Exemplo n.º 1
    echo '<div class="tabber"  style="">' . PHP_EOL;
    if ($chartsGraph && !$graphsSeparate) {
        // are the graphs separate on the page or are they in a tab  (=false)
        echo '	<div class="tabbertab" style="">
		<h2> ' . wsnoaafcttransstr('Graph') . ' </h2>
		<div id="containerTemp" class="noaadiv" style="height: ' . $graphHeight . 'px; margin: 4px auto;">
			here the graph will be drawn
		</div>' . $graphPart1 . '
	</div>' . PHP_EOL;
    if ($plainTable) {
        echo '	<div class="tabbertab noaadiv" style="' . $styleHeight . '"><h2> ' . wsnoaafcttransstr('Forecast') . ' </h2>' . $noaaPlainText . $creditLink . '
	</div>' . PHP_EOL;
    if ($fcstTable) {
        echo '	<div class="tabbertab noaadiv" style="' . $styleHeight . '"><h2> ' . wsnoaafcttransstr('Details') . ' </h2>' . $wsFcstTable . '
	</div>' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
    // eo tabber
    echo '<div class="blockHead" style="">' . $creditString . '
</div>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($fcstTable) {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $myJavascriptsDir . 'tabber.js"></script>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($chartsGraph) {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $myJavascriptsDir . 'jquery.js"></script>' . PHP_EOL;
    #	echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$myJavascriptsDir.'highcharts.js"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
    echo '<script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>';
 public function getWeatherDataDigital($lat = '', $lon = '')
     global $myPageNoaa1, $myCacheDir, $dateLongFormat, $timeFormat, $myDefaultIconsDir, $myDefaultIconsExt, $myDefaultIconsSml, $myNoaaIconsDir, $myNoaaIconsExt, $myNoaaIconsSml, $uomTemp, $uomWind, $uomRain, $uomSnow, $uomDistance;
     # clean user input
     $this->apiUrlpart[1] = round(trim($lat), 3);
     $this->apiUrlpart[3] = round(trim($lon), 3);
     # try loading data from cache
     if ($this->enableCache && !empty($this->cache)) {
         $this->cache = $myCacheDir;
         $uoms = $uomTemp . '-' . $uomWind . '-' . $uomRain . '-' . $uomSnow . '-' . $uomDistance;
         $string = $myPageNoaa1 . $this->apiUrlpart[1] . $this->apiUrlpart[3] . $uoms;
         $from = array('&deg;', '∞', '/', ' ', '.');
         $string = str_replace($from, '', $string);
         $this->cacheFile = $this->cache . $string . '.txt';
         $returnArray = $this->loadFromCache();
         // load from cache returns data only when its data is valid
         if (!empty($returnArray)) {
             return $returnArray;
             // if data is in cache and valid return data to calling program
         // eo valid data, return to calling program
     // eo check cache
     # combine everything into required url
     #  http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=41.3&lon=-72.78&FcstType=dwml
     $this->weatherApiUrl = '';
     $end = count($this->apiUrlpart);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $end; $i++) {
         $this->weatherApiUrl .= $this->apiUrlpart[$i];
     ws_message('<!-- module noaaDigitalGenerateHtml.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading from  ' . $this->weatherApiUrl . '   -->');
     if ($this->makeRequest()) {
         // load xml from url and process
         $this->rawData = str_replace('-name', '_name', $this->rawData);
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($this->rawData);
         if (!isset($xml->head->product->{'creation-date'})) {
             $string = substr($this->rawData, 0, 100);
             ws_message('Module ' . $myPageNoaa1 . ' (' . __LINE__ . '): Invalid data loaded for ' . $this->weatherApiUrl . '<br />First 100 chars of data loaded = ' . $string, true);
         $returnArray = array();
         $utcDiff = date('Z');
         // to help to correct utc differences
         $string = (string) $xml->head->product->{'creation-date'};
         $time = strtotime($string);
         $returnArray['information']['fileTimeStamp'] = strtotime($string);
         $returnArray['information']['fileTime'] = date('c', strtotime($string));
         $returnArray['information']['updated'] = date($dateLongFormat, $time) . ' ' . date($timeFormat, $time);
         $returnArray['information']['location'] = (string) $xml->data->location->description . '-' . (string) $xml->data->location->point['latitude'] . '-' . (string) $xml->data->location->point['longitude'];
         $returnArray['information']['issued'] = (string) $xml->head->source->{'production-center'};
         #  get forecast info
         $arrTimes = array();
         $endData = count($xml->data);
         $nData = 0;
         $endLayouts = count($xml->data[$nData]->{'time-layout'});
         if ($endLayouts == 0) {
             echo '<h3> ' . $myPageNoaa1 . ' - invalid xml file - program halted </h3>';
         for ($nLayouts = 0; $nLayouts < $endLayouts; $nLayouts++) {
             $forecast = $xml->data[$nData]->{'time-layout'}[$nLayouts];
             $endTimes = count($forecast->{'start-valid-time'});
             $layoutKey = (string) $forecast->{'layout-key'};
             for ($nTimes = 0; $nTimes < $endTimes; $nTimes++) {
                 $key = $layoutKey . '|' . $nTimes;
                 $startTime = (string) $forecast->{'start-valid-time'}[$nTimes];
                 $daypart = (string) $forecast->{'start-valid-time'}[$nTimes]['period_name'];
                 $arrTimes[$key]['startTime'] = $startTime;
                 if ($daypart != '') {
                     $arrTimes[$key]['daypart'] = $daypart;
                 $endTime = (string) $forecast->{'end-valid-time'}[$nTimes];
                 $arrTimes[$key]['endTime'] = $endTime;
             // eof times
         // eof layouts
         # echo '<pre>'; print_r ($arrTimes); exit;
         $result = array();
         $endParameters = count($xml->data[$nData]->{'parameters'});
         for ($nParameters = 0; $nParameters < $endParameters; $nParameters++) {
             $arr = $xml->data[$nData]->{'parameters'}[$nParameters];
             $count = -1;
             foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
                 $name = (string) $key;
                 $layout = (string) $value['time-layout'];
                 if (isset($value['type'])) {
                     $type = (string) $value['type'];
                 } else {
                     $type = '';
                 if (isset($value['units'])) {
                     $units = (string) $value['units'];
                 } else {
                     $units = '';
                 $endValues = count($value->value);
                 for ($nValues = 0; $nValues < $endValues; $nValues++) {
                     $start = $arrTimes[$layout . '|' . $nValues]['startTime'] . '|' . $arrTimes[$layout . '|' . $nValues]['endTime'];
                     #echo '<pre>'.$start.PHP_EOL;
                     $result[$start][$name][$type] = array('units' => $units, 'value' => (string) $value->value[$nValues]);
                 // eo for evert parameter value
                 if (isset($value->{'weather-conditions'})) {
                     $endConds = count($value->{'weather-conditions'});
                     for ($nConds = 0; $nConds < $endConds; $nConds++) {
                         $start = $arrTimes[$layout . '|' . $nConds]['startTime'] . '|' . $arrTimes[$layout . '|' . $nConds]['endTime'];
                         $condition = $value->{'weather-conditions'}[$nConds];
                         # echo '<pre>'; print_r($condition); exit;
                         $endValues = count($condition->value);
                         for ($nValues = 0; $nValues < $endValues; $nValues++) {
                             $type = 'weather-conditions';
                             $weather = (string) $condition->value[$nValues]['weather-type'];
                             // rain showers
                             $units = (string) $condition->value[$nValues]['coverage'];
                             // chance
                             $extra = (string) $condition->value[$nValues]['additive'];
                             // and
                             $intensity = (string) $condition->value[$nValues]['intensity'];
                             // light  or non
                             $qualifier = (string) $condition->value[$nValues]['qualifier'];
                             // ??  none?
                             $result[$start][$name][$type][$nValues] = array('units' => $units, 'intensity' => $intensity, 'value' => $weather, 'qualifier' => $qualifier, 'extra' => $extra);
                         // for every conditionvalue
                     // eo for every weather-conditions
                 // eo if weather-conditions
                 if (isset($value->{'icon-link'})) {
                     # echo '<pre>'; print_r($value->{'icon-link'}); print_r($value); exit;
                     $endIcons = count($value->{'icon-link'});
                     for ($nIcons = 0; $nIcons < $endIcons; $nIcons++) {
                         $start = $arrTimes[$layout . '|' . $nIcons]['startTime'] . '|' . $arrTimes[$layout . '|' . $nIcons]['endTime'];
                         $icon = $value->{'conditions-icon'}[$nIcons];
                         $result[$start][$name][$type] = array('units' => 'url', 'value' => (string) $value->{'icon-link'}[$nIcons]);
                     // eo for every icon
                 // eo if conditions-icon
             // eo foreach parameter values
         // eo for every parameter
         # echo '<pre>'.PHP_EOL; print_r ($result); echo '</pre>'.PHP_EOL;# exit;
         $arrFcst = array();
         $tempFound = $dewpFound = $appFound = $windFound = $gustFound = $winddirFound = $cloudsFound = $humFound = $txtFound = $rainFound = $snowFound = $popFound = false;
         foreach ($result as $key => $arr) {
             list($from, $to) = explode('|', $key);
             if ($to == '') {
                 // new point forecast
                 if (isset($arrFcst['to'])) {
                     $returnArray['forecast'][] = $arrFcst;
                     $arrFcst['liquid'] = $arrFcst['liquidNU'] = $arrFcst['snow'] = $arrFcst['snowNU'] = '-';
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['to'] = $arrFcst['from'];
                     $arrFcst['toStamp'] = strtotime($arrFcst['from']);
                 $arrFcst['from'] = $arrFcst['to'];
                 $arrFcst['fromStamp'] = strtotime($arrFcst['to']);
                 $arrFcst['to'] = $from;
                 $arrFcst['toStamp'] = strtotime($from);
                 if (isset($arr['temperature']['hourly']['value'])) {
                     $string = $arr['temperature']['hourly']['value'];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertemp($string, $this->uomTemp), 1);
                     $arrFcst['temp'] = $amount . $uomTemp;
                     $arrFcst['tempNU'] = $amount;
                     $tempFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['temp'] = $arrFcst['tempNU'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['temperature']['dew point']['value'])) {
                     $string = $arr['temperature']['dew point']['value'];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertemp($string, $this->uomTemp), 1);
                     $arrFcst['dewp'] = $amount . $uomTemp;
                     $arrFcst['dewpNU'] = $amount;
                     $dewpFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['dew'] = $arrFcst['dewpNU'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['temperature']['apparent']['value'])) {
                     $string = $arr['temperature']['apparent']['value'];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertemp($string, $this->uomTemp), 1);
                     $arrFcst['tempApp'] = $amount . $uomTemp;
                     $arrFcst['tempAppNU'] = $amount;
                     $appFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['tempApp'] = $arrFcst['tempAppNU'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['wind-speed']['sustained']['value'])) {
                     $string = $arr['wind-speed']['sustained']['value'];
                     $arrbft = noaabeaufort($string, $this->uomWindSpeed);
                     $arrFcst['beaufortnr'] = $arrbft[0];
                     $arrFcst['beaufortclr'] = $arrbft[1];
                     $arrFcst['beauforttxt'] = $arrbft[2];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertwind($string, $this->uomWindSpeed));
                     $arrFcst['windSpeed'] = $amount . $uomWind;
                     $arrFcst['windSpeedNU'] = $amount;
                     $windFound = true;
                     $arrFcst['windSpeedNU'] = $amount;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['windSpeed'] = $arrFcst['windSpeedNU'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['wind-speed']['gust']['value'])) {
                     $string = $arr['wind-speed']['gust']['value'];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertwind($string, $this->uomWindSpeed));
                     $arrFcst['windGust'] = $amount . $uomWind;
                     $arrFcst['windGustNU'] = $amount;
                     $gustFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['windGust'] = $arrFcst['windGustNU'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['direction']['wind']['value'])) {
                     $arrFcst['windDirDeg'] = $arr['direction']['wind']['value'];
                     $string = noaaconvertwinddir($arrFcst['windDirDeg']);
                     $arrFcst['windDirRose'] = $string;
                     $from = array('North', 'East', 'South', 'West');
                     $to = array('N', 'E', 'S', 'W');
                     $arrFcst['windLbl'] = str_replace($from, $to, $string);
                     $winddirFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['windDirDeg'] = $arrFcst['windLbl'] = $arrFcst['windDirRose'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['cloud-amount']['total']['value'])) {
                     $arrFcst['clouds'] = $arr['cloud-amount']['total']['value'];
                     $cloudsFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['clouds'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['humidity']['relative']['value'])) {
                     $arrFcst['hum'] = $arr['humidity']['relative']['value'] . ' %';
                     $humFound = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['hum'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['conditions-icon']['forecast-NWS']['value'])) {
                     $iconFound = true;
                     $string = $arr['conditions-icon']['forecast-NWS']['value'];
                     $arrFcst['iconUrl'] = $string;
                     $arrUrl = explode('/', $string);
                     $nr = count($arrUrl) - 1;
                     list($icon, $ext) = explode('.', $arrUrl[$nr]);
                     $arrFcst['icon'] = $icon;
                     $from = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
                     $inconIn = str_replace($from, '', $icon);
                     $arrFcst['iconCleaned'] = $inconIn;
                     $iconDefault = wsconvertnoaaicon($inconIn);
                     $arrFcst['defailtIcon'] = $iconDefault;
                     $arrFcst['defailtIconUrl'] = $myDefaultIconsDir . $iconDefault . '.' . $myDefaultIconsExt;
                     $arrFcst['defailtIconSmlUrl'] = $myDefaultIconsSml . $iconDefault . '.' . $myDefaultIconsExt;
                     $arrFcst['noaaIconUrl'] = $myNoaaIconsDir . $icon . '.' . $myNoaaIconsExt;
                     $arrFcst['noaaIconSmlUrl'] = $myNoaaIconsSml . $icon . '.' . $myNoaaIconsExt;
                 } else {
                     $arrFcst['iconUrl'] = $arrFcst['iconDefault'] = $arrFcst['icon'] = '';
                 $nr = 1.0 * $arrFcst['defailtIcon'];
                 if ($nr < 101) {
                     $string = 'no clouds';
                 } elseif ($nr < 201) {
                     $string = 'some clouds';
                 } elseif ($nr < 301) {
                     $string = 'partly cloudy';
                 } else {
                     $string = 'overcast';
                 $string = wsnoaafcttransstr($string);
                 if (isset($arr['weather']['weather-conditions'])) {
                     $endCond = count($arr['weather']['weather-conditions']);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $endCond; $i++) {
                         $arrCond = $arr['weather']['weather-conditions'][$i];
                         #	if ($arrCond['extra'] <> '') {$string    .= '<br />'.wsnoaafcttransstr($arrCond['extra']);}
                         if ($arrCond['units'] != '') {
                             $string .= '<br />' . wsnoaafcttransstr($arrCond['units']) . ' ';
                         if ($arrCond['intensity'] != '' && $arrCond['intensity'] != 'none') {
                             $string .= wsnoaafcttransstr($arrCond['intensity']) . ' ';
                         if ($arrCond['value'] != '') {
                             $string .= wsnoaafcttransstr($arrCond['value']) . ' ';
                         if ($arrCond['qualifier'] != '' && $arrCond['qualifier'] != 'none') {
                             $string .= wsnoaafcttransstr($arrCond['qualifier']) . ' ';
                     $txtFound = true;
                 $arrFcst['weatherTxt'] = $string;
             } else {
                 if (!isset($arrFcst['from'])) {
                     $arrFcst['from'] = $from;
             if (isset($arr['precipitation'])) {
                 $arrFcst['liquid'] = $arrFcst['liquidNU'] = $arrFcst['snow'] = $arrFcst['snowNU'] = '-';
                 if (isset($arr['precipitation']['liquid'])) {
                     $string = $arr['precipitation']['liquid']['value'];
                     $amount = noaaconvertrain($string, $this->uomRain);
                     $arrFcst['liquid'] = $amount . $uomRain;
                     $arrFcst['liquidNU'] = $amount;
                     $rainFound = true;
                 if (isset($arr['precipitation']['snow'])) {
                     $string = $arr['precipitation']['snow']['value'];
                     $amount = noaaconvertrain($string, $this->uomRain);
                     $arrFcst['snow'] = $amount . $uomSnow;
                     $arrFcst['snowNU'] = $amount;
                     if ($amount != 0) {
                         $snowFound = true;
             if (isset($arr['temperature'])) {
                 $arrFcst['tempMax'] = $arrFcst['tempMin'] = '';
                 if (isset($arr['temperature']['maximum'])) {
                     $string = $arr['temperature']['maximum']['value'];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertemp($string, $this->uomTemp));
                     $arrFcst['tempMax'] = $amount . $uomTemp;
                     $arrFcst['tempMaxNU'] = $amount;
                 if (isset($arr['temperature']['minimum'])) {
                     $string = $arr['temperature']['minimum']['value'];
                     $amount = round(noaaconvertemp($string, $this->uomTemp));
                     $arrFcst['tempMin'] = $amount . $uomTemp;
                     $arrFcst['tempMinNU'] = $amount;
             if (isset($arr['probability-of-precipitation'])) {
                 $arrFcst['pop'] = $arr['probability-of-precipitation']['12 hour']['value'];
                 $popFound = true;
         // eo for each $return
         $returnArray['forecast'][] = $arrFcst;
         $returnArray['information']['tempFound'] = $tempFound;
         $returnArray['information']['dewpFound'] = $dewpFound;
         $returnArray['information']['appFound'] = $appFound;
         $returnArray['information']['windFound'] = $windFound;
         $returnArray['information']['gustFound'] = $gustFound;
         $returnArray['information']['winddirFound'] = $winddirFound;
         $returnArray['information']['cloudsFound'] = $cloudsFound;
         $returnArray['information']['humFound'] = $humFound;
         $returnArray['information']['txtFound'] = $txtFound;
         $returnArray['information']['rainFound'] = $rainFound;
         $returnArray['information']['snowFound'] = $snowFound;
         $returnArray['information']['popFound'] = $popFound;
         $ret = $this->writeToCache($returnArray);
         return $returnArray;
     } else {
         echo '<h3>Loading data ' . $this->weatherApiUrl . ' failed </h3>' . PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 3
$myPageNoaa1 = $pageFile;
# Display a list of forecast date from nws/noaa
# First get the data from the weather class
$weather = new noaaPlainWeather();
$returnArray = $weather->getWeatherData($myLatitude, $myLongitude);
# now we generate the html to be used for output to the screen
$city = $myArea;
$line1 = 'National Weather Service ' . wsnoaafcttransstr('forecast for') . ': <span style="color: green;">' . $city . '</span>';
$line2 = wsnoaafcttransstr('Issued by') . ': ' . 'National Weather Service ' . $returnArray['information']['issued'];
$line3 = wsnoaafcttransstr('Updated') . ': ' . $returnArray['information']['updated'];
# These are the first three lines on the one page city forecast
$stringTop = '<div style="text-align: center;">' . $line1 . '<br />' . $line2 . '<br />' . $line3 . '</div>';
# the icons
if ($noaaIconsOwn) {
    $showPoP = false;
} else {
    $showPoP = true;
$tdWidth = floor(100 / $topCount) . '%';
$daypart = $icon = $PoP = $desc = $temp = '';
$noaaIconsHtml = '
<table class= "genericTable" style="width: 100%;">
$first = '    <tr>