  * Method to get experiments of a particular time range
  * @param $inputs
  * @return array
 public static function get_experiments_of_time_range($inputs)
     $experimentStatistics = AdminUtilities::get_experiment_execution_statistics(strtotime($inputs["from-date"]) * 1000, strtotime($inputs["to-date"]) * 1000);
     $experiments = array();
     if ($inputs["status-type"] == "ALL") {
         $experiments = $experimentStatistics->allExperiments;
     } else {
         if ($inputs["status-type"] == "COMPLETED") {
             $experiments = $experimentStatistics->completedExperiments;
         } elseif ($inputs["status-type"] == "FAILED") {
             $experiments = $experimentStatistics->failedExperiments;
         } else {
             if ($inputs["status-type"] == "CANCELED") {
                 $experiments = $experimentStatistics->cancelledExperiments;
     $expContainer = array();
     $expNum = 0;
     foreach ($experiments as $experiment) {
         $expValue = ExperimentUtilities::get_experiment_values($experiment, ProjectUtilities::get_project($experiment->projectID), true);
         $expContainer[$expNum]['experiment'] = $experiment;
         $expValue["editable"] = false;
         $expContainer[$expNum]['expValue'] = $expValue;
     return $expContainer;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Loads the mysqli object and organizes the URL into variables
  * @param object $mysqli
  * @param array $url_array
 public function __construct($url_array = NULL)
     // Creates a database object
     // Store the URL components as class properties
     for ($i = 0, $c = count($url_array); $i < $c; ++$i) {
         if (!empty($url_array[$i])) {
             $prop = "url{$i}";
             $this->{$prop} = $url_array[$i];
     // Identify the class being used
     $this->page_type = $this->get_page_data_by_slug($this->url0)->type;
     // Register access points
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Loads the page entry and outputs HTML markup to display it
  * @return string the formatted entry
 public function display_public()
     // Check if the user is logged in and attempting to edit an entry
     if (isset($this->url1) && $this->url1 === 'admin' && AdminUtilities::check_clearance(1)) {
         // Load the entry ID if one was passed
         $id = isset($this->url2) ? (int) $this->url2 : NULL;
         // Output the admin controls
         return $this->display_admin($id);
     // Load the entries
     // Add the admin options for preview entries
     $entry_id = array_key_exists(0, $this->entries) ? $this->entries[0]->entry_id : NULL;
     $extra->header->admin = $this->admin_entry_options($this->url0, $entry_id, FALSE);
     // Set the template file
     $this->template = $this->url0 . '.inc';
     // Organize the data
     // Return the entry as formatted by the template
     return $this->generate_markup($extra);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function display_site_options()
     // Make sure the user is logged in before showing any options
     if (AdminUtilities::check_clearance(1)) {
         // Set up the break for menu items
         $tab = str_repeat(' ', 4);
         $break = "</li>\n{$tab}<li>";
         // Create the unordered list and display user info
         $options = '<ul id="admin-site-options">' . "\n" . $tab . '<li class="info-box">You are logged in as <strong>' . $_SESSION['user']['name'] . '</strong>' . $break;
         // If the user has clearance, allow for site page & category editing
         if (AdminUtilities::check_clearance(2)) {
             $options .= '<a href="/siteadmin/pages">Edit Site Pages</a>' . $break . '<a href="/siteadmin/categories">Edit Entry ' . 'Categories<a/>' . $break;
         // If the user has high enough clearance, they can manage admins
         if (AdminUtilities::check_clearance(2)) {
             $options .= '<a href="/admin/manage">Manage Administrators</a>' . $break;
         return $options . '<a href="/admin/logout">Logout</a></li>' . "\n" . '</ul><!-- end #admin-site-options -->';
     } else {
         return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Loads the page entries and outputs HTML markup to display them
  * @return string the formatted entries
 public function display_public()
     // If logged in, show the admin options (if JavaScript is disabled)
     if (isset($this->url1) && $this->url1 === 'admin' && AdminUtilities::check_clearance(1)) {
         // Load the entry ID if one was passed
         $id = isset($this->url2) ? (int) $this->url2 : NULL;
         // Output the admin controls
         return $this->display_admin($id);
     } else {
         if (isset($this->url1) && $this->url1 !== 'more') {
             // Load the entry by its URL
             // Avoid a notice
             $extra = (object) array();
             // Set the template
             $this->template = $this->url0 . '-full.inc';
         } else {
             // If the entries are paginated, this determines what page to show
             if (isset($this->url1) && $this->url1 === 'more') {
                 $offset = isset($this->url2) ? $limit * ($this->url2 - 1) : 0;
             } else {
                 $offset = 0;
             // Load most recent entries for a preview if no entry was selected
             // Add the admin options for preview entries
             $extra->header->admin = $this->admin_general_options($this->url0);
             // Set the template
             $this->template = $this->url0 . '-preview.inc';
     // Organize the data
     // Return the entry as formatted by the template
     return $this->generate_markup($extra);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Checks for the existence of a cached file with the ID passed
  * @param string $cache_id  A string by which the cache is identified
  * @return mixed            The cached data if saved, else boolean FALSE
 public static function check_cache($cache_id)
     $cache_filepath = self::_generate_cache_filepath($cache_id);
      * If the cached file exists and is within the time limit defined in
      * CACHE_EXPIRES, load the cached data. Does not apply if the user is
      * logged in
     if (file_exists($cache_filepath) && time() - filemtime($cache_filepath) <= CACHE_EXPIRES && !AdminUtilities::check_clearance(1)) {
         $cache = file_get_contents($cache_filepath);
         FB::warn("Data loaded from cache ({$cache_filepath})");
         return unserialize($cache);
     return FALSE;
 public function addGateway()
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $gateway = AdminUtilities::addGateway(Input::all());
     $tm = WSIS::createTenant(1, $inputs["admin-username"], $inputs["admin-password"], $inputs["admin-email"], $inputs["admin-firstname"], $inputs["admin-lastname"], $inputs["domain"]);
     return $gateway;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function login()
     // Sanitize the username and store the password for hashing
     if (SIV::validate($_POST['username'], SIV::USERNAME) === TRUE) {
         $username = $_POST['username'];
         $password = $_POST['password'];
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     FB::log($username, "Username");
     // Load user data that matches the supplied username
     $userdata = $this->get_user_data($username);
     // Make sure a user was loaded before continuing
     if (array_key_exists('email', $userdata) || array_key_exists('password', $userdata) || array_key_exists('username', $userdata) || array_key_exists('display', $userdata) || array_key_exists('clearance', $userdata)) {
         // Extract password hash
         $db_pass = $userdata['password'];
         FB::log($this->createSaltedHash($password, $db_pass), "Password Hash");
         FB::log($db_pass === $this->createSaltedHash($password, $db_pass), "Passwords Match");
         // Make sure the passwords match
         if ($db_pass === $this->createSaltedHash($password, $db_pass) && AdminUtilities::check_session()) {
             // Save the user data in a session variable
             $_SESSION['user'] = array('name' => $userdata['display'], 'email' => $userdata['email'], 'clearance' => $userdata['clearance']);
             FB::log($_SESSION, "Session");
             // Set a cookie to store the username that expires in 30 days
             setcookie('username', $username, time() + 2592000, '/');
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Creates the database tables necessary for the CMS to function
  * @param array $menuPages  The menu configuration array
  * @return void
 public static function build_database()
     // Loads necessary MySQL to build and populate the database
     $file_array = array();
     $var_arr = array();
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_database.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_pages.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_entries.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_categories.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_entry_categories.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_featured.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_users.sql';
     $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_comments.sql';
     // If an admin is initializing the ECMS, create his or her account
     if (DEV_PASS !== '') {
         $filepath = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/insert_users_entry.sql';
         // Create a salted hash of the password
         $password_hash = AdminUtilities::createSaltedHash(DEV_PASS);
         // Assign variables needed to properly parse the file
         $var_arr = array($filepath => array('display' => DEV_DISPLAY_NAME, 'username' => DEV_USER_NAME, 'email' => DEV_EMAIL, 'vcode' => sha1(uniqid(time(), TRUE)), 'clearance' => DEV_CLEARANCE, 'password' => $password_hash));
         // Add the file to the array
         $file_array[] = $filepath;
     // Load the files
     $sql = Utilities::load_file($file_array, $var_arr);
     // Execute the loaded queries
     try {
         $dsn = "mysql:host=" . DB_HOST . ";dbname=" . DB_NAME;
         $db = new PDO($dsn, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function removeSSH()
     $removeToken = Input::get("token");
     if (AdminUtilities::remove_ssh_token($removeToken)) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function _display_comment_form()
     $form = new Form();
     $form->page = 'comments';
     $form->legend = 'Add a Comment';
     $form->action = 'comment-write';
     $form->entry_id = $this->_entry_id;
     $form->form_id = 'add-comment';
     if (isset($this->_sdata->error) && $this->_sdata->error !== '0000') {
         $form->notice = '<p class="comment-error">' . $this->_get_comment_error_message() . '</p>';
     // Make the entry values available to the form if they exist
     $form->entry = $this->_get_comment_data();
     // If the admin is trying to reply to a comment, add the thread ID
     if (AdminUtilities::check_clearance(1) && isset($_GET['thread_id'])) {
         $form->entry->thread_id = (int) $_GET['thread_id'];
     // If the commenter is new and no cookies exist, do a spam challenge
     if ($this->_is_verified_human() === TRUE) {
         $challenge = array('name' => 'challenge', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 1);
     } else {
         $challenge = array('name' => 'challenge', 'class' => 'input-text', 'label' => $this->_generate_spam_challenge());
     // Set up input information
     $form->input_arr = array(array('name' => 'name', 'class' => 'input-text', 'label' => 'Your Name (Not Your Business Name)'), array('type' => 'email', 'name' => 'email', 'class' => 'input-text', 'label' => 'Your Email (Required, Never Shared)'), array('name' => 'url', 'class' => 'input-text', 'label' => 'Your Website (Optional)'), array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'comment', 'class' => 'input-textarea', 'label' => 'Your Comment'), $challenge, array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'subscribe', 'id' => 'subscribe', 'label' => 'Receive an email when new comments are posted', 'value' => 1), array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'comment-submit', 'class' => 'input-submit', 'value' => 'Post a Comment'), array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'comment_id'), array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'thread_id'), array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'return-url', 'value' => $this->_redirect_url));
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Checks for a valid session
  * Runs a few checks to make sure the same user agent and IP are used in
  * addition to the check for a token and timeout. Any failure results in a
  * full-on self-destruct for the session.
  * @return boolean  Whether or not a valid session is present
 public static function check_session()
     // If we've already checked this and it's valid, just return TRUE
     if (self::$valid_session === TRUE) {
         return TRUE;
     FB::log($_SESSION, "Session Data");
     FB::log(time(), "Current Time");
     // Create a token if one doesn't exist or has timed out
     if (!isset($_SESSION['ecms']) || $_SESSION['ecms']['ttl'] <= time()) {
         // Regenerate the session to avoid any unwanted shenanigans
         // Log data for debugging
         FB::log("Session doesn't exist or expired. New session created.");
         FB::log($_SESSION, "New Session");
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         if ($_SESSION['ecms']['user-agent'] !== $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] || $_SESSION['ecms']['address'] !== $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
             // Log data for debugging
             FB::log("User agent or remote address is mismatched.");
             // Regenerate the session to avoid any unwanted shenanigans
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             if (is_array($_SESSION['ecms'])) {
                 $_SESSION['ecms']['ttl'] = time() + 600;
                 // 10 minutes from now
                 self::$valid_session = TRUE;
                 return TRUE;
             } else {
                 // Log data for debugging
                 FB::log("No conditions met. Something is odd.");
                 // Regenerate the session to avoid any unwanted shenanigans
                 return FALSE;
 static function buildDB($menuPages)
     $mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
     if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
         exit("Couldn't connect to the database." . $mysqli->connect_error());
     $admin_u = DEV_NAME;
     $admin_e = DEV_EMAIL;
     $admin_p = AdminUtilities::createSaltedHash(DEV_PASS);
     $sql = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_NAME . "`\n                DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET . " COLLATE " . DEFAULT_COLLATION . ";\n                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entryMgr`\n                (\n                    `id`        INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,\n                    `page`      VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,\n                    `title`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `subhead`   VARCHAR(75) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `body`      TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `img`       VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `imgcap`    VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data1`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data2`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data3`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data4`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data5`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data6`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data7`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `data8`     VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `author`    VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '" . SITE_CONTACT_NAME . "',\n                    `created`   INT(12),\n                    INDEX(`page`),\n                    INDEX(`created`),\n                    INDEX(`title`),\n                    FULLTEXT KEY `search` (`title`,`body`,`data2`)\n                ) ENGINE=MYISAM CHARACTER SET " . DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET . " COLLATE " . DEFAULT_COLLATION . ";\n                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "adminMgr`\n                (\n                    `id`        INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,\n                    `admin_u`    VARCHAR(60) UNIQUE,\n                    `admin_e`    VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,\n                    `admin_p`    VARCHAR(150) DEFAULT NULL,\n                    `admin_v`    VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,\n                    `is_admin`    TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0',\n                    INDEX(admin_v)\n                ) ENGINE=MYISAM CHARACTER SET " . DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET . " COLLATE " . DEFAULT_COLLATION . ";\n                INSERT INTO `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entryMgr`\n                (\n                    `page`, `title`, `body`, `img`, `imgcap`,\n                    `data2`, `data6`, `author`, `created`\n                )\n                VALUES\n                (\n                    '" . DEFAULT_PAGE . "', 'Welcome to the ECMS!',\n                    '<p>You have successfully installed the " . "<a href=\"http://ennuicms.com/\">ECMS</a>.</p>" . "\r\n<p>To get started:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>" . "<a href=\"/admin\">Log in</a> using the username " . "and password you set up in the config files</li>\r\n" . "<li>Edit this entry to contain the content for your " . "site''s home page</li>\r\n<li>Add content to the " . "rest of the pages on your site</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n" . "<h2>HTML Element Style Test (h2)</h2>\r\n" . "<blockquote>\r\n<p>This is a blockquote. Putamus " . "lectores litterarum dynamicus facilisi dolore. " . "Facilisi qui zzril legunt nibh in. Nostrud nonummy " . "sequitur autem consequat ut. Assum tincidunt " . "vulputate gothica molestie veniam.</p>\r\n" . "</blockquote>\r\n<h3>H3 Element</h3>\r\n<p>Sed " . "consequat tempor ex formas dignissim. Lobortis " . "anteposuerit consectetuer consequat ullamcorper " . "dolore. Dolore imperdiet amet iis sed iriure. " . "Luptatum adipiscing lorem augue diam te. Cum autem " . "claritas tempor sed augue.</p>\r\n<h4>H4 Element" . "</h4>\r\n<ol>\r\n<li>This is an ordered list</li>" . "\r\n<li>Typi at doming usus lectores parum.</li>" . "\r\n<li>Parum quod legentis qui nonummy mirum. Nunc " . "quis consequat in seacula consectetuer.</li>\r\n" . "</ol>\r\n<h5>H5 Element</h5>\r\n<p>Parum quod " . "legentis qui nonummy mirum. Nunc quis consequat in " . "seacula consectetuer. Est humanitatis eros duis qui " . "quarta. Enim quod in aliquip placerat insitam. " . "Putamus consequat hendrerit demonstraverunt " . "eleifend claram. Videntur molestie typi hendrerit " . "duis qui.</p>\r\n<h6>H6 Element</h6>\r\n<p>Mazim ut " . "euismod formas amet in. Ex blandit nulla tincidunt " . "wisi consequat. Typi illum ad luptatum " . "Investigationes legentis.</p>',\n                    'blog, entry, testing', 'welcome-to-the-ecms',\n                    'Ennui Design', " . time() . "\n                )\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `created`=" . time() . ";";
     if (DEV_PASS != '') {
         $sql .= "INSERT INTO `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "adminMgr`\n                    (`admin_u`, `admin_e`, `admin_p`, `admin_v`, `is_admin`)\n                VALUES\n                    ('{$admin_u}', '{$admin_e}', '{$admin_p}', '" . sha1(time()) . "', '1')\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `is_admin`=1;";
     if (array_key_exists('blog', $menuPages)) {
         $sql .= "\n                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "blogCmnt`\n                (\n                    `id`        INT(5) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,\n                    `bid`        INT(5),\n                    `user`        VARCHAR(60),\n                    `email`        VARCHAR(100),\n                    `link`        VARCHAR(100),\n                    `comment`    TEXT,\n                    `timestamp`    INT(12),\n                    `subscribe`    TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0',\n                    INDEX(bid),\n                    INDEX(timestamp),\n                    INDEX(subscribe)\n                ) ENGINE=MYISAM CHARACTER SET " . DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET . " COLLATE " . DEFAULT_COLLATION . ";";
     if ($mysqli->multi_query($sql)) {
         do {
             if ($result = $mysqli->store_result()) {
                 echo "Table created.<br />\n";
         } while ($mysqli->next_result());
     } else {
         exit('Database tables could not be created. ' . $mysqli->error());
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
    FB::warn("FirePHP logging enabled.");
} else {
    ini_set("display_errors", 0);
// URL Parsing - Read the URL and break it apart for processing
$url_array = Utilities::readUrl();
if (!is_array($url_array) && file_exists($url_array)) {
    require_once $url_array;
// Creates a database object
$dbo = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
// Creates the database tables if set to true
if (CREATE_DB === TRUE) {
// Load the page attributes from the menu array
$menuPage = Utilities::getPageAttributes($menuPages, $url_array[0]);
// Check if the admin page is being accessed
if ($url_array[0] == 'admin') {
    $menuPage = array('display' => 'Administrative Controls', 'type' => 'admin');
// Check if the search page is being accessed
if ($url_array[0] == 'search') {
    $menuPage = array('display' => 'Search', 'type' => 'search');
// If the supplied URL doesn't match any menu items, direct to the 404 page
if ($menuPage === FALSE) {
    $menuPage = array('display' => 'Invalid URL', 'type' => 'missing');
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static function is_form_submission_valid()
     return isset($_REQUEST['page']) && (isset($_POST['token']) || isset($_GET['action'])) && AdminUtilities::check_session();
Exemplo n.º 16

    <!-- Additional scripts for site enhancement. These are optional. -->
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
	<!--[if IE]>
    <script type="text/javascript"

// If the user is logged in, load JavaScript for the admin controls
if ($main_content->url0 == "admin" || AdminUtilities::check_clearance(1)) {

    <!-- Admin JS Files -->
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"

    <!-- Initialization JS File -->
    <script type="text/javascript"
 public function getExperimentsOfTimeRange()
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         $inputs = Input::all();
         $expContainer = AdminUtilities::get_experiments_of_time_range($inputs);
         $expStates = ExperimentUtilities::getExpStates();
         return View::make("partials/experiment-container", array("expContainer" => $expContainer, "expStates" => $expStates));
Exemplo n.º 18
    ini_set("display_errors", 1);
    FB::warn("FirePHP logging is enabled! Sensitive data may be exposed.");
} else {
    ini_set("display_errors", 0);
// Creates the database tables if set to true
// Check for a valid session
* Break apart the URL and determine what data needs to be loaded
// URL Parsing - Read the URL and break it apart for processing
$url_array = Utilities::read_url();
// Load the menu
$menu = new Menu($url_array);
// Load the page attributes from the menu array
$menu_page = DB_Actions::get_page_data_by_slug($url_array[0]);
// Check if the page should actually be shown as main content
if (property_exists($menu_page, 'show_full') && $menu_page->show_full != 1) {
    header("Location: /" . DB_Actions::get_default_page());
} else {
    if ($menu_page === FALSE) {