public function execute() { if (!$this->safeToRun('address')) { $this->printDebug('script already running'); die; } if (!$this->_addresses) { $this->setAddresses(); } if (!count($this->_addresses)) { echo 'no more addresses'; die; } foreach ($this->_addresses as $address) { try { $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->printDebug('standardizing ' . $address->getOneLiner() . ' entity: ' . $address->entity_id); $address = AddressTable::standardize($address); if ($address) { $address->save(); $this->printDebug('address saved'); $this->printDebug('saved as ' . $address->getOneLiner()); } $this->saveMeta('standardization', 'last_processed', $address->id); $this->db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->db->rollback(); throw $e; } } }
<tr> <td> <?php echo sprintf("%01.1f", AddressTable::getDistanceBetweenCoords($object->latitude, $object->longitude, $base_object->latitude, $base_object->longitude)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo entity_link($object->Entity, null); ?> </td> <td> <span class="text_small"><?php echo $object->getOneLiner(); ?> </span> </td> </tr>
public function addAddress($address) { if (!($address = AddressTable::standardize($address))) { return false; } if ($this->exists()) { if ($address->latitude && $address->longitude && AddressTable::getByCoordsQuery($address->longitude, $address->latitude, $this)->count()) { return false; } else { if (!$address->latitude && AddressTable::retrieveByAddress($address, false, $this)) { return false; } } } $this->Address[] = $address; return $address; }
public function importAddresses($id) { $entity = Doctrine::getTable('Entity')->find($id); if (!$entity) { return false; } $this->printDebug("\nImporting addresses for entity " . $id . ": " . $entity->name); $addresses = array(); //get all the transactions $sql = 'SELECT cycle, transaction_id FROM os_entity_transaction WHERE entity_id = ? AND is_verified = 1 AND cycle > ?'; $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id, $this->after_cycle)); $trans = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->printDebug("Found " . count($trans) . " transactions..."); $unique_address_parts = array(); $unique_addresses = array(); foreach ($trans as $tran) { $sql = 'SELECT street, city, state, zip, fec_id, date FROM os_donation WHERE cycle = ? AND row_id = ? ' . 'AND street IS NOT NULL AND zip IS NOT NULL AND state IS NOT NULL GROUP BY street, city, state, zip'; $stmt = $this->rawDb->execute($sql, array($tran['cycle'], $tran['transaction_id'])); if (!($address = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) { $this->printDebug("Couldn't find complete address for donation " . $tran['cycle'] . "-" . $tran['transaction_id'] . "; skipping..."); continue; } $addr2 = array_map(function ($a) { return strtolower($a); }, array_slice($address, 0, 4)); if (preg_match("/\\d+ +(.*?) +/is", $addr2['street'], $str)) { $addr2['street'] = $str[0]; } if (!in_array($addr2, $unique_addresses2)) { $unique_addresses2[] = $addr2; $unique_addresses[] = $address; } } foreach ($unique_addresses as $address) { //get state id $sql = 'SELECT id FROM address_state WHERE abbreviation = ?'; $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($address['state'])); if (!($stateId = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN))) { $this->printDebug("Couldn't parse address: " . $str . "; skipping..."); continue; } $str = $address['street'] . ', ' . $address['city'] . ', ' . $address['state'] . ' ' . $address['zip']; $a = AddressTable::parseV3($str); $this->ct++; $a->entity_id = $id; //only save if zips match if ($a->postal && trim($a->postal) != '' && $a->postal != $address['zip']) { $this->printDebug("Zips don't match, " . $a->postal . " / " . $address['zip'] . ", {$str} ; skipping..."); continue; } //only save if longitude and latitude and street and state are set if ($a->longitude && $a->latitude && $a->street1 && $a->state_id) { //make sure it's not a duplicate $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM address WHERE entity_id = ? AND ((longitude = ? AND latitude = ?) OR street1 = ?) AND is_deleted = 0'; $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id, $a->longitude, $a->latitude, $a->street1)); if ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) { $this->printDebug("Duplicate address: " . $a->getOneLiner() . "; skipping..."); continue; } else { $a->save(); $this->printDebug("+ Imported address: " . $a->getOneLiner()); if ($address['fec_id']) { $ref = new Reference(); $ref->object_model = 'Address'; $ref->object_id = $a->id; $ref->source = '' . $address['fec_id']; $ref->name = 'FEC Filing ' . $address['fec_id']; if ($address['date']) { $ref->publication_date = $address['date']; } $ref->save(); $this->printDebug(" (with reference)"); } } } else { $this->printDebug("\tCouldn't parse address: " . $str . "; skipping...(" . $a->longitude . " " . $a->latitude . " " . $a->street1 . " " . $a->state_id . ")"); continue; } } if (count($trans)) { $this->saveMeta($id, 'matched'); } else { $this->saveMeta($id, 'no matches'); } }
static function mergeAll(Entity $e1, Entity $e2) { $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); //MERGE ENTITIES AND EXTENSIONS $e1 = self::mergeBasic($e1, $e2); //MERGE CONTACT INFO //phones are moved to e1 foreach ($e2->Phone as $phone) { if ($e1->id) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Phone p')->where('p.entity_id = ? AND p.number = ?', array($e1->id, $phone->number)); //not if e1 already has a phone with same number if ($q->count()) { continue; } } $phone->entity_id = $e1['id']; $phone->setMerge(true); $phone->save(); } //emails are moved to e1 foreach ($e2->Email as $email) { if ($e1->id) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Email e')->where('e.entity_id = ? AND e.address = ?', array($e1->id, $email->address)); //not if e1 already has the same email if ($q->count()) { continue; } } $email->entity_id = $e1['id']; $email->setMerge(true); $email->save(); } //addresses foreach ($e2->Address as $address) { if ($e1->id) { if ($address->latitude && $address->longitude) { //not if e1 already has an address with the same coords if (AddressTable::getByCoordsQuery($address->longitude, $address->latitude, $e1)->count()) { continue; } } } $address->entity_id = $e1['id']; $address->setMerge(true); $address->save(); } //RELATIONSHIPS if ($e2->id) { //where e2 is first foreach ($e2->getRelationshipsQuery(1)->execute() as $rel) { //don't try to merge relationships, there isn't a good way to do this automatically $rel->entity1_id = $e1['id']; $rel->setMerge(true); $rel->save(); } //where e2 is second foreach ($e2->getRelationshipsQuery(2)->execute() as $rel) { //don't try to merge relationships, there isn't a good way to do this automatically $rel->entity2_id = $e1['id']; $rel->setMerge(true); $rel->save(); } } //LISTS //lists are moved to e1 foreach ($e2->LsListEntity as $listEntity) { if ($e1->id) { $q = LsQuery::getByModelAndFieldsQuery('LsListEntity', array('entity_id' => $e1->id, 'list_id' => $listEntity->list_id)); //not if e1 is already on the list if ($q->count()) { continue; } } $listEntity->entity_id = $e1; $listEntity->setMerge(true); $listEntity->save(); } //IMAGES //images are moved to e1 foreach ($e2->Image as $image) { $image->entity_id = $e1; $image->setMerge(true); $image->save(); } //ALIASES //aliases are moved to e1 foreach ($e2->Alias as $alias) { //not if e1 already has that alias if ($e1->id && $e1->hasName($alias->name, $matchContext = true, $alias->context)) { continue; } $alias->entity_id = $e1; $alias->is_primary = false; $alias->setMerge(true); $alias->save(); } //save now so that template merges work $e1->last_user_id = LsVersionableListener::getUserId(); $e1->updated_at = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime(); $e1->setMerge(true); $e1->save(); //set merged_id for e2 $e2->merged_id = $e1['id']; //TEMPLATES foreach ($e2->_table->getTemplates() as $template) { //templates must have mergeFrom method if (method_exists($template, 'mergeFrom')) { $template->setInvoker($e1); $template->mergeFrom($e2); } } //OTHER RELATIONS foreach ($e2->Child as $child) { $child->parent_id = $e1->id; $child->setMerge(true); $child->save(); } foreach ($e2->PartyMember as $member) { $member->party_id = $e1->id; $member->setMerge(true); $member->save(); } foreach ($e2->BusinessIndustry as $bi) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('BusinessIndustry bi')->where('bi.business_id = ? AND bi.industry_id = ?', array($e1->id, $bi->industry_id)); if (!$q->count()) { $bi->business_id = $e1->id; $bi->save(); } } foreach ($e2->OverseenPosition as $position) { $position->boss_id = $e1->id; $position->save(); } foreach ($e2->BundledDonation as $donation) { $donation->bundler_id = $e1->id; $donation->save(); } foreach ($e2->LobbyFilingLobbyist as $lfl) { $lfl->lobbyist_id = $e1->id; $lfl->save(); } foreach ($e2->Contact1Transaction as $t) { $t->contact1_id = $e1->id; $t->save(); } foreach ($e2->Contact2Transaction as $t) { $t->contact2_id = $e1->id; $t->save(); } //NOTES sfLoader::loadHelpers('Url'); $notes = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Note n')->where('n.entity_ids LIKE ?', '%,' . $e2->id . ',%')->execute(); foreach ($notes as $note) { $note->body = preg_replace('#/(person|org)/' . $e2->id . '/([^"]+)#i', '/\\1/' . $e1->id . '/' . LsSlug::convertNameToSlug($e1->name), $note->body); $note->body_raw = preg_replace('#@entity:' . $e2->id . '(\\[([^\\]]+)\\])?#', '@entity:' . $e1->id . '\\1', $note->body_raw); $note->entity_ids = str_replace(',' . $e2->id . ',', ',' . $e1->id . ',', $note->entity_ids); $note->save(); } //DONATION MATCHES //get matches for e2 if ($e2->id != '') { $matches2 = Doctrine::getTable('OsEntityTransaction')->findByEntityId($e2->id); //get matches for e1 $matches1 = Doctrine::getTable('OsEntityTransaction')->findByEntityId($e1->id); $matches1Sorted = array(); //sort matches for e1 foreach ($matches1 as $match1) { $matches1Sorted[$match1['cycle']][$match1['transaction_id']] = $match1; } //loop through e2 matches foreach ($matches2 as $match2) { //if e1 matched exists, update as necessary if ($match1 = @$matches1Sorted[$match2['cycle']][$match2['transaction_id']]) { $save = false; if (!$match1['is_verified'] && $match2['is_verified']) { $match1->is_verified = true; $save = true; } if (!$match1['is_processed'] && $match2['is_processed']) { $match1->is_processed = true; $save = true; } if (!$match1['is_synced'] && $matche2['is_synced']) { $match1->is_synced = true; $save = true; } if ($save) { $match1->save(); } $match2->delete(); } else { //if e1 match doesn't exist, update the entity_id of the e2 match $match2->entity_id = $e1->id; $match2->save(); } } //DONATION MATCHING PREPROCESS LOG $cycles2 = Doctrine::getTable('OsEntityPreprocess')->findByEntityId($e2->id); $cycles1 = OsEntityPreprocessTable::getCyclesByEntityId($e1->id); foreach ($cycles2 as $cycle2) { //if e1 already preprocessed for this cycle, delete if (in_array($cycle2['cycle'], $cycles1)) { $cycle2->delete(); } else { //if not, update entity_id $cycle2->entity_id = $e1->id; $cycle2->save(); } } } //EXTERNAL KEYS foreach ($e2->ExternalKey as $key) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('ExternalKey k')->where('k.entity_id = ?', $e1->id)->andWhere('k.domain_id = ?', $key['domain_id']); if (!($existingKey = $q->fetchOne())) { $key->entity_id = $e1->id; $key->save(); } } $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); throw $e; } $e2->clearRelated(); return $e1; }
public function executeAddress($request) { if ($str = $request->getParameter('address_search')) { if ($this->address = AddressTable::parse($str)) { $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $num = $request->getParameter('num', 20); $q = $this->address->getNearbyAddressesQuery(0.2)->groupBy(''); $this->results_pager = new Doctrine_Pager($q, $page, $num); } else { $request->setError('address_search_terms', 'The address you entered seems to be invalid'); } } }
public function executeEditAddress($request) { $this->address = Doctrine::getTable('Address')->find($request->getParameter('id')); $this->forward404Unless($this->address); $this->entity = $this->address->Entity; $this->forward404Unless($this->entity); $this->address_form = new AddressForm($this->address); $this->reference_form = new ReferenceForm(); $this->reference_form->setSelectObject($this->entity, false, true); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $params = $request->getParameter('address'); $refParams = $request->getParameter('reference'); $this->address_form->bind($params); $this->reference_form->bind($refParams); if ($this->address_form->isValid() && $this->reference_form->isValid()) { $this->address_form->updateObject(); $address = $this->address_form->getObject(); //standardize $address = AddressTable::standardize($address); //make sure edited address isn't a duplicate if ($address->latitude && $address->longitude) { $q = AddressTable::getByCoordsQuery($address->longitude, $address->latitude, $this->entity); $q->addWhere('a.entity_id <> ?', $this->entity->id); if (!$q->count()) { //save address and reference $address->saveWithRequiredReference($refParams); $this->clearCache($this->entity); $this->redirect('entity/address?id=' . $address->id); } else { $validator = new sfValidatorString(array(), array('invalid' => 'This ' . strtolower($this->entity->getPrimaryExtension()) . ' already has an address with the same coordinates')); $this->address_form->getErrorSchema()->addError(new sfValidatorError($validator, 'invalid')); } } else { $address->save(); $this->clearCache($this->entity); $this->redirect('entity/address?id=' . $address->id); } } } }