Exemplo n.º 1

global $modx;
$firstmonth = abs($this->bloxconfig['month']);
$year = $this->bloxconfig['year'];
$timestampfirstday = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $firstmonth, 01, $year);
$cal = $this->xettcal->getMonthDays($year, $firstmonth);
$timestampday = xetadodb_strftime("%d", $this->bloxconfig['nowtimestamp']);
$timestampmonth = xetadodb_strftime("%m", $this->bloxconfig['nowtimestamp']);
$timestampyear = xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $this->bloxconfig['nowtimestamp']);
$monthlist = array();
for ($monthcount = 1; $monthcount <= 12; $monthcount++) {
    $monthlist[$monthcount]['tsmonth'] = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $timestampmonth + $monthcount - 1, 01, $timestampyear);
//Caching for template monthTpl
$cachename = 'month_' . $year . '_' . $this->bloxconfig['month'] . '_' . $this->bloxconfig['canedit'] . '.cache.php';
if (($cacheoutput = $this->cache->readCache($cachename)) === false) {
    $cacheaction = '1';
    //render new and save cachefile
} else {
    $cacheaction = '2';
    //use cached output
if ($cacheaction !== '2') {
    $roomsparent = $this->bloxconfig['custom']['docids']['rooms'];
    // Wohnungen suchen
    $tablename1 = $modx->getFullTableName('site_content') . ' sc';
    $query = "select sc.id as room_ID,sc.pagetitle as room_title";
    $query .= " from " . $tablename1;
    $query .= " where parent= " . $roomsparent;
Exemplo n.º 2
    $doc->Set('cacheable', '0');
    $doc->Set('hidemenu', '1');
    $doc->Set('published', $row['`published`']);
    $doc->Set('isfolder', '0');
    $doc->Set('createdby', $createdby);
    $doc->Set('tvEasyEvents_HideTime', $row['`hide_time`']);
    $doc->Set('tvEasyEvents_Start', xetadodb_strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", $row['`Time`']));
    $doc->Set('tvEasyEvents_End', xetadodb_strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", $row['`Timeend`']));
    $parent = $doc->fields['id'];
    $tsmonth = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, xetadodb_strftime("%m", $row['`Time`']), 01, xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $row['`Time`']));
    $monthend = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, xetadodb_strftime("%m", $row['`Timeend`']), 01, xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $row['`Timeend`']));
    $oldtsmonth = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, xetadodb_strftime("%m", $_POST['oldTime']), 01, xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $_POST['oldTime']));
    $oldmonthend = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, xetadodb_strftime("%m", $_POST['oldTimeend']), 01, xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $_POST['oldTimeend']));
    if (isset($_POST['oldTime'])) {
        $tsmonth = $oldtsmonth < $tsmonth ? $oldtsmonth : $tsmonth;
        $monthend = $oldmonthend > $monthend ? $oldmonthend : $monthend;
    $i = 1;
    while ($tsmonth <= $monthend) {
        $month = xetadodb_strftime("%m", $tsmonth);
        $year = xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $tsmonth);
        $cachename = 'month_' . $year . '_' . $month . '_1.cache.php';
        $cachename = 'month_' . $year . '_' . $month . '_.cache.php';
        $tsmonth = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, xetadodb_strftime("%m", $row['`Time`']) + $i, 01, xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $row['`Time`']));
$this->messages[] = $message;
Exemplo n.º 3

$timestampstart = $this->xettcal->get_ts_daystart($row['tsday']);
$timestampend = $this->xettcal->get_ts_dayend($row['tsday']);
$startDate = xetadodb_strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $timestampstart);
$endDate = xetadodb_strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $timestampend);
$contentFields = 'id,pagetitle,description';
$limit = 0;
// Include Easy Events class and instantiate object
include_once $modx->config['base_path'] . 'assets/snippets/EasyEvents/EasyEvents.class.php';
$ee = new EasyEvents($row['room_ID']);
$easyevents = $ee->getEvents($startDate, $endDate, $contentFields, $limit);
$events = array();
if (count($easyevents) > 0) {
    foreach ($easyevents as $event) {
        $eedate = $ee->getDateFromTV($event['startDate']);
        $eetime = $ee->getTimeFromTV($event['startDate']);
        $arrdate = explode('-', $eedate);
        $arrtime = explode(':', $eetime);
        $event['Time'] = xetadodb_mktime($arrtime[0], $arrtime[1], $arrtime[2], $arrdate[1], $arrdate[2], $arrdate[0]);
        $eedate = $ee->getDateFromTV($event['endDate']);
        $eetime = $ee->getTimeFromTV($event['endDate']);
        $arrdate = explode('-', $eedate);
        $arrtime = explode(':', $eetime);
        $event['Timeend'] = xetadodb_mktime($arrtime[0], $arrtime[1], $arrtime[2], $arrdate[1], $arrdate[2], $arrdate[0]);
        //array_push($events, $event);
        $events[] = $event;
$xettdatas = $events[0];
$xettdatas['groupeventscount'] = count($easyevents);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function makeevents()
     $rows = $this->getformfields();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($this->xetconfig['lasthour'] == '' || $this->xetconfig['lastminute'] == '') {
             $this->xetconfig['lasthour'] = $this->xetconfig['starthour'];
             $this->xetconfig['lastminute'] = $this->xetconfig['startminute'];
         if ($this->xetconfig['lastday'] == '' || $this->xetconfig['lastmonth'] == '' || $this->xetconfig['lastyear'] == '') {
             $this->xetconfig['lastday'] = $this->xetconfig['startday'];
             $this->xetconfig['lastmonth'] = $this->xetconfig['startmonth'];
             $this->xetconfig['lastyear'] = $this->xetconfig['startyear'];
         $starttimestamp = $row['`Time`'];
         if (isset($_POST['lastdate']) || isset($_POST['lasttime'])) {
             $dateformatarr = explode(',', $this->xetconfig['date_format']);
             $datearr = explode($this->xetconfig['date_divider'], $_POST['lastdate']);
             $key = array_search('d', $dateformatarr);
             $this->xetconfig['lastday'] = $datearr[$key];
             $key = array_search('m', $dateformatarr);
             $this->xetconfig['lastmonth'] = $datearr[$key];
             $key = array_search('y', $dateformatarr);
             $this->xetconfig['lastyear'] = $datearr[$key];
             $timearr = explode(':', $_POST['lasttime']);
             $this->xetconfig['lasthour'] = $timearr[0];
             $this->xetconfig['lastminute'] = $timearr[1];
         $lasttimestamp = xetadodb_mktime($this->xetconfig['lasthour'], $this->xetconfig['lastminute'], 0, $this->xetconfig['lastmonth'], $this->xetconfig['lastday'], $this->xetconfig['lastyear']);
         $adddays = 0;
         $thetime = $starttimestamp;
         $theDate = $thetime;
         while ($thetime <= $lasttimestamp) {
             $theday = xetadodb_strftime("%d", $theDate);
             $theyear = xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $theDate);
             $themonth = xetadodb_strftime("%m", $theDate);
             $lasttime = xetadodb_mktime($this->xetconfig['lasthour'], $this->xetconfig['lastminute'], 0, $themonth, $theday, $theyear);
             $i = 0;
             $thetime = $theDate;
             while ($thetime <= $lasttime) {
                 $Time = $thetime;
                 $fields = $row;
                 $fields['`Time`'] = $Time;
                 if (isset($_POST['lenminutes']) || isset($_POST['lenhours']) || isset($_POST['lendays'])) {
                     $datelen = $_POST['lenminutes'] * 60 + $_POST['lenhours'] * 3600 + $_POST['lendays'] * 86400;
                     $fields['`Timeend`'] = $Time + $datelen;
                 } else {
                     $fields['`Timeend`'] = $row['`Timeend`'];
                 if (isset($_POST['shiftminutes']) || isset($_POST['shifthours']) || isset($_POST['shiftdays'])) {
                     $timeshift = $_POST['shiftminutes'] * 60 + $_POST['shifthours'] * 3600 + $_POST['shiftdays'] * 86400;
                 } else {
                     $timeshift = $this->xetconfig['timeshift'];
                 $addtime = $i * $timeshift;
                 $thetime = $theDate + $addtime;
             $theDate = $starttimestamp + $adddays * 86400;
Exemplo n.º 5
$bloxconfig['tplpath'] = isset($tpl_path) ? $bloxconfig['projectpath'] . "templates/" . $tpl_path : '';
$bloxconfig['tplpath'] = $bloxconfig['tplpath'] == '' ? $bloxconfig['projectpath'] . $bloxconfig['task'] . "/templates" : $bloxconfig['tplpath'];
//echo $bloxconfig['tplpath'];
$bloxconfig['includespath'] = isset($includes_path) ? $bloxconfig['projectpath'] . $includes_path : '';
$bloxconfig['includespath'] = $bloxconfig['includespath'] == '' ? $bloxconfig['projectpath'] . $bloxconfig['task'] . "/includes" : $bloxconfig['includespath'];
$bloxconfig['cachepath'] = $bloxconfig['path'] . 'cache';
$bloxconfig['includesfile'] = $bloxconfig['includespath'] . "/getdatas.php";
// [ file ]
$bloxconfig['onsavefile'] = $bloxconfig['includespath'] . "/onsavedatas.php";
// [ file ]
$timestamp = time();
$timestampday = xetadodb_strftime("%d", $timestamp);
$timestampmonth = xetadodb_strftime("%m", $timestamp);
$timestampyear = xetadodb_strftime("%Y", $timestamp);
$bloxconfig['nowtimestamp'] = $timestamp;
$bloxconfig['day'] = isset($day) ? $day : $timestampday;
$bloxconfig['day'] = isset($_REQUEST['day']) && trim($_REQUEST['day'] !== '') ? $_REQUEST['day'] : $bloxconfig['day'];
$bloxconfig['month'] = isset($month) ? $month : $timestampmonth;
$bloxconfig['month'] = isset($_REQUEST['month']) && trim($_REQUEST['month'] !== '') ? $_REQUEST['month'] : $bloxconfig['month'];
$bloxconfig['year'] = isset($year) ? $year : $timestampyear;
$bloxconfig['year'] = isset($_REQUEST['year']) && trim($_REQUEST['year'] !== '') ? $_REQUEST['year'] : $bloxconfig['year'];
$bloxconfig['processpost'] = isset($processpost) ? $processpost : '1';
$bloxconfig['custom'] = isset($custom) ? $custom : array();
$bloxconfig['permissions'] = isset($permissions) ? $permissions : array();
$bloxconfig['path'] = $bloxpath;
// [ path ]
$bloxconfig['userID'] = $modx->getLoginUserID();
//$bloxtpl['bloxouterTpl']= (isset($bloxouterTpl)) ? $bloxouterTpl : "@FILE:".$bloxconfig['tplpath']."/bloxouterTpl.html"; // [ path | chunkname | text ]
Exemplo n.º 6
$query .= " and published = '1' ";
$query .= " order by Time limit 1";
$rs = $modx->db->query($query);
$events = $modx->db->makeArray($rs);
if (count($events) > 0) {
    $tmpevent = $events[0];
    $timestamp_high = $tmpevent['Time'];
$event['range_high'] = xetadodb_strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $timestamp_high);
//find prev reservation
$timestamp_low = $event['Time'] - 86400 * 30;
$timestampend = $event['Time'] - 86400;
$query = "select *";
$query .= " from " . $tablename;
$query .= " where room_ID= " . $room_ID;
$query .= " and Time <= '{$timestampend}' ";
$query .= " and Timeend >= '{$timestamp_low}' ";
$query .= " and published = '1' ";
$query .= " order by Time DESC limit 1";
$rs = $modx->db->query($query);
$events = $modx->db->makeArray($rs);
if (count($events) > 0) {
    $tmpevent = $events[0];
    $timestamp_low = $tmpevent['Timeend'];
$event['range_low'] = xetadodb_strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $timestamp_low);
$xettdatas = $event;
Exemplo n.º 7

$Xettpath = './' . XETT_PATH;
require_once $Xettpath . 'document.class.inc.php';
$createdby = $modx->getLoginUserID();
$rows = $this->getformfields();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $doc = new Document($row['`docid`']);
    $doc->Set('parent', $row['`room_ID`']);
    $doc->Set('content', $row['`content`']);
    $doc->Set('description', $row['`description`']);
    $doc->Set('template', $this->xetconfig['docids']['eventtemplate']);
    $doc->Set('pagetitle', $row['`pagetitle`']);
    $doc->Set('longtitle', $row['`longtitle`']);
    $doc->Set('menutitle', $row['`menutitle`']);
    $doc->Set('cacheable', '0');
    $doc->Set('hidemenu', '1');
    $doc->Set('published', $row['`published`']);
    $doc->Set('isfolder', '0');
    $doc->Set('createdby', $createdby);
    $doc->Set('tvEasyEvents_HideTime', $row['`hide_time`']);
    $doc->Set('tvEasyEvents_Start', xetadodb_strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", $row['`Time`']));
    $doc->Set('tvEasyEvents_End', xetadodb_strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", $row['`Timeend`']));
    $parent = $doc->fields['id'];
Exemplo n.º 8
function xetadodb_gmstrftime($fmt, $ts = false)
    return xetadodb_strftime($fmt, $ts, true);
Exemplo n.º 9
	%p - either `am' or `pm' according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale 
	%r - time in a.m. and p.m. notation 
	%R - time in 24 hour notation 
	%S - second as a decimal number 
	%t - tab character 
	%T - current time, equal to %H:%M:%S 
	%x - preferred date representation for the current locale without the time 
	%X - preferred time representation for the current locale without the date 
	%y - year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99) 
	%Y - year as a decimal number including the century 
	%Z - time zone or name or abbreviation 
	%% - a literal `%' character 
$options = explode('||', $options);
//path where adodb-time.inc.php is installed.
$dateoptions = isset($options[0]) ? $options[0] : '';
$format = strlen($options[0]) > 0 ? $options[0] : '%A, %e. %B %Y';
if ($format == '') {
    return $output;
$adodbpath = isset($options[1]) ? $options[1] : "assets/snippets/Xett/";
$adodbFile = $modx->config['base_path'] . $adodbpath . 'adodb-time.inc.php';
$useadodbtime = '0';
if (file_exists($adodbFile)) {
    include_once $adodbFile;
    $useadodbtime = '1';
$output = is_numeric($output) ? $output : time();
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.UTF-8');
$date_ger = $useadodbtime == '1' ? xetadodb_strftime($format, 0 + $output) : strftime($format, 0 + $output);
return $date_ger;