Exemplo n.º 1
    function element()
        $links = $this->opt('links') ? $this->opt('links') : false;
        //** Appear animation
        $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $this->opt('appear_animation') . '" data-appear-delay="' . ($this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0') . '"' : '';
        if (empty($links)) {
            echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options and create at least one link.</div>';

    <ul class="horizontalLinks <?php 
        echo $this->data['uid'];
" <?php 
        echo $appear;
        foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
            $link_extracted = !empty($link['link']) ? zn_extract_link($link['link'], 'arrowLink arrowRight') : '';
            $link_text = !empty($link['link_text']) ? $link['link_text'] : '';
            if ($link_text && is_array($link_extracted)) {
                echo '<li>' . $link_extracted['start'] . $link_text . $link_extracted['end'] . '</li>';

Exemplo n.º 2
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $content = '';
        $cls = 'margin-top:10px;';
        $hover_box_style = $this->opt('hover_box_style', 'hover-box');
        $hb_icon = $this->opt('hb_icon', '');
        echo '<div class="zn_hover_box ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
        $hb_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('hb_link', ''), 'hover-box u-trans-all-2s ' . $this->opt('hb_align', 'zn_fill_class') . ' ' . $hover_box_style . ' ' . $this->data['uid'], 'style="' . ($hover_box_style == 'hover-box-3' && !empty($hb_icon) ? 'background-image:url(' . $hb_icon . '); background-size:cover' : '') . '"', false, false, '#');
        echo $hb_link['start'];
        if ($hover_box_style == 'hover-box-2') {
            echo '<svg class="hb-circle" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="187px" height="187px" viewBox="0 0 187 187">
					<circle stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="none" stroke-width="2" cx="93.5" cy="93.5" r="90.5"></circle>
					<path d="M117.004,93 L115.594,94.388 L79.412,130.004 L78.002,128.616 L114.185,93 L78.002,57.384 L79.412,55.996 L115.594,91.612 L117.004,93 L117.004,93 Z" fill="#FFFFFF" ></path>
        if (!empty($hb_icon)) {
            echo '<img src="' . $hb_icon . '" class="hb-img hover-box-img ' . (isset($options['hb_rmmargin']) && $options['hb_rmmargin'] == 1 && $hover_box_style == 'hover-box-2' ? 'rb-right' : '') . '" alt="">';
        if (!empty($options['hb_desc'])) {
            $content = '<div class="hover-box__content hover-box-content">' . $options['hb_desc'] . '</div>';
            $cls = '';
        if (isset($options['hb_title']) && !empty($options['hb_title'])) {
            echo '<h3 class="hover-box-title" style="' . $cls . '">' . $options['hb_title'] . '</h3>';
        if (isset($options['hb_subtitle']) && !empty($options['hb_subtitle'])) {
            echo '<h4 class="hover-box-subtitle">' . $options['hb_subtitle'] . '</h4>';
        echo $content;
        echo $hb_link['end'];
        echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 3
 function widget($args, $instance)
     $title = !empty($instance['title']) ? esc_attr($instance['title']) : __('Follow us', 'zn_framework');
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $title, $instance, $this->id_base);
     echo $before_widget;
     if ($title) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     echo '<div class="socialListWidget clearfix">';
     if (!empty($instance['icon_list'])) {
         foreach ($instance['icon_list'] as $listItem) {
             $icon_opt = !empty($listItem['icon']) ? $listItem['icon'] : '';
             $icon = !empty($icon_opt['family']) ? '<span class="zn_icon_box_icon" ' . zn_generate_icon($icon_opt) . '></span>' : '';
             $link_extracted = !empty($listItem['link']) ? zn_extract_link($listItem['link'], '') : '';
             if (is_array($link_extracted)) {
                 echo '<div class="socialIcon">' . $link_extracted['start'] . $icon . $link_extracted['end'] . '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo $after_widget;
     // Reset the global $the_post as this query will have stomped on it
Exemplo n.º 4
  * This method is used to display the output of the element.
  * @return void
 function element()
     echo '<div class="zn_buttons_element ' . $this->data['uid'] . ' text-' . $this->opt('el_alignment', 'left') . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
     $buttons = $this->opt('single_btn');
     if (is_array($buttons) && !empty($buttons)) {
         foreach ($buttons as $b) {
             $classes = array();
             $classes[] = 'btn-element btn';
             $classes[] = $b['button_style'];
             $classes[] = $b['button_size'];
             $classes[] = $b['button_width'];
             $classes[] = isset($b['button_block']) ? $b['button_block'] : '';
             $classes[] = 'btn-icon--' . $b['button_icon_pos'];
             $classes[] = isset($b['button_corners']) && !empty($b['button_corners']) ? $b['button_corners'] : 'btn--rounded';
             // Styles
             $style = !empty($b['button_margin']) ? ' style="margin:' . $b['button_margin'] . ';"' : '';
             // Icon
             $icon = $b['button_icon_enable'] == 1 ? '<span ' . zn_generate_icon($b['button_icon']) . '></span>' : '';
             if (isset($b['button_text']) && !empty($b['button_text'])) {
                 $text = '<span>' . $b['button_text'] . '</span>';
                 // Icon position
                 if ($b['button_icon_pos'] == 'before') {
                     $text = $icon . $text;
                 } else {
                     $text = $text . $icon;
                 // extract link and add attributes and classes
                 $link = zn_extract_link($b['button_link'], implode(' ', $classes), $style);
                 echo $link['start'] . $text . $link['end'];
     echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 5
    function element()
        $style = $this->opt('style') ? $this->opt('style') : '';
        $title_style = $this->opt('title_style') ? $this->opt('title_style') : '';
        $description_style = $this->opt('description_style') ? $this->opt('description_style') : '';
        if ($description_style === 'style5') {
            $title_style .= ' smallSpacing';
        //** Only for description style 5 decrease the title bottom margin
        $title = $this->opt('title') ? $this->opt('title') : '';
        $titleAlignment = $this->opt('title_alignment') ? $this->opt('title_alignment') : 'text-left';
        $desc = $this->opt('desc') ? $this->opt('desc') : '';
        $button_style = $this->opt('button_style') ? 'zn_button ' . $this->opt('button_style') : 'zn_button';
        $link_text = $this->opt('link_text') ? $this->opt('link_text') : '';
        $link = $this->opt('link') ? zn_extract_link($this->opt('link'), $button_style . ' text_box_button ') : '';
        //** Appear animation
        $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $this->opt('appear_animation') . '" data-appear-delay="' . ($this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0') . '"' : '';
        if (empty($title) && empty($desc)) {
            echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please edit the element and add at least a title or description.</div>';

		<div class="text_box <?php 
        echo $style;
        echo $this->data['uid'];
" <?php 
        echo $appear;
        if (!empty($title)) {
            echo '<h2 class="zn_title ' . $title_style . ' ' . $titleAlignment . '">' . $title . '</h2>';
			<div class="text_box_line"></div>
        if ($desc != "<p>&nbsp;</p>") {
			<div class="desc <?php 
            echo $description_style;
            echo wpautop($desc);
        if ($link_text && is_array($link)) {
            echo $link['start'] . $link_text . $link['end'];

Exemplo n.º 6
 function element()
     $style = $this->opt('style') ? $this->opt('style') : '';
     $image = $this->opt('image') ? $this->opt('image') : '';
     $click_action = $this->opt('click_action') ? $this->opt('click_action') : '';
     $image_alignment = $this->opt('image_alignment') ? $this->opt('image_alignment') : '';
     //** Appear animation
     $appear_delay = $this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0';
     $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? $this->opt('appear_animation') : '';
     if (!empty($appear)) {
         $appear = 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $appear . '" data-appear-delay="' . $appear_delay . '"';
     if (empty($image)) {
         echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element and add an image.</div>';
     //$link = $this->opt('link');
     //$link_extracted = !empty( $link ) ? zn_extract_link( $this->opt('link') , '' ) : '';
     $link_extracted = zn_extract_link($this->opt('link'));
     if ($click_action === 'popup') {
         $image_src = wp_get_attachment_image($image, 'full', false, array('class' => 'img-responsive animate magPopupImg ' . $image_alignment . '', 'data-mfp-src' => wp_get_attachment_url($image)));
     } else {
         if ($click_action === 'link') {
             $image_src = $link_extracted['start'] . wp_get_attachment_image($image, 'full', false, array('class' => 'img-responsive animate ' . $image_alignment . '')) . $link_extracted['end'];
         } else {
             $image_src = wp_get_attachment_image($image, 'full', false, array('class' => 'img-responsive ' . $image_alignment . ''));
     echo '<div class="znImageContainer clearfix ' . $this->data['uid'] . '" ' . $appear . '>';
     //echo '<img alt="Image" src="'.$image.'" class="img-responsive animate">';
     echo '<div class="znImgSubcontainer ' . (empty($click_action) ? '' : 'scaleRotateImg') . '">';
     echo $image_src;
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 7
     * Output the element
     * IMPORTANT : The UID needs to be set on the top parent container
    function element()
        $style = $this->opt('style') ? $this->opt('style') : 'style1';
        $num_feat = $this->opt('num_feat') ? $this->opt('num_feat') : 'col-md-4';
        $features = $this->opt('features') ? $this->opt('features') : array();
        $feature_anchor = $this->opt('feature_anchor') === 'yes' ? true : false;
        $link_start = '';
        $link_end = '';
			<ul class="features_boxes <?php 
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $style;

        if (empty($features)) {
            echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options.</div>';
        foreach ($features as $feature) {
            //** Appear animation
            $appear_delay = !empty($feature['appear_delay']) ? $feature['appear_delay'] : '0';
            $appear = !empty($feature['appear_animation']) ? $feature['appear_animation'] : '';
            if (!empty($appear)) {
                $appear = 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $appear . '" data-appear-delay="' . $appear_delay . '"';
            echo '<li class="' . $num_feat . '" ' . $appear . '>';
            $link = zn_extract_link($feature['link']);
            if ($feature_anchor) {
                echo $link['start'];
            if ($icon = $feature['icon']) {
                echo '<div class="zn_icon descriptionColor zn_animate" ' . zn_generate_icon($icon) . '></div>';
            if ($feature_title = $feature['feature_title']) {
                if ($feature_anchor) {
                    echo '<h4 class="zn_title">' . $feature_title . '</h4>';
                } else {
                    echo '<h4 class="zn_title">' . $link['start'] . '' . $feature_title . '' . $link['end'] . '</h4>';
            if ($feature_desc = $feature['feature_desc']) {
                echo '<div class="zn_desc ">' . $feature_desc . '</div>';
            if ($feature_anchor) {
                echo $link['end'];
            echo '</li>';


Exemplo n.º 8
  * This method is used to display the output of the element.
  * @return void
 function element()
     $options = $this->data['options'];
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $resize_method = $this->opt('ib2_resize_method', 'default');
     echo '<div class="offer-banners ob--resize-' . $resize_method . ' ' . $uid . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
     if (!empty($options['image_box_title'])) {
         echo '<h3 class="m_title m_title_ext text-custom offer-banners-title">' . $options['image_box_title'] . '</h3>';
     if (!empty($options['ib2_single']) && is_array($options['ib2_single'])) {
         echo '<div class="row">';
         foreach ($options['ib2_single'] as $simage) {
             if ($slide_image = $simage['ib2_image']) {
                 $saved_alt = $saved_title = '';
                 if (is_array($slide_image)) {
                     // Get the saved image
                     $saved_image = $slide_image['image'];
                     if (!empty($slide_image['alt'])) {
                         $saved_alt = $slide_image['alt'];
                     if (!empty($slide_image['title'])) {
                         $saved_title = 'title="' . $slide_image['title'] . '"';
                 } else {
                     $saved_image = $slide_image;
                 $element_size = zn_get_size($simage['ib2_width']);
                 echo '<div class="' . $element_size['sizer'] . '">';
                 $ib2_link = zn_extract_link($simage['ib2_link'], 'offer-banners-link hoverBorder', false, false, false, '#');
                 echo $ib2_link['start'];
                 if ($resize_method == 'default') {
                     $image = vt_resize('', $saved_image, $element_size['width'], '', true);
                     echo '<img src="' . $image['url'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" alt="' . $saved_alt . '"  ' . $saved_title . ' class="img-responsive offer-banners-img" />';
                 } else {
                     if ($resize_method == 'cover') {
                         $imgheight = isset($simage['ib2_image_height']) && !empty($simage['ib2_image_height']) ? $simage['ib2_image_height'] : 330;
                         echo '<div class="offer-banners-img hoverborder-img" style="background-image:url(' . $saved_image . '); height:' . $imgheight . 'px;"></div>';
                     } else {
                         if ($resize_method == 'no-resize') {
                             echo '<img src="' . $saved_image . '" alt="' . $saved_alt . '"  ' . $saved_title . ' class="img-responsive offer-banners-img" />';
                 echo $ib2_link['end'];
                 echo '</div>';
         echo '</div>';
     echo "</div>";
Exemplo n.º 9
  * This method is used to display the output of the element.
  * @return void
 function element()
     $options = $this->data['options'];
     if (empty($options)) {
     $elm_classes = array();
     $elm_classes[] = $this->data['uid'];
     $elm_classes[] = $this->opt('css_class', '');
     $color_scheme = $this->opt('element_scheme', '') == '' ? zget_option('zn_main_style', 'color_options', false, 'light') : $this->opt('element_scheme', '');
     $elm_classes[] = 'actionbox--' . $color_scheme;
     $elm_classes[] = $this->opt('ac_style', 'style1');
     echo '<div class="action_box ' . implode(' ', $elm_classes) . '" data-arrowpos="center">';
     echo '<div class="action_box_inner action_box-inner">';
     echo '<div class="action_box_content action_box-content">';
     // Title
     $hasTitle = isset($options['page_ac_title']) && !empty($options['page_ac_title']);
     $hasSubtitle = isset($options['page_ac_subtitle']) && !empty($options['page_ac_subtitle']);
     if ($hasTitle || $hasSubtitle) {
         echo '<div class="ac-content-text action_box-text">';
     if ($hasTitle) {
         echo '<h4 class="text action_box-title">' . do_shortcode($options['page_ac_title']) . '</h4>';
     if ($hasSubtitle) {
         echo '<h5 class="ac-subtitle action_box-subtitle">' . do_shortcode($options['page_ac_subtitle']) . '</h5>';
     if ($hasTitle || $hasSubtitle) {
         echo '</div>';
     // LINKS
     $page_ac_b_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('page_ac_b_link', ''), 'btn ac-btn action_box-button action_box-button-first ' . $this->opt('page_ac_b_link_style', 'btn-lined'), '');
     $page_ac_b_link2 = zn_extract_link($this->opt('page_ac_b_link2', ''), 'btn ac-btn action_box-button action_box-button-second ' . $this->opt('page_ac_b_link2_style', 'btn-fullwhite'), '');
     if (!empty($page_ac_b_link['start']) || !empty($page_ac_b_link2['start'])) {
         echo '<div class="ac-buttons action_box-buttons">';
     if (!empty($page_ac_b_link['start'])) {
         echo $page_ac_b_link['start'] . $options['page_ac_b_text'] . $page_ac_b_link['end'];
     if (!empty($page_ac_b_link2['start'])) {
         echo $page_ac_b_link2['start'] . $options['page_ac_b_text2'] . $page_ac_b_link2['end'];
     if (!empty($page_ac_b_link['start']) || !empty($page_ac_b_link2['start'])) {
         echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 10
  * This method is used to display the output of the element.
  * @return void
 function element()
     $options = $this->data['options'];
     if (empty($options)) {
     $button = false;
     $div_size = 'col-sm-12';
     if (!empty($options['cab_button_text'])) {
         $button = true;
         $div_size = 'col-sm-10';
     $elm_classes = array();
     $elm_classes[] = $this->data['uid'];
     $elm_classes[] = $this->opt('css_class', '');
     $color_scheme = $this->opt('element_scheme', '') == '' ? zget_option('zn_main_style', 'color_options', false, 'light') : $this->opt('element_scheme', '');
     $elm_classes[] = 'calloutbanner--' . $color_scheme;
     $elm_classes[] = 'element-scheme--' . $color_scheme;
     echo '<div class="callout-banner clearfix ' . implode(' ', $elm_classes) . '">';
     echo '<div class="row">';
     if (!empty($options['cab_main_title']) || !empty($options['cab_sec_title'])) {
         echo '<div class="' . $div_size . '">';
         if (!empty($options['cab_main_title'])) {
             echo '<h3 class="m_title m_title_ext text-custom callout-banner-title">' . $options['cab_main_title'] . '</h3>';
         if (!empty($options['cab_sec_title'])) {
             echo '<p>' . $options['cab_sec_title'] . '</p>';
         echo '</div>';
     if ($button) {
         $cab_button_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('cab_button_link', ''), 'circlehover with-symbol kl-main-bgcolor kl-main-bgcolor-before ' . $this->opt('calloutbox_style', 'style1'), 'data-size="" data-position="top-left" data-align="right"');
         echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
         echo $cab_button_link['start'];
         echo '<span class="text circlehover-text u-trans-all-2s">' . $options['cab_button_text'] . '</span>';
         if (!empty($options['cab_button_image'])) {
             echo '<span class="symbol circlehover-symbol u-trans-all-2s"><img class="circlehover-symbol-img" src="' . $options['cab_button_image'] . '" alt=""></span>';
         } else {
             echo '<span class="symbol u-trans-all-2s"><img class="circlehover-symbol-img" src="' . THEME_BASE_URI . '/images/ok.png" alt=""></span>';
         echo '<div class="triangle circlehover-symbol-trg"><span class="play-icon"></span></div>';
         echo $cab_button_link['end'];
         echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 11
 function element()
     $projectTitle = $this->opt('project_title') ? $this->opt('project_title') : '';
     $columnsClass = $this->opt('columns') ? $this->opt('columns') : 'col-sm-12';
     $detailsList = $this->opt('project_details') ? $this->opt('project_details') : false;
     $columns = $columnsClass == 'col-sm-6' ? 2 : ($columnsClass == 'col-sm-4' ? 3 : ($columnsClass == 'col-sm-3' ? 4 : ($columnsClass == 'col-sm-2' ? 6 : 1)));
     if (empty($detailsList) && empty($title)) {
         echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options.</div>';
     echo '<div class="projectDetails ' . $this->data['uid'] . '">';
     if (!empty($projectTitle)) {
         echo '  <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><h2 class="projectTitle titleColor">' . $projectTitle . '</h2></div></div>';
         echo '  <div class="separator"></div>';
     $i = 0;
     if (!empty($detailsList)) {
         echo '<div class="row">';
         foreach ($detailsList as $key => $listItem) {
             $icon_opt = !empty($listItem['icon']) ? $listItem['icon'] : '';
             $icon = !empty($icon_opt['family']) ? '<div class="zn_icon_box_icon detailIcon" ' . zn_generate_icon($icon_opt) . '></div>' : '';
             $title = !empty($listItem['title']) ? '<div class="itemTitle titleColor">' . $listItem['title'] . '</div>' : '';
             $description = !empty($listItem['description']) ? '<div class="detailDescription descriptionColor">' . $listItem['description'] . '</div>' : '';
             $link = !empty($listItem['link']) ? zn_extract_link($listItem['link'], ' detailLink ') : '';
             $link_text = !empty($listItem['link_text']) ? $listItem['link_text'] : '';
             $link_output = '';
             if (!empty($link_text) && is_array($link)) {
                 $link_output = $link['start'] . $link_text . $link['end'];
             //** Appear animation
             $appear_delay = $listItem['appear_delay'] ? $listItem['appear_delay'] : '0';
             $appear = $listItem['appear_animation'] ? $listItem['appear_animation'] : '';
             if (!empty($appear)) {
                 $appear = 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $appear . '" data-appear-delay="' . $appear_delay . '"';
             echo '<div class="projectDetail ' . $columnsClass . '" ' . $appear . '>' . $icon . $title . $description . $link_output . '</div>';
             //** Add a clearfix when the row is complete
             if (!($i % $columns)) {
                 echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
         echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 12
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];

		<div class="shop-features <?php 
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');
			<div class="row">
        if (!empty($options['sf_title'])) {
            echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
            echo '<h3 class="title">' . $options['sf_title'] . '</h3>';
            echo '</div>';
        if (isset($options['sf_single']) && is_array($options['sf_single'])) {
            foreach ($options['sf_single'] as $single) {
                echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
                $link_start = '';
                $link_end = '';
                $lp_link = zn_extract_link($single['lp_link']);
                echo '<div class="shop-feature u-trans-all-2s kl-font-alt">';
                if (!empty($single['lp_single_logo'])) {
                    echo $lp_link['start'] . '<img src="' . $single['lp_single_logo'] . '" alt="">' . $lp_link['end'];
                echo '<div class="sf-text">';
                if (!empty($single['lp_single_line1'])) {
                    echo '<h4 class="kl-font-alt">' . $single['lp_single_line1'] . '</h4>';
                if (!empty($single['lp_single_line2'])) {
                    echo '<h5 class="kl-font-alt">' . $single['lp_single_line2'] . '</h5>';
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</div><!-- end shop feature -->';
                echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 13
 function element()
     $iconList = $this->opt('icon_list') ? $this->opt('icon_list') : false;
     $listTitle = $this->opt('list_title') ? $this->opt('list_title') : '';
     $titleAlignment = $this->opt('title_alignment') ? $this->opt('title_alignment') : 'text-left';
     $titleStyle = $this->opt('title_style') ? $this->opt('title_style') : '';
     $itemColorClass = $this->opt('item_color') ? $this->opt('item_color') : '';
     $columnsClass = $this->opt('columns') ? $this->opt('columns') : 'col-sm-12';
     $columns = $columnsClass == 'col-sm-6' ? 2 : ($columnsClass == 'col-sm-4' ? 3 : ($columnsClass == 'col-sm-3' ? 4 : 1));
     $itemAlignment = $this->opt('item_alignment') ? $this->opt('item_alignment') : 'text-left';
     $list_style = $this->opt('list_style') ? $this->opt('list_style') : '';
     //** Appear animation
     $appear_delay = $this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0';
     $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? $this->opt('appear_animation') : '';
     if (!empty($appear)) {
         $appear = ' data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $appear . '" data-appear-delay="' . $appear_delay . '"';
     if (empty($iconList) && empty($listTitle)) {
         echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options and create at least one item in the list.</div>';
     echo '<div class="socialList style2 row ' . $list_style . ' ' . $this->data['uid'] . '" ' . $appear . '>';
     if (!empty($listTitle)) {
         echo '<h2 class="col-sm-12 zn_title ' . $titleStyle . ' ' . $titleAlignment . '">' . $listTitle . '</h2>';
     $i = 0;
     if (!empty($iconList)) {
         foreach ($iconList as $key => $listItem) {
             $icon_opt = !empty($listItem['icon']) ? $listItem['icon'] : '';
             $icon = !empty($icon_opt['family']) ? '<span class="zn_icon_box_icon animate icon_' . $i . '" ' . zn_generate_icon($icon_opt) . '></span>' : '';
             //$icon_hover =  !empty( $listItem['icon_color_hover'] ) ? $listItem['icon_color_hover'] : '';
             $link_extracted = !empty($listItem['link']) ? zn_extract_link($listItem['link'], '') : '';
             $link_text = !empty($listItem['link_text']) ? '<span class="itemText">' . $listItem['link_text'] . '</span>' : '';
             if (is_array($link_extracted)) {
                 echo '<div class="' . $columnsClass . ' ' . $itemAlignment . ' ' . $itemColorClass . '">' . $link_extracted['start'] . $icon . $link_text . $link_extracted['end'] . '</div>';
             //** Add a clearfix when the row is complete
             if (!($i % $columns)) {
                 echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
     echo '</div>';
 function element()
     $testimonials = $this->opt('testimonials') ? $this->opt('testimonials') : array();
     $autoScroll = $this->opt('auto_scroll') === 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false';
     $elemStyle = $this->opt('carousel_style') ? $this->opt('carousel_style') : '';
     $testStyle = $this->opt('testimonial_style') ? $this->opt('testimonial_style') : '';
     $timeout_duration = $this->opt('timeout_duration') ? $this->opt('timeout_duration') : '2500';
     //** Appear animation
     $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $this->opt('appear_animation') . '" data-appear-delay="' . ($this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0') . '"' : '';
     if (empty($testimonials)) {
         echo '<div  class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options and select create your testimonials.</div>';
     echo '<ul class="genericSlider testimonials ' . $elemStyle . ' ' . $testStyle . ' clearfix ' . $this->data['uid'] . '" data-auto="' . $autoScroll . '" data-duration="' . $timeout_duration . '" ' . $appear . '>';
     foreach ($testimonials as $testimonial) {
         echo '<li>';
         if ($elemStyle != 't_style2 t_style4') {
             echo '<div class="' . $testimonial['author_rating'] . ' imagerating descriptionColor">';
             if ($testimonial['author_image']) {
                 echo '    <img alt="Author" src="' . $testimonial['author_image'] . '" />';
             echo '</div>';
         echo '<div class="testimonial">';
         echo '    <p class="text">' . $testimonial['testimonial'] . '</p>';
         echo '    <p class="author descriptionColor">' . $testimonial['author'] . '</p>';
         if ($testimonial['author_website']) {
             if (array_key_exists('link', $testimonial)) {
                 $link = $testimonial['link'] ? zn_extract_link($testimonial['link'], ' source ') : '';
                 if (empty($link['start'])) {
                     $link['start'] = '<span class="source">';
                     $link['end'] = '</span>';
                 echo $link['start'] . $testimonial['author_website'] . $link['end'];
             } else {
                 echo '    <span class="source">' . $testimonial['author_website'] . '</span>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     if (count($testimonials) > 1) {
         echo '<div class="sliderPagination text-center"></div>';
Exemplo n.º 15
 function element()
     $CustomersLogos = $this->opt('customers_logos') ? $this->opt('customers_logos') : array();
     //** Appear animation
     $appear_delay = $this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0';
     $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? $this->opt('appear_animation') : '';
     if (!empty($appear)) {
         $appear = 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $appear . '" data-appear-delay="' . $appear_delay . '"';
     if (empty($CustomersLogos)) {
         echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please add customers logos to this element.</div>';
     echo '<ul class="customersList clearfix ' . $this->data['uid'] . '" ' . $appear . '>';
     foreach ($CustomersLogos as $customerLogo) {
         $extractedLink = zn_extract_link($customerLogo['customer_url']);
         echo '<li>';
         echo $extractedLink['start'];
         echo '<img alt="' . $customerLogo['customer_name'] . '" src="' . $customerLogo['customer_image'] . '" />';
         echo $extractedLink['end'];
         echo '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
Exemplo n.º 16
  * This method is used to display the output of the element.
  * @return void
 function element()
     $options = $this->data['options'];
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $slide_image = $this->opt('image_box_image', false);
     $image = '';
     $title = '';
     $text = '';
     $link_text = '';
     global $saved_alt, $saved_title;
     if (!isset($saved_alt)) {
         $saved_alt = '';
     if (!isset($saved_title)) {
         $saved_title = '';
     // Title
     if (!empty($options['image_box_title'])) {
         $title = '<h3 class="m_title m_title_ext text-custom imgboxes-title image-boxes-title">' . $options['image_box_title'] . '</h3>';
     // TEXT
     if (!empty($options['image_box_text'])) {
         $text = $options['image_box_text'];
     if (!empty($options['image_box_link_text'])) {
         $link_text = '<span class="kl-main-bgcolor image-boxes-readon u-trans-all-2s">' . $options['image_box_link_text'] . '</span>';
     // Check to see if we have an image
     if ($slide_image) {
         $saved_alt = 'alt="' . strip_tags($options['image_box_title']) . '"';
         $saved_title = 'title="' . strip_tags($options['image_box_title']) . '"';
         if (is_array($slide_image)) {
             if ($saved_image = $slide_image['image']) {
                 // Image alt
                 if (!empty($slide_image['alt'])) {
                     $saved_alt = 'alt="' . $slide_image['alt'] . '"';
                 // Image title
                 if (!empty($slide_image['title'])) {
                     $saved_title = 'title="' . $slide_image['title'] . '"';
         } else {
             $saved_image = $slide_image;
     // Display the element based on what style is chosen
     if (!empty($options['image_box_style']) && $options['image_box_style'] == 'style2') {
         $zn_style = 'imgboxes_style1 zn_ib_style2';
         // IMAGE
         if (!empty($saved_image)) {
             $image = vt_resize('', $saved_image, '220', '156', true);
             $image = '<img class="image-boxes-img" src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" ' . $saved_alt . ' ' . $saved_title . ' />';
         $image_box_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('image_box_link', ''), 'image-boxes-link hoverBorder alignright', '', '<span class="zn_image_box_cont image-boxes-holder alignright">', '</span>');
         echo '<div class="box image-boxes image-boxes--2 ' . $zn_style . ' ' . $uid . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
         echo $title;
         echo $image_box_link['start'];
         echo $image;
         echo $image_box_link['end'];
         echo '<div class="image-boxes-text">' . $text . '</div>';
         echo '</div>';
     } elseif (!empty($options['image_box_style']) && $options['image_box_style'] == 'style3') {
         $zn_style = 'imgboxes_style2';
         // IMAGE
         if (!empty($saved_image)) {
             $image = vt_resize('', $saved_image, '', '', true);
             $image = '<img class="image-boxes-img sliding-details-img" src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" ' . $saved_alt . ' ' . $saved_title . ' />';
         $image_box_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('image_box_link', ''), 'image-boxes-link slidingDetails sliding-details', '', '<span class="image-boxes-holder sliding-details">', '</span>');
         // Title
         if (!empty($options['image_box_title'])) {
             $title = '<h4 class="image-boxes-title sliding-details-title">' . $options['image_box_title'] . '</h4>';
         echo '<div class="box image-boxes image-boxes--3 ' . $zn_style . ' ' . $uid . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
         echo $image_box_link['start'];
         echo $image;
         echo '<div class="details sliding-details-content">';
         echo $title;
         echo $text;
         echo '</div>';
         echo $image_box_link['end'];
         echo '</div>';
     } elseif (!empty($options['image_box_style']) && $options['image_box_style'] == 'style4') {
         $zn_style = 'imgboxes_style4';
         // IMAGE
         if (!empty($saved_image)) {
             $image = vt_resize('', $saved_image, '', '', true);
             $image = '<img src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" ' . $saved_alt . ' ' . $saved_title . ' class="img-responsive imgbox_image image-boxes-img" />';
         $image_box_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('image_box_link', ''), 'imgboxes4_link imgboxes-wrapper image-boxes-link', '', '<div class="imgboxes-wrapper image-boxes-holder">', '</div>');
         $image_box_title_style = isset($options['image_box_title_style']) && !empty($options['image_box_title_style']) ? $options['image_box_title_style'] : 'title_style_center';
         if ($image_box_link_text = $this->opt('image_box_link_text', '')) {
             $image_box_link_btn = zn_extract_link($this->opt('image_box_link', ''), 'btn btn-fullcolor btn-sm image-boxes-button');
             $link_text = $image_box_link_btn['start'] . $image_box_link_text . $image_box_link_btn['end'];
         echo '<div class="box image-boxes image-boxes--4 ' . $zn_style . ' kl-' . $image_box_title_style . ' ' . $uid . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
         echo $image_box_link['start'];
         echo $image;
         echo '<span class="imgboxes-border-helper image-boxes-border-helper"></span>';
         echo $title;
         echo $image_box_link['end'];
         if ($text) {
             echo '<div class="image-boxes-text"><p>' . $text . '</p></div>';
         echo $link_text;
         echo '</div>';
     } else {
         $zn_style = 'imgboxes_style1';
         // IMAGE
         if (!empty($saved_image)) {
             $image = vt_resize('', $saved_image, '', '', true);
             $image = '<img class="image-boxes-img" src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" ' . $saved_alt . ' ' . $saved_title . ' />';
         $image_box_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('image_box_link', ''), 'hoverBorder image-boxes-link', '', '<span class="image-boxes-holder">', '</span>');
         echo '<div class="box image-boxes image-boxes--1 ' . $zn_style . ' ' . $uid . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
         echo $image_box_link['start'];
         echo $image;
         echo $link_text;
         echo $image_box_link['end'];
         echo $title;
         if ($text) {
             echo '<div class="image-boxes-text">' . $text . '</div>';
         echo '</div>';
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $uid = $this->data['uid'];
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        if (empty($options)) {
        // Scrolling Effect
        $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1;
        $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale');
        $scr_main_class = '';
        $scr_effect_class = '';
        $scr_effect_attribs = '';
        $scr_effect_attribs_fade = '';
        if ($is_screffect) {
            $scr_main_class = 'scrollme';
            $scr_effect_class = 'animateme';
            $scr_effect_attribs_split = '';
            if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') {
                $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"';
            } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') {
                $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"';
            } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') {
                $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"';
            $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split;
            $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"';

<div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow static-simpletext nobg <?php 
        echo $uid;
        echo $scr_main_class;
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');

	<div class="bgback"></div>

	<div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php 
        echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : '';
        echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : '';
        echo $this->opt('sc_fadeboxed', '0') ? 'sc--has-fade-mask' : '';

		<div class="static-content__source <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_class;
" <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_attribs;

        WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac')));

			<div class="th-sparkles"></div>

        if ($this->opt('sc_fademask', '0')) {
			<div class="sc__fade-boxed-mask">
            if ($this->opt('sc_fadeboxed', '0')) {
				<div class="sc__boxed-mask"></div>
				<div class="sc__fade-mask"></div>

		</div><!-- /.static-content__source -->

		<div class="static-content__inner container">

			<div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_class;
" <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade;

				<div class="static-content static-content--simple scs--theme-<?php 
        echo $this->opt('sc_text_theme', 'grayish');
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-12">
        if (isset($options['sc_sc']) && !empty($options['sc_sc'])) {
            echo do_shortcode($options['sc_sc']);
        $sc_button_text = $this->opt('sc_button_text', '');
        $sc_button_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('sc_button_link', ''), 'btn ' . $this->opt('sc_button_style', 'btn-fullcolor'));
        if (!empty($sc_button_text) && !empty($sc_button_link['start'])) {
            echo '<div class="sc__simpleaction">';
            echo $sc_button_link['start'] . $sc_button_text . $sc_button_link['end'];
            echo '<span class="sc__line"></span>';
            echo '</div>';
					</div><!-- end row -->
				</div><!-- end static content -->

			</div><!-- /.container -->
		</div><!-- /.static-content__inner -->
	</div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper -->
</div><!-- end kl-slideshow -->
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $uid = $this->data['uid'];
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', '');
        if (!empty($style)) {
            $style = 'uh_' . $style;
        $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none');
        $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : '';
        // Scrolling Effect
        $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1;
        $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale');
        $scr_main_class = '';
        $scr_effect_class = '';
        $scr_effect_attribs = '';
        $scr_effect_attribs_fade = '';
        if ($is_screffect) {
            $scr_main_class = 'scrollme';
            $scr_effect_class = 'animateme';
            $scr_effect_attribs_split = '';
            if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') {
                $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"';
            } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') {
                $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"';
            } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') {
                $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"';
            $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split;
            $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"';
		<div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow sc--reservation-form <?php 
        echo $style;
        echo $uid;
        echo $bm_class;
        echo $scr_main_class;
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');

			<div class="bgback"></div>

			<div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php 
        echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : '';
        echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : '';

        if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) {
				<div class="static-content__source  <?php 
            echo $scr_effect_class;
" <?php 
            echo $scr_effect_attribs;

            WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac')));
					<div class="th-sparkles"></div>

				</div><!-- /.static-content__source -->

				<div class="static-content__inner container">
					<div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_class;
" <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade;

						<div class="static-content sc--resform-style">
        // TITLE
        if (isset($options['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_title'])) {
            echo '<h2 class="static-content__title sc-title--centered text-center">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_title']) . '</h2>';
        // SUBTITLE
        if (isset($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_subtitle'])) {
            echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle sc-subtitle--centered text-center">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) . '</h3>';
        // BUTTON
        if (isset($options['ww_slide_m_button']) || !empty($options['ww_slide_l_text'])) {
            echo '<div class="sc__actionarea">';
            $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('ww_slide_link', ''), 'btn btn-lined btn-lg btn-third');
            echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $this->opt('ww_slide_l_text', '') . $ww_slide_link['end'];
            // BUTTON LEFT TEXT
            if (isset($options['ww_slide_m_button']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_m_button'])) {
                echo '<h5 class="sc-infopop__text kl-font-alt">' . $options['ww_slide_m_button'] . '</h5>';
            echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
            echo '</div>';
        // Check if current year is leap year
        $crtYear = date('Y');
        $isLeapYear = date('L', strtotime("{$crtYear}-01-01"));
        $months = array(__('JAN', 'zn_framework'), __('FEB', 'zn_framework'), __('MAR', 'zn_framework'), __('APR', 'zn_framework'), __('MAY', 'zn_framework'), __('JUN', 'zn_framework'), __('JUL', 'zn_framework'), __('AUG', 'zn_framework'), __('SEP', 'zn_framework'), __('OCT', 'zn_framework'), __('NOV', 'zn_framework'), __('DEC', 'zn_framework'));
        $days = array(0 => 31, 1 => $isLeapYear ? 29 : 28, 2 => 31, 3 => 30, 4 => 31, 5 => 30, 6 => 31, 7 => 31, 8 => 30, 9 => 31, 10 => 30, 11 => 31);
							<div class="sc__res-form clearfix">
								<form name="sc__form-reservation " action="#" class="sc__form-reservation">

									<div class="rf__block rfblock--fields clearfix">
										<div class="rf__field rffield--bigger clearfix">
											<label class="rf__label"><?php 
        _e('CHECK IN', 'zn_framework');
											<select name="checkin_month" class="rf__select  rf__checkinmonth">
        foreach ($months as $i => $month) {
            echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $month . '</option>';
											<select name="checkin_day" class="rf__select rf__checkinday"></select>
										</div><!-- /.rf__field -->
<script type="text/javascript">
		"use strict";
		// Holds the days of each month
		var months = {
			'm_0': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[0]));
			'm_1': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[1]));
			'm_2': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[2]));
			'm_3': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[3]));
			'm_4': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[4]));
			'm_5': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[5]));
			'm_6': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[6]));
			'm_7': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[7]));
			'm_8': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[8]));
			'm_9': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[9]));
			'm_10': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[10]));
			'm_11': [<?php 
        echo implode(',', range(1, $days[11]));
		// Helper method - set days accordingly to the month provided
		var setDays = function(months, selectedMonth){
			var days = months[selectedMonth];
				$.each(days, function(i,v){
					$('.rf__checkinday').append('<option value="'+v+'">'+v+'</option>');
		// On change month
			$(this).on('change', function(){
				var selectedMonth = $(this).val();
				if(selectedMonth >= 0 && selectedMonth <= 11){
					selectedMonth = 'm_'+selectedMonth;
					setDays(months, selectedMonth);
		// On Load
		setDays(months, 'm_'+0);

		 * Build search query for endpoint
		var endpointUrl = "<?php 
        echo $options['ww_endpoint_url']['url'];
			monthUrlField = "<?php 
        echo isset($options['ww_month_field']) && !empty($options['ww_month_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_month_field']) : 'm';
			dayUrlField = "<?php 
        echo isset($options['ww_day_field']) && !empty($options['ww_day_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_day_field']) : 'd';
			nightsUrlField = "<?php 
        echo isset($options['ww_nights_field']) && !empty($options['ww_nights_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_nights_field']) : 'n';
			guestsUrlField = "<?php 
        echo isset($options['ww_guests_field']) && !empty($options['ww_guests_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_guests_field']) : 'g';
			sepFirst = '<?php 
        echo false === ($pos = strpos($options['ww_endpoint_url']['url'], '?')) ? '?' : '&';
			sepNext = '&';

			$('.rf__submit').on('click', function(ev){
				var _mv = $('.rf__checkinmonth').val(),
					_dv = $('.rf__checkinday').val(),
					_nv = $('.rf__checkin_nights').val(),
					_gv = $('.rf__checkinguests').val(),

					_month = monthUrlField + '=' + _mv + sepNext,
					_day = dayUrlField + '=' + _dv + sepNext,
					_nights = nightsUrlField + '=' + _nv + sepNext,
					_guests = guestsUrlField + '=' + _gv + sepNext;

				endpointUrl += sepFirst + _month + _day + _nights + _guests;

        if ($options['ww_endpoint_url']['target'] == '_self') {
					window.location.href = endpointUrl;
        } else {
					$('<form target="_blank" action="'+endpointUrl+'" style="display:none;">')
						.append('<input type="text" name="'+monthUrlField+'" value="'+_mv+'"/>')
						.append('<input type="text" name="'+dayUrlField+'" value="'+_dv+'"/>')
						.append('<input type="text" name="'+nightsUrlField+'" value="'+_nv+'"/>')
						.append('<input type="text" name="'+guestsUrlField+'" value="'+_gv+'"/>')
										<div class="rf__field">
											<label class="rf__label"><?php 
        _e('NIGHTS', 'zn_framework');
											<select name="checkin_nights" class="rf__select rf__checkin_nights">
        for ($i = 1; $i < 31; $i++) {
            echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>';
										</div><!-- /.rf__field -->
										<div class="rf__field">
											<label class="rf__label"><?php 
        _e('GUESTS', 'zn_framework');
											<select name="checkin_guests" class="rf__select rf__checkinguests">
        for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
            echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>';
										</div><!-- /.rf__field -->
									</div><!-- /.rf__block -->

									<div class="rf__block rfblock--submit">
										<button class="rf__submit">
        _e('CHECK <br/> AVAILABILITY', 'zn_framework');
									</div><!-- /.rf__block -->

							</div><!-- /.sc__res-form -->

				</div><!-- /.kl-slideshow-inner__inner -->

        if ($this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0')) {
				<a class="tonext-btn js-tonext-btn" href="#" data-endof=".kl-slideshow-inner">
					<span class="mouse-anim-icon"></span>

			<!-- header bottom style -->
		</div><!-- end kl-slideshow -->
Exemplo n.º 19
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        if (empty($options['single_wow'])) {
        $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', '');
        if (!empty($style)) {
            $style = 'uh_' . $style;
        // Shadow style
        $ww_shadow = '';
        if (isset($options['ww_shadow']) && $options['ww_shadow'] != '') {
            $ww_shadow = 'zn-shadow-lifted';
        $captstyle = '';
        if (isset($options['ww_caption_style']) && $options['ww_caption_style'] != '') {
            $captstyle = 'ws-alternative-title';
        $sl_height = $this->opt('ww_sl_height', '470');
        $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none');
        $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : '';
<div class="kl-slideshow kl-wowslider <?php 
        echo $style;
        echo $bm_class;
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');

	<div class="fake-loading loading-2s"></div>

	<div class="bgback"></div>
        WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac')));
	<div class="th-sparkles"></div>

	<div class="container kl-slideshow-inner kl-slideshow-safepadding">
		<div class="th-wowslider <?php 
        echo $ww_shadow;
        echo $captstyle;
" data-transition="<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ww_transition', 'blast');
" data-autoplay="<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ww_autoplay', 'true');
" data-timeout="<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ww_timeout', '3000');
			<div class="ws_images">
        if (isset($options['single_wow']) && is_array($options['single_wow'])) {
            $i = 0;
            $thumbs = '';
            foreach ($options['single_wow'] as $slide) {
                $title = '';
                $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ww_slide_link'], 'link');
                if (isset($slide['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_title'])) {
                    $title = $slide['ww_slide_title'];
                echo '<li>';
                echo $ww_slide_link['start'];
                if (isset($slide['ww_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_image'])) {
                    $image = vt_resize('', $slide['ww_slide_image'], '1170', $sl_height, true);
                    echo '<img id="wows1_' . $i . '" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $title . '" src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" />';
                    $image_thumb = vt_resize('', $slide['ww_slide_image'], '150', '60', true);
                    $thumbs .= '<a href="#" title="slide' . $i . '"><img src="' . $image_thumb['url'] . '" alt="" />' . $i . '</a>';
                echo $ww_slide_link['end'];
                echo '</li>';
			</div><!-- end ws_images -->

			<div class="ws_bullets">
        echo $thumbs;
			</div><!-- end ws-bullets -->

		</div><!-- end #wow slider -->
</div><!-- end kl-slideshow -->
Exemplo n.º 20
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $stepbox_style = isset($options['stepsbox_style']) && !empty($options['stepsbox_style']) ? $options['stepsbox_style'] : 'style1';
        $stp_bgcolor = isset($options['stp_bgcolor']) && !empty($options['stp_bgcolor']) ? $options['stp_bgcolor'] : 'light';
		<div class="process_steps process_steps--<?php 
        echo $stepbox_style;
        echo $stp_bgcolor;
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');
			<div class="process_steps__step process_steps__intro process_steps__height">
				<div class="process_steps__intro-wrp">
        if (!empty($options['stp_title']) || !empty($options['stp_subtitle'])) {
            echo '<h3 class="process_steps__intro-title">';
            // TITLE
            if (!empty($options['stp_title'])) {
                echo $options['stp_title'];
            // TITLE
            if (!empty($options['stp_subtitle'])) {
                echo '<strong>' . $options['stp_subtitle'] . '</strong>';
            echo '</h3>';
        // CONTENT
        if (!empty($options['stp_desc'])) {
            if (preg_match('%(<p[^>]*>.*?</p>)%i', $options['stp_desc'], $regs)) {
                echo $options['stp_desc'];
            } else {
                echo '<p class="process_steps__intro-desc">' . $options['stp_desc'] . '</p>';
        $stp_text_link = $this->opt('stp_text_link', '');
        $stp_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('stp_link', ''), 'process_steps__intro-link');
        if (!empty($stp_text_link) && !empty($stp_link['start'])) {
            echo $stp_link['start'] . $stp_text_link . ' +' . $stp_link['end'];
			<!-- end step -->

        if ($stepbox_style == 'style2') {
			<div class="process_steps__container">
				<div class="process_steps__inner process_steps__height">

        if (!empty($options['steps_single']) && is_array($options['steps_single'])) {
            foreach ($options['steps_single'] as $step) {
                echo '<div class="process_steps__step">';
                $animation = '';
                if ($stepbox_style != 'style2' && $step['stp_single_anim'] != '') {
                    $animation = 'data-animation="' . $step['stp_single_anim'] . '"';
                $iconColor = isset($step['stp_icon_color']) && !empty($step['stp_icon_color']) ? 'color: ' . $step['stp_icon_color'] . ';' : '';
                // ICON AND ANIMATION
                $stp_icontype = isset($step['stp_icontype']) && !empty($step['stp_icontype']) ? $step['stp_icontype'] : 'img';
                if ($stp_icontype == 'img' && !empty($step['stp_single_icon'])) {
                    echo '<div class="process_steps__step-icon process_steps__step-typeimg">';
                    echo '<img ' . $animation . ' src="' . $step['stp_single_icon'] . '" alt="" class="process_steps__step-icon-src">';
                    echo '</div>';
                } elseif ($stp_icontype == 'fonticon' && is_array($step['stp_single_iconfont'])) {
                    echo '<div class="process_steps__step-icon">';
                    echo '<span ' . $animation . ' class="process_steps__step-icon-src " ' . zn_generate_icon($step['stp_single_iconfont']) . ' style="' . $iconColor . '"></span>';
                    echo '</div>';
                // STEP TITLE
                if (!empty($step['stp_single_title'])) {
                    echo '<h3 class="process_steps__step-title">' . $step['stp_single_title'] . '</h3>';
                // STEP CONTENT
                if (!empty($step['stp_single_desc'])) {
                    if (preg_match('%(<p[^>]*>.*?</p>)%i', $step['stp_single_desc'], $regs)) {
                        echo $step['stp_single_desc'];
                    } else {
                        echo '<p class="process_steps__step-desc">' . $step['stp_single_desc'] . '</p>';
                echo '</div>';
        if ($stepbox_style == 'style2') {
			</div><!-- /.steps-container -->
			<div class="clearfix"></div>


Exemplo n.º 21
                $ib1 = is_array($imgb1) ? $imgb1['image'] : $imgb1;
                $io_slide_imgboxes_i1_url = zn_extract_link($slide['io_slide_imgboxes_i1_url'], 'kl-imgbox--link', 'style="background-image:url(' . $ib1 . ')"');
                echo '<div class="kl-imgbox kl-imgbox--1">' . $io_slide_imgboxes_i1_url['start'] . $io_slide_imgboxes_i1_url['end'] . '</div>';
            //  Image box 2
            $imgb2 = $slide['io_slide_imgboxes_i2_src'];
            if (!empty($imgb2)) {
                $ib2 = is_array($imgb2) ? $imgb2['image'] : $imgb2;
                $io_slide_imgboxes_i2_url = zn_extract_link($slide['io_slide_imgboxes_i2_url'], 'kl-imgbox--link', 'style="background-image:url(' . $ib2 . ')"');
                echo '<div class="kl-imgbox kl-imgbox--2">' . $io_slide_imgboxes_i2_url['start'] . $io_slide_imgboxes_i2_url['end'] . '</div>';
            //  Image box 3
            $imgb3 = $slide['io_slide_imgboxes_i3_src'];
            if (!empty($imgb3)) {
                $ib3 = is_array($imgb3) ? $imgb3['image'] : $imgb3;
                $io_slide_imgboxes_i3_url = zn_extract_link($slide['io_slide_imgboxes_i3_url'], 'kl-imgbox--link', 'style="background-image:url(' . $ib3 . ')"');
                echo '<div class="kl-imgbox kl-imgbox--3">' . $io_slide_imgboxes_i3_url['start'] . $io_slide_imgboxes_i3_url['end'] . '</div>';
            echo '
        // end Image Boxes
        echo '</div><!-- end item -->';
echo '</div>';
$kl_nav = '<div class="kl-iosslider-prev"><span class="thin-arrows ta__prev"></span><div class="btn-label">' . __('PREV', 'zn_framework') . '</div></div>';
$kl_nav .= '<div class="kl-iosslider-next"><span class="thin-arrows ta__next"></span><div class="btn-label">' . __('NEXT', 'zn_framework') . '</div></div>';
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Function to display the call to action button markup in header
  * @return html
  * @since  4.0.10
 function zn_header_calltoaction()
     $head_show_cta = zget_option('head_show_cta', 'general_options', false, 'no');
     if ($head_show_cta == 'yes') {
         $calltoaction_style = zget_option('head_show_cta_style', 'general_options', false, 'ribbon');
         if ($calltoaction_style == 'ribbon' || $calltoaction_style == 'lined') {
             // Form button classes
             $btn_classes = array();
             $btn_classes[] = 'sh-component ctabutton';
             $cta_link_class = $calltoaction_style == 'lined' ? 'lined btn btn-lined' : 'ribbon';
             $btn_classes[] = 'kl-cta-' . $cta_link_class;
             $btn_classes[] = zget_option('cta_hide_xs', 'general_options', false, '') == 1 ? 'hidden-xs' : '';
             // Get button link, create link markup
             $head_add_cta_link = zget_option('head_add_cta_link', 'general_options');
             $cta_link_ext = zn_extract_link($head_add_cta_link, implode(' ', $btn_classes), ' id="ctabutton" ', '<span id="ctabutton" class="' . implode(' ', $btn_classes) . '">', '</span>');
             // show button
             if ($head_set_text_cta = zget_option('head_set_text_cta', 'general_options')) {
                 echo $cta_link_ext['start'];
                 echo $head_set_text_cta;
                 // Show bottom triangle for Ribbon type button
                 if ($calltoaction_style == 'ribbon') {
                     echo '<svg version="1.1" class="trisvg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" preserveAspectRatio="none" width="14px" height="5px" viewBox="0 0 14.017 5.006" enable-background="new 0 0 14.017 5.006" xml:space="preserve"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.016,0L7.008,5.006L0,0H14.016z"></path></svg>';
                 echo $cta_link_ext['end'];
         } else {
             if ($calltoaction_style == 'custom') {
                 $btn_custom = zget_option('cta_custom', 'general_options', false, false);
                 if (isset($btn_custom) && !empty($btn_custom)) {
                     foreach ($btn_custom as $btn) {
                         $classes = array();
                         $classes[] = 'sh-component ctabutton kl-cta-custom btn';
                         $classes[] = $btn['cta_style'];
                         $classes[] = $btn['cta_size'];
                         $classes[] = $btn['cta_hide_xs'];
                         $classes[] = 'cta-icon--' . $btn['cta_icon_pos'];
                         $classes[] = $btn['cta_corners'];
                         // Icon
                         $icon = $btn['cta_icon_enable'] == 1 ? '<span ' . zn_generate_icon($btn['cta_icon']) . '></span>' : '';
                         if (isset($btn['cta_text']) && !empty($btn['cta_text'])) {
                             $text = '<span>' . $btn['cta_text'] . '</span>';
                             // Icon position
                             if ($btn['cta_icon_pos'] == 'before') {
                                 $text = $icon . $text;
                             } else {
                                 $text = $text . $icon;
                             $cta_link_ext = zn_extract_link($btn['cta_link'], implode(' ', $classes));
                             echo $cta_link_ext['start'] . $text . $cta_link_ext['end'];
Exemplo n.º 23
    function element()
        $locations = $this->opt('single_multiple_maps') ? $this->opt('single_multiple_maps') : '';
        $sc_map_directions_text = $this->opt('sc_map_directions_text') ? $this->opt('sc_map_directions_text') : __('Visit us from...', 'zn_framework');
        if (empty($locations)) {
            echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options and add at least one location.</div>';
        $uid = $this->data['uid'];
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', '');
        if (!empty($style)) {
            $style = 'uh_' . $style;
        $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none');
        $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : '';

		<div class="zn_google_map kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow scontent__maps <?php 
        echo $style;
        echo $uid;
        echo $bm_class;
        echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', 'no') == 'yes' ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : '';
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');
" >

		    <div class="bgback"></div>
		    <div class="th-sparkles"></div>

			<!-- map container -->
			<div id="zn_google_map_<?php 
        echo $this->data['uid'];
" class="zn_gmap_canvas th-google_map">
        if ($this->opt('sc_map_directions') === 'yes') {
					<div class="zn_visitUsContainer zn_visit--pos-<?php 
            echo $this->opt('sc_map_directions_pos', 'top-left');
						<input type="text" required placeholder="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($sc_map_directions_text);
" class="animate zn_startLocation kl-font-alt" />
						<span class="zn_removeRoute zn_icon" data-unicode="ue855" data-zniconfam="glyphicons_halflingsregular" data-zn_icon="&#xe014;"></span>

        if ($this->opt('ww_mapinfo_type', 'infobox') == 'infobox') {
            $ww_slide_m_button = $this->opt('ww_slide_m_button');
            if ($ww_slide_m_button || $options['ww_slide_l_text']) {
                echo '<div class="static-content__infopop" data-arrow="top">';
                if ($options['ww_slide_l_text']) {
                    $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('ww_slide_link', ''), 'sc-infopop__btn text-custom', '');
                    echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $options['ww_slide_l_text'] . $ww_slide_link['end'];
                // BUTTON LEFT TEXT
                if (isset($ww_slide_m_button) && !empty($ww_slide_m_button)) {
                    echo '<h5 class="sc-infopop__text kl-font-alt">' . $ww_slide_m_button . '</h5>';
                echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
                echo '</div>';
        } else {
			        <div class="kl-contentmaps__panel">

            if ($this->opt('sc_map_panel_img', '') && ($panel_img = $this->opt('sc_map_panel_img', ''))) {
			                <a href="#" class="js-toggle-class kl-contentmaps__panel-tgg hidden-xs" data-target=".kl-contentmaps__panel" data-target-class="is-closed"></a>
			                <a href="<?php 
                echo $panel_img;
" data-lightbox="image" class="kl-contentmaps__panel-img" style="background-image:url(<?php 
                echo $panel_img;

            if ($panel_text = $this->opt('sc_map_panel_text', '')) {

			                <div class="kl-contentmaps__panel-info">
                if ($this->opt('sc_map_panel_title', '')) {
                    echo '<h5 class="kl-contentmaps__panel-title">' . $this->opt('sc_map_panel_title', '') . '</h5>';
			                    <div class="kl-contentmaps__panel-info-text">
                $content = wpautop($panel_text);
                if (!empty($panel_text)) {
                    if (preg_match('%(<[^>]*>.*?</)%i', $content, $regs)) {
                        echo do_shortcode($content);
                    } else {
                        echo '<p>' . do_shortcode($content) . '</p>';

Exemplo n.º 24
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $style = $this->opt('ls_header_style', '');
        if (!empty($style)) {
            $style = 'uh_' . $style;
        $slider_desc = '';
        if (isset($options['ls_slider_desc']) && !empty($options['ls_slider_desc'])) {
            $slider_desc = '<h3 class="ls__main-title">' . do_shortcode($options['ls_slider_desc']) . '</h3>';
        $uid = $this->data['uid'];
        $ls_slider_display = $this->opt('ls_slider_display', 'laptop');
        $slides_exists = isset($options['single_lslides']) && is_array($options['single_lslides']);
        $fullscreen = $this->opt('ls_fullscreen', 0) == 1 ? 'ls--fullscreen' : '';
        $enable_autoplay = $this->opt('enable_autoplay', 'yes') == 'yes';
        // Mask
        // -- not needed as the slider has it's own mask
        // $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks','none');
        // $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--'.$bottom_mask : '';
		<div class="kl-slideshow laptop-slider__slideshow ls--<?php 
        echo $ls_slider_display;
        echo $style;
        echo $fullscreen;
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');

			<div class="bgback"></div>
        WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac')));
        if ($this->opt('source_mask', 1)) {
            echo '<div class="ls-source__mask ls-source__mask-back"></div>';
            echo '<div class="ls-source__mask ls-source__mask-front"></div>';
			<div class="th-sparkles"></div>

			<div class="laptop-slider__inner container ls--theme-<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ls_theme_color', 'light');
				<div class=" ls__container kl-slideshow-safepadding">

        echo $slider_desc;

					<div class="ls__laptop-mask">

						<div class="ls__screen">
							<div class="zn_laptop_slider_wrapper">

								<div class="fake-loading loading-1s fl--nobg"></div>

								<div class="zn_laptop_slider" data-details="#ls__left-desc-<?php 
        echo $uid;
" data-autoplay="<?php 
        echo $enable_autoplay;
" data-trans="<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ls_trans', 5000);
									<div class="zn_laptop_slider_container">
        if ($slides_exists) {
            $bullets = '';
            foreach ($options['single_lslides'] as $slide) {
                $ls_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ls_slide_link'], 'ls__item-link');
                $bullets .= '<a href="#" class="ls__nav-item"></a>';
                $caption = isset($slide['ls_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ls_slide_title']) ? $slide['ls_slide_title'] : '';
                // Display image
                echo '<div class="ls__slider-item">';
                if (isset($slide['ls_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ls_slide_image'])) {
                    $image = vt_resize('', $slide['ls_slide_image'], '800', '600', true);
                    echo '<div class="ls-slider-item__img" style="background-image:url(' . $image['url'] . ')"></div>';
                // If JUST slider
                if ($ls_slider_display == 'laptop' && !empty($caption)) {
                    echo '<h3 class="ls__item-caption ff-alternative">' . $ls_slide_link['start'] . $caption . $ls_slide_link['end'] . '</h3>';
                echo '</div>';
										</div><!-- /.zn_laptop_slider_container -->
								</div><!-- /.zn_laptop_slider_wrapper -->
							<!-- end /.ls screen -->

        if ($this->opt('ls_slide_bullets', 1)) {
							<div class="ls__nav">
            if ($slides_exists) {
                echo $bullets;

        if ($this->opt('ls_slide_arrows', 1)) {
							<div class="ls__arrows">
								<span class="ls__arrow ls__arrow-left"></span>
								<span class="ls__arrow ls__arrow-right"></span>

						<!-- laptop mask -->

        // If it's using the SLIDER description
        if ($ls_slider_display == 'lapt_slider_desc' || $ls_slider_display == 'lapt_desc') {

						<div class="ls__left-desc" id="ls__left-desc-<?php 
            echo $uid;

            if ($ls_slider_display == 'lapt_slider_desc') {

                if ($this->opt('ls_slide_title')) {
									<div class="ls__sl-main-title"><?php 
                    echo $this->opt('ls_slide_title');

                if ($this->opt('ls_slide_desc')) {
									<div class="ls__sl-main-desc"><?php 
                    echo $this->opt('ls_slide_desc');

                // BUTTON
                $slide_link = zn_extract_link($options['ls_slide_link'], 'btn btn-fullcolor');
                $slide_link_sec = zn_extract_link($options['ls_slide_link_sec'], 'btn ls__secbtn btn-lined ' . ($this->opt('ls_theme_color', 'light') == 'dark' ? 'lined-dark' : ''));
                if (!empty($slide_link['start']) || !empty($slide_link_sec['start'])) {
                    echo '<div class="ls__actionarea clearfix">';
                    if (!empty($slide_link['start'])) {
                        echo $slide_link['start'] . $options['ls_slide_link']['title'] . $slide_link['end'];
                    if (!empty($slide_link_sec['start'])) {
                        echo $slide_link_sec['start'] . $options['ls_slide_link_sec']['title'] . $slide_link_sec['end'];
                    echo '</div>';

                // If It's using the ITEMS description
            } elseif ($ls_slider_display == 'lapt_desc') {

                if ($slides_exists) {
                    foreach ($options['single_lslides'] as $slide) {

									<div class="ls_slide_item-details">

                        if ($slide['ls_slide_title']) {
											<div class="ls__sl-main-title"><?php 
                            echo $slide['ls_slide_title'];

                        if ($slide['ls_slide_desc']) {
											<div class="ls__sl-main-desc"><?php 
                            echo $slide['ls_slide_desc'];

                        // BUTTON
                        $slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ls_slide_link'], 'btn btn-fullcolor');
                        $slide_link_sec = zn_extract_link($slide['ls_slide_link_sec'], 'btn ls__secbtn btn-lined ' . ($this->opt('ls_theme_color', 'light') == 'dark' ? 'lined-dark' : ''));
                        if (!empty($slide_link['start']) || !empty($slide_link_sec['start'])) {
                            echo '<div class="ls__actionarea clearfix">';
                            if (!empty($slide_link['start'])) {
                                echo $slide_link['start'] . $slide['ls_slide_link']['title'] . $slide_link['end'];
                            if (!empty($slide_link_sec['start'])) {
                                echo $slide_link_sec['start'] . $slide['ls_slide_link_sec']['title'] . $slide_link_sec['end'];
                            echo '</div>';




						</div><!-- /.ls__left-desc -->

						<div class="clearfix"></div>

					</div><!-- /.laptop-slider__inner -->
        // not needed as the slider has it's own mask
        // WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask);
		</div><!-- end kl-slideshow -->
Exemplo n.º 25
    function element()
        $rows = $this->opt('rows') ? $this->opt('rows') : false;
        $style = $this->opt('style') ? $this->opt('style') : '';
        $ustyle = $this->opt('ustyle') ? $this->opt('ustyle') : '';
        $useSectionColors = empty($ustyle) ? true : false;
        $highlight = $this->opt('highlight') ? $this->opt('highlight') : '';
        $corner = $this->opt('corner') ? $this->opt('corner') : '';
        $corner_text = $this->opt('corner_text') ? $this->opt('corner_text') : '';
        $link_text = $this->opt('link_text') ? $this->opt('link_text') : '';
        $link = $this->opt('link') ? zn_extract_link($this->opt('link'), 'zn_pricing_button') : '';
        $icon_opt = $this->opt('icon') ? $this->opt('icon') : '';
        $icon = !empty($icon_opt['family']) ? '<span class="zn_icon_box_icon" ' . zn_generate_icon($icon_opt) . '></span>' : '';
        //** Appear animation
        $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $this->opt('appear_animation') . '" data-appear-delay="' . ($this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0') . '"' : '';
        if (empty($rows)) {
            echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options.</div>';

    <div class="zn_pricing_box animate <?php 
        echo $highlight . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $this->data['uid'];
" <?php 
        echo $appear;
        if ($corner == 'yes') {
            echo '<div class="zn_corner"></div>';
            echo '<div class="descriptionColor zn_corner_text">' . $corner_text . '</div>';
        //** Put every row in a li, each with each own class
        foreach ($rows as $key => $myRow) {
            $row_type = !empty($myRow['row_type']) ? $myRow['row_type'] : '';
            $row_text = !empty($myRow['text']) ? $myRow['text'] : '';
            //** Make the title h3
            switch ($row_type) {
                case "zn_pb_title zn_pb_title_bkg":
                    $row_text = "<h3>{$row_text}</h3>";
                    //** Make title h3
                    if ($useSectionColors) {
                        $row_type .= " descriptionColor";
                    //** Couldn't use inheritance. Force section color
                case "zn_pb_subtitle zn_pb_title_bkg":
                    if ($useSectionColors) {
                        $row_type .= " descriptionColor";
                    //** Couldn't use inheritance. Force section color
                case "zn_pb_description":
                    if ($useSectionColors) {
                        $row_type .= " titleColor";
                    //** Couldn't use inheritance. Force section color
                case "zn_pb_enumeration":
                    if ($useSectionColors && $style === "style2") {
                        $row_type .= " descriptionColor";
                    //** Couldn't use inheritance. Force section color
            echo '<li class="animate ' . $row_type . '">' . $row_text . '</li>';
        if (!empty($link_text)) {
            echo '<li class="text-center zn_has_button">' . $link['start'] . $icon . $link_text . $link['end'] . '</li>';
Exemplo n.º 26
  * This method is used to display the output of the element.
  * @return void
 function element()
     echo '<div class="elm-socialicons ' . $this->data['uid'] . ' text-' . $this->opt('el_alignment', 'left') . ' ' . $this->opt('css_class', '') . '">';
     $sicons = $this->opt('single_sc');
     $sc_style = $this->opt('sc_style', 'normal');
     if (is_array($sicons) && !empty($sicons)) {
         echo '<ul class="elm-social-icons sc--' . $sc_style . ' sh--' . $this->opt('sc_shape', 'rounded') . ' clearfix">';
         foreach ($sicons as $k => $icon) {
             $icon_color = '';
             if ($sc_style != 'normal' && $sc_style != 'clean') {
                 $icon_color = isset($icon['sc_icon_color']) && !empty($icon['sc_icon_color']) ? $icon['sc_icon_icon']['unicode'] : 'nocolor';
             echo '<li class="elm-social-icons-item">';
             if (!empty($icon['sc_icon_icon'])) {
                 $sc_icon_link = zn_extract_link($icon['sc_icon_link'], 'elm-sc-icon elm-sc-icon-' . $k, zn_generate_icon($icon['sc_icon_icon']), false, false, '#');
                 echo $sc_icon_link['start'] . $sc_icon_link['end'];
             echo '</li>';
         echo '</ul>';
     echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 27
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        if (empty($options)) {
        $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'shadow_ud');
        $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : '';
        $navpos = $this->opt('ww_slider_controlpos', 'controls-inside');
		<div class="kl-slideshow fancyslider__slideshow <?php 
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $bm_class;
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');

			<div class="fake-loading loading-2s"></div>

			<div class="container kl-slideshow-inner">
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-12">
						<div class="zn_fancy_slider_container <?php 
        echo !empty($navpos) ? 'controls-inside' : '';
							<ul class="zn_general_carousel cfs--default" data-fancy="true" data-transition="slide" data-direction="up" data-autoplay="<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ww_slider_autoplay') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
" data-timout="<?php 
        echo $this->opt('ww_slider_timeout', 9000);
" data-easing="easeOutExpo">
        if (isset($options['single_fancy']) && is_array($options['single_fancy'])) {
            foreach ($options['single_fancy'] as $slide) {
                $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ww_slide_link'], 'zn_fancy_slider-link');
                echo '<li class="zn_fancy_slider-item " data-color="' . $slide['ww_slide_color'] . '">';
                echo $ww_slide_link['start'];
                if (isset($slide['ww_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_image'])) {
                    // echo '<div class="zn_fancy_slider-itemimg" style="background-image:url('.$slide['ww_slide_image'].');"></div>';
                    echo '<img class="zn_fancy_slider-itemimg img-responsive" src="' . $slide['ww_slide_image'] . '" alt="">';
                echo $ww_slide_link['end'];
                echo '</li>';

        $navtype = $this->opt('ww_slider_nav', 'nav');
        if ($navtype == 'nav') {
							<div class="zn_fancy_carousel-nav ">
								<span class="zn_fancy_carousel-prev cfs--prev">
									<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span>
								<span class="zn_fancy_carousel-next cfs--next">
									<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></span>
        } elseif ($navtype == 'bullets') {
							<div class="zn_fancy_carousel-pagi cfs--pagination"></div>

						</div><!-- /.zn_fancy_slider_container -->
		</div><!-- end kl-slideshow -->
Exemplo n.º 28
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $title = '';
        $style = $this->opt('ps_header_style', '');
        if (!empty($style)) {
            $style = 'uh_' . $style;
        $hclass = 'psl--' . strtolower($this->opt('ps_sliding_direction', 'Vertical'));
        $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none');
        $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : '';
        $is_screffect = $this->opt('ps_scrolling_effect', 0) == 1;
        $scr_main_class = '';
        $scr_effect_class = '';
        $scr_effect_attribs = '';
        $scr_effect_attribs_captions = '';
        if ($is_screffect) {
            $scr_main_class = 'scrollme';
            $scr_effect_class = 'animateme';
            $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"';

		<div class="kl-slideshow portfolio-slider__sideshow gradient <?php 
        echo $style;
        echo $bm_class;
        echo $scr_main_class;
        echo $this->data['uid'];
        echo $this->opt('css_class', '');

			<div class="fake-loading loading-1s"></div>

			<div class="bgback"></div>

			<div class="kl-slideshow-inner portfolio-slider-frames psl__wrapper <?php 
        echo $hclass;
        echo $this->opt('psl_fullscreen', '0') == 1 ? 'psl--fullscreen' : '';
        echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'psl--height' : '';

        WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac')));
				<div class="th-sparkles"></div>

				<div class="psl__inner">

					<div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding psl__container <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_class;
" <?php 
        echo $scr_effect_attribs;

        if ($this->opt('ps_slider_title') || $this->opt('ps_slider_desc')) {
            echo '<div class="container">';
            if ($this->opt('ps_slider_title')) {
                echo '<h3 class="psl__main-title">' . $this->opt('ps_slider_title') . '</h3>';
            if ($this->opt('ps_slider_desc')) {
                echo '<h4 class="psl__main-desc">' . $this->opt('ps_slider_desc') . '</h4>';
            echo '</div>';

						<div class="psl-carousel__wrapper">
							<div class="psl-carousel__container">
        if (isset($options['single_pslides']) && is_array($options['single_pslides'])) {
            foreach ($options['single_pslides'] as $k => $slide) {
                echo '<div class="psl-carousel__item psl--item-' . $k . ' ' . ($k == 0 ? 'psl--active-item' : '') . '">';
                if (isset($slide['ps_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_title'])) {
                    $title = '<span class="psl__project_title">' . $slide['ps_slide_title'] . '</span>';
                $ps_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ps_slide_link'], 'psl__project_url');
                // Right Image
                if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image3']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image3'])) {
                    echo '<div class="psl__img psl-img--right">';
                    if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image3']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image3'])) {
                        echo '<div class="psl__img-bg" style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ps_slide_image3'] . ')"></div>';
                    echo '</div>';
                // Left Image
                if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image2']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image2'])) {
                    echo '<div class="psl__img psl-img--left">';
                    if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image2']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image2'])) {
                        echo '<div class="psl__img-bg" style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ps_slide_image2'] . ')"></div>';
                    echo '</div>';
                // Front Image
                if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image1']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image1'])) {
                    echo '<div class="psl__img psl-img--front">';
                    echo $title;
                    echo $ps_slide_link['start'] . $ps_slide_link['end'];
                    if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image1']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image1'])) {
                        echo '<div class="psl__img-bg" style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ps_slide_image1'] . ')"></div>';
                    echo '</div>';
                echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
                echo '</div>';
							<a class="psl__prev" href="#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left kl-icon-white"></span></a>
							<a class="psl__next" href="#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right kl-icon-white"></span></a>
						<!-- end Carousel wrapper -->

					</div><!-- /.psl__container -->
				</div><!-- /.psl__inner -->
			</div><!-- /.psl__wrapper -->


		</div><!-- end kl-slideshow -->

Exemplo n.º 29
     * This method is used to display the output of the element.
     * @return void
    function element()
        $options = $this->data['options'];
        $elm_classes = array();
        $elm_classes[] = $this->data['uid'];
        $elm_classes[] = $this->opt('css_class', '');
        $color_scheme = $this->opt('element_scheme', '') == '' ? zget_option('zn_main_style', 'color_options', false, 'light') : $this->opt('element_scheme', '');
        $elm_classes[] = 'prt--' . $color_scheme;
        $elm_classes[] = 'element-scheme--' . $color_scheme;
        $numItems = isset($options['pt_num_items']) && !empty($options['pt_num_items']) ? $options['pt_num_items'] : 4;
        // Don't display anything if the element is not configured
        if (empty($options['pricing_tables_single'])) {
        $responsive_type = 'table-responsive-normal';
        if ($this->opt('pt_resptype', 'normal') == 'overflow') {
            $responsive_type = 'table-responsive pr-table-responsive';
        echo '<div class="' . $responsive_type . '">';
        echo '<div class="pricing-table-element prc-table ' . implode(' ', $elm_classes) . '" data-columns="' . $numItems . '">';
        // Features Column
        if ($this->opt('pt_feature_titles', '') == 'yes') {
            echo '<div class=" features-column prc-table-featcol hidden-sm hidden-xs"><ul class="prc-table-featcol-list">';
            $feature_titles_list = $this->opt('pt_feature_titles_features', '');
            if (!empty($feature_titles_list)) {
                $feature_titles_list = explode("\n", $feature_titles_list);
                foreach ($feature_titles_list as $feature_titles_item) {
                    echo '<li class="prc-table-featcol-item"><div class="inner-cell prc-table-featcol-cell">' . $feature_titles_item . '</div></li>';
            echo '</ul></div>';
        if (isset($options['pricing_tables_single']) && !empty($options['pricing_tables_single'])) {
            foreach ($options['pricing_tables_single'] as $entry) {
                $featured = isset($entry['pt_single_featured']) && $entry['pt_single_featured'] != 'no' ? '' : 'featured';
                $features = isset($entry['pt_single_features']) && !empty($entry['pt_single_features']) ? $entry['pt_single_features'] : '';
                $title = isset($entry['pt_single_title']) ? $entry['pt_single_title'] : '';
                $price = isset($entry['pt_single_price']) ? $entry['pt_single_price'] : '';
                $pt_single_currency = isset($entry['pt_single_currency']) ? $entry['pt_single_currency'] : '$';
                $period = isset($entry['pt_single_plan_period']) ? $entry['pt_single_plan_period'] : '';
                $caButtonText = isset($entry['pt_single_ca_btn_text']) ? $entry['pt_single_ca_btn_text'] : '';
                $caButtonLink = '';
                $pt_single_ca_btn_link = zn_extract_link($entry['pt_single_ca_btn_link'], 'btn btn-fullcolor prc-table-btn');
                if (!empty($caButtonText)) {
                    $caButtonLink = $pt_single_ca_btn_link['start'] . $caButtonText . $pt_single_ca_btn_link['end'];
                $featured_mostpopular = $featured == 'featured' ? 'data-featuredtitle="' . esc_attr(__('MOST POPULAR', 'zn_framework')) . '"' : '';
                echo '<div class="plan-column prc-table-col ' . $featured . ' ">';
                echo '<ul class="prc-table-col-list">
							<li class="plan-title prc-table-col-title text-custom">
								<div class="inner-cell prc-table-col-title-cell kl-font-alt" ' . $featured_mostpopular . '>' . $title . '</div>
							<li class="subscription-price prc-table-col-price">
								<div class="inner-cell prc-table-col-title"><span class="currency">' . $pt_single_currency . '</span>
									<span class="price kl-font-alt">' . $price . '</span>
									' . __('per', 'zn_framework') . ' ' . $period . '</div>
                if (!empty($features)) {
                    $features = explode("\n", $features);
                    foreach ($features as $feature) {
                        echo '<li><div class="inner-cell">' . $feature . '</div></li>';
                if (!empty($caButtonLink)) {
                    echo '<li><div class="inner-cell">' . $caButtonLink . '</div></li>';
                echo '</ul>';
                echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        get_template_part('inc/details', 'portfolio-fields');

                                <div class="pt-itemlinks itemLinks kl-ptfcarousel-item-links">
                                    <a class="btn btn-fullcolor " href="<?php 
        _e('SEE MORE', 'zn_framework');
        $sp_link = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'zn_sp_link', true);
        $sp_link_ext = zn_extract_link($sp_link, 'btn btn-lined ' . ($portfolio_scheme == 'light' ? 'lined-dark' : ''));
        if (!empty($sp_link_ext['start'])) {
            echo $sp_link_ext['start'] . __("LIVE PREVIEW", 'zn_framework') . $sp_link_ext['end'];
                                <!-- end item links -->
                            <!-- end item content -->
                        <div class="col-sm-6">
                            <div class="ptcarousel kl-ptfcarousel-carousel ptcarousel--frames-<?php 
        echo $frame_style;
        echo $frame_style;