Exemplo n.º 1

//frontend for cron task
if (isset($_GET['cronping'])) {
    $hostid_q = "SELECT * from `ubstats` WHERE `key`='ubid'";
    $hostid = simple_query($hostid_q);
    if (!empty($hostid)) {
        $ubserial = $hostid['value'];
        //check for ubserial validity
        if ($_GET['cronping'] == $ubserial) {
            $currenttime = time();
            $deadSwitches = zb_SwitchesRepingAll();
            zb_StorageSet('SWPINGTIME', $currenttime);
            //store dead switches log data
            if (!empty($deadSwitches)) {
                zb_SwitchesDeadLog($currenttime, $deadSwitches);
            die('SWITCH REPING DONE ' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
        } else {
            die('WRONG SERIAL');
if (cfr('SWITCHES')) {
    $altCfg = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
    //icmp ping handling
    if (wf_CheckGet(array('backgroundicmpping'))) {
        $billingConf = $ubillingConfig->getBilling();
        $command = $billingConf['SUDO'] . ' ' . $billingConf['PING'] . ' -i 0.01 -c 10  ' . $_GET['backgroundicmpping'];
        $icmpPingResult = shell_exec($command);
        die(wf_tag('pre') . $icmpPingResult . wf_tag('pre', true));
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Returns list of all available switches devices with its controls. Also catches ajaxping and forcereping events.
 * @return string
function web_SwitchesShow()
    global $ubillingConfig;
    $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
    $allswitches = zb_SwitchesGetAll();
    $modelnames = zb_SwitchModelsGetAllTag();
    $currenttime = time();
    $reping_timeout = $alterconf['SW_PINGTIMEOUT'];
    $deathTime = zb_SwitchesGetAllDeathTime();
    $countTotal = 0;
    $countAlive = 0;
    $countDead = 0;
    $countNp = 0;
    $countOnMap = 0;
    $countSwpoll = 0;
    $countMtsigmon = 0;
    $countOlt = 0;
    $countLinked = 0;
    //non realtime switches pinging
    $last_pingtime = zb_StorageGet('SWPINGTIME');
    if (!$last_pingtime) {
        zb_StorageSet('SWPINGTIME', $currenttime);
        $last_pingtime = $currenttime;
    } else {
        if ($currenttime > $last_pingtime + $reping_timeout * 60) {
            // normal timeout reping sub here
            zb_StorageSet('SWPINGTIME', $currenttime);
    //force total reping and update cache
    if (wf_CheckGet(array('forcereping'))) {
        zb_StorageSet('SWPINGTIME', $currenttime);
        if (wf_CheckGet(array('ajaxping'))) {
            $dead_raw = zb_StorageGet('SWDEAD');
            $deathTime = zb_SwitchesGetAllDeathTime();
            $deadarr = array();
            $ajaxResult = '';
            if ($dead_raw) {
                $deadarr = unserialize($dead_raw);
                if (!empty($deadarr)) {
                    //there is some dead switches
                    $deadcount = sizeof($deadarr);
                    if ($alterconf['SWYMAP_ENABLED']) {
                        //getting geodata
                        $switchesGeo = zb_SwitchesGetAllGeo();
                    //ajax container
                    $ajaxResult .= wf_tag('div', false, '', 'id="switchping"');
                    foreach ($deadarr as $ip => $switch) {
                        if ($alterconf['SWYMAP_ENABLED']) {
                            if (isset($switchesGeo[$ip])) {
                                if (!empty($switchesGeo[$ip])) {
                                    $devicefind = wf_Link('?module=switchmap&finddevice=' . $switchesGeo[$ip], wf_img('skins/icon_search_small.gif', __('Find on map'))) . ' ';
                                } else {
                                    $devicefind = '';
                            } else {
                                $devicefind = '';
                        } else {
                            $devicefind = '';
                        //check morgue records for death time
                        if (isset($deathTime[$ip])) {
                            $deathClock = wf_img('skins/clock.png', __('Switch dead since') . ' ' . $deathTime[$ip]) . ' ';
                        } else {
                            $deathClock = '';
                        //switch location link
                        $switchLocator = wf_Link('?module=switches&gotoswitchbyip=' . $ip, web_edit_icon(__('Go to switch')));
                        //add switch as dead
                        $ajaxResult .= $devicefind . ' ' . $switchLocator . ' ' . $deathClock . $ip . ' - ' . $switch . '<br>';
                } else {
                    $ajaxResult = __('Switches are okay, everything is fine - I guarantee');
            $ajaxResult .= wf_delimiter() . __('Cache state at time') . ': ' . date("H:i:s");
            print $ajaxResult;
            //darkvoid update
            $notifyArea = new DarkVoid();
    //load dead switches cache
    $dead_switches_raw = zb_StorageGet('SWDEAD');
    if (!$dead_switches_raw) {
        $dead_switches = array();
    } else {
        $dead_switches = unserialize($dead_switches_raw);
    //create new ADcomments object if enabled
    if ($alterconf['ADCOMMENTS_ENABLED']) {
        $adcomments = new ADcomments('SWITCHES');
    $tablecells = wf_TableCell(__('ID'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('IP'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Location'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Active'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Model'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('SNMP community'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Geo location'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Description'));
    $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(__('Actions'));
    $tablerows = wf_TableRow($tablecells, 'row1');
    $lighter = 'onmouseover="this.className = \'row2\';" onmouseout="this.className = \'row3\';" ';
    if (!empty($allswitches)) {
        foreach ($allswitches as $io => $eachswitch) {
            if (isset($dead_switches[$eachswitch['ip']])) {
                if (isset($deathTime[$eachswitch['ip']])) {
                    $obituary = __('Switch dead since') . ' ' . $deathTime[$eachswitch['ip']];
                } else {
                    $obituary = '';
                $aliveled = web_red_led($obituary);
                $aliveflag = '0';
            } else {
                if (strpos($eachswitch['desc'], 'NP') === false) {
                    $aliveled = web_green_led();
                    $aliveflag = '1';
                } else {
                    $aliveled = web_yellow_led();
                    $aliveflag = '2';
            $tablecells = wf_TableCell($eachswitch['id']);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($eachswitch['ip'], '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . ip2int($eachswitch['ip']) . '"');
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($eachswitch['location']);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($aliveled, '', '', 'sorttable_customkey="' . $aliveflag . '"');
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell(@$modelnames[$eachswitch['modelid']]);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($eachswitch['snmp']);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($eachswitch['geo']);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($eachswitch['desc']);
            $switchcontrols = '';
            if (cfr('SWITCHESEDIT')) {
                $switchcontrols .= wf_Link('?module=switches&edit=' . $eachswitch['id'], web_edit_icon());
            if (cfr('SWITCHPOLL')) {
                if (!empty($eachswitch['snmp']) and ispos($eachswitch['desc'], 'SWPOLL')) {
                    $switchcontrols .= '&nbsp;' . wf_Link('?module=switchpoller&switchid=' . $eachswitch['id'], wf_img('skins/snmp.png', __('SNMP query')));
            if ($alterconf['SWYMAP_ENABLED']) {
                if (!empty($eachswitch['geo'])) {
                    $switchcontrols .= wf_Link('?module=switchmap&finddevice=' . $eachswitch['geo'], wf_img('skins/icon_search_small.gif', __('Find on map')));
                if (!empty($eachswitch['parentid'])) {
                    $switchcontrols .= wf_Link('?module=switchmap&finddevice=' . $eachswitch['geo'] . '&showuplinks=true&traceid=' . $eachswitch['id'], wf_img('skins/ymaps/uplinks.png', __('Uplink switch')));
            if (ispos($eachswitch['desc'], 'MTSIGMON')) {
            if (ispos($eachswitch['desc'], 'OLT')) {
            if ($alterconf['ADCOMMENTS_ENABLED']) {
                $switchcontrols .= $adcomments->getCommentsIndicator($eachswitch['id']);
            if (isset($alterconf['SW_WEBNAV'])) {
                if ($alterconf['SW_WEBNAV']) {
                    $switchcontrols .= ' ' . wf_tag('a', false, '', 'href="http://' . $eachswitch['ip'] . '" target="_BLANK"') . wf_img('skins/ymaps/globe.png', __('Go to the web interface')) . wf_tag('a', true);
            $tablecells .= wf_TableCell($switchcontrols);
            $tablerows .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3', $lighter);
            $tablerows .= $tablecells;
            $tablerows .= wf_tag('tr', true);
    $result = wf_TableBody($tablerows, '100%', '0', 'sortable');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/icon_active.gif') . ' ' . __('Alive switches') . ' - ' . ($countAlive + $countNp) . ' (' . $countAlive . '+' . $countNp . ')' . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/icon_inactive.gif') . ' ' . __('Dead switches') . ' - ' . $countDead . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/yellow_led.png') . ' ' . __('NP switches') . ' - ' . $countNp . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/snmp.png') . ' ' . __('SWPOLL query') . ' - ' . $countSwpoll . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/wifi.png') . ' ' . __('MTSIGMON devices') . ' - ' . $countMtsigmon . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/pon_icon.gif') . ' ' . __('OLT devices') . ' - ' . $countOlt . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/icon_search_small.gif') . ' ' . __('Placed on map') . ' - ' . $countOnMap . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_img('skins/ymaps/uplinks.png') . ' ' . __('Have uplinks') . ' - ' . $countLinked . wf_tag('br');
    $result .= wf_tag('br') . wf_tag('b') . __('Total') . ': ' . $countTotal . wf_tag('b', true) . wf_tag('br');
    return $result;