Exemplo n.º 1
  * Constructor
 function __construct($props = array())
     // Make a local reference to the ExpressionEngine super object
     $this->EE =& get_instance();
     $props['xss_clean'] = xss_check();
     log_message('debug', "Upload Class Initialized");
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor
 function __construct($props = array())
     if (count($props) > 0) {
     $props['xss_clean'] = xss_check();
     log_message('debug', "Upload Class Initialized");
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 	Parse Email
  *	@param mixed - Email Data
  * 	@param 
 function parse_email($email_data, $type = 'norm')
     $boundary = $type != 'norm' ? $this->multi_boundary : $this->boundary;
     $email_data = str_replace('boundary=' . substr($boundary, 2), 'BOUNDARY_HERE', $email_data);
     $email_parts = explode($boundary, $email_data);
     if (count($email_parts) < 2) {
         $boundary = str_replace("+", "\\+", $boundary);
         $email_parts = explode($boundary, $email_data);
     if (count($email_parts) < 2) {
         return FALSE;
     $upload_dir_id = $this->moblog_array['moblog_upload_directory'];
     if ($upload_dir_id != 0) {
         $this->upload_dir_code = '{filedir_' . $upload_dir_id . '}';
     //  Find Attachments
     foreach ($email_parts as $key => $value) {
         // Skip headers and those with no content-type
         if ($key == '0' or stristr($value, 'Content-Type:') === FALSE) {
         $contents = $this->find_data($value, "Content-Type:", $this->newline);
         $x = explode(';', $contents);
         $content_type = $x['0'];
         $content_type = strtolower($content_type);
         $pieces = explode('/', trim($content_type));
         $type = trim($pieces['0']);
         $subtype = !isset($pieces['1']) ? '0' : trim($pieces['1']);
         $charset = 'auto';
         /** --------------------------
         			/**  Outlook Exception
         			/** --------------------------*/
         if ($type == 'multipart' && $subtype != 'appledouble') {
             if (!stristr($value, 'boundary=')) {
             $this->multi_boundary = "--" . $this->find_data($value, "boundary=", $this->newline);
             $this->multi_boundary = trim(str_replace('"', '', $this->multi_boundary));
             if (strlen($this->multi_boundary) == 0) {
             $this->parse_email($value, 'multi');
             $this->multi_boundary = '';
         /** --------------------------
         			/**  Quick Grab of Headers
         			/** --------------------------*/
         $headers = $this->find_data($value, '', $this->newline . $this->newline);
         /** ---------------------------
         			/**  Text : plain, html, rtf
         			/** ---------------------------*/
         if ($type == 'text' && $headers != '' && ($this->txt_override === TRUE && $subtype == 'plain' or !stristr($headers, 'name='))) {
             $duo = $this->newline . $this->newline;
             $text = $this->find_data($value, $duo, '');
             if ($text == '') {
                 $text = $this->find_data($value, $this->newline, '');
             /** ------------------------------------
             				/**  Charset Available?
             				/** ------------------------------------*/
             if (preg_match("/charset=(.*?)(\\s|" . $this->newline . ")/is", $headers, $match)) {
                 $charset = trim(str_replace(array("'", '"', ';'), '', $match['1']));
             /** ------------------------------------
             				/**  Check for Encoding of Text
             				/** ------------------------------------*/
             if (stristr($value, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding')) {
                 $encoding = $this->find_data($value, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", $this->newline);
                 /** ------------------------------------
                 				/**  Check for Quoted-Printable encoding
                 				/** ------------------------------------*/
                 if (stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
                     $text = str_replace($this->newline, "\n", $text);
                     $text = quoted_printable_decode($text);
                     $text = substr($text, 0, 1) != '=' ? $text : substr($text, 1);
                     $text = substr($text, -1) != '=' ? $text : substr($text, 0, -1);
                     $text = $this->remove_newlines($text, $this->newline);
                 } elseif (stristr($encoding, "base64")) {
                     $text = str_replace($this->newline, "\n", $text);
                     $text = base64_decode(trim($text));
                     $text = $this->remove_newlines($text, $this->newline);
             /** ----------------------------------
             				/**  T-Mobile - In cyberspace, no one can hear you cream.
             				/** ----------------------------------*/
             if (trim($text) != '' && stristr($text, 'This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone') !== FALSE) {
                 $text = '';
             if ($this->charset != $this->EE->config->item('charset')) {
                 if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                     $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, strtoupper($this->EE->config->item('charset')), strtoupper($this->charset));
                 } elseif (function_exists('iconv') and ($iconvstr = @iconv(strtoupper($this->charset), strtoupper($this->EE->config->item('charset')), $text)) !== FALSE) {
                     $text = $iconvstr;
                 } elseif (strtolower($this->EE->config->item('charset')) == 'utf-8' && strtolower($this->charset) == 'iso-8859-1') {
                     $text = utf8_encode($text);
                 } elseif (strtolower($this->EE->config->item('charset')) == 'iso-8859-1' && strtolower($this->charset) == 'utf-8') {
                     $text = utf8_decode($text);
             // RTF and HTML are considered alternative text
             $subtype = $subtype != 'html' && $subtype != 'rtf' ? 'plain' : 'alt';
             // Same content type, then join together
             $this->post_data[$type][$subtype] = isset($this->post_data[$type][$subtype]) ? $this->post_data[$type][$subtype] . " {$text}" : $text;
             // Plain text takes priority for body data.
             $this->body = !isset($this->post_data[$type]['plain']) ? $this->post_data[$type]['alt'] : $this->post_data[$type]['plain'];
         } elseif ($type == 'image' or $type == 'application' or $type == 'audio' or $type == 'video' or $subtype == 'appledouble' or $type == 'text') {
             // no upload directory?  skip
             if ($upload_dir_id == 0) {
             if ($subtype == 'appledouble') {
                 if (!($data = $this->appledouble($value))) {
                 } else {
                     $value = $data['value'];
                     $subtype = $data['subtype'];
                     $type = $data['type'];
             /** ------------------------------
             				/**  Determine Filename
             				/** ------------------------------*/
             $contents = $this->find_data($value, "name=", $this->newline);
             if ($contents == '') {
                 $contents = $this->find_data($value, 'Content-Location:', $this->newline);
             if ($contents == '') {
                 $contents = $this->find_data($value, 'Content-ID:', $this->newline);
                 $contents = str_replace('<', '', $contents);
                 $contents = str_replace('<', '', $contents);
             $x = explode(';', trim($contents));
             $filename = $x['0'] == '' ? 'moblogfile' : $x['0'];
             $filename = trim(str_replace('"', '', $filename));
             $filename = str_replace($this->newline, '', $filename);
             if (stristr($filename, 'dottedline') or stristr($filename, 'spacer.gif') or stristr($filename, 'masthead.jpg')) {
             /** --------------------------------
             				/**  File/Image Code and Cleanup
             				/** --------------------------------*/
             $duo = $this->newline . $this->newline;
             $file_code = $this->find_data($value, $duo, '');
             if ($file_code == '') {
                 $file_code = $this->find_data($value, $this->newline, '');
                 if ($file_code == '') {
                     $this->message_array = 'invalid_file_data';
                     return FALSE;
             /** --------------------------------
             				/**  Determine Encoding
             				/** --------------------------------*/
             $contents = $this->find_data($value, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", $this->newline);
             $x = explode(';', $contents);
             $encoding = $x['0'];
             $encoding = trim(str_replace('"', '', $encoding));
             $encoding = str_replace($this->newline, '', $encoding);
             if (!stristr($encoding, "base64") && !stristr($encoding, "7bit") && !stristr($encoding, "8bit") && !stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
                 if ($type == 'text') {
                     // RTF and HTML are considered alternative text
                     $subtype = $subtype != 'html' && $subtype != 'rtf' ? 'plain' : 'alt';
                     // Same content type, then join together
                     $this->post_data[$type][$subtype] = isset($this->post_data[$type][$subtype]) ? $this->post_data[$type][$subtype] . ' ' . $file_code : $file_code;
                     // Plain text takes priority for body data.
                     $this->body = !isset($this->post_data[$type]['plain']) ? $this->post_data[$type]['alt'] : $this->post_data[$type]['plain'];
             // Eudora and Mail.app use this by default
             if (stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
                 $file_code = quoted_printable_decode($file_code);
             // Base64 gets no space and no line breaks
             $replace = !stristr($encoding, "base64") ? "\n" : '';
             $file_code = trim(str_replace($this->newline, $replace, $file_code));
             // PHP function sometimes misses opening and closing equal signs
             if (stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
                 $file_code = substr($file_code, 0, 1) != '=' ? $file_code : substr($file_code, 1);
                 $file_code = substr($file_code, -1) != '=' ? $file_code : substr($file_code, 0, -1);
             // Decode so that we can run xss clean on the raw
             // data once we've determined the file type
             if (stristr($encoding, "base64")) {
                 $file_code = base64_decode($file_code);
                 $this->message_array[] = 'base64 decoded.';
             /** ------------------------------
             				/**  Check and adjust for multiple files with same file name
             				/** ------------------------------*/
             $file_path = $this->EE->filemanager->clean_filename($filename, $upload_dir_id, array('ignore_dupes' => FALSE));
             $filename = basename($file_path);
             /** ---------------------------
             				/**  Put Info in Post Data array
             				/** ---------------------------*/
             $ext = trim(strrchr($filename, '.'), '.');
             $is_image = FALSE;
             // This is needed for XSS cleaning
             if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->movie)) {
                 $this->post_data['movie'][] = $filename;
             } elseif (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->audio)) {
                 $this->post_data['audio'][] = $filename;
             } elseif (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->image)) {
                 $this->post_data['images'][] = $filename;
                 $key = count($this->post_data['images']) - 1;
                 $type = 'image';
                 // For those crazy application/octet-stream images
                 $is_image = TRUE;
             } elseif (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->files)) {
                 $this->post_data['files'][] = $filename;
             } else {
             // Clean the file
             if (xss_check()) {
                 $xss_result = $this->EE->security->xss_clean($file_code, $is_image);
                 // XSS Clean Failed - bail out
                 if ($xss_result === FALSE) {
                     $this->message_array[] = 'error_writing_attachment';
                     return FALSE;
                 if (!$is_image) {
                     $file_code = $xss_result;
             // AT&T phones send the message as a .txt file
             // This checks to see if this email is from an AT&T phone,
             // not an encoded file, and has a .txt file extension in the filename
             if ($this->attach_as_txt === TRUE && !stristr($encoding, "base64")) {
                 if ($ext == 'txt' && preg_match("/Content-Disposition:\\s*inline/i", $headers, $found)) {
                     $this->attach_text = $file_code;
                     $this->attach_name = $filename;
                     // No upload of file.
             // Check to see if we're dealing with relative paths
             if (strncmp($file_path, '..', 2) == 0) {
                 $directory = dirname($file_path);
                 $file_path = realpath(substr($directory, 1)) . '/' . $filename;
             // Upload the file and check for errors
             if (file_put_contents($file_path, $file_code) === FALSE) {
                 $this->message_array[] = 'error_writing_attachment';
                 return FALSE;
             // Disable xss cleaning in the filemanager
             // Send the file
             $result = $this->EE->filemanager->save_file($file_path, $upload_dir_id, array('title' => $filename, 'rel_path' => dirname($file_path), 'file_name' => $filename));
             // Check to see the result
             if ($result['status'] === FALSE) {
                 // $result['message']
                 $this->message_array[] = 'error_writing_attachment';
                 $this->message_array[] = print_r($result, TRUE);
                 return FALSE;
             $this->email_files[] = $filename;
         // End files/images section
     // End foreach
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Upload File Callback
  * The function that handles the file upload logic (allowed upload? etc.)
  *	1. Establish the allowed types for the directory
  *		- If the field is a custom field, make sure it's permissions aren't stricter
  *	2. Upload the file
  *		- Checks to see if XSS cleaning needs to be on
  *		- Returns errors
  *	3. Send file to save_file, which does more security, creates thumbs
  *		and adds it to the database.
  * @access	private
  * @param	array 	$dir 		Directory information from the database in array form
  * @param	string	$field_name	Provide the field name in case it's a custom field
  * @return 	array 	Array of file_data sent to Filemanager->save_file
 private function _upload_file($dir, $field_name)
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Make sure the file is allowed
     // Restricted upload directory?
     switch ($dir['allowed_types']) {
         case 'all':
             $allowed_types = '*';
         case 'img':
             $allowed_types = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png|jpe';
             $allowed_types = '';
     // Is this a custom field?
     if (strpos($field_name, 'field_id_') === 0) {
         $field_id = str_replace('field_id_', '', $field_name);
         $this->EE->db->select('field_type, field_settings');
         $type_query = $this->EE->db->get_where('channel_fields', array('field_id' => $field_id));
         if ($type_query->num_rows()) {
             $settings = unserialize(base64_decode($type_query->row('field_settings')));
             // Permissions can only get more strict!
             if (isset($settings['field_content_type']) && $settings['field_content_type'] == 'image') {
                 $allowed_types = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png|jpe';
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Upload the file
     $field = $field_name ? $field_name : 'userfile';
     $original_filename = $_FILES[$field]['name'];
     $clean_filename = basename($this->clean_filename($_FILES[$field]['name'], $dir['id'], array('ignore_dupes' => TRUE)));
     $config = array('file_name' => $clean_filename, 'upload_path' => $dir['server_path'], 'allowed_types' => $allowed_types, 'max_size' => round($dir['max_size'] / 1024, 3));
     // Check to see if the file needs to be XSS Cleaned
     if (xss_check()) {
         $config['xss_clean'] = TRUE;
     } else {
         $config['xss_clean'] = FALSE;
     // Upload the file
     if (!$this->EE->upload->do_upload($field_name)) {
         return $this->_upload_error($this->EE->upload->display_errors());
     $file = $this->EE->upload->data();
     // (try to) Set proper permissions
     @chmod($file['full_path'], FILE_WRITE_MODE);
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Add file the database
     // Make sure the file has a valid MIME Type
     if (!$file['file_type']) {
         return $this->_upload_error(lang('invalid_mime'), array('file_name' => $file['file_name'], 'directory_id' => $dir['id']));
     $thumb_info = $this->get_thumb($file['file_name'], $dir['id']);
     // Build list of information to save and return
     $file_data = array('upload_location_id' => $dir['id'], 'site_id' => $this->EE->config->item('site_id'), 'file_name' => $file['file_name'], 'orig_name' => $original_filename, 'file_data_orig_name' => $file['orig_name'], 'is_image' => $file['is_image'], 'mime_type' => $file['file_type'], 'rel_path' => $file['full_path'], 'file_thumb' => $thumb_info['thumb'], 'thumb_class' => $thumb_info['thumb_class'], 'modified_by_member_id' => $this->EE->session->userdata('member_id'), 'uploaded_by_member_id' => $this->EE->session->userdata('member_id'), 'file_size' => $file['file_size'] * 1024, 'file_height' => $file['image_height'], 'file_width' => $file['image_width'], 'file_hw_original' => $file['image_height'] . ' ' . $file['image_width'], 'max_width' => $dir['max_width'], 'max_height' => $dir['max_height']);
     // Check to see if its an editable image, if it is, check max h/w
     if ($this->is_editable_image($file['full_path'], $file['file_type'])) {
         $file_data = $this->max_hw_check($file['full_path'], $file_data);
         if (!$file_data) {
             return $this->_upload_error(lang('exceeds_max_dimensions'), array('file_name' => $file['file_name'], 'directory_id' => $dir['id']));
     // Save file to database
     $saved = $this->save_file($file['full_path'], $dir['id'], $file_data);
     // Return errors from the filemanager
     if (!$saved['status']) {
         return $this->_upload_error($saved['message'], array('file_name' => $file['file_name'], 'directory_id' => $dir['id']));
     // Merge in information from database
     $file_data = array_merge($file_data, $this->_file_info($saved['file_id']));
     // Stash upload directory prefs in case
     $file_data['upload_directory_prefs'] = $dir;
     $file_data['directory'] = $dir['id'];
     // Change file size to human readable
     $file_data['file_size'] = byte_format($file_data['file_size']);
     return $file_data;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * upload prefs
  * @access	private
  * @return	array 	upload prefs
 private function upload_prefs()
     if (isset($this->cache[$this->field_name]['upload_prefs'])) {
         return $this->cache[$this->field_name]['upload_prefs'];
     $settings = array_merge($this->default_settings, $this->settings);
     $upload_prefs = ee()->file_upload_preferences_model->get_file_upload_preferences(1, $settings['file_upload_location'], TRUE);
     //seems in newer versions of the file upload prefs model, upload path
     //isnt set.
     if (empty($upload_prefs['upload_path']) and !empty($upload_prefs['server_path'])) {
         $upload_prefs['upload_path'] = $upload_prefs['server_path'];
     $extra_options = array('allowed_types' => $settings['allowed_file_types'], 'temp_prefix' => '');
     // -------------------------------------
     //	So if you init upload AFTER construction
     //	it doesn't load xss clean options
     //	if you do it during, it gets overriden
     //	no matter what! Yay!
     // -------------------------------------
     $extra_options['xss_clean'] = xss_check();
     if ($extra_options['xss_clean'] and $settings['disable_xss_clean'] == 'y') {
         $extra_options['xss_clean'] = FALSE;
     $this->cache[$this->field_name]['upload_prefs'] = array_merge($upload_prefs, $extra_options);
     return $this->cache[$this->field_name]['upload_prefs'];
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Parses out file data and saves it to moblog upload directory
  * @param	string	$value		Raw email data
  * @param	string	$type		Type of content (first half of MIME)
  * @param	string	$subtype	Subtype type of content (second half of MIME)
  * @return	boolean	Success or failure
 private function _process_attachment($value, $type, $subtype)
     $upload_dir_id = $this->moblog_array['moblog_upload_directory'];
     if ($upload_dir_id != 0) {
         $this->upload_dir_code = '{filedir_' . $upload_dir_id . '}';
     // no upload directory?  skip
     if ($upload_dir_id == 0) {
     if ($subtype == 'appledouble') {
         if (!($data = $this->appledouble($value))) {
         } else {
             $value = $data['value'];
             $subtype = $data['subtype'];
             $type = $data['type'];
     /** ------------------------------
     		/**  Determine Filename
     		/** ------------------------------*/
     $contents = $this->find_data($value, "name=", $this->newline);
     if ($contents == '') {
         $contents = $this->find_data($value, 'Content-Location: ', $this->newline);
     if ($contents == '') {
         $contents = $this->find_data($value, 'Content-ID: ', $this->newline);
         $contents = str_replace('<', '', $contents);
         $contents = str_replace('<', '', $contents);
     $x = explode(';', trim($contents));
     $filename = $x['0'] == '' ? 'moblogfile' : $x['0'];
     $filename = trim(str_replace('"', '', $filename));
     $filename = str_replace($this->newline, '', $filename);
     if (stristr($filename, 'dottedline') or stristr($filename, 'spacer.gif') or stristr($filename, 'masthead.jpg')) {
     /** --------------------------------
     		/**  File/Image Code and Cleanup
     		/** --------------------------------*/
     $duo = $this->newline . $this->newline;
     $file_code = $this->find_data($value, $duo, '');
     if ($file_code == '') {
         $file_code = $this->find_data($value, $this->newline, '');
         if ($file_code == '') {
             $this->message_array = 'invalid_file_data';
             return FALSE;
     /** --------------------------------
     		/**  Determine Encoding
     		/** --------------------------------*/
     $contents = $this->find_data($value, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", $this->newline);
     $x = explode(';', $contents);
     $encoding = $x['0'];
     $encoding = trim(str_replace('"', '', $encoding));
     $encoding = str_replace($this->newline, '', $encoding);
     if (!stristr($encoding, "base64") && !stristr($encoding, "7bit") && !stristr($encoding, "8bit") && !stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
         if ($type == 'text') {
             // RTF and HTML are considered alternative text
             $subtype = $subtype != 'html' && $subtype != 'rtf' ? 'plain' : 'alt';
             // Same content type, then join together
             $this->post_data[$type][$subtype] = isset($this->post_data[$type][$subtype]) ? $this->post_data[$type][$subtype] . ' ' . $file_code : $file_code;
             // Plain text takes priority for body data.
             $this->body = !isset($this->post_data[$type]['plain']) ? $this->post_data[$type]['alt'] : $this->post_data[$type]['plain'];
     // Eudora and Mail.app use this by default
     if (stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
         $file_code = quoted_printable_decode($file_code);
     // Base64 gets no space and no line breaks
     $replace = !stristr($encoding, "base64") ? "\n" : '';
     $file_code = trim(str_replace($this->newline, $replace, $file_code));
     // PHP function sometimes misses opening and closing equal signs
     if (stristr($encoding, "quoted-printable")) {
         $file_code = substr($file_code, 0, 1) != '=' ? $file_code : substr($file_code, 1);
         $file_code = substr($file_code, -1) != '=' ? $file_code : substr($file_code, 0, -1);
     // Decode so that we can run xss clean on the raw
     // data once we've determined the file type
     if (stristr($encoding, "base64")) {
         $file_code = base64_decode($file_code);
         $this->message_array[] = 'base64 decoded.';
     /** ------------------------------
     		/**  Check and adjust for multiple files with same file name
     		/** ------------------------------*/
     $file_path = ee()->filemanager->clean_filename($filename, $upload_dir_id, array('ignore_dupes' => FALSE));
     $filename = basename($file_path);
     /** ---------------------------
     		/**  Put Info in Post Data array
     		/** ---------------------------*/
     $ext = trim(strrchr($filename, '.'), '.');
     $is_image = FALSE;
     // This is needed for XSS cleaning
     if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->movie)) {
         $this->post_data['movie'][] = $filename;
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->audio)) {
         $this->post_data['audio'][] = $filename;
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->image)) {
         $this->post_data['images'][] = $filename;
         $key = count($this->post_data['images']) - 1;
         $type = 'image';
         // For those crazy application/octet-stream images
         $is_image = TRUE;
     } elseif (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->files)) {
         $this->post_data['files'][] = $filename;
     } else {
     // Clean the file
     if (xss_check()) {
         $xss_result = ee()->security->xss_clean($file_code, $is_image);
         // XSS Clean Failed - bail out
         if ($xss_result === FALSE) {
             $this->message_array[] = 'error_writing_attachment';
             return FALSE;
         if (!$is_image) {
             $file_code = $xss_result;
     // AT&T phones send the message as a .txt file
     // This checks to see if this email is from an AT&T phone,
     // not an encoded file, and has a .txt file extension in the filename
     if ($this->attach_as_txt === TRUE && !stristr($encoding, "base64")) {
         if ($ext == 'txt' && preg_match("/Content-Disposition:\\s*inline/i", $headers, $found)) {
             $this->attach_text = $file_code;
             $this->attach_name = $filename;
             // No upload of file.
     // Check to see if we're dealing with relative paths
     if (strncmp($file_path, '..', 2) == 0) {
         $directory = dirname($file_path);
         $file_path = realpath(substr($directory, 1)) . '/' . $filename;
     // Upload the file and check for errors
     if (file_put_contents($file_path, $file_code) === FALSE) {
         $this->message_array[] = 'error_writing_attachment';
         return FALSE;
     // Disable xss cleaning in the filemanager
     // Send the file
     $result = ee()->filemanager->save_file($file_path, $upload_dir_id, array('title' => $filename, 'rel_path' => dirname($file_path), 'file_name' => $filename));
     // Check to see the result
     if ($result['status'] === FALSE) {
         // $result['message']
         $this->message_array[] = 'error_writing_attachment';
         $this->message_array[] = print_r($result, TRUE);
         return FALSE;
     $this->email_files[] = $filename;
     return TRUE;