public function notifyAction(Request $request) { $this->initUcenter(); $_DCACHE = $get = $post = array(); $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(uc_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $get = $this->stripslashes($get); } $timestamp = time(); if ($timestamp - $get['time'] > 3600) { return new Response('Authracation has expiried'); } if (empty($get)) { return new Response('Invalid Request'); } // $action = $get['action']; $this->requireClientFile('lib/xml.class.php'); $xml = file_get_contents('php://input'); $post = xml_unserialize($xml); if (!in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings'))) { return new Response(API_RETURN_FAILED); } $method = 'do' . ucfirst($get['action']); $result = $this->{$method}($request, $get, $post); return new Response($result); }
private function parseRequest() { $_DCACHE = $get = $post = array(); $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str($this->_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $get = $this->_stripslashes($get); } $timestamp = time(); if ($timestamp - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } // error_log("get".print_r($get,true)); if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } $action = $get['action']; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); Yii::log($get, 'debug'); Yii::log($post, 'debug'); $_GET = $get; $_POST = $post; $this->route = $this->ucController . '/' . $action; error_log("route" . $this->route); if (!in_array($action, array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings'))) { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } }
public static function unserialize($arr, $htmlon = 0) { if (!function_exists('xml_serialize')) { include API_ROOT . 'uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; } return xml_unserialize($arr, $htmlon); }
function index() { /* 只提供普通的http通知方式 */ error_reporting(0); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); $_DCACHE = $get = $post = array(); $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); $get = _stripslashes($get); $timestamp = time(); if ($timestamp - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } $action = $get['action']; include ROOT_PATH . '/uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); if (in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings'))) { exit($this->{$get}['action']($get, $post)); } else { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } }
public function index() { //note 普通的 http 通知方式 if (!defined('IN_UC')) { error_reporting(0); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); defined('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC') || define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc()); service("Passport"); $_DCACHE = $get = $post = array(); $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $get = _stripslashes($get); } $timestamp = time(); if ($timestamp - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } $action = $get['action']; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); if (in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings'))) { exit($this->{$get}['action']($get, $post)); } else { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); define('UC_CLIENT_VERSION', '1.6.0'); define('UC_CLIENT_RELEASE', '20110501'); define('API_DELETEUSER', 1); define('API_RENAMEUSER', 1); define('API_GETTAG', 1); define('API_SYNLOGIN', 1); define('API_SYNLOGOUT', 1); define('API_UPDATEPW', 1); define('API_UPDATEBADWORDS', 1); define('API_UPDATEHOSTS', 1); define('API_UPDATEAPPS', 1); define('API_UPDATECLIENT', 1); define('API_UPDATECREDIT', 1); define('API_GETCREDIT', 1); define('API_GETCREDITSETTINGS', 1); define('API_UPDATECREDITSETTINGS', 1); define('API_ADDFEED', 1); define('API_RETURN_SUCCEED', '1'); define('API_RETURN_FAILED', '-1'); define('API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN', '1'); define('IN_API', true); define('CURSCRIPT', 'api'); if (!defined('IN_UC')) { // require_once '../source/class/class_core.php'; Vendor("source.class.class_core"); $discuz = C::app(); $discuz->init(); require DISCUZ_ROOT . './config/config_ucenter.php'; $get = $post = array(); $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (time() - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); if (in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings', 'addfeed'))) { $uc_note = new uc_note(); echo $uc_note->{$get}['action']($get, $post); exit; } else { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } } else { exit; } }
public function api(UcenterNoteApi $note) { $code = Request::get('code'); parse_str(Helper::authcode($code, 'DECODE', Config::get('ucenter.key')), $get); Request::server('REQUEST_TIME') - $get['time'] > 3600 && exit('Authracation has expiried'); empty($get) && exit('Invalid Request'); $action = $get['action']; $_input = file_get_contents('php://input'); $post = $_input ? xml_unserialize($_input) : []; $allowActions = ['test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings', 'getcredit']; if (in_array($action, $allowActions)) { $return = call_user_func([$note, $action], $get, $post); return response($return); } else { return response(self::API_RETURN_FAILED); } }
/** * 解析请求 * @return boolean */ public function initRequest() { $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(_uc_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $get = _uc_stripslashes($get); } if (empty($get)) { $this->error = '非法请求'; return false; } $timestamp = time(); if ($timestamp - $get['time'] > 3600) { $this->error = '请求有效期已过'; return false; } $this->code = $code; $this->action = parse_name($get['action'], '1'); $this->post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); }
function updatedata($appid, $data) { $appid = intval($appid); include_once UC_ROOT.'lib/xml.class.php'; $data = xml_unserialize($data); $this->base->load('app'); $data[0] = addslashes($data[0]); $datanew = array(); if(is_array($data[1])) { foreach($data[1] as $r) { $datanew[] = $_ENV['misc']->array2string($r); } } $tmp = $_ENV['app']->get_apps('type', "appid='$appid'"); $datanew = addslashes($tmp[0]['type']."\t".implode("\t", $datanew)); if(!empty($data[0])) { $return = $this->db->result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."tags WHERE tagname='$data[0]' AND appid='$appid'"); if($return) { $this->db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."tags SET data='$datanew', expiration='".$this->base->time."' WHERE tagname='$data[0]' AND appid='$appid'"); } else { $this->db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."tags (tagname, appid, data, expiration) VALUES ('$data[0]', '$appid', '$datanew', '".$this->base->time."')"); } } }
function unserialize($s) { if (file_exists(UC_ROOT . RELEASE_ROOT . './lib/xml.class.php')) { include_once UC_ROOT . RELEASE_ROOT . './lib/xml.class.php'; } else { include_once UC_ROOT . './lib/xml.class.php'; } return xml_unserialize($s); }
function sync_unserialize($s, $release_root) { if (!function_exists('xml_unserialize')) { if ($release_root && file_exists(UC_ROOT . $release_root . './lib/xml.class.php')) { include UC_ROOT . $release_root . './lib/xml.class.php'; } else { include UC_ROOT . './lib/xml.class.php'; } } return xml_unserialize($s); }
function get_plugin_by_name($pluginname) { $dir = UC_ROOT . './plugin'; $s = file_get_contents($dir . '/' . $pluginname . '/plugin.xml'); return xml_unserialize($s, TRUE); }
<?php require_once "alipayadd.config.php"; require_once "lib/alipay_notify.class.php"; $alipayNotify = new AlipayNotify($aliapy_config); $verify_result = $alipayNotify->verifyNotify(); if ($verify_result) { //验证成功 $receive_address = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST['receive_address']) : $_POST['receive_address']; $ali_address = array(); $receive_address = xml_unserialize($receive_address); if ($receive_address) { $ali_address['prov'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['prov']; $ali_address['city'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['city']; $ali_address['area'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['area']; $ali_address['address'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['address']; $ali_address['fullname'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['fullname']; $ali_address['mobile_phone'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['mobile_phone']; $ali_address['post'] = $receive_address['receiveAddress']['post']; } if ($ali_address) { Session::Set('ali_add', $ali_address); redirect(get_loginpage(WEB_ROOT . '/index.php')); } else { Session::Set('error', '获取物流地址失败'); redirect(get_loginpage(WEB_ROOT . '/index.php')); } } else { //验证失败 //如要调试,请看alipay_notify.php页面的verifyNotify函数,比对sign和mysign的值是否相等,或者检查$veryfy_result有没有返回true echo "验证失败";
$_DCACHE = $get = $post = array(); $code = isset($GLOBALS['code']) ? $GLOBALS['code'] : ''; $get = $GLOBALS; parse_str(_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $get = _stripslashes($get); } if (SYS_TIME - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } require_once WWW_ROOT . './api/uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = file_get_contents('php://input'); $post = xml_unserialize($post); if (in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings'))) { $uc_note = new uc_note(); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . CHARSET); echo $uc_note->{$get}['action']($get, $post); exit; } else { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } class uc_note { private $member, $uc_db, $applist; function __construct() { //$this->uc_db = load_class('db', 'core', 'uc_mysql_config'); define('M', 'member');
function fetch_plugins() { $plugindir = UC_ROOT . './plugin'; $d = opendir($plugindir); while ($f = readdir($d)) { if ($f != '.' && $f != '..' && is_dir($plugindir . '/' . $f)) { $pluginxml = $plugindir . $f . '/plugin.xml'; $plugins[] = xml_unserialize($pluginxml); } } }
/** * 得到受保护的用户名列表 * 本接口函数用于获得被保护的用户列表。 * * @return array */ public function userGetProtected() { $response = $this->apiPost('user', 'deleteprotected', ['1' => 1]); return xml_unserialize($response); }
/** Opens a socket to the platform server and writes data over socket */ function post_xhg($data, $post_server = "", $post_path = "/folder/file.php", $post_port = "80", $post_timeout = "10", $post_content_type = "text/xml") { //open socket $f = fsockopen($post_server, $post_port, $post_timeout); if ($f) { //Set the read timeout on the socket stream_set_timeout($f, 5, 0); $fd = "POST {$post_path} HTTP/1.0\n"; $fd .= "Content-Type: {$post_content_type}; charset=utf-8\n"; $fd .= "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\n\n"; $fd .= "{$data}\n\n"; fputs($f, $fd); $info = stream_get_meta_data($f); $str = ""; while (!feof($f) && !$info['timed_out']) { $info = stream_get_meta_data($f); $str .= fread($f, 1024); } //Discard HTML headers and only read XML $response = substr($str, strpos($str, "\r\n\r\n"), strlen($str)); if ($response) { //Create an array of the XML $content_array = xml_unserialize($response); //Extract data from array into variables $status_code = $content_array['Response attr']['status_code']; $seq_no = $content_array['Response']['Data']['field']['1 attr']['value']; //Ensure that 200 OK exists if (!strstr($str, '200 OK')) { $err_msg = 'Invalid HTTP return code Higate XHG'; return false; } if ($info['timed_out'] != 1) { if ($status_code != '0') { $err_msg = get_text_between($str, "<field name='reason' value='", "'"); return false; } if (strstr($str, 'ERROR')) { $err_msg = 'Error message from Higate. [enable debugging for more details]'; return false; } } else { $err_msg = 'Error. Read timeout from ' . $post_server; return false; } fclose($f); } } return true; }
function action_updateclient() { !API_UPDATECLIENT && exit(API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN); $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); $cachefile = CORE_DIR . '/lib/uc_client/data/cache/settings.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'settings\'] = ' . var_export($post, TRUE) . ";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); //更新客户端缓存 exit(API_RETURN_SUCCEED); }
function Upgrade() { $id = jget('id', 'int'); $plugin_info = jlogic('plugin')->getpluginbyid($id); if ($plugin_info['available'] == 1) { $this->Messager("升级失败(此插件启动中,如升级请先关闭本插件)", 'admin.php?mod=plugin'); } $plugindir = $plugin_info['identifier']; $nowver = !empty($plugin_info['version']) ? $plugin_info['version'] : 0; $filedir = PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugindir; $xml_url = $filedir . '/jishigou_plugin_' . $plugindir . '.xml'; $fp = fopen($xml_url, 'r'); $xmldata = fread($fp, filesize($xml_url)); $plugindata_all = xml_unserialize($xmldata); $upgradefile = $plugindata_all['upgradefile']; $newver = $plugindata_all['Data']['plugin']['version']; $upgrade = $newver > $nowver ? true : false; $data = array(); $data['version'] = $newver; if ($upgrade) { if ($upgradefile) { if (file_exists($filedir . '/' . $upgradefile)) { include $filedir . '/' . $upgradefile; $sqls = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("{jishigou}", TABLE_PREFIX, $sql)); foreach (explode(";\n", trim($sqls)) as $sql) { $query = trim($sql); if (!empty($query)) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($query); } } } else { $this->Messager("升级失败(升级文件" . $upgradefile . "丢失,无法升级)", 'admin.php?mod=plugin'); } } jtable('plugin')->update($data, array('pluginid' => $id)); $this->Messager("插件已经从" . $nowver . "成功升级到" . $newver, 'admin.php?mod=plugin'); } else { $this->Messager("此插件无需升级,请上传新版本后再执行本操作", 'admin.php?mod=plugin'); } }
function sendone($appid, $noteid = 0, $note = '') { require_once UC_ROOT . './lib/xml.class.php'; $return = FALSE; $app = $this->apps[$appid]; if ($noteid) { $note = $this->_get_note_by_id($noteid); } $this->base->load('misc'); $apifilename = isset($app['apifilename']) && $app['apifilename'] ? $app['apifilename'] : 'uc.php'; if ($app['extra']['apppath'] && @(include $app['extra']['apppath'] . './api/' . $apifilename)) { $uc_note = new uc_note(); $method = $note['operation']; if (is_string($method) && !empty($method)) { parse_str($note['getdata'], $note['getdata']); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $note['getdata'] = $this->base->dstripslashes($note['getdata']); } $note['postdata'] = xml_unserialize($note['postdata']); $response = $uc_note->{$method}($note['getdata'], $note['postdata']); } unset($uc_note); } else { $url = $this->get_url_code($note['operation'], $note['getdata'], $appid); $note['postdata'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $note['postdata']); $response = trim($_ENV['misc']->dfopen2($url, 0, $note['postdata'], '', 1, $app['ip'], UC_NOTE_TIMEOUT, TRUE)); } $returnsucceed = $response != '' && ($response == 1 || is_array(xml_unserialize($response))); $closedsqladd = $this->_close_note($note, $this->apps, $returnsucceed, $appid) ? ",closed='1'" : ''; // if ($returnsucceed) { if ($this->operations[$note['operation']][2]) { $this->base->load($this->operations[$note['operation']][2]); $func = $this->operations[$note['operation']][3]; $_ENV[$this->operations[$note['operation']][2]]->{$func}($appid, $response); } $this->db->query("UPDATE " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "notelist SET app{$appid}='1', totalnum=totalnum+1, succeednum=succeednum+1, dateline='{$this->base->time}' {$closedsqladd} WHERE noteid='{$note['noteid']}'", 'SILENT'); $return = TRUE; } else { $this->db->query("UPDATE " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "notelist SET app{$appid} = app{$appid}-'1', totalnum=totalnum+1, dateline='{$this->base->time}' {$closedsqladd} WHERE noteid='{$note['noteid']}'", 'SILENT'); $return = FALSE; } return $return; }
private function hg_unserialize($s) { include_once 'xml.class.php'; return xml_unserialize($s); }
public static function unserialize($xml, $htmlOn = 0) { if (!function_exists('xml_serialize')) { require APPPATH . '../uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; } return xml_unserialize($xml, $htmlOn); }
$code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(_authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $get = _stripslashes($get); } //时间戳验证 $timestamp = time(); // if($timestamp - $get['time'] > 3600) { // exit('Authracation has expiried'); // } if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } $action = $get['action']; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); // 调试用-写log // $log_message = "============================ \n " // .date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." \n ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] // ." \n ".var_export($get,true)." \n ".var_export($post,true)." \n "; // $log_file = DISCUZ_ROOT."/uc_log.txt"; // $result = error_log($log_message,3,$log_file); if (UC_SYNC == 0) { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } if (in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'face', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings'))) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/lib/db.class.php'; //UC的数据库连接 $GLOBALS['db'] = new ucclient_db(); $GLOBALS['db']->connect(UC_DBHOST, UC_DBUSER, UC_DBPW, UC_DBNAME, UC_DBCONNECT, true, UC_DBCHARSET); $GLOBALS['tablepre'] = UC_DBTABLEPRE;
function xml2array($xml) { $arr = xml_unserialize($xml, 1); preg_match('/<error errorCode="(\d+)" errorMessage="([^\/]+)" \/>/', $xml, $match); $arr['error'] = array('errorcode' => $match[1], 'errormessage' => $match[2]); return $arr; }
function uc_unserialize($s) { include_once '../uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; return xml_unserialize($s); }
function uc_unserialize($s) { include_once UC_ROOT . './lib/xml.class.php'; return xml_unserialize($s); }
define('UC_CHARSET', $uc['charset']); define('UC_KEY', $uc['key']); define('UC_API', $uc['api']); define('UC_APPID', $uc['appid']); define('UC_IP', $uc['ip']); $get = $post = array(); parse_str(authcode($query['code'], 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if (TIMESTAMP - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } if (empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } include_once IA_ROOT . '/framework/library/uc/lib/xml.class.php'; $input = file_get_contents('php://input'); $post = xml_unserialize($input); if (in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings', 'addfeed'))) { $note = new uc_note(); echo $note->{$get}['action']($get, $post); exit; } else { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } } } } class uc_note { function _serialize($arr, $htmlon = 0) { return xml_serialize($arr, $htmlon);