$err["password_confirm"] = "Passwords must match"; $valid = false; } } $form->load_by_pk($_SESSION['usr_id']); //load the data from the table by using the user type $panel_head = false; if ($valid && isset($_POST['new_password']) && isset($_POST['password_confirm']) && isset($_POST['old_password'])) { //if old and new password are set, check if the old $pass = new PasswordField(); //password matches the one that's currently in the database, if so check if the newpassowrd and the confirmation match. if they do, save it to the database $pass->new_password($_POST['old_password']); if ($pass->value == $form->fields['password']->value) { if ($_POST['new_password'] == $_POST['password_confirm']) { $form->fields['password']->new_password($_POST['new_password']); if ($form->save()) { $panel_head = true; } else { echo "Password not changed."; } } } else { $err['password_confirm'] = "Either old password is incorrect or new passwords do not match."; } } //load the html templates for the look of the change_password page $logout = "logout_button.php"; $page_title = "Change Password"; $panel_heading = "Change your password"; if ($panel_head) { $panel_heading = "Success!";
} else { header('Location: index.php'); } include "models/admin_model.php"; $admins = new AdminForm(); $to_edit = new AdminForm(); if (isset($_POST['add_admin'])) { $to_edit->load_from_post(); $valid = $to_edit->validate(); if ($_POST['password2'] != $to_edit->fields['password']->value) { $valid = false; } else { $to_edit->fields['password']->hash_pass(); } if ($valid) { $to_edit->save(); } } elseif (isset($_POST['admin_id'])) { $to_edit->load_by_pk($_POST['admin_id']); $to_edit->load_from_post(); $valid = $to_edit->validate(); if ($valid) { $to_edit->save(); $to_edit = new AdminForm(); } } $admins->load_by_filter(""); $page_title = "Manage Administrators"; $panel_heading = "Manage Administrators"; $page_body = "manage_admins_template.php"; include "templates/template.php";