Exemplo n.º 1
function ws_ifdef_do($check, $content)
    return ws_ifdef_do_else($check, $content, "");
$intro = get_field('project_introductory_paragraph');
$bg_image = get_field('project_background_image');
if ($client || $location || $date_started || $project_link || $collaborators || $scope_tags) {
    echo '<ul>';
    echo ws_ifdef_do($client, ws_ifdef_do_else($client_link, '<li><a href="' . ws_decide_link_type($client_link) . '"><h6>' . $client . '</h6></a></li>', '<li><h6>' . $client . '</h6></li>'));
    // conditionally echos a linked client ( or just a client )
    echo ws_ifdef_concat('<li>', $location, '</li>');
    // conditionally echos a location
    echo ws_ifdef_do($date_started, ws_ifdef_do_else($date_ended, '<li>' . ws_render_date($date_started) . ' - ' . ws_render_date($date_ended) . '</li>', '<li>' . ws_render_date($date_started) . '</li>'));
    // conditionally echo a date range, and format it from Ymd to ws_render_date();
    echo ws_ifdef_do($scope_tags, ws_ifdef_concat("<ul>", ws_split_array_by_key($scope_tags, ", </li>", function ($cb_elem) {
        return '<li>' . $cb_elem['scope_tag']->name;
    }), "</li></ul>"));
    // conditionally outputs a ul of comma-separated scope-tags
    echo ws_ifdef_do($collaborators, ws_ifdef_concat("<ul>", ws_split_array_by_key($collaborators, ", </li>", function ($cb_elem) {
        return ws_ifdef_do_else($cb_elem['collaborator_link'], '<li><a href="' . ws_decide_link_type($cb_elem['collaborator_link']) . '" >' . $cb_elem['collaborator_name'] . '</a>', '<li>' . $cb_elem['collaborator_name']);
    }), "</li></ul>"));
    // this outputs a comma-separated list of links. This is NOT currently an html list.
    echo ws_ifdef_concat('<a href="', ws_decide_link_type($project_link), '" > more </a>');
    // this outputs an external link to more information about this project
    echo '</ul>';
echo ws_ifdef_concat('<p>', $intro, '</p>');
// echos the descriptive introductory paragraph beneath the ul of metadata
echo ws_ifdef_do($bg_image, ws_decide_image_type($bg_image));
// echos a background image line drawing.

