public function GetReviewsArticlesMain() { $file = "reviews/open"; $json = read_json($file); if ($json) { if (time() - $json->time < 60 * 5) { return $json->articles; } } $articles = $this->GetReviewsArticlesMainFn(); $data = array('time' => time(), 'articles' => $articles); write_json($file, $data); return $articles; }
function main($query, $type, $reversed, $key) { $line = get_bus_line($key); if (count($line) == 0) { write_error($GLOBALS['ERR_NOT_BUS']); } else { if ($type == 'text') { write_text($query, $reversed, $line); } elseif ($type == 'json') { write_json($query, $reversed, $line); } else { write_error($GLOBALS['ERR_PARAMS_TYPE']); } } }
public function getTagArticles($tag = 0) { $file = "tags/tag-{$tag}"; $json = read_json($file); if ($json) { if (time() - $json->time < 60 * 5) { return $json->articles; } } /*AND C.id_categoria_raiz IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,67,120)*/ $sql = "SELECT, C.titulo_home as title, C.copete_home as subtitle, C.fecha as date, C.hora as hour,\n C.id_categoria_raiz as category, advf.advLink AS picture\n FROM contenidos C\n INNER JOIN contenidos_tags CT ON = CT.id_contenido\n LEFT JOIN advf ON advf.advID = C.fotohome\n WHERE \n AND CT.id_tag = '{$tag}' AND C.estado = 'A' AND C.activo = 'S'\n ORDER BY C.fecha DESC, C.hora DESC, DESC\n LIMIT 0, 9"; $result = $this->db->query($sql)->result(); $articles = array(); foreach ($result as $article) { $articles[] = $this->Data->DataArticlePrep($article); } $data = array('time' => time(), 'articles' => $articles); write_json($file, $data); return $articles; }
public function GetSectionArticlesMainSubportal($section = 0) { $file = "section/open-{$section}"; $json = read_json($file); if ($json) { if (time() - $json->time < 60 * 5) { return $json->articles; } } $articles = array(); $articlesSub = $this->GetSectionArticlesSubportal($section); foreach ($articlesSub as $article) { if (count($articles) >= 4) { break; } $article = $this->Data->DataArticleBasic($article->id); if ($article && $article->active) { $articles[] = $article->id; } } $data = array('time' => time(), 'articles' => $articles); write_json($file, $data); return $articles; }
return null; } return $basepath . "/" . $path . ".json"; } /* * load_json(path) * * Loads a file and returns it * */ function load_json($path) { global $content_base_path; $clean_path = cleanup_path($content_base_path, $path); echo file_get_contents($clean_path); } /* * AJAX content provider * */ switch ($_GET["hycms_cmd"]) { case "get_content": load_json($_GET["hycms_path"]); break; case "set_content": write_json($_GET["hycms_path"], $_POST["hycms_data"]); break; } ?>
$data = substr($x, $pos, $pos2 - $pos); $list = []; $rows = explode("\n", $data); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { if (!$rows[$i] || $rows[$i] == '|-' || $rows[$i] == '|') { continue; } $country = cleanText($rows[$i++]); $country = mapCountry($country); $codes = extractLinks($rows[$i++]); $timezone = $rows[$i++]; foreach ($codes as $c) { $code = getRightSideOfMediawikiTag($c); $code = str_replace(' ', '', $code); $code = str_replace('+', '', $code); $codes2 = explode(',', $code); foreach ($codes2 as $code2) { if (!is_numeric($code2)) { echo "Skipping " . $code2 . "\n"; continue; } $o = new \MartinLindhe\Data\CallingCodes\CallingCode(); $o->country = $country; $o->code = $code2; $list[] = $o; } } } write_csv(__DIR__ . '/../data/calling_codes.csv', $list); write_json(__DIR__ . '/../data/calling_codes.json', $list);
public function balotaje_2015_finish() { header('Content-Type: application/json'); $this->load->library('Session'); $session = round($this->session->userdata('balotaje_2015')); if ($session >= 200) { echo json_encode(array('result' => true, 'description' => 'limit')); return; } else { if (!is_numeric($this->input->post('v1')) && !is_numeric($this->input->post('v2')) && !is_numeric($this->input->post('p1')) && !is_numeric($this->input->post('p2'))) { echo json_encode(array('result' => true, 'description' => 'data')); return; } else { if ($this->input->post('p1') + $this->input->post('p2') > 100) { echo json_encode(array('result' => true, 'description' => 'total')); return; } } } $session++; $this->session->set_userdata('balotaje_2015', $session); $json = array(); $json['v1'] = $this->input->post('v1'); $json['v2'] = $this->input->post('v2'); $json['p1'] = $this->input->post('p1'); $json['p2'] = $this->input->post('p2'); $this->load->helper('string'); $file = random_string('alnum', 16); write_json('widgets/balotaje-2015/' . $file, json_encode($json)); $folder = APPPATH . 'layout/widgets/balotaje-2015/'; $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(699, 367); $base = imagecreatefrompng($folder . 'img/bg-share.png'); imagecopy($canvas, $base, 0, 0, 0, 0, 700, 368); $color = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255); $font_regular = APPPATH . 'layout/fonts/raleway-regular-webfont.ttf'; $font_bold = APPPATH . 'layout/fonts/raleway-bold-webfont.ttf'; // $pos1 = array(0, 165, 330, 490); // $pos2 = array(0, 265, 330, 490); $candidato1 = imagecreatefrompng($folder . 'img/scioli.png'); $candidato2 = imagecreatefrompng($folder . 'img/macri.png'); imagettftext($canvas, 16, 0, 330, 75, $color, $font_regular, 'Daniel Scioli'); imagettftext($canvas, 50, 0, 323, 135, $color, $font_bold, $json['p1'] . '%'); imagecopy($canvas, $candidato1, 310, 145, 0, 0, 163, 154); imagettftext($canvas, 12, 0, 340, 315, $color, $font_regular, number_format($json['v1'], 0, '.', '.') . ' votos'); imagettftext($canvas, 16, 0, 527, 75, $color, $font_regular, 'Mauricio Macri'); imagettftext($canvas, 50, 0, 523, 135, $color, $font_bold, $json['p2'] . '%'); imagecopy($canvas, $candidato2, 510, 145, 0, 0, 163, 154); imagettftext($canvas, 12, 0, 540, 315, $color, $font_regular, number_format($json['v2'], 0, '.', '.') . ' votos'); imagepng($canvas, $folder . 'placas/' . $file . '.png'); $retfile = layout() . 'widgets/balotaje-2015/placas/' . $file . '.png'; echo json_encode(array('result' => true, 'url' => $retfile, 'file' => $file)); }
function write_worksheet($in, $file, $options = array()) { $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (isset($options["write"])) { if ($ext != "" && $options["write"] != $ext) { fputs(STDERR, "Warning: Ignored the extension to adopt {$options["write"]}.\n"); } $ext = $options["write"]; } switch (strtolower($ext)) { case "raw": $out = fopen($file, "w"); while (($line = fgets($in)) !== false) { fputs($out, $line); } fclose($out); break; case "csv": $options["delimiter"] = ","; write_csv($in, $file, $options); break; case "tsv": $options["delimiter"] = "\t"; write_csv($in, $file, $options); break; case "xlsx": write_excel($in, $file, $options); break; case "json": write_json($in, $file, $options); break; case "yml": case "yaml": write_yaml($in, $file, $options); break; case "xml": write_xml($in, $file, $options); break; case "htm": case "html": // a write only converter write_html($in, $file, $options); break; case "tex": // a write only converter write_tex($in, $file, $options); break; case "sql": // a write only converter write_sql($in, $file, $options); break; default: fputs(STDERR, "Error[{$ext}]: No writer is available.\n"); break; } return; }
$o->name = trim($name); // HACK $cols[4] = str_replace('[[Caribbean Netherlands]] (BQ - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba)', 'Caribbean Netherlands', $cols[4]); $countries = []; foreach (explode(', ', $cols[4]) as $c) { $c = \MartinLindhe\MediawikiClient\Client::stripMediawikiLinks($c); $c = trim(getRightSideOfMediawikiTag($c)); if (!$c) { continue; } $code = countryCodeFromName($c, $allCountries); if (!$code) { err("WARNING: didn't find country code to " . $c); } else { $countries[] = $code; } } $o->countries = $countries; $list[] = $o; } if (!isAlpha3InList('BTC', $list)) { $o = new MartinLindhe\Data\Currencies\Currency(); $o->alpha3 = 'BTC'; $o->name = 'Bitcoin'; $o->number = '000'; $o->decimals = 2; $list[] = $o; } write_csv(__DIR__ . '/../data/currencies.csv', $list); write_json(__DIR__ . '/../data/currencies.json', $list);
$i++; $rows[$i] = cleanText($rows[$i]); $cols = explode('||', $rows[$i]); } $o = new \MartinLindhe\Data\Countries\Country(); $o->alpha2 = getRightSideOfMediawikiTag($cols[0]); $o->alpha3 = getRightSideOfMediawikiTag($cols[1]); $o->number = getRightSideOfMediawikiTag($cols[2]); $name = cleanText($name); $name = getRightSideOfMediawikiTag(\MartinLindhe\MediawikiClient\Client::stripMediawikiLinks($name)); $pos = mb_strpos($name, '/'); if ($pos !== false) { $name = mb_substr($name, 0, $pos); } $pos = mb_strpos($name, '|'); if ($pos !== false) { $name = mb_substr($name, $pos + 1); } $o->name = trim(translateName($name)); $list[] = $o; } // aug 2015: Kosovo has a temporary "XK" code since 2010 $o = new \MartinLindhe\Data\Countries\Country(); $o->alpha2 = 'XK'; $o->alpha3 = 'XKO'; $o->number = ''; $o->name = 'Kosovo'; $list[] = $o; write_csv(__DIR__ . '/../data/countries.csv', $list); write_json(__DIR__ . '/../data/countries.json', $list);
public function json_trending_todoshow() { $this->load->helper('date'); $this->load->model('DataModel', 'Data'); $this->load->model('TrendingModel', 'TrendingM'); $return = array(); $file = "trending/todoshow-global"; $articles = $return[] = $this->TrendingM->GetTrending(false, 67); write_json($file, $articles); $file = "trending/todoshow-comments"; $articles = $return[] = $this->TrendingM->GetTrending('comments', 67); write_json($file, $articles); $file = "trending/todoshow-visits"; $articles = $return[] = $this->TrendingM->GetTrending('visits', 67); write_json($file, $articles); $file = "trending/todoshow-shares"; $articles = $return[] = $this->TrendingM->GetTrending('shares', 67); write_json($file, $articles); die(print_r($return)); }
public function GetLastVideos($section = 0) { $file = "videos/section-infonews"; $where = ""; if (!$this->clientID && $section) { $where = "v.id_categoria = '{$section}' AND "; $file = "videos/section-{$section}"; } $json = read_json($file); if ($json) { if (time() - $json->time < 60 * 5) { return $json->videos; } } $sql = "select, v.id_categoria as category, v.titulo as title, v.copete as subtitle, v.codigo as code, v.fecha as date, v.hora as hour\n from videos v \n where {$where} v.activo = 'S' and v.estado = 'A'\n order by v.fecha desc\n Limit 0,3"; $result = $this->db->query($sql)->result(); $videos = array(); foreach ($result as $video) { $videos[] = $this->Data->DataVideoPrep($video); } $data = array('time' => time(), 'videos' => $videos); write_json($file, $data); return $videos; }