/** * Checks if the parameter is a valid adjustment id * @param $id int * @return Adjustment object if $id is found, otherwise false */ private function __checkExistence($id) { if (!is_null($id) && $id != '') { $adjustment = Adjustment::find($id); if (is_null($adjustment)) { return false; } return $adjustment; } return false; }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // $validator = $this->validate(); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator->messages())->withInput(Input::all()); } $type = Input::get('type'); $product = Product::find(Input::get('product_id')); $location = Location::find(Input::get('location_id')); $quantity = Input::get('quantity'); $adjustment_date = Input::get('adjustment_date'); $description = Input::get('description'); DB::beginTransaction(); $adjustment = new Adjustment(); // Record details in adjustment table // Type [1 : Positive] [2 : Negative] $adjustment->type = $type; $adjustment->adjustment_date = $adjustment_date; $adjustment->description = $description; $adjustment->save(); // Store other details in a new array $extra = array('product-id ' => $product->id, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'location_id' => $location->id); // Get the current adjustment id; //Update records in the adjustment_products table //If type : POSITIVE // 1.Find the correct record and Increment the product qty in location_products table // 2.Update item_in table //If type : NEGATIVE // 1.Find the correct record and Decrement the product qty in location_products table // 2.Update item_out table $response = Event::fire('adjustment.create', array($adjustment, $extra)); DB::commit(); print_r($response); exit; Session::flash('success', 'Successfully created donation!'); return Redirect::route('adjustment.index'); }
public static function billUpdate($id, $account_id, $for_month, $adjustments_new, $device_cost_new, $discount_new, $other_charges_new, $for_month_last, $update) { if (count($for_month_last) != 0) { $bill = Bill::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month_last)->get()->first(); } else { $bill = Bill::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month)->get()->first(); } // var_dump($bill,$for_month,$account_id);die; if (count($bill) != 0) { $bill_now = Bill::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month)->first(); if ($for_month_last) { $previous_balance = ceil($bill->amount_before_due_date); $last_payment = ceil($bill->amount_paid); } else { $previous_balance = ceil($bill->prev_bal); $last_payment = ceil($bill->last_payment); } $amount_paid = PaymentTransaction::where('bill_no', $bill_now->bill_no)->where('account_id', $account_id)->where('status', 'success')->sum('amount'); $account_id = $bill->account_id; $bill_date = $bill->bill_date; $bill_start_date = $bill->bill_start_date; $bill_end_date = $bill->bill_end_date; $due_date = $bill->due_date; $security_deposit = $bill->security_deposit; $status = $bill->status; if (count($update) != 0) { $adjust = Adjustment::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month)->where('id', '!=', $id)->sum('amount'); $device = DeviceCost::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month)->where('id', '!=', $id)->sum('amount'); $other_c = OtherCharges::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month)->where('id', '!=', $id)->sum('amount'); $discount = Discount::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', $for_month)->where('id', '!=', $id)->sum('amount'); $device_cost = $device + $device_cost_new; $other_charges = $other_c + $other_charges_new; $discount = $discount + $discount_new; $adjustments = $adjust + $adjustments_new; } else { $device_cost = $bill->device_cost + $device_cost_new; $other_charges = $bill->other_charges + $other_charges_new; $discount = $bill->discount + $discount_new; $adjustments = $bill->adjustments + $adjustments_new; } if (count($adjustments_new) != 0) { $adjustment_update = Adjustment::where('id', $id)->first(); $adjustment_update->is_considered = 'Y'; $adjustment_update->save(); } if (count($device_cost_new) != 0) { $device_cost_update = DeviceCost::where('id', $id)->first(); $device_cost_update->is_considered = 1; $device_cost_update->save(); } if (count($other_charges_new) != 0) { $other_charges_update = OtherCharges::where('id', $id)->first(); $other_charges_update->is_considered = 1; $other_charges_update->save(); } if (count($discount_new) != 0) { $discount_update = Discount::where('id', $id)->first(); $discount_update->is_considered = 1; $discount_update->save(); } $bill_count = Bill::where('account_id', $account_id)->get(); if ($for_month_last) { if (count($bill_count) == 1) { $current_rental = $bill->current_rental; $onetime_charges = $bill->onetime_charges; $sub_total = $current_rental; $service_tax = ceil($sub_total * 0.14); $plan_name = $bill->cust_current_plan; $total_charges = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax); $total_amount = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax - $adjustments + $other_charges - $discount + $device_cost + $onetime_charges); } else { $current_rental = $bill_now->current_rental; $sub_total = $current_rental; $onetime_charges = $bill_now->onetime_charges; $service_tax = ceil($sub_total * 0.14); $plan_name = $bill_now->cust_current_plan; $total_charges = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax); $total_amount = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax - $adjustments + $other_charges - $discount + $device_cost); } } else { $current_rental = $bill_now->current_rental; $onetime_charges = $bill_now->onetime_charges; $sub_total = $current_rental; $service_tax = ceil($sub_total * 0.14); $total_charges = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax); $plan_name = $bill_now->cust_current_plan; if (count($bill_count) == 1) { $total_amount = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax - $adjustments + $other_charges - $discount + $device_cost + $onetime_charges); } else { $total_amount = ceil($sub_total + $service_tax - $adjustments + $other_charges - $discount + $device_cost); } } $amount_before_due_date = intval($previous_balance - $last_payment + $total_amount); $amount_after_due_date = intval($previous_balance - $last_payment + $total_amount); if ($amount_paid == 0) { $status = "not_paid"; } else { if ($amount_before_due_date > $amount_paid) { $status = "partially_paid"; } else { if ($amount_before_due_date <= $amount_paid) { $status = "paid"; } } } DB::table('bill_det')->where('bill_no', '=', $bill_now->bill_no)->update(array('prev_bal' => $previous_balance, 'last_payment' => $last_payment, 'current_rental' => $current_rental, 'service_tax' => $service_tax, 'total_charges' => $total_charges, 'sub_total' => $sub_total, 'device_cost' => $device_cost, 'adjustments' => $adjustments, 'discount' => $discount, 'other_charges' => $other_charges, 'amount_before_due_date' => $amount_before_due_date, 'amount_after_due_date' => $amount_after_due_date, 'amount_paid' => $amount_paid, 'status' => $status)); } }
/** * Sets the best adjustment, if the passed adjustment * is indeed better. * @param Adjustment $candidate for better adjustment */ protected function setBestAdjustment(Adjustment $candidate) { $this->bestadjustment = $this->bestadjustment ? Adjustment::better_of($this->bestadjustment, $candidate) : $candidate; }
function billInfo($bill_no, $account_id, $for_month) { $discount = Discount::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', '=', $for_month)->get(); foreach ($discount as $key => $value) { $discount_id[] = $value->id; } $adjustment = Adjustment::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', '=', $for_month)->get(); foreach ($adjustment as $key => $value) { $adjustment_id[] = $value->id; } $othercharges = OtherCharges::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', '=', $for_month)->get(); foreach ($othercharges as $key => $value) { $othercharges_id[] = $value->id; } $devicecost = DeviceCost::where('account_id', '=', $account_id)->where('for_month', '=', $for_month)->get(); foreach ($devicecost as $key => $value) { $devicecost_id[] = $value->id; //var_dump($devicecost[]);die; } $discount = count($discount); $adjustment = count($adjustment); $othercharges = count($othercharges); $devicecost = count($devicecost); $maximum = max($discount, $adjustment, $othercharges, $devicecost); for ($i = 0; $i < $maximum; $i++) { $bill_info = new Billinformation(); $bill_info->bill_no = $bill_no; if (!empty($adjustment_id[$i])) { $bill_info->adjustment_id = $adjustment_id[$i]; $considered = Adjustment::where('id', '=', $adjustment_id[$i])->get()->first(); $considered->is_considered = '1'; $considered->save(); //var_dump($considered);die; } else { $bill_info->adjustment_id = 0; } if (!empty($discount_id[$i])) { $bill_info->discount_id = $discount_id[$i]; $considered = Discount::where('id', '=', $discount_id[$i])->get()->first(); $considered->is_considered = 1; $considered->save(); } else { $bill_info->discount_id = 0; } if (!empty($othercharges_id[$i])) { $bill_info->other_charges_id = $othercharges_id[$i]; $considered = OtherCharges::where('id', '=', $othercharges_id[$i])->get()->first(); $considered->is_considered = 1; $considered->save(); } else { $bill_info->other_charges_id = 0; } if (!empty($devicecost_id[$i])) { $bill_info->device_cost_id = $devicecost_id[$i]; $considered = DeviceCost::where('id', '=', $devicecost_id[$i])->get()->first(); $considered->is_considered = 1; $considered->save(); } else { $bill_info->device_cost_id = 0; } $bill_info->save(); } }
public static function billadjustment($account_id, $for_month, $amount, $bill) { $bill_info = Billinformation::where('bill_no', $bill->bill_no)->get(); foreach ($bill_info as $key) { $amount_id[] = $key->adjustment_id; } if (count($bill_info) == 0) { $amount_id[] = NULL; } $bill_amount = Adjustment::whereIn('id', $amount_id)->sum('amount'); if ($bill->adjustments == $bill_amount) { return $bill_amount; } else { if ($bill->adjustments && $bill_amount == 0) { $adjustment = new Adjustment(); $adjustment->account_id = $account_id; $adjustment->for_month = $for_month; $adjustment->amount = $amount; $adjustment->date = date('Y-m-d'); $adjustment->remarks = "billadjustment retransaction"; $adjustment->is_considered = 1; $adjustment->save(); $bill_info = Adjustment::adjustments($adjustment->id, $adjustment->account_id, $adjustment->for_month); return $adjustment->amount; } else { if ($bill->adjustments != $bill_amount) { return false; } } } }
public function compareTo(Adjustment $i) { return $this->getValue() - $i->getValue(); }