  * React to DSP response triggered by {@link processPayment()}.
 public function processResponse()
     if (preg_match('/^PXHOST/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         $dpsDirectlyConnecting = 1;
     //$pxaccess = new PxAccess($PxAccess_Url, $PxAccess_Userid, $PxAccess_Key, $Mac_Key);
     $pxpay = new PxPay(DPSHostedPayment::$pxPay_Url, DPSHostedPayment::get_px_pay_userid(), DPSHostedPayment::get_px_pay_key());
     $enc_hex = $_REQUEST["result"];
     $rsp = $pxpay->getResponse($enc_hex);
     if (isset($dpsDirectlyConnecting) && $dpsDirectlyConnecting) {
         // DPS Service connecting directly
         $success = $rsp->getSuccess();
         # =1 when request succeeds
         echo $success == '1' ? "success" : "failure";
     } else {
         // Human visitor
         $paymentID = $rsp->getTxnId();
         $SQL_paymentID = (int) $paymentID;
         $payment = DataObject::get_one('DPSHostedPayment', "`TxnID` = '{$SQL_paymentID}'");
         if (!$payment) {
             // @todo more specific error messages
             return array('RedirectLink' => AccountPage::find_link());
         $success = $rsp->getSuccess();
         if ($success == '1') {
             // @todo Use AmountSettlement for amount setting?
             $payment->TxnRef = $rsp->getDpsTxnRef();
             $payment->Status = "Success";
             $payment->AuthorizationCode = $rsp->getAuthCode();
         } else {
             $payment->Message = $rsp->getResponseText();
             $payment->Status = "Failure";
         //TODO: this needs to be generalised in Payment??
         $redirectURL = $payment->PaidObject() && $payment->PaidObject()->Link() ? $payment->PaidObject()->Link() : 'home';
         return null;
  * work out the options for the user
 protected function workOutMessagesAndActions()
     if (!$this->workedOutMessagesAndActions) {
         $this->actionLinks = new ArrayList(array());
         //what order are we viewing?
         $viewingRealCurrentOrder = $this->CurrentOrderIsInCart();
         $currentUserID = Member::currentUserID();
         //Continue Shopping
         if (isset($this->ContinueShoppingLabel) && $this->ContinueShoppingLabel) {
             if ($viewingRealCurrentOrder) {
                 if ($this->isCartPage()) {
                     $continueLink = $this->ContinueShoppingLink();
                     if ($continueLink) {
                         $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->ContinueShoppingLabel, "Link" => $continueLink)));
         //Proceed To CheckoutLabel
         if (isset($this->ProceedToCheckoutLabel) && $this->ProceedToCheckoutLabel) {
             if ($viewingRealCurrentOrder) {
                 if ($this->isCartPage()) {
                     $checkoutPageLink = CheckoutPage::find_link();
                     if ($checkoutPageLink && $this->currentOrder && $this->currentOrder->getTotalItems()) {
                         $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->ProceedToCheckoutLabel, "Link" => $checkoutPageLink)));
         //view account details
         if (isset($this->ShowAccountLabel) && $this->ShowAccountLabel) {
             if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage() || $this->isCartPage()) {
                 if (AccountPage::find_link()) {
                     if ($currentUserID) {
                         $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->ShowAccountLabel, "Link" => AccountPage::find_link())));
         //go to current order
         if (isset($this->CurrentOrderLinkLabel) && $this->CurrentOrderLinkLabel) {
             if ($this->isCartPage()) {
                 if (!$viewingRealCurrentOrder) {
                     $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->CurrentOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => ShoppingCart::current_order()->Link())));
         //Save order - we assume only current ones can be saved.
         if (isset($this->SaveOrderLinkLabel) && $this->SaveOrderLinkLabel) {
             if ($viewingRealCurrentOrder) {
                 if ($currentUserID && $this->currentOrder->MemberID == $currentUserID) {
                     if ($this->isCartPage()) {
                         if ($this->currentOrder && $this->currentOrder->getTotalItems() && !$this->currentOrder->IsSubmitted()) {
                             $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->SaveOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => $this->Link("saveorder") . "/" . $this->currentOrder->ID . "/")));
         //load order
         if (isset($this->LoadOrderLinkLabel) && $this->LoadOrderLinkLabel) {
             if ($this->isCartPage() && $this->currentOrder) {
                 if (!$viewingRealCurrentOrder) {
                     $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->LoadOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => $this->Link("loadorder") . "/" . $this->currentOrder->ID . "/")));
         //delete order
         if (isset($this->DeleteOrderLinkLabel) && $this->DeleteOrderLinkLabel) {
             if ($this->isCartPage() && $this->currentOrder) {
                 if (!$viewingRealCurrentOrder) {
                     $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->DeleteOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => $this->Link("deleteorder") . "/" . $this->currentOrder->ID . "/")));
         //Start new order
         //Strictly speaking this is only part of the
         //OrderConfirmationPage but we put it here for simplicity's sake
         if (isset($this->StartNewOrderLinkLabel) && $this->StartNewOrderLinkLabel) {
             if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage()) {
                 $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->StartNewOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => CartPage::new_order_link($this->currentOrder->ID))));
         //copy order
         //Strictly speaking this is only part of the
         //OrderConfirmationPage but we put it here for simplicity's sake
         if (isset($this->CopyOrderLinkLabel) && $this->CopyOrderLinkLabel) {
             if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage() && $this->currentOrder->ID) {
                 $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->CopyOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => OrderConfirmationPage::copy_order_link($this->currentOrder->ID))));
         //actions from modifiers
         if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage() && $this->currentOrder->ID) {
             $modifiers = $this->currentOrder->Modifiers();
             if ($modifiers->count()) {
                 foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) {
                     $array = $modifier->PostSubmitAction();
                     if (is_array($array) && count($array)) {
                         $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData($array));
         //log out
         //Strictly speaking this is only part of the
         //OrderConfirmationPage but we put it here for simplicity's sake
         if (Member::currentUser()) {
             if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage()) {
                 $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => _t("CartPage.LOGOUT", "log out"), "Link" => "/Security/logout/")));
         //no items
         if ($this->currentOrder) {
             if (!$this->currentOrder->getTotalItems()) {
                 $this->message = $this->NoItemsInOrderMessage;
         } else {
             $this->message = $this->NonExistingOrderMessage;
         $this->workedOutMessagesAndActions = true;
         //does nothing at present....
 public function testGlobals()
     $this->assertFalse($this->accountpage->canCreate(), "account page exists");
     $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . "account/", AccountPage::find_link());
     $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . "account/order/10", AccountPage::get_order_link(10));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get the link for finishing order processing.
 public function Link()
     if (Member::currentUser()) {
         return Controller::join_links(AccountPage::find_link(), 'order', $this->ID);
     return CheckoutPage::find_link(false, "order", $this->ID);
  * Return the {@link Order} details for the current
  * Order ID that we're viewing (ID parameter in URL).
  * @return array of template variables
 function order($request)
     Requirements::themedCSS('Order_print', 'print');
     $memberID = Member::currentUserID();
     $accountPageLink = AccountPage::find_link();
     if ($orderID = $request->param('ID')) {
         if ($order = DataObject::get_one('Order', "\"Order\".\"ID\" = '{$orderID}' AND \"Order\".\"MemberID\" = '{$memberID}'")) {
             $paymentform = $order->TotalOutstanding() > 0 ? $this->CancelForm() : null;
             return array('Order' => $order, 'Form' => $paymentform);
         } else {
             return array('Order' => false, 'Message' => 'You do not have any order corresponding to this ID. However, you can <a href="' . $accountPageLink . '">edit your own personal details and view your orders.</a>.');
     } else {
         return array('Order' => false, 'Message' => 'There is no order by that ID. You can <a href="' . $accountPageLink . '">edit your own personal details and view your orders.</a>.');
  * Return the {@link Order} details for the current
  * Order ID that we're viewing (ID parameter in URL).
  * @return array of template variables
 function order($request)
     Requirements::themedCSS('Order_print', 'print');
     $memberID = Member::currentUserID();
     $accountPageLink = AccountPage::find_link();
     if ($orderID = $request->param('ID')) {
         if ($order = DataObject::get_one('Order', "Order.ID = '{$orderID}' AND MemberID = '{$memberID}'")) {
             return array('Order' => $order);
         } else {
             return array('Order' => false, 'Message' => 'You do not have any order corresponding to this ID. However, you can <a href="' . $accountPageLink . '">edit your own personal details and view your orders.</a>.');
     } else {
         return array('Order' => false, 'Message' => 'There is no order by that ID. You can <a href="' . $accountPageLink . '">edit your own personal details and view your orders.</a>.');
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Form action handler for Order_CancelForm.
  * Take the order that this was to be change on,
  * and set the status that was requested from
  * the form request data.
  * @param array $data The form request data submitted
  * @param Form $form The {@link Form} this was submitted on
 function doCancel($data, $form)
     $SQL_data = Convert::raw2sql($data);
     $order = DataObject::get_by_id('Order', $SQL_data['OrderID']);
     $order->Status = 'MemberCancelled';
     //TODO: notify people via email?? Make it optional.
     if (self::$email_notification) {
         $email = new Email(Email::getAdminEmail(), Email::getAdminEmail(), sprintf(_t('Order.CANCELSUBJECT', 'Order #%d cancelled by member'), $order->ID), $order->renderWith('Order'));
     if (Member::currentUser() && ($link = AccountPage::find_link())) {
         //TODO: set session message "order successfully cancelled".
         //TODO: can't redirect to account page when not logged in
     } else {
         $form->Controller()->setSessionMessage(_t("OrderForm.ORDERCANCELLED", "Order sucessfully cancelled"), 'warning');
         //assumes controller has OrderManipulation extension
  * @return String (URLSegment)
 public function AccountPageLink()
     return AccountPage::find_link();