  * Return the orderby argv for query on a custom field sort
  * @param mixed $sort_view_id
  * @param mixed $query
 function query_get_orderby_custom_field($data_set_key, $sort_view_id, $orderBy, $query)
     global $wpdb;
     $sort_view_settings = $this->get_sort_view_settings($sort_view_id);
     $sort_view_data = get_post($sort_view_id);
     $sortID = $sort_view_data->post_parent;
     $sort_settings = $this->get_sort_settings($sortID);
     $data_set = array('order_by' => (array) $sort_view_settings['_auto_order_by'], 'custom_field_name' => (array) $sort_view_settings['_auto_custom_field_name'], 'custom_field_type' => (array) $sort_view_settings['_auto_custom_field_type'], 'custom_function_name' => (array) $sort_view_settings['_auto_custom_function_name'], 'order' => (array) $sort_view_settings['_auto_order']);
     $custom_field_name = $data_set['custom_field_name'][$data_set_key];
     //if empty no need to continue
     if (empty($custom_field_name)) {
         return $orderBy;
     $custom_field_type = $data_set['custom_field_type'][$data_set_key];
     //fallback compatibility
     if ($custom_field_type == '') {
         $custom_field_type = 'none';
     $order_list = array();
     //retrieve the list of posts which contain the custom field
     if (isset($sort_settings['_view_type']) && $sort_settings['_view_type'] == 'simple') {
         //this is the simple view
         $mysql_query = "SELECT DISTINCT " . $wpdb->posts . ".ID, pm1.meta_value FROM " . $wpdb->posts . "  \n                                            JOIN " . $wpdb->postmeta . " as pm1 ON (" . $wpdb->posts . ".ID = pm1.post_id)";
         if (isset($sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy']) && count($sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy']) > 0) {
             $q_inner_count = 1;
             foreach ($sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy'] as $rule_tax) {
                 $mysql_query .= " INNER JOIN " . $wpdb->term_relationships . " AS tr" . $q_inner_count . " ON (" . $wpdb->posts . ".ID = tr" . $q_inner_count . ".object_id)";
         $mysql_query .= " WHERE 1=1";
         if (isset($sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy']) && count($sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy']) > 0) {
             $mysql_query .= " AND ( ";
             $first_tax = TRUE;
             $q_inner_count = 1;
             foreach ($sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy'] as $rule_tax) {
                 if ($first_tax === TRUE) {
                     $first_tax = FALSE;
                     $mysql_query .= " ( ";
                 } else {
                     $mysql_query .= " " . $sort_settings['_rules']['taxonomy_relation'] . " ( ";
                 $query_terms = array();
                 foreach ($rule_tax['terms'] as $term_id) {
                     $term_data = get_term($term_id, $rule_tax['taxonomy']);
                     $query_terms[] = $term_data->term_taxonomy_id;
                 if ($rule_tax['operator'] == 'IN') {
                     $mysql_query .= "tr" . $q_inner_count . ".term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $query_terms) . ")";
                 } else {
                     if ($rule_tax['operator'] == 'NOT IN') {
                         $mysql_query .= $wpdb->posts . ".ID NOT IN (\n                                                                                    SELECT object_id\n                                                                                    FROM tr" . $q_inner_count . "\n                                                                                    WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $query_terms) . "))";
                     } else {
                         if ($rule_tax['operator'] == 'AND') {
                             $mysql_query .= " (\n                                                                            SELECT COUNT(1)\n                                                                            FROM " . $wpdb->term_relationships . "\n                                                                            WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $query_terms) . ")\n                                                                            AND object_id = wp_posts.ID\n                                                                        ) = " . count($query_terms) . " ";
                 $mysql_query .= " ) ";
             $mysql_query .= " ) ";
         //add author if set
         if (isset($sort_settings['_rules']['author']) && count($sort_settings['_rules']['author']) > 0) {
             $mysql_query .= " AND " . $wpdb->posts . ".post_author IN ('" . implode("', '", $sort_settings['_rules']['author']) . "')";
         $mysql_query .= " AND pm1.meta_key = '" . esc_sql($custom_field_name) . "'\n                                        AND " . $wpdb->posts . ".post_type IN ('" . implode("', '", $sort_settings['_rules']['post_type']) . "') ";
         switch ($custom_field_type) {
             case "SIGNED":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS SIGNED) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "UNSIGNED":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS UNSIGNED) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "float":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS DECIMAL(20,6)) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "DATE":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS DATE) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "DATETIME":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS DATETIME) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "TIME":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS TIME) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY pm1.meta_value " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
         $results = $wpdb->get_results($mysql_query);
     } else {
          * To deep Check !!
          * Possible just to run query?
         //this is the multiple view
         $mysql_query = "SELECT DISTINCT " . $wpdb->posts . ".ID, pm1.meta_value FROM " . $wpdb->posts . "  \n                                            JOIN " . $wpdb->postmeta . " as pm1 ON (" . $wpdb->posts . ".ID = pm1.post_id)";
         if (isset($query->tax_query->queries) && APTO_query_utils::queries_count($query->tax_query->queries) > 0) {
             $q_inner_count = 1;
             foreach (APTO_query_utils::get_tax_queries($query->tax_query->queries) as $rule_tax) {
                 $mysql_query .= " INNER JOIN " . $wpdb->term_relationships . " AS tr" . $q_inner_count . " ON (" . $wpdb->posts . ".ID = tr" . $q_inner_count . ".object_id)";
         $mysql_query .= " WHERE 1=1";
         if (isset($query->tax_query->queries) && APTO_query_utils::queries_count($query->tax_query->queries) > 0) {
             $mysql_query .= " AND ( ";
             $first_tax = TRUE;
             $q_inner_count = 1;
             foreach (APTO_query_utils::get_tax_queries($query->tax_query->queries) as $rule_tax) {
                 if ($first_tax === TRUE) {
                     $first_tax = FALSE;
                     $mysql_query .= " ( ";
                 } else {
                     $mysql_query .= " " . $query->tax_query->relation . " ( ";
                 $query_terms = array();
                 foreach ($rule_tax['terms'] as $term_id) {
                     $term_data = get_term_by($rule_tax['field'], $term_id, $rule_tax['taxonomy']);
                     $query_terms[] = $term_data->term_taxonomy_id;
                 if ($rule_tax['operator'] == 'IN') {
                     $mysql_query .= "tr" . $q_inner_count . ".term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $query_terms) . ")";
                 } else {
                     if ($rule_tax['operator'] == 'NOT IN') {
                         $mysql_query .= $wpdb->posts . ".ID NOT IN (\n                                                                                    SELECT object_id\n                                                                                    FROM tr" . $q_inner_count . "\n                                                                                    WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $query_terms) . "))";
                     } else {
                         if ($rule_tax['operator'] == 'AND') {
                             $mysql_query .= " (\n                                                                            SELECT COUNT(1)\n                                                                            FROM " . $wpdb->term_relationships . "\n                                                                            WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $query_terms) . ")\n                                                                            AND object_id = wp_posts.ID\n                                                                        ) = " . count($query_terms) . " ";
                 $mysql_query .= " ) ";
             $mysql_query .= " ) ";
         //add author if set
         if (isset($query->query['author']) && $query->query['author'] != '') {
             $authors = (array) $query->query['author'];
             $mysql_query .= " AND " . $wpdb->posts . ".post_author IN ('" . implode("', '", $query->query['author']) . "')";
         $post_types = $this->query_get_post_types($query, TRUE);
         $mysql_query .= " AND pm1.meta_key = '" . esc_sql($custom_field_name) . "'\n                                        AND " . $wpdb->posts . ".post_type IN ('" . implode("', '", $post_types) . "')";
         switch ($custom_field_type) {
             case "SIGNED":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS SIGNED) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "UNSIGNED":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS UNSIGNED) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "float":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS DECIMAL(20,6)) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "DATE":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS DATE) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "DATETIME":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS DATETIME) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
             case "TIME":
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY CAST(pm1.meta_value AS TIME) " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
                 $mysql_query .= " ORDER BY pm1.meta_value " . $data_set['order'][$data_set_key];
         $results = $wpdb->get_results($mysql_query);
     $orderBy = '';
     if (count($results) > 0) {
         $counter = 1;
         $previous_meta_value = NULL;
         $orderBy = "CASE ";
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             if ($previous_meta_value !== NULL && $previous_meta_value != $result->meta_value) {
             $previous_meta_value = $result->meta_value;
             $orderBy .= " WHEN " . $wpdb->posts . ".ID = " . $result->ID . "  THEN  " . $counter;
         $orderBy .= " ELSE " . $counter . " END";
     return $orderBy;
function APTO_posts_distinct($distinct, $query)
    //check for NOT IN taxonomy operator
    if (isset($query->tax_query->queries) && APTO_query_utils::queries_count($query->tax_query->queries) == 1) {
        if (isset($query->tax_query->queries[0]['operator']) && $query->tax_query->queries[0]['operator'] == 'NOT IN') {
            $distinct = 'DISTINCT';
    return $distinct;