public function ajaxSave()
     if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         if (ob_get_length()) {
             // eliminate any debug output from polluting the ajax return value
         if (!headers_sent()) {
             // Don't let IE cache this request
             header('Pragma: no-cache');
             header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
             header('Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
             header('Content-type: text/plain');
         require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_DataModelConfig.php';
         require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel.php';
         $config = new AddActionsAndFilters_DataModelConfig();
         $dataModel = new AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel($this->plugin, $config);
         $id = $dataModel->saveItem($_REQUEST);
         echo $id;
     } else {
  * Perform actions when upgrading from version X to version Y
  * See:
  * @return void
 public function upgrade()
     $upgradeOk = true;
     $savedVersion = $this->getVersionSaved();
     if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.0.2')) {
         // Make these options cached by WP
         $value = $this->getOption('AllowExecOnLoginPage', 'false', true);
         $this->addOption('AllowExecOnLoginPage', $value);
         $value = $this->getOption('DropOnUninstall', 'false', true);
         $this->addOption('DropOnUninstall', $value);
         if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.0')) {
             $code = $this->getOption('code');
             if ($code) {
                 // Copy code from old version into new table
                 $codeItem = array();
                 $codeItem['shortcode'] = false;
                 $codeItem['inadmin'] = true;
                 $codeItem['name'] = 'Code';
                 $codeItem['description'] = '';
                 $codeItem['enabled'] = true;
                 $codeItem['code'] = $code;
                 require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel.php';
                 $dataModel = new AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel($this, null);
                 //$this->deleteOption('code'); // keep it as a backup for now
     // Post-upgrade, set the current version in the options
     $codeVersion = $this->getVersion();
     if ($upgradeOk && $savedVersion != $codeVersion) {
 public function importScepShortCodes()
     $dataModel = new AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel($this->plugin, null);
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
         if ($value == 'true') {
             $shortCode = array();
             $shortCode['shortcode'] = true;
             $shortCode['name'] = $key;
             $shortCode['description'] = get_option("scep_description_{$key}");
             $shortCode['enabled'] = get_option("scep_enabled_{$key}");
             $shortCode['buffer'] = get_option("scep_buffer_{$key}");
             $shortCode['code'] = get_option("scep_phpcode_{$key}");
             $shortCode['inadmin'] = 0;
             $shortCode['capability'] = '';
             //$buffer = get_option("scep_buffer_$key");
             //$param = get_option("scep_param_$key");
             $id = $dataModel->saveItem($shortCode);
             $url = $this->plugin->getAdminPageUrl() . "&id={$id}&action=edit";
             echo __('Imported', 'add-actions-and-filters') . " <a target='_blank' href='{$url}'>{$key}</a></br>";
             // Deactivate SCEP shortcode
             update_option("scep_enabled_{$key}", 0);