public function dumpData($data, $wrap = '', $charset = 'UTF-8') { $out = \APIHelpers::sanitarTag(print_r($data, 1), $charset); if (!empty($wrap) && is_string($wrap)) { $out = "<{$wrap}>{$out}</{$wrap}>"; } return $out; }
static function insertUpdateInfo($conn, $old_version, $new_version, $name, $description, $userid) { try { $stmt = $conn->prepare(' INSERT INTO updates(from_version, version, name, result, description, userid, datetime_update) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,NOW()) '); $stmt->execute(array($old_version, $new_version, $name, 'updated', $description, $userid)); } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1010, $e->getMessage()); } }
static function loadUserProfile($conn) { try { $profile = array(); $inserts = array(); $defaults = array(); $defaults['template'] = 'base'; $defaults['country'] = '?'; $defaults['city'] = '?'; $defaults['university'] = '?'; $defaults['game'] = '0'; $defaults['lasteventid'] = '0'; $query = 'SELECT * FROM users_profile WHERE userid = ?'; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(array(APISecurity::userid())); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $name = $row['name']; $value = $row['value']; $profile[$name] = $value; } foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) { if (!isset($profile[$k])) { $inserts[$k] = $v; // default value $profile[$k] = $v; // default value } } foreach ($profile as $k => $v) { $_SESSION['user']['profile'][$k] = $v; } $stmt2 = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO users_profile(userid,name,value,date_change) VALUES(?,?,?,NOW());'); foreach ($inserts as $k => $v) { $stmt2->execute(array(APISecurity::userid(), $k, $v)); } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1195, $e->getMessage()); } }
include_once $curdir_events_count . "/../../config/config.php"; $response = APIHelpers::startpage($config); $conn = APIHelpers::createConnection($config); if (!APIHelpers::issetParam('id')) { APIHelpers::showerror(1225, 'Not found parameter "id"'); } $type = APIHelpers::getParam('type', ''); $id = APIHelpers::getParam('id', 0); if (!is_numeric($id)) { APIHelpers::showerror(1226, 'id must be integer'); } try { $params = array(); $params[] = $id; $query = 'SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM public_events WHERE id > ?'; if ($type != '') { $query .= ' AND type = ?'; $params[] = $type; } $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params); if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $count = $row['cnt']; $response['data']['count'] = $count; $response['result'] = 'ok'; } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1227, $e->getMessage()); } APIHelpers::endpage($response);
/** * Разбор строки фильтрации * * @param $filter строка фильтрации * @return bool результат разбора фильтра */ protected function parseFilter($filter) { // first parse the give filter string $parsed = explode(':', $filter, 4); $this->field = APIHelpers::getkey($parsed, 1); $this->operator = APIHelpers::getkey($parsed, 2); $this->value = APIHelpers::getkey($parsed, 3); // exit if something is wrong return !(empty($this->field) || empty($this->operator) || is_null($this->value)); }
/** * @todo set correct active placeholder if you work with other table. Because $item['id'] can differ of $modx->documentIdentifier (for other controller) * @todo set author placeholder (author name). Get id from Createdby OR editedby AND get info from extender user * @todo set filter placeholder with string filtering for insert URL */ public function _render($tpl = '') { $out = ''; if ($tpl == '') { $tpl = $this->getCFGDef('tpl', '@CODE:<a href="[+url+]">[+pagetitle+]</a><br />'); } if ($tpl != '') { $date = $this->getCFGDef('dateSource', 'pub_date'); $this->toPlaceholders(count($this->_docs), 1, "display"); // [+display+] - сколько показано на странице. $i = 1; $sysPlh = $this->renameKeyArr($this->_plh, $this->getCFGDef("sysKey", "dl")); if (count($this->_docs) > 0) { /** * @var $extUser user_DL_Extender */ if ($extUser = $this->getExtender('user')) { $extUser->init($this, array('fields' => $this->getCFGDef("userFields", ""))); } /** * @var $extSummary summary_DL_Extender */ $extSummary = $this->getExtender('summary'); /** * @var $extPrepare prepare_DL_Extender */ $extPrepare = $this->getExtender('prepare'); /** * @var $extJotCount jotcount_DL_Extender */ $extJotCount = $this->getCFGdef('jotcount', 0) ? $this->getExtender('jotcount', true) : NULL; if ($extJotCount) { $comments = $extJotCount->countComments(array_keys($this->_docs)); } foreach ($this->_docs as $item) { $this->renderTPL = $tpl; if ($extUser) { $item = $extUser->setUserData($item); //[], [+user.fullname.publishedby+], [+dl.user.publishedby+].... } $item['summary'] = $extSummary ? $this->getSummary($item, $extSummary, 'introtext', 'content') : ''; if ($extJotCount) { $item['jotcount'] = APIHelpers::getkey($comments, $item['id'], 0); } $item = array_merge($item, $sysPlh); //inside the chunks available all placeholders set via $modx->toPlaceholders with prefix id, and with prefix sysKey $item['iteration'] = $i; //[+iteration+] - Number element. Starting from zero $item['title'] = $item['menutitle'] == '' ? $item['pagetitle'] : $item['menutitle']; if ($this->getCFGDef('makeUrl', 1)) { if ($item['type'] == 'reference') { $item['url'] = is_numeric($item['content']) ? $this->modx->makeUrl($item['content'], '', '', $this->getCFGDef('urlScheme', '')) : $item['content']; } else { $item['url'] = $this->modx->makeUrl($item['id'], '', '', $this->getCFGDef('urlScheme', '')); } } $item['date'] = isset($item[$date]) && $date != 'createdon' && $item[$date] != 0 && $item[$date] == (int) $item[$date] ? $item[$date] : $item['createdon']; $item['date'] = $item['date'] + $this->modx->config['server_offset_time']; if ($this->getCFGDef('dateFormat', '%d.%b.%y %H:%M') != '') { $item['date'] = strftime($this->getCFGDef('dateFormat', '%d.%b.%y %H:%M'), $item['date']); } $findTpl = $this->renderTPL; extract($this->uniformPrepare($item, $i), EXTR_SKIP); if ($this->renderTPL == '') { $this->renderTPL = $findTpl; } if ($extPrepare) { $item = $extPrepare->init($this, array('data' => $item, 'nameParam' => 'prepare')); if (is_bool($item) && $item === false) { continue; } } $tmp = $this->parseChunk($this->renderTPL, $item); if ($this->getCFGDef('contentPlaceholder', 0) !== 0) { $this->toPlaceholders($tmp, 1, "item[" . $i . "]"); // [+item[x]+] – individual placeholder for each iteration documents on this page } $out .= $tmp; $i++; } } else { $noneTPL = $this->getCFGDef("noneTPL", ""); $out = $noneTPL != '' ? $this->parseChunk($noneTPL, $sysPlh) : ''; } $out = $this->renderWrap($out); } else { $out = 'no template'; } return $this->toPlaceholders($out); }
protected final function checkVersion($version, $dmi3yy = true) { $flag = false; $currentVer = $this->modx->getVersionData('version'); if (is_array($currentVer)) { $currentVer = APIHelpers::getkey($currentVer, 'version', ''); } $tmp = substr($currentVer, 0, strlen($version)); if (version_compare($tmp, $version, '>=')) { $flag = true; if ($dmi3yy) { $flag = (bool) preg_match('/^' . $tmp . '(.*)\\-d/', $currentVer); } } return $flag; }
<?php $conn = null; $token = null; $issetToken = APIHelpers::issetParam('token'); if ($issetToken) { $conn = APIHelpers::createConnection($config); $token = APIHelpers::getParam('token', ''); APISecurity::loadByToken($conn, $token); }
} $zip->open($zipname, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE); try { $stmt2 = $conn->prepare(' SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id ASC '); $stmt2->execute(); while ($row2 = $stmt2->fetch()) { $userid = $row2['id']; $uuid = $row2['uuid']; $oldlogoname = $curdir_users_export . '/../../' . $row2['logo']; if (file_exists($oldlogoname) && $uuid) { $newlogoname = 'files/users/' . $uuid . '.png'; $zip->addFile($oldlogoname, $newlogoname); } else { $newlogoname = $row2['logo']; } $userarr = ['uuid' => $row2['uuid'], 'email' => $row2['email'], 'pass' => $row2['pass'], 'role' => $row2['role'], 'nick' => $row2['nick'], 'logo' => $newlogoname, 'last_ip' => $row2['last_ip'], 'dt_create' => $row2['dt_create'], 'dt_last_login' => $row2['dt_last_login'], 'status' => $row2['status']]; $zip->addFromString($uuid . '.json', json_encode($userarr)); } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1296, $e->getMessage()); } $result['data']['filename'] = $zipname; $zip->close(); echo json_encode($result);
dt_last_login FROM users WHERE (email LIKE ? OR nick LIKE ?) AND (role LIKE ?) AND (status LIKE ?) ORDER BY dt_last_login DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $onpage . ' '); $stmt2->execute(array($search, $search, $role, $status)); $i = 0; while ($row2 = $stmt2->fetch()) { $userid = $row2['id']; $result['data'][$i] = array('userid' => $userid, 'email' => $row2['email'], 'role' => $row2['role'], 'nick' => $row2['nick'], 'logo' => $row2['logo'], 'dt_last_login' => $row2['dt_last_login'], 'status' => $row2['status']); $i++; } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1093, $e->getMessage()); } $dir = $curdir_users_list . "/../../files/dumps/"; $dh = opendir($dir); $result['dumps'] = array(); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { if (preg_match('/^users\\_.*\\.zip$/', $filename)) { $result['dumps'][] = $filename; } sort($result['dumps']); } echo json_encode($result);
static function removeByToken($conn, $token) { try { $query = 'DELETE FROM users_tokens WHERE token = ?'; $params = array($token); $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params); } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1199, $e->getMessage()); } }
if (is_null($activeReflect)) { if ($hasCurrentReflect && !$selectCurrentReflect || $appendCurrentReflect) { $outReflects->add($originalCurrentReflect); } } else { $outReflects->add($activeReflect); } //Берем оставшее число позиций с правой стороны $i = 0; foreach ($rReflect as $item) { if (++$i > $showAfter) { break; } $outReflects->add($item['id']); } $sortDir = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'sortDir', 'ASC'); //Сортируем результатирующий список $outReflects = $outReflects->sort(function ($a, $b) use($sortDir, $dateFormat) { $aDate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateFormat, $a); $bDate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateFormat, $b); $out = false; switch ($sortDir) { case 'ASC': $out = $aDate->getTimestamp() - $bDate->getTimestamp(); break; case 'DESC': $out = $bDate->getTimestamp() - $aDate->getTimestamp(); break; } return $out; })->reindex()->unique();
function getCountStatBy($conn, $table, $questid, $passed) { $res = 0; try { $stmt = $conn->prepare(' select count( as cnt from ' . $table . ' t0 inner join users t1 on = t0.iduser where t0.idquest = ? and t0.passed = ? and t1.role = ? '); $stmt->execute(array(intval($questid), $passed, 'user')); if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $res = $row['cnt']; } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1079, $e->getMessage()); } return $res; }
} $uuid = APIHelpers::getParam('uuid', APIHelpers::gen_guid()); $logo = APIHelpers::getParam('logo', 'files/users/0.png'); $email = APIHelpers::getParam('email', '1'); $role = APIHelpers::getParam('role', 'user'); $nick = APIHelpers::getParam('nick', '1'); $password = APIHelpers::getParam('password', '1'); $status = APIHelpers::getParam('status', 'activated'); if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { APIHelpers::showerror(1036, 'Invalid e-mail address.'); } $stmt = $conn->prepare('select count(*) as cnt from users where email = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($email)); if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { if (intval($row['cnt']) >= 1) { APIHelpers::showerror(1037, 'This e-mail was already registered.'); } } // same code exists in api/security/registration.php $email = strtolower($email); $password_hash = APISecurity::generatePassword2($email, $password); $stmt_insert = $conn->prepare(' INSERT INTO users( uuid, pass, status, email, nick, role, logo, last_ip,
/** * Возвращает результаты выполнения правил валидации * @param object $validator * @param array $rules * @param array $fields * @return array */ public function validate($validator, $rules, $fields) { if (empty($rules) || is_null($validator)) { return true; } //если правил нет, то не проверяем //применяем правила $errors = array(); foreach ($rules as $field => $ruleSet) { $skipFlag = substr($field, 0, 1) == '!' ? true : false; if ($skipFlag) { $field = substr($field, 1); } $value = \APIHelpers::getkey($fields, $field); if ($skipFlag && empty($value)) { continue; } foreach ($ruleSet as $rule => $description) { $inverseFlag = substr($rule, 0, 1) == '!' ? true : false; if ($inverseFlag) { $rule = substr($rule, 1); } $result = true; if (is_array($description)) { if (isset($description['params'])) { if (is_array($description['params'])) { $params = $description['params']; $params = array_merge(array($value), $params); } else { $params = array($value, $description['params']); } } $message = isset($description['message']) ? $description['message'] : ''; } else { $params = array($value, $description); $message = $description; } if (method_exists($validator, $rule)) { $result = call_user_func_array(array($validator, $rule), $params); } else { if (isset($description['function'])) { $rule = $description['function']; if (is_callable($rule)) { array_unshift($params, $this); $result = call_user_func_array($rule, $params); } } } if ($inverseFlag) { $result = !$result; } if (!$result) { $errors[] = array($field, $rule, $message); break; } } } return $errors; }
status, email, nick, role, logo, dt_last_login, dt_create ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW()); '); $stmt_insert->execute(array($uuid, $password_hash, 'activated', $email, $nick, 'user', 'files/users/0.png', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')); if (!APISecurity::login($conn, $email, $password_hash)) { APIEvents::addPublicEvents($conn, 'errors', 'Alert! Admin, registration is broken!'); APIHelpers::showerror(1287, '[Registration] Sorry registration is broken. Please send report to the admin about this.'); } else { APISecurity::insertLastIp($conn, APIHelpers::getParam('client', 'none')); APIUser::loadUserProfile($conn); APISecurity::logout(); } $email_subject = "Registration on FreeHackQuest."; $email_message = ' Registration: If you was not tried registering on ' . $httpname . ' just remove this email. Welcome to FreeHackQuest! Your login: '******' Your password: '******' (You must change it) Link: ' . $httpname . 'index.php ';
APIHelpers::showerror(1108, 'Not found parameter "userid"'); } $userid = APIHelpers::getParam('userid', 0); if (!is_numeric($userid)) { APIHelpers::showerror(1109, 'userid must be numeric'); } $nick = ''; // check user try { $stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT id, nick FROM users WHERE id = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($userid)); if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $nick = $row['nick']; } else { APIHelpers::showerror(1111, 'Userid did not found'); } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1110, $e->getMessage()); } try { $params = array($userid); $conn->prepare('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?')->execute($params); $conn->prepare('DELETE FROM users_games WHERE userid = ?')->execute($params); $conn->prepare('DELETE FROM feedback WHERE userid = ?')->execute($params); $conn->prepare('DELETE FROM feedback_msg WHERE userid = ?')->execute($params); $result['result'] = 'ok'; } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1147, $e->getMessage()); } APIEvents::addPublicEvents($conn, 'users', 'User #' . $userid . ' {' . htmlspecialchars($nick) . '} was removed by admin!'); echo json_encode($result);
/** * Получение информации из конфига экстендера * * @param string $name имя параметра в конфиге экстендера * @param mixed $def значение по умолчанию, если в конфиге нет искомого параметра * @return mixed значение из конфига экстендера */ protected function getCFGDef($name, $def) { return \APIHelpers::getkey($this->_cfg, $name, $def); }
foreach ($columns as $k) { $info[$k] = $row[$k]; } $oldlogoname = $curdir_games_export . '/../../' . $row['logo']; if (file_exists($oldlogoname)) { $newlogoname = $row['uuid'] . '.png'; $zip->addFile($oldlogoname, $newlogoname); $info['logo'] = $row['uuid'] . '.png'; } else { $info['logo'] = ""; } } else { APIHelpers::showerror(1336, 'Does not found game with this id'); } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1332, $e->getMessage()); } // normalize filename $title = preg_replace("([^A-Za-z0-9])", '', $info['title']); $filename = 'game_' . $title . '_' . $info['uuid'] . '.zip'; $zip->addFromString($info['uuid'] . '.json', json_encode($info)); $zip->close(); header_remove('Content-Type'); header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\""); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
<?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header('Content-Type: application/json'); /* * API_NAME: Logout * API_DESCRIPTION: Methods for logout from system * API_ACCESS: authorized users * API_INPUT: token - string, access token for user */ $curdir_logout = dirname(__FILE__); include_once $curdir_logout . "/../api.lib/api.base.php"; include_once $curdir_logout . "/../api.lib/api.helpers.php"; include_once $curdir_logout . "/../api.lib/"; include $curdir_logout . "/../../config/config.php"; $result = array('result' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); if (APIHelpers::issetParam('token')) { $token = APIHelpers::getParam('token', ''); $conn = APIHelpers::createConnection($config); APISecurity::removeByToken($conn, $token); } APISecurity::logout(); echo json_encode($result);
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header('Content-Type: application/json'); /* * API_NAME: Remove dump of users * API_DESCRIPTION: Method will be remove zip-archive * API_ACCESS: admin only * API_INPUT: filename - string, filename for removing * API_OKRESPONSE: { "result":"ok", "data" : { "filename" : "files/dumps/" } } */ $curdir_users_export_remove = dirname(__FILE__); include_once $curdir_users_export_remove . "/../api.lib/api.base.php"; include_once $curdir_users_export_remove . "/../api.lib/"; include_once $curdir_users_export_remove . "/../../config/config.php"; APIHelpers::checkAuth(); $message = ''; if (!APISecurity::isAdmin()) { APIHelpers::showerror(1297, 'This function allowed only for admin'); } $result = array('result' => 'fail', 'data' => array()); $result['result'] = 'ok'; if (!APIHelpers::issetParam('filename')) { APIHelpers::showerror(1298, 'Parameter filename did not found'); } $filename = $curdir_users_export_remove . '/../../files/dumps/' . APIHelpers::getParam('filename', ''); if (!file_exists($filename)) { APIHelpers::showerror(1299, 'File did not found'); } unlink($filename); $result['result'] = 'ok'; $result['data']['filename'] = $filename; echo json_encode($result);
<?php include_once MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/snippets/DLUsers/src/Actions.php'; $params = is_array($modx->event->params) ? $modx->event->params : array(); $action = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'action', ''); $lang = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'lang', $modx->getConfig('manager_language')); $userClass = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'userClass', 'modUsers'); $DLUsers = \DLUsers\Actions::getInstance($modx, $lang, $userClass); $out = ''; if (!empty($action) && method_exists($DLUsers, $action)) { $out = call_user_func_array(array($DLUsers, $action), array($params)); } return $out;
} return $url; } } $params = is_array($modx->event->params) ? $modx->event->params : array(); $out = $beforePage = $afterPage = ''; $display = (int) APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'display', '10'); $dateSource = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'dateSource', 'content'); $dateField = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'dateField', 'if(pub_date=0,createdon,pub_date)'); $tmp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $currentDay = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'currentDay', $tmp); // Текущий день if (!validateDate($currentDay)) { $currentDay = $tmp; } $start = (int) APIHelpers::getkey($_GET, 'start', '0'); $elements = array('offset' => $start); //Если положительное значение, то нужы события предстоящие. Если отрицательное - прошедшее $rule = $start >= 0 ? 'after' : 'before'; $noRule = $start >= 0 ? 'before' : 'after'; if ($start < 0) { $start = abs($start) > $display ? $start + $display : 0; } $d = $modx->db->escape($currentDay); if ($dateSource == 'tv') { $params['tvSortType'] = 'TVDATETIME'; $query = array('after' => "STR_TO_DATE(`dltv_" . $dateField . "_1`.`value`,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s') >= '" . $d . "'", 'before' => "STR_TO_DATE(`dltv_" . $dateField . "_1`.`value`,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s') < '" . $d . "'"); } else { $query = array('after' => "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $dateField . ") >= '" . $d . "'", 'before' => "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $dateField . ") < '" . $d . "'"); } $sort = array('after' => 'ASC', 'before' => 'DESC');
/** * Загрузка фильтра * @param string $filter срока с параметрами фильтрации * @return bool */ protected function loadFilter($filter) { $this->debug->debug('Load filter ' . $this->debug->dumpData($filter), 'loadFilter', 2); $out = false; $fltr_params = explode(':', $filter, 2); $fltr = APIHelpers::getkey($fltr_params, 0, null); // check if the filter is implemented if (!is_null($fltr) && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/filter/' . $fltr . '.filter.php')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/filter/' . $fltr . '.filter.php'; /** * @var tv_DL_filter|content_DL_filter $fltr_class */ $fltr_class = $fltr . '_DL_filter'; $this->totalFilters++; $fltr_obj = new $fltr_class(); if ($fltr_obj->init($this, $filter)) { $out = $fltr_obj; } else { $this->debug->error("Wrong filter parameter: '{$this->debug->dumpData($filter)}'", 'Filter'); } } else { $this->debug->error("Error load Filter: '{$this->debug->dumpData($filter)}'", 'Filter'); } $this->debug->debugEnd("loadFilter"); return $out; }
protected function getUser($value, $default = 0) { $currentAdmin = APIHelpers::getkey($_SESSION, 'mgrInternalKey', 0); $value = (int) $value; if (!empty($value)) { $by = $this->findUserBy($value); $exists = $this->managerUsers->exists(function ($key, $val) use($by, $value) { return $val->containsKey($by) && $val->get($by) === (string) $value; }); if (!$exists) { $value = 0; } } if (empty($value)) { $value = empty($currentAdmin) ? $default : $currentAdmin; } return $value; }
protected static function loadLang($lang) { $file = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lang/' . $lang . '.php'; if (!\Helpers\FS::getInstance()->checkFile($file)) { $file = false; } if (!empty($lang) && !isset(static::$langDic[$lang]) && !empty($file)) { static::$langDic[$lang] = (include_once $file); if (is_array(static::$langDic[$lang])) { static::$langDic[$lang] = \APIHelpers::renameKeyArr(static::$langDic[$lang], $lang); } else { static::$langDic[$lang] = array(); } } return !(empty($lang) || empty(static::$langDic[$lang])); }
function LogClean($string) { $string = preg_replace("/&(#[0-9]+|[a-z]+);/i", "&\$1;", $string); $string = APIHelpers::sanitarTag($string); return $string; }
static function startpage($config) { header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header('Content-Type: application/json'); APIHelpers::$TIMESTART = microtime(true); $issetToken = APIHelpers::issetParam('token'); if ($issetToken) { APIHelpers::$TOKEN = APIHelpers::getParam('token', ''); $conn = APIHelpers::createConnection($config); try { $stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT data FROM users_tokens WHERE token = ? AND status = ? AND end_date > NOW()'); $stmt->execute(array(APIHelpers::$TOKEN, 'active')); if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { APIHelpers::$FHQSESSION = json_decode($row['data'], true); APIHelpers::$FHQSESSION_ORIG = json_decode($row['data'], true); } } catch (PDOException $e) { APIHelpers::showerror(1188, $e->getMessage()); } } else { APIHelpers::$FHQSESSION = $_SESSION; APIHelpers::$FHQSESSION_ORIG = $_SESSION; } $response = array('result' => 'fail', 'lead_time_sec' => 0, 'data' => array()); return $response; }
public function getCut() { return \APIHelpers::getkey($this->_cfg, 'cut', '<cut/>'); }
$currentReflect = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'currentReflect', $tmp); if (!call_user_func($reflectValidator, $currentReflect)) { $currentReflect = $tmp; } } else { $currentReflect = null; } /** * activeReflect * Дата которую выбрал пользователь. * * Если параметр не задан, то в качестве значения по умолчанию используется значение параметра currentReflect * При наличии ГЕТ параметра month/year, приоритет отдается ему */ $tmp = APIHelpers::getkey($params, 'activeReflect', $currentReflect); $tmpGet = APIHelpers::getkey($_GET, $reflectType, $tmp); if (!call_user_func($reflectValidator, $tmpGet)) { $activeReflect = $tmp; if (!call_user_func($reflectValidator, $activeReflect)) { $activeReflect = $currentReflect; } } else { $activeReflect = $tmpGet; } if ($activeReflect) { $v = $modx->db->escape($activeReflect); if ($reflectSource == 'tv') { $params['tvSortType'] = 'TVDATETIME'; $params['addWhereList'] = "DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(`dltv_" . $reflectField . "_1`.`value`,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s'), '" . $sqlDateFormat . "')='" . $v . "'"; } else { $params['addWhereList'] = "DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $reflectField . "), '" . $sqlDateFormat . "')='" . $v . "'";