Exemplo n.º 1
function xfac_user_edit($wpUser)
    $config = xfac_option_getConfig();
    if (empty($config)) {
    $apiRecords = xfac_user_getRecordsByUserId($wpUser->ID);
    if (get_current_user_id() == $wpUser->ID) {
        require xfac_template_locateTemplate('dashboard_profile.php');
    } else {
        if (empty($apiRecords)) {
            $xfUsers = array();
            if (xfac_api_hasModuleVersion($config, 'forum', 2015030901) && xfac_api_hasModuleVersion($config, 'oauth2', 2015030902)) {
                $userLoginUsers = xfac_api_getUsersFind($config, $wpUser->user_login);
                if (!empty($userLoginUsers['users'])) {
                    foreach ($userLoginUsers['users'] as $userLoginUser) {
                        // compare strlen instead of strtolower to avoid unicode complication
                        if (strlen($userLoginUser['username']) == strlen($wpUser->user_login)) {
                            $xfUsers[$userLoginUser['user_id']] = $userLoginUser;
                $adminAccessToken = xfac_user_getAdminAccessToken($config);
                if (!empty($adminAccessToken)) {
                    $emailUsers = xfac_api_getUsersFind($config, '', $wpUser->user_email, $adminAccessToken);
                    if (!empty($emailUsers['users'])) {
                        foreach ($emailUsers['users'] as $emailUser) {
                            $xfUsers[$emailUser['user_id']] = $emailUser;
        require xfac_template_locateTemplate('dashboard_user.php');
Exemplo n.º 2
function xfac_tools_search_index()
    /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
    global $wpdb;
    $config = xfac_option_getConfig();
    if (empty($config)) {
        wp_die(__('XenForo API configuration is missing.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    if (!xfac_api_hasModuleVersion($config, 'search/indexing', 2015091501)) {
        wp_die(__('Please update XenForo API to run this tool.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    $optionFilters = array('type' => array('filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT, 'default' => ''), 'position' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => 0), 'limit' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => 10));
    $options = array();
    foreach ($optionFilters as $optionKey => $optionFilter) {
        $optionValue = filter_input(INPUT_GET, $optionKey, $optionFilter['filter']);
        if (!empty($optionValue)) {
            $options[$optionKey] = $optionValue;
        } else {
            $options[$optionKey] = $optionFilter['default'];
    $contentTypes = preg_split('#[,\\s]#', $options['type'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $contentType = '';
    $contentTable = '';
    $contentIdField = '';
    $syncProviderType = '';
    while (true) {
        if (empty($contentTypes)) {
            die(__('Done.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
        $contentType = reset($contentTypes);
        switch ($contentType) {
            case 'post':
                $contentTable = 'posts';
                $contentIdField = 'ID';
                $syncProviderType = 'thread';
            case 'comment':
                $contentTable = 'comments';
                $contentIdField = 'comment_ID';
                $syncProviderType = 'post';
        $maxContentId = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX({$contentIdField}) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}{$contentTable}");
        if ($options['position'] < $maxContentId) {
            // position is good, break the while(true) and start working
        $options['position'] = 0;
        $options['type'] = implode(',', $contentTypes);
    $contents = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("\n        SELECT {$contentIdField} AS ID\n        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}{$contentTable}\n        WHERE {$contentIdField} > %d\n        LIMIT %d", array($options['position'], $options['limit'])));
    $contentIds = array();
    foreach ($contents as $content) {
        $contentIds[] = $content->ID;
    $syncRecords = xfac_sync_getRecordsByProviderTypeAndSyncIds('', $syncProviderType, $contentIds);
    foreach ($contents as $content) {
        $options['position'] = max($options['position'], $content->ID);
        $latestSyncDate = 0;
        foreach ($syncRecords as $syncRecord) {
            if ($syncRecord->sync_id == $content->ID) {
                $latestSyncDate = max($latestSyncDate, $syncRecord->sync_date);
        switch ($contentType) {
            case 'post':
                xfac_search_indexPost($config, $content->ID, $latestSyncDate);
            case 'comment':
                xfac_search_indexComment($config, $content->ID, $latestSyncDate);
    $optionsStr = '';
    foreach ($options as $optionKey => $optionValue) {
        if ($optionValue !== $optionFilters[$optionKey]['default']) {
            $optionsStr .= sprintf('&%s=%s', $optionKey, rawurlencode($optionValue));
    die(sprintf('<script>window.location = "%s";</script>', admin_url(sprintf('tools.php?action=xfac_tools_search_index%s', $optionsStr))));
Exemplo n.º 3
function xfac_tools_connect()
    /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
    global $wpdb;
    $config = xfac_option_getConfig();
    if (empty($config)) {
        wp_die(__('XenForo API configuration is missing.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    $adminAccessToken = xfac_user_getAdminAccessToken($config);
    if (empty($adminAccessToken)) {
        wp_die(__('Admin Account\'s access token cannot be obtained.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    if (!xfac_api_hasModuleVersion($config, 'forum', 2015030901) || !xfac_api_hasModuleVersion($config, 'oauth2', 2015030902)) {
        wp_die(__('Please update XenForo API to run this tool.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    $optionFilters = array('position' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => 0), 'limit' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => 10), 'associate' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => 0), 'push' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => 0));
    $options = array();
    foreach ($optionFilters as $optionKey => $optionFilter) {
        $optionValue = filter_input(INPUT_GET, $optionKey, $optionFilter['filter']);
        if (!empty($optionValue)) {
            $options[$optionKey] = $optionValue;
        } else {
            $options[$optionKey] = $optionFilter['default'];
    if (empty($options['associate']) && empty($options['push'])) {
        wp_die(__('At least one action must be selected: either associate or push', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    $maxWpUserIds = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT MAX(ID) FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users');
    if ($options['position'] >= $maxWpUserIds) {
        die(__('Done.', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
    $dbUsers = $wpdb->get_results('
        SELECT *
        FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users
        WHERE ID > ' . $options['position'] . '
        LIMIT ' . $options['limit']);
    foreach ($dbUsers as $dbUser) {
        $user = new WP_User($dbUser);
        $options['position'] = max($options['position'], $user->ID);
        $records = xfac_user_getRecordsByUserId($user->ID);
        if (!empty($records)) {
            // this user has connected
        printf(__('Processing user #%d (%s)', 'xenforo-api-consumer'), $user->ID, $user->user_login);
        echo "<br />\n";
        $candidates = array();
        $userLoginUsers = xfac_api_getUsersFind($config, $user->user_login);
        if (!empty($userLoginUsers['users'])) {
            foreach ($userLoginUsers['users'] as $userLoginUser) {
                // similar logic with includes/dashboard/profile.php
                if (strlen($userLoginUser['username']) == strlen($user->user_login)) {
                    $candidates[$userLoginUser['user_id']] = $userLoginUser;
        $emailUsers = xfac_api_getUsersFind($config, '', $user->user_email, $adminAccessToken);
        if (!empty($emailUsers['users'])) {
            foreach ($emailUsers['users'] as $emailUser) {
                $candidates[$emailUser['user_id']] = $emailUser;
        if (!empty($candidates) && !empty($options['associate'])) {
            foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
                $userAccessToken = xfac_api_postOauthTokenAdmin($config, $adminAccessToken, $candidate['user_id']);
                if (!empty($userAccessToken)) {
                    xfac_syncLogin_syncRole($config, $user, $candidate, false);
                    xfac_user_updateRecord($user->ID, $config['root'], $candidate['user_id'], $candidate, $userAccessToken);
                    xfac_log('xfac_tools_connect associated $wpUser (#%d) vs. $xfUser (#%d)', $user->ID, $candidate['user_id']);
                } else {
                    $errors = xfac_api_getLastErrors();
                    if (!is_array($errors)) {
                        $errors = array(__('Unknown error', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
                    xfac_log('xfac_tools_connect failed to associate $wpUser (#%d) vs. $xfUser (#%d): %s', $user->ID, $candidate['user_id'], implode(', ', $errors));
        if (empty($candidates) && !empty($options['push'])) {
            $result = xfac_api_postUser($config, $user->user_email, $user->user_login, '', array('oauth_token' => $adminAccessToken));
            if (!empty($result)) {
                $xfUser = $result['user'];
                $token = $result['token'];
                xfac_syncLogin_syncRole($config, $user, $xfUser, false);
                xfac_user_updateRecord($user->ID, $config['root'], $xfUser['user_id'], $xfUser, $token);
                xfac_log('xfac_tools_connect pushed $wpUser (#%d)', $user->ID);
            } else {
                $errors = xfac_api_getLastErrors();
                if (!is_array($errors)) {
                    $errors = array(__('Unknown error', 'xenforo-api-consumer'));
                xfac_log('xfac_tools_connect failed to push $wpUser (#%d): %s', $user->ID, implode(', ', $errors));
    $optionsStr = '';
    foreach ($options as $optionKey => $optionValue) {
        if ($optionValue != $optionFilters[$optionKey]['default']) {
            $optionsStr .= sprintf('%s=%s&', $optionKey, rawurlencode($optionValue));
    die(sprintf('<script>window.location = "%s";</script>', admin_url(sprintf('tools.php?action=xfac_tools_connect&%s', $optionsStr))));