB . '/Upgrade.php'; Advman_Upgrade::update_shortcodes(); Advman_Admin::add_notice('advman-notice-once', __("Ad shortcodes updated"), false); } Advman_Admin::remove_notice('update_shortcodes'); } }
static function _get_code(&$ad) { $code = ''; switch (strtolower($ad['class'])) { case 'ox_plugin_adbrite': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_adbrite($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_adgridwork': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_adgridwork($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_adpinion': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_adpinion($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_adroll': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_adroll($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_adsense': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_adsense($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_cj': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_cj($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_crispads': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_crispads($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_openx': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_openx($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_shoppingads': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_shoppingads($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_widgetbucks': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_widgetbucks($ad); break; case 'ox_plugin_ypn': $code = Advman_Upgrade::_get_code_ypn($ad); break; } if (!empty($code)) { $oAd = new $ad['class'](); $oAd->import_settings($code); foreach ($oAd->p as $property => $value) { $ad[$property] = $value; } } }
function _load_data() { $save = false; // Load the data into an array $data = get_option('plugin_advman'); // old way of saving data if (empty($data)) { $data = array(); // Get settings data $d = get_option('plugin_advman_settings'); if (empty($d)) { $d = array('next_ad_id' => 1, 'default-ad' => '', 'version' => ADVMAN_VERSION, 'enable-php' => false, 'purge-stats-days' => 30, 'stats' => true); $save = true; } $data['settings'] = $d; // Get ads data $d = get_option('plugin_advman_ads'); if (empty($d)) { $d = array(); $save = true; } $data['ads'] = $d; // Get networks data $d = get_option('plugin_advman_networks'); if (empty($d)) { $d = array(); $save = true; } $data['networks'] = $d; // Get stats data $d = get_option('plugin_advman_stats'); if (empty($d)) { $d = array(); $save = true; } $data['stats'] = $d; } if (version_compare($data['settings']['version'], ADVMAN_VERSION, '<')) { include_once ADVMAN_LIB . '/Upgrade.php'; Advman_Upgrade::upgrade_advman($data); $save = true; } if (!empty($data['stats'])) { $oldest = time() - $data['settings']['purge-stats-days'] * 24 * 60 * 60; foreach ($data['stats'] as $day => $stat) { $ts = strtotime($day); if ($ts < $oldest) { unset($data['stats'][$day]); $save = true; } } } if ($save) { update_option('plugin_advman_settings', $data['settings']); update_option('plugin_advman_ads', $data['ads']); update_option('plugin_advman_networks', $data['networks']); update_option('plugin_advman_stats', $data['stats']); } $this->_map_objects($data); return $data; }