Exemplo n.º 1
function runTest($data)
    global $rebuild;
    if (array_key_exists('format', $data)) {
        $output = file('http://server1/include/shield/drawshield?format=' . $data['format'] . '&blazon=' . urlencode($data['blazon']));
    } else {
        $output = file('http://server1/include/shield/drawshield?blazon=' . urlencode($data['blazon']));
    $outfile = 'regress\\' . $data['name'] . '.out';
    $difffile = 'regress\\' . $data['name'] . '.diff';
    if (!$rebuild and file_exists($outfile)) {
        $output = explode("\n", rtrim(formatXML($output)));
        $previous = file($outfile);
        $diff =& new Text_Diff($output, $previous);
        $renderer =& new Text_Diff_Renderer();
        $diffString = $renderer->render($diff);
        if ($diffString) {
            $back = 'red';
            $diffCell = '<pre>' . htmlentities($diffString) . '</pre>';
        } else {
            $back = 'green';
            $diffCell = 'No changes';
    } else {
        $back = 'yellow';
        $diffCell = 'Output created';
        writeFile($outfile, $output);
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td style="background-color:' . $back . '">' . $data['name'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $data['desc'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $diffCell . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    return !($back == 'red');
function bindCacheSetting()
    global $_FANWE;
    $settings = array();
    $js_settings = array();
    $res = FDB::query("SELECT name,val,is_js FROM " . FDB::table('sys_conf') . " WHERE status = 1");
    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
        $name = strtolower($data['name']);
        $settings[$name] = $data['val'];
        if ($data['is_js'] == 1) {
            $js_settings[$name] = $data['val'];
    $settings['site_title'] .= ' - ' . 'F' . 'A' . 'N' . 'W' . 'E';
    $settings['footer_html'] .= '<' . 'p' . '>' . '<' . 'a' . ' ' . 'h' . 'r' . 'e' . 'f' . '=' . '"' . 'h' . 't' . 't' . 'p' . ':' . '/' . '/' . 'w' . 'w' . 'w' . '.' . 'f' . 'a' . 'n' . 'w' . 'e' . '.' . 'c' . 'o' . 'm' . '"' . ' ' . 't' . 'a' . 'r' . 'g' . 'e' . 't' . '=' . '"' . '_' . 'b' . 'l' . 'a' . 'n' . 'k' . '"' . '>' . 'f' . 'a' . 'n' . 'w' . 'e' . '.' . 'i' . 'n' . 'c' . '<' . '/' . 'a' . '>' . '<' . '/' . 'p' . '>';
    writeFile(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/setting.js', 'var SETTING = ' . getJson($js_settings) . ';');
    $config_file = @file_get_contents(PUBLIC_ROOT . 'config.global.php');
    $config_file = trim($config_file);
    $config_file = preg_replace("/[\$]config\\['time_zone'\\].*?=.*?'.*?'.*?;/is", "\$config['time_zone'] = '" . $settings['time_zone'] . "';", $config_file);
    $config_file = preg_replace("/[\$]config\\['default_lang'\\].*?=.*?'.*?'.*?;/is", "\$config['default_lang'] = '" . $settings['default_lang'] . "';", $config_file);
    @file_put_contents(PUBLIC_ROOT . 'config.global.php', $config_file);
    $lang_arr = array();
    $lang_files = array(FANWE_ROOT . './core/language/' . $settings['default_lang'] . '/template.lang.php', FANWE_ROOT . './tpl/' . $settings['site_tmpl'] . '/template.lang.php');
    foreach ($lang_files as $lang_file) {
        if (@(include $lang_file)) {
            foreach ($lang as $lkey => $lval) {
                $lang_pre = strtolower(substr($lkey, 0, 3));
                if ($lang_pre == 'js_') {
                    $lang_key = substr($lkey, 3);
                    if ($lang_key != '') {
                        $lang_arr[$lang_key] = $lval;
    writeFile(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/lang.js', 'var LANG = ' . getJson($lang_arr) . ';');
    clearDir(FANWE_ROOT . './public/data/tpl/css/');
    clearDir(FANWE_ROOT . './public/data/tpl/js/');
    $css_dir = FANWE_ROOT . './tpl/' . $settings['site_tmpl'] . '/css/';
    $css_cache_dir = FANWE_ROOT . './public/data/tpl/css/';
    $css_site_path = $_FANWE['site_root'] . 'tpl/' . $settings['site_tmpl'] . '/';
    $directory = dir($css_dir);
    while ($entry = $directory->read()) {
        if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && stripos($entry, '.css') !== false) {
            $css_path = $css_dir . $entry;
            $css_content = @file_get_contents($css_path);
            $css_content = preg_replace("/\\.\\.\\//", $css_site_path, $css_content);
            $css_cache_path = $css_cache_dir . '/' . $entry;
            writeFile($css_cache_path, $css_content);
    FanweService::instance()->cache->saveCache('setting', $settings);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * This function will take 3 arguments and pass it to gearman worker to store in database
function queueAssignment($name, $email, $phone)
    $detailsArray = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone);
    $detailsStr = json_encode($detailsArray);
    // client code
    $client = new GearmanClient();
    $store = $client->do("saveRecord", $detailsStr);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function render()
     $output = View::do_fetch(getPath('views/main/sitemap.php'), $this->data);
     // write the sitemap
     writeFile(APP . 'public/sitemap.xml', $output, 'w');
     // write the compressed sitemap
     writeFile(APP . 'public/sitemap.xml.gz', $output, 'w9');
     // view the Sitemap XML
     //header('Location: ./sitemap.xml');
Exemplo n.º 5
function buildConfigSample($dir)
    $host = "http://localhost";
    $dt = ";Build time:   " . BO_BUILDTIME . "\r\n" . ";Version:      " . BO_CLIENT_VERSION . "\r\n\r\n" . "entry \"StaticConfig\"\r\n" . "  ;botnet \"btn1\"\r\n" . "  timer_config 60 1\r\n" . "  timer_logs 30 30\r\n" . "  timer_stats 30 1\r\n" . "  url_config \"\"\r\n" . "  remove_certs 1\r\n" . "  disable_tcpserver 0\r\n" . "end\r\n\r\n" . "entry \"DynamicConfig\"\r\n" . "  url_loader \"\"\r\n" . ($dt .= "  file_webinjects \"webinjects.txt\"\r\n" . "  entry \"AdvancedConfigs\"\r\n" . "    ;\"http://advdomain/cfg1.bin\"\r\n" . "  end\r\n" . "  entry \"WebFilters\"\r\n" . "    \"!*.microsoft.com/*\"\r\n" . "    \"!http://*myspace.com*\"\r\n" . "    \"https://www.gruposantander.es/*\"\r\n" . "    \"!http://*odnoklassniki.ru/*\"\r\n" . "    \"!http://vkontakte.ru/*\"\r\n" . "    \"@*/login.osmp.ru/*\"\r\n" . "    \"@*/atl.osmp.ru/*\"\r\n");
    $dt .= "  end\r\n" . "  entry \"WebDataFilters\"\r\n" . "    ;\"http://mail.rambler.ru/*\" \"passw;login\"\r\n" . "  end\r\n" . "  entry \"WebFakes\"\r\n" . "    ;\"http://www.google.com\" \"http://www.yahoo.com\" \"GP\" \"\" \"\"\r\n" . "  end\r\n";
    $dt .= "end\r\n";
    writeFile($dir . "\\config.txt", $dt);
    $dt = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['dir']['source']['other'] . '\\webinjects.txt');
    if (strlen($dt) < 10) {
        fatalError("Failed to open web injects source file.");
    writeFile($dir . '\\webinjects.txt', $dt);
Exemplo n.º 6
function generateParameters($dbhost, $dbport, $dbname, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $adminpassword)
    $currentUrl = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
    $lastSlach = strrpos($currentUrl, "/");
    $currentUrl = substr($currentUrl, 0, $lastSlach);
    $lastSlach = strrpos($currentUrl, "/");
    $currentUrl = substr($currentUrl, 0, $lastSlach);
    $url_param = '/app_dev.php/';
    $content = 'parameters:' . PHP_EOL . '    database_driver: pdo_mysql' . PHP_EOL . '    database_host: ' . $dbhost . PHP_EOL . '    database_port: ' . $dbport . PHP_EOL . '    database_name: ' . $dbname . PHP_EOL . '    database_user: '******'    database_password: '******'    database_path: ~' . PHP_EOL . '    url_base: ' . $currentUrl . PHP_EOL . '    url_param: ' . $url_param . PHP_EOL . '    mailer_transport: smtp' . PHP_EOL . '    mailer_host: localhost' . PHP_EOL . '    mailer_user: ~' . PHP_EOL . '    mailer_password: ~' . PHP_EOL . '    admin_password: '******'    locale: en' . PHP_EOL . '    secret: ' . generateRandomString() . PHP_EOL . '    installer: false' . PHP_EOL;
    writeFile($content, 'parameters.yml');
    header("Location: " . $currentUrl . $url_param);
Exemplo n.º 7
function bindCacheCity()
    $citys = array();
    $res = FDB::query("SELECT * FROM " . FDB::table('region') . " ORDER BY id ASC");
    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
        if ($data['parent_id'] == 0) {
            $citys['province'][] = $data['id'];
        } elseif ($data['parent_id'] > 0) {
            $citys['city'][$data['parent_id']][] = $data['id'];
        $citys['all'][$data['id']] = $data;
    include_once fimport('class/json');
    $json = new JSON();
    writeFile(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/city.js', 'var CITYS = ' . $json->encode($citys) . ';');
    FanweService::instance()->cache->saveCache('citys', $citys);
Exemplo n.º 8
function main()
    $fontName = $_POST['fontName'];
    // 字体名字
    $fontType = $_POST['fontType'];
    // 字体类型,多个类型用`,`隔开
    $encode = $_POST['encode'];
    // 编码,默认base64
    if (empty($fontName)) {
    $count = 0;
    if (empty($encode) || $encode === 'base64') {
        foreach (explode(',', $fontType) as $type) {
            if (!empty($_POST[$type])) {
                writeFile($_POST[$type], $fontName . '.' . $type);
Exemplo n.º 9
function deleteConnection($name)
    $file = fopen("../data/connections.json", "r") or die(generateResponse("error", "No connections file could be found."));
    $contents = fread($file, filesize("../data/connections.json"));
    $json = json_decode($contents);
    $new_connections = array();
    $found = false;
    foreach ($json->connections as $i => $connection) {
        if ($connection->name == $name) {
            $found = true;
        } else {
            array_push($new_connections, array('name' => $connection->name, 'url' => $connection->url));
    if ($found) {
        writeFile(json_encode(array('connections' => $new_connections)));
        echo generateResponse("success", json_encode(array('name' => $name)));
    } else {
        die(generateResponse("error", "No connection with the name " . $name . " was found."));
 function write()
     writeFile($this->filepath, $this->xhtml->out());
Exemplo n.º 11
if (configBool('client_platforms')) {
    writeStep("BUILDING CLIENT");
    writeFile($dir['source']['common'] . '\\generateddata.h', headerOfHfile() . generateBaseConfigHeader() . "\r\n" . generateInstallData());
    generateCryptedStrings($dir['source']['client'] . '\\cryptedstrings');
    buildBinary('client', 0, true, true);
    //Создание данных для билдера.
    $client32 = '';
    $client32 .= "#define CLIENT32_VA_BASECONFIG " . sprintf('0x%08X', getVaFromMap('client', 'win32', 'baseConfigSource')) . "\r\n";
    $client32 .= "#define CLIENT32_VA_INSTALL    " . sprintf('0x%08X', getVaFromMap('client', 'win32', '_install')) . "\r\n";
    $client32 .= "#define CLIENT32_VA_UPDATE     " . sprintf('0x%08X', getVaFromMap('client', 'win32', '_update')) . "\r\n";
    $client32 .= "const BYTE _client32[] =\r\n" . binFileToCArray($dir['output']['client'] . '\\' . $commandLineOptions['client']['win32']['name'], 0);
    writeFile($dir['source']['builder'] . '\\clients.h', headerOfHfile() . $client32 . "\r\n");
if (configBool('builder_platforms')) {
    writeStep("BUILDING BUILDER");
    buildBinary('builder', 1, true, true);
    //Копируем лицензию, если она сущеcтвует.
    copyFileIfExists("{$configDir}\\license.key", $dir['output']['builder'] . '\\license.key');
if (configBool('manual')) {
    writeStep("BUILDING MANUAL");
    copyFile($dir['docs'] . '\\manual_ru.html', $dir['output'][0] . '\\manual_ru.html');
if (platformEnabled('server', 'php')) {
    writeStep("BUILDING PHP SERVER");
Exemplo n.º 12
function getRow($file, $reg, $savefile)
    echo $file . "::" . $savefile . "<BR>";
    $fp = fopen($file, 'r') or die('end');
    $result = array();
    while (!feof($fp)) {
        $row = fgets($fp, 1024);
        if (preg_match($reg, $row)) {
            $result[] = $row;
            echo $row . "::" . $savefile . "<BR>";
    //        if ( count( $result ) > 0 ) {
    writeFile(join("", $result), $savefile);
    //        }
Exemplo n.º 13
 function changeAvatar()
     if (empty($_POST["avatar"]["type"])) {
         return false;
     global $config;
     $allowedTypes = array("image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/pjpeg", "image/x-png");
     $avatarFile = "avatars/{$this->esoTalk->user["memberId"]}";
     switch ($_POST["avatar"]["type"]) {
         // Upload an avatar from the user's computer
         case "upload":
             // Check for an error submitting the file and for a valid image file type.
             if ($_FILES["avatarUpload"]["error"] != 0 or !in_array($_FILES["avatarUpload"]["type"], $allowedTypes) or !is_uploaded_file($_FILES["avatarUpload"]["tmp_name"])) {
                 return false;
             $type = $_FILES["avatarUpload"]["type"];
             $file = $_FILES["avatarUpload"]["tmp_name"];
             // Upload an avatar from a remote url
         // Upload an avatar from a remote url
         case "url":
             // Make sure there is url_fopen
             if (!ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) {
                 return false;
             // Fix up the url
             $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", html_entity_decode($_POST["avatar"]["url"]));
             // Get/check the type of image
             $info = @getimagesize($url);
             $type = $info["mime"];
             $file = $avatarFile;
             // Check the type of the image, and open file read/write handlers.
             if (!in_array($type, $allowedTypes) or ($rh = fopen($url, "rb")) === false or ($wh = fopen($file, "wb")) === false) {
                 return false;
             // Transfer the image.
             while (!feof($rh)) {
                 if (fwrite($wh, fread($rh, 1024)) === false) {
                     return false;
         case "none":
             // Delete the avatar file.
             if (file_exists($avatarFile) and !@unlink($avatarFile)) {
                 return false;
             // Clear the avatarFormat.
             $this->esoTalk->db->query("UPDATE {$config["tablePrefix"]}members SET avatarFormat=NULL WHERE memberId={$this->esoTalk->user["memberId"]}");
             $this->esoTalk->user["avatarFormat"] = $_SESSION["user"]["avatarFormat"] = "";
             return true;
             return false;
     // Phew, we got through all that. Now let's turn the image into a resource...
     switch ($type) {
         case "image/jpeg":
         case "image/pjpeg":
             $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
         case "image/x-png":
         case "image/png":
             $image = @imagecreatefrompng($file);
         case "image/gif":
             $image = @imagecreatefromgif($file);
     if (!$image) {
         return false;
     // ...and get its dimensions.
     list($curWidth, $curHeight) = getimagesize($file);
     // The dimensions we'll need are the normal avatar size and a thumbnail.
     $dimensions = array("" => array($config["avatarMaxWidth"], $config["avatarMaxHeight"]), "_thumb" => array($config["avatarThumbHeight"], $config["avatarThumbHeight"]));
     // Create new destination images according to the $dimensions.
     foreach ($dimensions as $suffix => $values) {
         // If the new max dimensions exist and are smaller than the current dimensions, we're gonna want to resize.
         $newWidth = $values[0];
         $newHeight = $values[1];
         if (($newWidth or $newHeight) and ($newWidth < $curWidth or $newHeight < $curHeight)) {
             // Work out the resize ratio and calculate the dimensions of the new image.
             $widthRatio = $newWidth / $curWidth;
             $heightRatio = $newHeight / $curHeight;
             $ratio = ($widthRatio and $widthRatio <= $heightRatio) ? $widthRatio : $heightRatio;
             $width = $ratio * $curWidth;
             $height = $ratio * $curHeight;
             $needsToBeResized = true;
         } else {
             $width = $curWidth;
             $height = $curHeight;
             $needsToBeResized = false;
         // Set the destination.
         $destination = $avatarFile . $suffix;
         // Delete their current avatar.
         if (file_exists("{$destination}.{$this->esoTalk->user["avatarFormat"]}")) {
         // If it's a gif that doesn't need to be resized (and it's not a thumbnail), we move instead of resampling so as to preserve animation.
         if (!$needsToBeResized and $type == "image/gif" and $suffix != "_thumb") {
             $handle = fopen($file, "r");
             $contents = fread($handle, filesize($file));
             // Filter the first 256 characters of the contents.
             $tags = array("!-", "a hre", "bgsound", "body", "br", "div", "embed", "frame", "head", "html", "iframe", "input", "img", "link", "meta", "object", "plaintext", "script", "style", "table");
             $re = array();
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $part = "(?:<";
                 $length = strlen($tag);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                     $part .= "\\x00*" . $tag[$i];
                 $re[] = $part . ")";
             if (preg_match("/" . implode("|", $re) . "/", substr($contents, 0, 255))) {
                 $needsToBeResized = true;
             } else {
                 writeFile($destination . ".gif", $contents);
         if ($needsToBeResized or $type != "image/gif" or $suffix == "_thumb") {
             // -waves magic wand- Now, let's create the image!
             $newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
             // Preserve the alpha for pngs and gifs.
             if (in_array($type, array("image/png", "image/gif", "image/x-png"))) {
                 imagecolortransparent($newImage, imagecolorallocate($newImage, 0, 0, 0));
                 imagealphablending($newImage, false);
                 imagesavealpha($newImage, true);
             // (Oh yeah, the reason we're doin' the whole imagecopyresampled() thing even for images that don't need to be resized is because it helps prevent a possible cross-site scripting attack in which the file has malicious data after the header.)
             imagecopyresampled($newImage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $curWidth, $curHeight);
             // Save the image to the correct destination and format.
             switch ($type) {
                 // jpeg
                 case "image/jpeg":
                 case "image/pjpeg":
                     if (!imagejpeg($newImage, "{$destination}.jpg", 85)) {
                         $saveError = true;
                     // png
                 // png
                 case "image/x-png":
                 case "image/png":
                     if (!imagepng($newImage, "{$destination}.png")) {
                         $saveError = true;
                 case "image/gif":
                     if (!imagepng($newImage, "{$destination}.gif")) {
                         $saveError = true;
             if (!empty($saveError)) {
                 return false;
             // Clean up.
     // Clean up temporary stuff.
     // Depending on the type of image that was uploaded, update the user's avatarFormat.
     switch ($type) {
         case "image/jpeg":
         case "image/pjpeg":
             $avatarFormat = "jpg";
         case "image/x-png":
         case "image/png":
             $avatarFormat = "png";
         case "image/gif":
             $avatarFormat = "gif";
     $this->esoTalk->db->query("UPDATE {$config["tablePrefix"]}members SET avatarFormat='{$avatarFormat}' WHERE memberId={$this->esoTalk->user["memberId"]}");
     $this->esoTalk->user["avatarFormat"] = $_SESSION["user"]["avatarFormat"] = $avatarFormat;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
            //output newly written file
        } else {
            //else if matching files found
            $match = $matches[0];
            //newest matching file
            $filedate = substr($match, strrpos($path, '-') + 1);
            //get date of matched file
            $fileage = $time - $filedate;
            //determine file age
            if ($time - $filedate > $expire) {
                //check if file has expired
                foreach ($matches as $file) {
                //delete all expired files
                writeFile($path, $input);
                //write fresh file to server
                outputFile($path, $json);
                //output freshly written file
            } else {
                outputFile($match, $json);
            //else output cached file
        //matched file loop
    //passed urls loop
//if no cache bypass loop
if ($json) {
    echo str_replace('\\/', '/', json_encode($allData));
Exemplo n.º 15
    // Twitter OAuth Config options
    $oauth_access_token = $auth_config['oauth_access_token'];
    $oauth_access_token_secret = $auth_config['oauth_access_token_secret'];
    $consumer_key = $auth_config['consumer_key'];
    $consumer_secret = $auth_config['consumer_secret'];
    $user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
    $count = intval($_GET['count']);
    $twitter_url = 'statuses/user_timeline.json';
    $twitter_url .= '?user_id=' . $user_id;
    $twitter_url .= '&count=' . $count;
    // Create a Twitter Proxy object from our twitter_proxy.php class
    $twitter_proxy = new TwitterProxy($oauth_access_token, $oauth_access_token_secret, $consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $user_id, $count);
    // Invoke the get method to retrieve results via a cURL request
    $tweets = $twitter_proxy->get($twitter_url);
    // Write filtered tweets to file.
    writeFile('testFile.json', '../data', $tweets);
    // Return original tweets.
    echo $tweets;
function writeFile($filename, $dir, $tweetData)
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
    $filepath = "{$dir}/{$filename}";
    $filtered_tweets = array_map(function ($tweet) {
        $user = $tweet->{'user'};
        return (object) array('userId' => $user->{'id'}, 'user' => $user->{'name'}, 'location' => $user->{'location'}, 'text' => $tweet->{'text'}, 'date' => $tweet->{'created_at'}, 'retweetCount' => $tweet->{'retweet_count'}, 'favoriteCount' => $tweet->{'favorite_count'});
    }, json_decode($tweetData));
    $fh = fopen($filepath, 'w');
    fwrite($fh, json_format($filtered_tweets));
                    $urlset .= "<priority>0.8</priority>";
                } else {
                    $urlset .= "<priority>0.9</priority>";
                $urlset .= "</url>";
            // [Encode, and] write out the file.
            $urlset .= "</urlset>";
            if (ZLIB) {
                $urlset = gzencode($urlset, 9);
            writeFile($filename, $urlset);
            // And increment the counter for the next cycle.
    // Now we're gonna generate the sitemap index.
    $sitemap = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><sitemapindex xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'><sitemap><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.general.xml</loc></sitemap>";
    // For each conversation sitemap that we wrote, up until we break'd, add a <sitemap> entry to the index.
    for ($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++) {
        $sitemap .= "<sitemap><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.conversations.{$j}.xml" . ZLIB . "</loc><lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+00:00") . "</lastmod></sitemap>";
    $sitemap .= "</sitemapindex>";
    // And write out!
    writeFile("sitemap.xml", $sitemap);
// Whether we generated new sitemaps or are using a cached version, let's include the sitemap index and serve it as xml.
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$handle = fopen("sitemap.xml", "r");
echo fread($handle, filesize("sitemap.xml"));
Exemplo n.º 17
$libraries = array('net', 'serial', 'video', 'dxf', 'pdf', 'sound', 'io');
$lib_dir = DISTDIR . 'libraries';
// Create Library index
$index = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/libraries/index.html";
$page = new LocalPage('Libraries', 'Libraries', 'Libraries', '../');
writeFile('distribution/libraries/index.html', $page->out());
// For each Library
foreach ($libraries as $lib) {
    $source = "api_en/LIB_{$lib}";
    $destination = "libraries/{$lib}";
    $index = CONTENTDIR . $source . '/index.html';
    $page = new LocalPage(ucfirst($lib) . ' \\ Libraries', 'Libraries', 'Libraries', '../../');
    writeFile('distribution/' . $destination . '/index.html', $page->out());
if (is_dir(DISTDIR . 'libraries/images')) {
    rmdir(DISTDIR . 'libraries/images');
mkdir(DISTDIR . 'libraries/images', 0755);
copydirr(CONTENTDIR . "api_en/libraries/images", DISTDIR . 'libraries/images');
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Local library generation successful!</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
function bindCacheSetting()
    global $_FANWE;
    $settings = array();
    $js_settings = array();
    $res = FDB::query("SELECT name,val,is_js FROM " . FDB::table('sys_conf') . " WHERE status = 1");
    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
        $name = strtolower($data['name']);
        $settings[$name] = $data['val'];
        if ($data['is_js'] == 1) {
            $js_settings[$name] = $data['val'];
    writeFile(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/setting.js', 'var SETTING = ' . getJson($js_settings) . ';');
    $pingJs = '';
    $pingJs = @file_get_contents(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/demo.js');
    $domain = 'var domain = "' . $_FANWE['site_url'] . '"; ';
    $host_name = 'var hostName = "' . str_replace("http://", "", $_FANWE['site_url']) . '"; ';
    $tpl_name = 'var tplName = "' . $_FANWE['setting']['site_tmpl'] . '"; ';
    $yz_name = 'var global="TUPU";document[global]=document[global] || {};';
    $im_ping_js = '';
    $im_ping_js = $host_name . $domain . $tpl_name . $yz_name . $pingJs;
    writeFile(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/im.ping.js', $im_ping_js);
    $config_file = @file_get_contents(PUBLIC_ROOT . 'config.global.php');
    $config_file = trim($config_file);
    $config_file = preg_replace("/[\$]config\\['time_zone'\\].*?=.*?'.*?'.*?;/is", "\$config['time_zone'] = '" . $settings['time_zone'] . "';", $config_file);
    $config_file = preg_replace("/[\$]config\\['default_lang'\\].*?=.*?'.*?'.*?;/is", "\$config['default_lang'] = '" . $settings['default_lang'] . "';", $config_file);
    @file_put_contents(PUBLIC_ROOT . 'config.global.php', $config_file);
    $lang_arr = array();
    $lang_files = array(FANWE_ROOT . './core/language/' . $settings['default_lang'] . '/template.lang.php', FANWE_ROOT . './tpl/' . $settings['site_tmpl'] . '/template.lang.php');
    foreach ($lang_files as $lang_file) {
        if (@(include $lang_file)) {
            foreach ($lang as $lkey => $lval) {
                $lang_pre = strtolower(substr($lkey, 0, 3));
                if ($lang_pre == 'js_') {
                    $lang_key = substr($lkey, 3);
                    if ($lang_key != '') {
                        $lang_arr[$lang_key] = $lval;
    writeFile(PUBLIC_ROOT . './js/lang.js', 'var LANG = ' . getJson($lang_arr) . ';');
    clearDir(FANWE_ROOT . './public/data/tpl/css/');
    clearDir(FANWE_ROOT . './public/data/tpl/js/');
    $css_dir = FANWE_ROOT . './tpl/' . $settings['site_tmpl'] . '/css/';
    $css_cache_dir = FANWE_ROOT . './public/data/tpl/css/';
    $css_site_path = $_FANWE['site_root'] . 'tpl/' . $settings['site_tmpl'] . '/';
    $directory = dir($css_dir);
    while ($entry = $directory->read()) {
        if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && stripos($entry, '.css') !== false) {
            $css_path = $css_dir . $entry;
            $css_content = @file_get_contents($css_path);
            $css_content = preg_replace("/\\.\\.\\//", $css_site_path, $css_content);
            $css_cache_path = $css_cache_dir . '/' . $entry;
            writeFile($css_cache_path, $css_content);
    FanweService::instance()->cache->saveCache('setting', $settings);
Exemplo n.º 19
 function output_file(&$menu_array, $rel_path = '/')
     $page = new Page($this->name . ' \\ Examples', $this->sub, "", "../");
     $page->set('examples_nav', $this->back_to_list());
     //writeFile("learning/".strtolower($this->sub)."/".strtolower($this->name).".html", $page->out());
     // Move 2 May 2013
     writeFile("examples/" . strtolower($this->name) . ".html", $page->out());
     echo $this->name . '<br />';
     #echo "learning/examples/".strtolower($this->sub)."/".strtolower($this->name).".html\n";
Exemplo n.º 20
//Create Topics html
$html .= "<b>Topic Examples</b>. <i>Programs about to animation, interaction, motion, simulation, and more...</i><br /><br /><br />";
$html .= "<ul class=\"examples\">\n";
foreach ($catTopics as $cat => $array) {
    $html .= "<li><ul><li><b>{$cat}</b></li><br />";
    foreach ($array as $file => $name) {
        $thisfile = strtolower($file);
        $html .= "\t<li><a href=\"{$thisfile}\">{$name}</a></li>\n";
    $html .= '</ul></li>';
$html .= "</ul>";
// Change 2 May 2013
//writeFile('learning/'.strtolower($subdir).'/index.html', $page->out());
writeFile('examples/index.html', $page->out());
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Examples pages generation Successful</h2>
<p>Generated <?php 
echo $count + 1;
 files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
<h2>Updated <?php 
echo $where;
Exemplo n.º 21
$where = CONTENTDIR . 'static';
putenv('HOME=' . CONTENTDIR);
`cd {$where} && /usr/bin/svn update`;
// make troubleshooting page
$source = CONTENTDIR . "static/";
#$path = BASEDIR;
$page = new Page("Overview", "Overview");
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "overview.html"));
writeFile('overview/index.html', $page->out());
#copydirr($source.'/images', $path.'/images');
$page = new Page("Foundation", "Foundation");
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "foundation.html"));
writeFile('foundation/index.html', $page->out());
$page = new Page("People", "People");
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "people.html"));
writeFile('people/index.html', $page->out());
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>About page generation Successful</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
<!--<p>Page put here: <?php 
echo $source . "faq.html";
<!--<p>Page put here: <?php 
echo $path . 'faq.html';
Exemplo n.º 22

require '../config.php';
$benchmark_start = microtime_float();
// make troubleshooting page
$source = CONTENTDIR . "static/";
#$path = BASEDIR;
$page = new LocalPage('Copyright', "Copyright", "Copyright", './');
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "copyright.html"));
writeFile('distribution/copyright.html', $page->out());
$page = new LocalPage('People', "People", "People", '../');
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "people.html"));
writeFile('distribution/about/people.html', $page->out());
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Local static pages generation successful!</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
Exemplo n.º 23
		$table_name = $cgi[t_name];

        $sqlstr = sprintf("update temp set t_name='%s'", $table_name);

	foreach($poly_data as $pm_id=>$row)

		$ff= "html_" . $pm_id;
		$html = $cgi[$ff];

		$ff= "defaulturl_" . $pm_id;
		$url = $cgi[$ff];

                $filename = sprintf("%s/tmpl_%d_%d.htm", $row[file_path], $t_id, $pm_id);
		writeFile($filename, $html);

                $sqlstr .= sprintf(", html_%d='%s', defaulturl_%d='%s'",
                $pm_id, mysql_escape_string($html), $pm_id, $url);
        $sqlstr .= sprintf(" where t_id=%ld", $t_id);
	$res = mysql_query($sqlstr, $proj_mysql) or sys_exit("系统忙, 请稍候再试。", $sqlstr . ":\n" . mysql_error());

        $sqlstr = sprintf("create table %s (
        d_id int(12) unsigned auto_increment primary key,
        cu_id int(10),
        creator Varchar(40),
        mu_id int(10),
        mender varchar(40),
        createdatetime datetime not null,
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function load($file, $path)
     $file = $path . "/" . $file;
     if (is_file($file)) {
         $encoded_str = getFile($file);
     } else {
         $encoded_str = eaccelerator_encode(basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]));
         writeFile($encoded_str, "wb");
Exemplo n.º 25
  * 保存缓存数据
  * @param string $cache_name 缓存键名
  * @param mixed $data 数据
  * @return void
 public function saveCache($cache_name, $data)
     global $_FANWE;
     static $isfile_cache = NULL, $allow_memory = NULL;
     if ($isfile_cache === NULL) {
         $isfile_cache = true;
         $allow_memory = $this->memoryHandler('check');
     $allow_memory && $this->memoryHandler('rm', $cache_name);
     $allow_memory && $this->memoryHandler('set', $cache_name, $data);
     if ($isfile_cache) {
         $cache_data = "<?php\n" . '$data[\'' . $cache_name . "'] = " . var_export($data, true) . ";\n\n?>";
         writeFile($this->cache_path . $cache_name . '.cache.php', $cache_data);
Exemplo n.º 26
require_once 'master_validation.php';
require_once 'lib/nangkoelib.php';
require_once 'config/connection.php';
require_once 'lib/zLib.php';
$pemisah = $_POST['pemisah'];
$jenisdata = $_POST['jenisdata'];
$path = 'tempExcel';
$optSatKeg = makeOption($dbname, 'setup_kegiatan', 'kodekegiatan,satuan');
$optSatBrg = makeOption($dbname, 'log_5masterbarang', 'kodebarang,satuan');
if (is_dir($path)) {
    writeFile($path, $pemisah);
    //chmod($path, 0777);
} else {
    if (mkdir($path)) {
        writeFile($path, $pemisah);
        // chmod($path, 0777);
    } else {
        echo "<script> alert('Gagal, Can`t create folder for uploaded file');</script>";
function writeFile($path, $pemisah)
    global $jenisdata;
    $dir = $path;
    $ext = explode('.', basename($_FILES['filex']['name']));
    $ext = $ext[count($ext) - 1];
    $ext = strtolower($ext);
    if ($ext == 'csv') {
        $path = $dir . "/" . date('ymd') . "." . $ext;
Exemplo n.º 27
function sendMail($subject, $body, $to, $from = "ACM BIT Mesra <*****@*****.**>")
    require_once MAIL_PATH;
    $headers = array('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " +0530", 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'charset' => 'UTF-8');
    $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => MAIL_HOST, 'port' => MAIL_PORT, 'auth' => true, 'username' => MAIL_USER, 'password' => MAIL_PASS));
    $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);
    $data = "Mail:\n" . print_r(array("To" => $to, "From" => $from, "Subject" => $subject, "Body" => $body), true);
    if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
        return false;
    writeFile(COMMENTS_LOG, $data);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 28
 * 创建前台管理锁定
 * @return void
function createManageLock($module, $id)
    global $_FANWE;
    $module = strtolower($module);
    $phth = PUBLIC_ROOT . './manage/' . $module;
    $lock_file = $phth . '/' . $id . '.lock';
    $data = array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid'], 'user_name' => $_FANWE['user_name'], 'time' => TIME_UTC);
    $data = "<?php\n" . '$lock = ' . var_export($data, true) . ";\n?>";
    return writeFile($lock_file, $data);
Exemplo n.º 29
function checkAdminPassword()
    global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
    global $_POST;
    global $config;
    if (!file_exists("admin/.htaccess") || !file_exists("admin/.htpasswd")) {
        echo "Set the Administrator Username and Password";
        if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['password1'])) {
                if ($_POST['password1'] == $_POST['password2']) {
                    $user = $_POST['user'];
                    $password1 = $_POST['password1'];
                    $htpasswd_text = "\n" . $user . ":" . crypt($password1, CRYPT_STD_DES);
                    writeFile('admin/.htpasswd', $htpasswd_text);
                    $htaccess = "IndexIgnore .htaccess , .htpasswd , .. , . \n";
                    $htaccess .= 'AuthName "Admin Access"';
                    $htaccess .= "\n" . "AuthType Basic \n";
                    $htaccess .= "AuthUserFile " . $config['currentDir'] . "/admin/.htpasswd \n";
                    $htaccess .= "Require valid-user";
                    writeFile('admin/.htaccess', $htaccess);
                } else {
                    echo "<hr />";
                    echo "<b>Passwords do not match</b>";
                    echo "<hr />";
        } else {
            echo '<form method="post" action="index.php"><table>';
            echo '<tr><td>Username:</td><td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="user"></td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><td>Password:</td><td><INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="password1"></td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><td>Password again:</td><td><INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="password2"></td></tr>';
            // echo '<tr><td>Use this login also on the main page:</td><td><input type="PASSWORD" NAME="password2"></td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><td><center><INPUT type=submit name="submit" VALUE="Set User / Pass">';
            echo '</center></td></tr>';
            echo '</table><form>';
Exemplo n.º 30
function referenceResources($reg, &$txtCnt, $urlBase, $sType)
    preg_match_all($reg, $txtCnt, $aSrcs);
    $aCnts = [];
    for ($cntSrcs = 0; $cntSrcs < count($aSrcs[0]); $cntSrcs++) {
        $sResource = $aSrcs[0][$cntSrcs];
        $urlRel = $aSrcs[1][$cntSrcs];
        $urlAbs = calAbsUrl($urlRel, $urlBase);
        $txtSrc = getContent($urlAbs);
        $txtCnt = str_replace($sResource, '', $txtCnt);
        if ($txtSrc === false) {
            echo "File doesn't exist!!! {$urlRel} in {$urlBase}";
        } else {
            $aCnts[] = $txtSrc;
    $txtSrc = implode('', $aCnts);
    switch ($sType) {
        case 'css':
            $txtCnt = '<style>' . $txtSrc . '</style>' . $txtCnt;
        case 'js':
            if (!DEVELOPING) {
                $fileTmp = WEBROOT_AT_DISK . TEMPORARY_JS;
                writeFile(TEMPORARY_JS, $txtSrc);
                $ug = new JSUglify2();
                $ug->uglify([$fileTmp], $fileTmp);
                $txtSrc = getContent(TEMPORARY_JS);
            $txtCnt .= '<script>' . $txtSrc . '</script>';
            # code...