/** * * @param array $view View Properties */ public function setView($view) { if (!empty($view['file'])) { $this->_widgetView = zbase_value_get($view, 'file'); $this->setViewFile($this->_widgetView); } if (!empty($view['layout'])) { $this->_viewLayout = $view['layout']; } if (!empty($view['params'])) { $this->_viewParams = $view['params']; } }
/** * @return void * @test */ public function testValueGet() { /** * Check can return \Closure value */ $closure = function () { return 8 * 4; }; $this->assertEquals(8 * 4, zbase_value_get($closure)); /** * Check can return value of dot-notated key */ $config = ['key' => ['keyTwo' => ['keyThree' => ['keyFour' => 'keyFourValue', 'keyFive' => $closure]]]]; $this->assertEquals('keyFourValue', zbase_value_get($config, 'key.keyTwo.keyThree.keyFour')); $this->assertEquals(8 * 4, zbase_value_get($config, 'key.keyTwo.keyThree.keyFive')); $this->assertSame(['keyThree' => ['keyFour' => 'keyFourValue', 'keyFive' => $closure]], zbase_value_get($config, 'key.keyTwo')); }
/** * Return an instance of a Model * @param string $modelName * @param string $default * @return object */ function zbase_model($modelName, $default = null) { $modelName = zbase_model_name($modelName); if (!empty($modelName)) { $enable = zbase_value_get($modelName, 'enable', false); $modelName = zbase_value_get($modelName, 'model', $default); if (!empty($modelName) && !empty($enable)) { $model = new $modelName(); return $model; } } return null; }
/** * Check if enabled by request * If true, this column is only for JSON request * * @return boolean */ public function json() { return zbase_value_get($this->getAttributes(), 'json', false); }
/** * Event after Action * @param string $action * @param string $url The Default URL to redirect */ protected function _postEvent($action) { if ($this->isPublic() && $this->isNode() && $this->isCreating()) { return zbase_redirect()->to($this->entity()->alphaUrl()); } $isAjax = zbase_request_is_ajax(); $requestMethod = strtolower(zbase_request_method()); if ($isAjax) { if ($requestMethod == 'post') { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post-json.post', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post-json')); } else { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post-json', $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post')); } } else { if ($requestMethod == 'post') { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post.post', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post.post', null)); } else { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post', null)); } } if (is_null($e)) { if (zbase_is_back()) { if ($this->isCreating()) { $action = 'update'; } $byAlphaId = $this->_v('entity.repo.byAlphaId.route', false); if ($this->entityIsPostInterface($this->entity())) { if (!empty($byAlphaId)) { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->postAlphaId()]; } else { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->postId()]; } } else { if (!empty($byAlphaId)) { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->alphaId()]; } else { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->id()]; } } } else { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->alphaId()]; } if ($action == 'delete') { $params = []; } $url = $this->getModule()->url(zbase_section(), $params); if ($action == 'restore' || $action == 'ddelete') { $url = zbase_url_previous(); } } if (!empty($e)) { if (!empty($e['data'])) { if ($isAjax) { zbase()->json()->addVariables($e['data']); } } if (!empty($e['route'])) { $params = zbase_route_inputs(); if (!empty($e['route']['params'])) { $params = array_merge($params, $e['route']['params']); } if (zbase_is_back()) { $byAlphaId = $this->_v('entity.repo.byAlphaId.route', false); if (!empty($byAlphaId)) { $params['id'] = $this->entity()->alphaId(); } else { $params['id'] = $this->entity()->id(); } } if ($action == 'ddelete') { if (isset($params['id']) && isset($params['action'])) { unset($params['id']); unset($params['action']); } } $e['route']['params'] = $params; $url = zbase_url_from_config($e); } $toUrl = zbase_value_get($e, 'url', false); if (!empty($toUrl)) { $url = $toUrl; } } $enableRedirect = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post.redirect.enable', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post.redirect.enable', true)); if (!empty($url) && !empty($enableRedirect)) { return zbase_redirect()->to($url); } return true; }
foreach ($breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb) { ?> <?php $counter++; ?> <?php $config = zbase_config_get('nav.front.main.' . $breadcrumb, []); ?> <?php if (!empty($config)) { ?> <?php $route = !empty($config['url']) ? $config['url'] : (!empty($config['link']) ? $config['link'] : null); $url = zbase_url_from_config($route); $label = zbase_value_get($config, 'label', null); $title = zbase_value_get($config, 'title', null); ?> <li class="<?php echo $counter == count($breadcrumbs) ? 'last' : null; ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> " title="<?php echo $title; ?> "><?php echo $label; ?> </a>
/** * Render the TAg Attiobute * @param string $tag HTML Tag * * @return string */ public function renderTagAttribute($tag) { $attributes = []; if (method_exists($this, 'getAttributes')) { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); } return $this->renderHtmlAttributes(zbase_value_get($attributes, 'html.attributes.' . $tag, [])); }
/** * * @param string $method The property or method to be called * @param string $name The name of the relationship index * @param array $config The config of the relationship * @return HasOne|BelongsTo */ protected function _relationship($method, $name, $config) { $rType = zbase_value_get($config, 'type', false); if (!empty($rType)) { $rMethod = zbase_value_get($config, 'class.method', zbase_string_camel_case($name)); $isFetching = preg_match('/fetch/', $method); if ($isFetching) { $method = zbase_string_camel_case(str_replace('fetch', '', $method)); } if ($rMethod == $method) { $rEntity = zbase_value_get($config, 'entity', false); $rInverse = zbase_value_get($config, 'inverse', false); $model = zbase_entity($rEntity); $lKey = zbase_value_get($config, 'keys.local', null); $fKey = zbase_value_get($config, 'keys.foreign', null); if (!empty($rEntity)) { switch (strtolower($rType)) { case 'onetoone': if (!empty($rInverse)) { $relObj = new BelongsTo($model->newQuery(), $this, $model->getTable() . '.' . $fKey, $lKey, $name); } else { $relObj = new HasOne($model->newQuery(), $this, $model->getTable() . '.' . $fKey, $lKey); } break; case 'onetomany': if (!empty($rInverse)) { $relObj = new BelongsTo($model->newQuery(), $this, $model->getTable() . '.' . $fKey, $lKey, $name); } else { return new HasMany($model->newQuery(), $this, $model->getTable() . '.' . $fKey, $lKey); } break; case 'manytomany': $pivot = zbase_value_get($config, 'pivot', null); return new BelongsToMany($model->newQuery(), $this, $pivot, $fKey, $lKey, $name); case 'hasmanythrough': break; case 'morphto': break; case 'morphtomany': break; case 'belongsto': return new BelongsTo($model->newQuery(), $this, $model->getTable() . '.' . $fKey, $lKey, $name); default: } if (!empty($relObj)) { if ($this->relationshipMode == 'result') { return zbase_cache($this->cacheKey($relObj), function () use($relObj) { return $relObj->getResults(); }, [$this->getTable()]); } return $relObj; } } } } return false; }
/** * Create a route * @param string $name The Route Name * @param array $route The Route configuration * @return Response */ function zbase_route_response($name, $route) { if (!empty(zbase_is_maintenance())) { return zbase_response(view(zbase_view_file('maintenance'))); } $redirect = zbase_value_get($route, 'redirect', false); if (!empty($redirect)) { return redirect()->to($redirect); } $response = zbase_value_get($route, 'response', false); if (!empty($response)) { return $response; } /** * If we are using username in routes, * we have to check if the username exists in DB. * This is checked in zbase_route_username_get() * if the zbase_route_username_get() returns false, means * that the route is not a username or username didn't exists. * Here we check against all other Routes if the prefix is in our * list of routes, if not found, throw NotFoundHttpException */ $useUsernameRoute = zbase_route_username(); $usernameRoute = zbase_route_username_get(); $usernameRouteCheck = zbase_data_get($route, 'usernameRouteCheck', true); if (empty($usernameRouteCheck)) { /** * Will not check for username route */ $useUsernameRoute = false; } //if($usernameRoute === false && !empty($useUsernameRoute)) if ($name == 'index' && zbase_auth_has() && !empty($useUsernameRoute)) { return redirect()->to('/' . zbase_auth_real()->username); } if ($usernameRoute === false && !empty($useUsernameRoute)) { $uri = zbase_url_uri(); $adminKey = zbase_admin_key(); if (!empty($uri)) { $uriEx = explode('/', $uri); if (!empty($uriEx)) { foreach ($uriEx as $uriV) { if (!empty($uriV)) { /** * If it isn't an admin key, check it against given Routes */ if ($uriV !== $adminKey) { $routes = zbase_config_get('routes', []); if (!empty($routes)) { foreach ($routes as $rName => $r) { if (!empty($r['enable']) && !empty($r['url'])) { $urlEx = explode('/', $r['url']); if (!empty($urlEx)) { foreach ($urlEx as $urlExV) { if (!empty($urlExV)) { if ($uriV == $urlExV) { /** * Found it, valid URL */ $validUrlPrefix = true; } /** * Will deal only with the first not empty value so break it. */ break; } } } } if (!empty($validUrlPrefix)) { /** * Found it, break it */ $name = $rName; $route = $r; break; } } } } else { return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('home')); } /** * Will deal only with the first not empty value so break it. */ break; } } if (empty($validUrlPrefix)) { /** * Only if routeName is not the index */ if ($name != 'index') { // $response = new \Zbase\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException(); // return $response->render(zbase_request(), $response); } } } } } $usernameRoutePrefix = zbase_route_username_prefix(); $originalRouteName = str_replace($usernameRoutePrefix, '', $name); zbase()->setCurrentRouteName($name); $guest = true; $authed = false; $guestOnly = false; $middleware = !empty($route['middleware']) ? $route['middleware'] : false; $backend = !empty($route['backend']) ? $route['backend'] : false; if ($name == 'password-reset' && zbase_auth_has()) { \Auth::guard()->logout(); return redirect(zbase_url_from_current()); } if (!empty($backend)) { // zbase_in_back(); } if (preg_match('/\\?usernameroute/', zbase_url_uri()) > 0 && !empty($useUsernameRoute) && zbase_auth_has()) { return redirect()->to('/' . zbase_auth_user()->username() . '/home'); } if (!empty($useUsernameRoute) && zbase_auth_has() && $usernameRoute != zbase_auth_user()->username()) { return redirect(zbase_url_from_route($originalRouteName, [$usernameRoutePrefix => zbase_auth_user()->username()])); } if (!empty($middleware)) { if (is_array($middleware)) { $access = isset($middleware['access']) ? $middleware['access'] : false; if (!empty($access) && is_array($access)) { if (!zbase_auth_has()) { zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current()); return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('login')); } if (zbase_auth_has() && !zbase_auth_is($access)) { return zbase_abort(401, ucfirst($access) . ' is needed to access the page.'); } } else { $guest = isset($middleware['guest']) ? $middleware['guest'] : false; $authed = isset($middleware['auth']) ? $middleware['auth'] : false; $adminAuthed = isset($middleware['admin']) ? $middleware['admin'] : false; if ($adminAuthed) { $authed = true; } $guestOnly = isset($middleware['guestOnly']) ? $middleware['guestOnly'] : false; } } } if (empty($access)) { if (!empty($backend)) { if (!empty($usernameRoute)) { /** * If user is loggedIn and this is admin side and this is not logIn page, * redirect to users dashboard. * User can only access his own dashboard via /{usernameroute?}/admin */ if (zbase_auth_has() && zbase_auth_is(zbase_route_username_minimum_access()) && zbase_is_back() && $usernameRoute != zbase_auth_user()->username()) { return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('admin', [$usernameRoutePrefix => zbase_auth_user()->username])); } if ((empty(zbase_auth_has()) || !zbase_auth_is('user')) && $name != $usernameRoutePrefix . 'admin.login') { zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current()); return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('admin.login')); } } else { if ((empty(zbase_auth_has()) || !zbase_auth_is('admin')) && $name != 'admin.login') { zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current()); return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('admin.login')); } } } else { if (!empty($guestOnly) && zbase_auth_has()) { return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('home')); } if (!empty($usernameRoute)) { if (!empty($authed) && !zbase_auth_has() && $name != $usernameRoutePrefix . 'login') { zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current()); return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('login')); } } else { if (!empty($authed) && !zbase_auth_has() && $name != 'login') { zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current()); return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('login')); } } } } $params = zbase_route_inputs(); $requestMethod = zbase_request_method(); $controller = !empty($route['controller']) ? $route['controller'] : null; $command = !empty($route['command']) ? $route['command'] : false; if (!empty($command) && $command instanceof \Closure) { $command(); exit; } if (!empty($controller) && !empty($controller['name']) && !empty($route['controller']['enable'])) { $controllerName = !empty($route['controller']['name']) ? $route['controller']['name'] : null; $controllerMethod = !empty($route['controller']['method'][$requestMethod]) ? $route['controller']['method'][$requestMethod] : (!empty($route['controller']['method']) ? $route['controller']['method'] : 'index'); if (!empty($controllerName)) { $controllerConfig = zbase_config_get('controller.class.' . $controllerName, null); if (!empty($controllerConfig) && !empty($controllerConfig['enable'])) { $controllerClass = zbase_controller_create_name(zbase_config_get('controller.class.' . $controllerName . '.name', Zbase\Http\Controllers\__FRAMEWORK__\PageController::class)); $controllerObject = zbase_object_factory($controllerClass, !empty($route['controller']['params']) ? $route['controller']['params'] : []); zbase()->setController($controllerObject->setName($controllerName)->setActionName($controllerMethod)->setRouteParameters($params)); zbase_view_page_details($route); return zbase_response($controllerObject->{$controllerMethod}()); } } } $view = !empty($route['view']) ? $route['view'] : null; if (!empty($view) && !empty($view['name']) && !empty($route['view']['enable'])) { zbase_view_page_details($route); if (!empty($route['view']['content'])) { $params['content'] = zbase_data_get($route['view']['content'], null); } if ($view['name'] == 'type.js') { zbase_response_format_set('javascript'); } return zbase_response(zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file($view['name']), $params)); } }
public function setInputAppend($value) { $this->_inputAppend = zbase_value_get($value); }