public function updateCache()
     // update the liaison
     Logger::debug('main', 'UsersGroup_dynamic_cached::updateCache for ID=' . $this->getUniqueID());
     $logins = parent::usersLogin();
     $liaisons = Abstract_Liaison::load('UsersGroupCached', NULL, $this->getUniqueID());
     foreach ($liaisons as $a_liaison) {
         if (!in_array($a_liaison->element, $logins)) {
             Abstract_Liaison::delete('UsersGroupCached', $a_liaison->element, $a_liaison->group);
     foreach ($logins as $a_login) {
         if (!isset($liaisons[$a_login])) {
             Abstract_Liaison::save('UsersGroupCached', $a_login, $this->getUniqueID());
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function updatePolicy($new_policy_)
     $old_policy = $this->getPolicy();
     Abstract_Liaison::delete('ACL', $this->getUniqueID(), NULL);
     foreach ($new_policy_ as $a_policy => $allow) {
         if ($allow) {
             Abstract_Liaison::save('ACL', $this->getUniqueID(), $a_policy);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static function create($session_)
     Logger::debug('main', 'Starting Abstract_Session::create for \'' . $session_->id . '\'');
     if (Abstract_Session::exists($session_->id)) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Abstract_Session::create(\'' . $session_->id . '\') session already exists');
         return false;
     $SQL = SQL::getInstance();
     $SQL->DoQuery('INSERT INTO @1 (@2) VALUES (%3)', $SQL->prefix . 'sessions', 'id', $session_->id);
     foreach ($session_->servers[Server::SERVER_ROLE_APS] as $fqdn => $data) {
         Abstract_Liaison::save('ServerSession', $fqdn, $session_->id);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function addUserGroupToSharedFolder($usergroup_, $sharedfolder_)
     if (!is_object($usergroup_)) {
         Logger::error('main', "SharedFolderDB::internal::addUserGroupToSharedFolder, parameter 'usergroup' is not correct, usergroup: " . serialize($usergroup_));
         return false;
     if (!is_object($sharedfolder_)) {
         Logger::error('main', "SharedFolderDB::internal::addUserGroupToSharedFolder, parameter 'sharedfolder' is not correct, NetworkFolder: " . serialize($sharedfolder_));
         return false;
     return Abstract_Liaison::save('UserGroupSharedFolder', $usergroup_->getUniqueID(), $sharedfolder_->id);
Exemplo n.º 5
function do_validate()
    if ($_SESSION['wizard']['use_users'] == 'users') {
        if (!checkAuthorization('manageUsersGroups')) {
        $userGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance();
        if (!$userGroupDB->isWriteable()) {
            return false;
        $g = new UsersGroup(NULL, $_SESSION['wizard']['user_group_name'], $_SESSION['wizard']['user_group_description'], 1);
        $res = $userGroupDB->add($g);
        if (!$res || !is_object($g) || $g->id == NULL) {
            popup_error(_('Cannot create usergroup'));
        $users = $_SESSION['wizard']['users'];
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            Abstract_Liaison::save('UsersGroup', $user, $g->getUniqueID());
        $usergroups = array($g->getUniqueID());
    } else {
        $usergroups = $_SESSION['wizard']['usergroups'];
    if ($_SESSION['wizard']['use_apps'] == 'apps') {
        if (!checkAuthorization('manageApplicationsGroups')) {
        $g = new AppsGroup(NULL, $_SESSION['wizard']['application_group_name'], $_SESSION['wizard']['application_group_description'], 1);
        $applicationsGroupDB = ApplicationsGroupDB::getInstance();
        $res = $applicationsGroupDB->add($g);
        if (!$res || !is_object($g) || $g->id == NULL) {
            popup_error(_('Cannot create application group'));
        $apps = $_SESSION['wizard']['apps'];
        foreach ($apps as $app) {
            Abstract_Liaison::save('AppsGroup', $app, $g->id);
        $appgroups = array($g->id);
    } else {
        $appgroups = $_SESSION['wizard']['appgroups'];
    foreach ($usergroups as $usergroup) {
        foreach ($appgroups as $appgroup) {
            $exists = Abstract_Liaison::load('UsersGroupApplicationsGroup', $usergroup, $appgroup);
            if (is_object($exists) === false) {
                Abstract_Liaison::save('UsersGroupApplicationsGroup', $usergroup, $appgroup);
    if (isset($_SESSION['wizard'])) {
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function update($a)
     if (array_key_exists($a->getAttribute('id'), $this->cache)) {
     if ($this->isOK($a)) {
         $query = 'UPDATE#1 SET ';
         $attributes = $a->getAttributesList();
         foreach ($attributes as $key) {
             $query .= '`' . $key . '` = \'' . mysql_escape_string($a->getAttribute($key)) . '\' , ';
         $query = substr($query, 0, -2);
         // del the last ,
         $query .= ' WHERE `id` =\'' . $a->getAttribute('id') . '\'';
         $sql2 = SQL::getInstance();
         $res = $sql2->DoQuery($query, self::table);
         if ($res === false) {
             return false;
         Abstract_Liaison::delete('ApplicationMimeType', $a->getAttribute('id'), NULL);
         foreach ($a->getMimeTypes() as $mimetype) {
             if (!is_object(Abstract_Liaison::load('ApplicationMimeType', $a->getAttribute('id'), $mimetype))) {
                 $ret = Abstract_Liaison::save('ApplicationMimeType', $a->getAttribute('id'), $mimetype);
                 if ($ret === false) {
                     return $ret;
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'add') {
     $usersGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance();
     $usergroup = $usersGroupDB->import($_REQUEST['group_u']);
     if (is_object($usergroup) == false) {
         popup_error(sprintf(_("Importing usergroup '%s' failed"), $_REQUEST['group_u']));
     $applicationsGroupDB = ApplicationsGroupDB::getInstance();
     $applicationsgroup = $applicationsGroupDB->import($_REQUEST['group_a']);
     if (is_object($applicationsgroup) == false) {
         popup_error(sprintf(_("Importing applications group '%s' failed"), $_REQUEST['group_a']));
     $l = Abstract_Liaison::load('UsersGroupApplicationsGroup', $_REQUEST['group_u'], $_REQUEST['group_a']);
     if (is_null($l)) {
         $ret = Abstract_Liaison::save('UsersGroupApplicationsGroup', $_REQUEST['group_u'], $_REQUEST['group_a']);
         if ($ret === true) {
             popup_info(_('Publication successfully added'));
         } else {
             popup_error(_('Unable to save the publication'));
     } else {
         popup_error(_('This publication already exists'));
 if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'del') {
     $l = Abstract_Liaison::load('UsersGroupApplicationsGroup', $_REQUEST['group_u'], $_REQUEST['group_a']);
     if (!is_null($l)) {
         $ret = Abstract_Liaison::delete('UsersGroupApplicationsGroup', $_REQUEST['group_u'], $_REQUEST['group_a']);
         if ($ret === true) {
             popup_info(_('Publication successfully deleted'));
Exemplo n.º 8
$buf = Abstract_Server::load($_GET['fqdn']);
if (!$buf || !$buf->isAuthorized()) {
    Logger::error('main', '(webservices/application) Server not authorized : ' . $_GET['fqdn'] . ' == ' . @gethostbyname($_GET['fqdn']) . ' ?');
    die('Server not authorized');
Logger::debug('main', '(webservices/application) Security check OK');
$prefs = Preferences::getInstance();
if (!$prefs) {
    die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$mods_enable = $prefs->get('general', 'module_enable');
if (!in_array('ApplicationDB', $mods_enable)) {
    Logger::error('main', '(webservices/application) Module ApplicationDB must be enabled');
    header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
$applicationDB = ApplicationDB::getInstance();
$app = $applicationDB->import($_GET['id']);
if (!is_object($app)) {
    Logger::error('main', '(webservices/application) error final');
    header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
if ($app->getAttribute('static')) {
    if (!is_object(Abstract_Liaison::load('StaticApplicationServer', $app->getAttribute('id'), $buf->fqdn))) {
        Abstract_Liaison::save('StaticApplicationServer', $app->getAttribute('id'), $buf->fqdn);
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
echo $app->toXML($buf);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function addUserToProfile($user_, $profile_)
     if (!is_object($user_)) {
         Logger::error('main', "ProfileDB::internal::addUserToProfile, parameter 'user' is not correct, user: "******"ProfileDB::internal::addUserToProfile, parameter 'profile' is not correct, profile: " . serialize($profile_));
         return false;
     return Abstract_Liaison::save('UserProfile', $user_->getAttribute('login'), $profile_->id);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function updateApplications()
     Logger::debug('main', 'Server::updateApplications');
     if (!is_array($this->roles) || !array_key_exists(Server::SERVER_ROLE_APS, $this->roles)) {
         Logger::critical('main', 'SERVER::updateApplications - Not an ApS');
         return false;
     if (!$this->isOnline()) {
         Logger::debug('main', 'Server::updateApplications server "' . $this->fqdn . ':' . $this->web_port . '" is not online');
         return false;
     $applicationDB = ApplicationDB::getInstance();
     $xml = query_url($this->getBaseURL() . '/aps/applications');
     if (!$xml) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Server::updateApplications server \'' . $this->fqdn . '\' is unreachable');
         return false;
     if (!is_string($xml)) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Server::updateApplications invalid xml1');
         return false;
     if (substr($xml, 0, 5) == 'ERROR') {
         Logger::error('main', 'Server::updateApplications invalid xml2');
         return false;
     if ($xml == '') {
         Logger::error('main', 'Server::updateApplications invalid xml3');
         return false;
     $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $root = $dom->documentElement;
     // before adding application, we remove all previous applications
     $previous_liaison = Abstract_Liaison::load('ApplicationServer', NULL, $this->fqdn);
     // see end of function
     $current_liaison_key = array();
     $application_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName("application");
     $sync_apps = array();
     foreach ($application_node as $app_node) {
         $app_name = '';
         $app_description = '';
         $app_path_exe = '';
         $app_path_args = NULL;
         $app_package = NULL;
         $app_desktopfile = NULL;
         if ($app_node->hasAttribute("name")) {
             $app_name = $app_node->getAttribute("name");
         if ($app_node->hasAttribute("description")) {
             $app_description = $app_node->getAttribute("description");
         if ($app_node->hasAttribute("package")) {
             $app_package = $app_node->getAttribute("package");
         if ($app_node->hasAttribute("desktopfile")) {
             $app_desktopfile = $app_node->getAttribute("desktopfile");
         $local_id = $app_node->getAttribute("id");
         $exe_node = $app_node->getElementsByTagName('executable')->item(0);
         if ($exe_node->hasAttribute("command")) {
             $command = $exe_node->getAttribute("command");
             $command = str_replace(array("%U", "%u", "%c", "%i", "%f", "%m"), "", $command);
             $app_path_exe = trim($command);
         $mimetypes = array();
         $mime_nodes = $app_node->getElementsByTagName('mime');
         foreach ($mime_nodes as $mime_node) {
             if (!$mime_node->hasAttribute("type")) {
             $mimetypes[] = $mime_node->getAttribute("type");
         $a = new Application(NULL, $app_name, $app_description, $this->getAttribute('type'), $app_path_exe, $app_package, true, $app_desktopfile);
         $a_search = $applicationDB->search($app_name, $app_description, $this->getAttribute('type'), $app_path_exe);
         if (is_object($a_search)) {
             //already in DB
             // echo $app_name." already in DB\n";
             $a = $a_search;
         } else {
             // echo $app_name." NOT in DB\n";
             if ($applicationDB->isWriteable() == false) {
                 Logger::debug('main', 'Server::updateApplications applicationDB is not writeable');
             } else {
                 if ($applicationDB->add($a) == false) {
                     //echo 'app '.$app_name." not insert<br>\n";
                     return false;
         if ($applicationDB->isWriteable() == true) {
             if ($applicationDB->isOK($a) == true) {
                 // we add the app to the server
                 if (!is_object(Abstract_Liaison::load('ApplicationServer', $a->getAttribute('id'), $this->fqdn))) {
                     $ret = Abstract_Liaison::save('ApplicationServer', $a->getAttribute('id'), $this->fqdn);
                     if ($ret === false) {
                         Logger::error('main', 'Server::updateApplications failed to save application');
                         return $ret;
                 $current_liaison_key[] = $a->getAttribute('id');
             } else {
                 //echo "Application not ok<br>\n";
         $sync_apps[$local_id] = $a->getAttribute('id');
     $previous_liaison_key = array_keys($previous_liaison);
     foreach ($previous_liaison_key as $key) {
         if (in_array($key, $current_liaison_key) == false) {
             $a = $applicationDB->import($key);
             if (is_null($a) || $a->getAttribute('static') == false) {
                 Abstract_Liaison::delete('ApplicationServer', $key, $this->fqdn);
     if (count($sync_apps) > 0) {
         $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
         $applications_node = $dom->createElement('applications');
         foreach ($sync_apps as $local_id => $id) {
             $application_node = $dom->createElement('application');
             $application_node->setAttribute('id', $id);
             $application_node->setAttribute('local_id', $local_id);
         $xml = $dom->saveXML();
         query_url_post_xml($this->getBaseURL() . '/aps/applications/ids', $xml);
         foreach ($sync_apps as $local_id => $id) {
             $a = $applicationDB->import($id);
             if (!is_object($a)) {
             if (!file_exists($a->getIconPathRW())) {
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function get_login()
     Logger::debug('main', 'AuthMethod_SAML2::get_login()');
     $my_settings = $this->prefs->get('AuthMethod', 'SAML2');
     $saml_node = $this->user_node_request->getElementsByTagname('saml_ticket')->item(0);
     if (is_null($saml_node)) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: No incoming SAML ticket');
         return NULL;
     $saml_response_ticket = NULL;
     for ($child = $saml_node->firstChild; $child != NULL; $child = $child->nextSibling) {
         if ($child->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE) {
             Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: node is not text');
         $saml_response_ticket = $child->wholeText;
     if (is_null($saml_response_ticket)) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: No incoming SAML ticket (bad protocol)');
         return NULL;
     $settings = $this->build_saml_settings($my_settings['idp_url'], $my_settings['idp_fingerprint'], $my_settings['idp_cert']);
     try {
         $response = new OneLogin_Saml2_Response($settings, $saml_response_ticket);
         // Catch debug messages
         if (!$response->isValid()) {
             Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: the SAML response is not valid ' . ob_get_contents());
             return NULL;
         $sessionExpiration = $response->getSessionNotOnOrAfter();
         if (!empty($sessionExpiration) && $sessionExpiration <= time() || !$response->validateTimestamps()) {
             Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: Session expired');
             return NULL;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return NULL;
     $attributes = $response->getAttributes();
     $user = $this->userDB->import($response->getNameId());
     if ($user == NULL) {
         Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: user not found');
         throw new Exception();
     $login = $user->getAttribute('login');
     // we recognize following attributes:
     //  * ovd.group_member: for user group matching
     //  * ovd.setting.*: for settings
     if (array_key_exists("ovd.group_member", $attributes) && is_array($attributes["ovd.group_member"])) {
         $userGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance();
         $to_delete = array();
         $current_groups = array_keys(Abstract_Liaison::loadGroups('UsersGroup', $login));
         foreach ($attributes["ovd.group_member"] as $group_name) {
             $found = false;
             list($groups, $sizelimit_exceeded) = $userGroupDB->getGroupsContains($group_name, array('name'));
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 if ($group->name == $group_name) {
                     $found = True;
                     if (!in_array($group->getUniqueID(), $current_groups)) {
                         Logger::info('main', 'Authentication SAML2: Add user "' . $login . '" to group "' . $group->name . '"');
                         $ret = Abstract_Liaison::save('UsersGroup', $login, $group->getUniqueID());
                         if ($ret !== true) {
                             Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: Unable to add user "' . $login . '" to group "' . $group->name . '"');
                             throw new Exception();
                     } else {
                         unset($current_groups[array_search($group->getUniqueID(), $current_groups)]);
             if (!$found) {
                 Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: group "' . $group_name . '" not found');
                 throw new Exception();
         foreach ($current_groups as $group) {
             Logger::info('main', 'Authentication SAML2: remove group "' . $group . '" from ' . $login);
             Abstract_Liaison::delete('UsersGroup', $login, $group);
     $prefs = Preferences::getInstance();
     foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
         if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 1) {
             $value = $value[0];
         if (substr($attribute, 0, 12) == 'ovd.setting.') {
             $attribute = explode('.', $attribute);
             if (count($attribute) != 4) {
                 Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: incorrect setting : "' . implode('.', $attribute) . '"');
                 throw new Exception();
             $container = $attribute[2];
             $setting = $attribute[3];
             $session_settings_defaults = $prefs->getElements('general', $container);
             if (!array_key_exists($setting, $session_settings_defaults)) {
                 Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: setting "' . implode('.', $attribute) . '" does not exists');
                 throw new Exception();
             $config_element = clone $session_settings_defaults[$setting];
             $ugp = new User_Preferences($login, 'general', $container, $setting, $config_element->content);
             Logger::info('main', 'Authentication SAML2: set setting "' . implode('.', $attribute) . '" to ' . str_replace("\n", "", print_r($value, true)));
             $ugp->value = $value;
             Abstract_User_Preferences::delete($login, 'general', $container, $setting);
             $ret = Abstract_User_Preferences::save($ugp);
             if (!$ret) {
                 Logger::error('main', 'Authentication SAML2: impossible to save setting "' . implode('.', $attribute) . '"');
                 throw new Exception();
     // return true or false.. No redirection to any IdP. We must have a valid ticket at this point. No artifact method
     return $response->getNameId();
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function users_group_add_script($script_id_, $group_id_)
     $ret = Abstract_Liaison::save('Scripts', $script_id_, $group_id_);
     return $ret === true;