function settings() { global $config, $language; // Define language $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("List of filtered words", "List of filtered words"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Enter each word on a new line", "Enter each word on a new line"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Make filter case sensitive?", "Make filter case sensitive?"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Replace each letter with this", "Replace each letter with"); // Update captcha settings if (isset($_POST["Wordfilter"])) { $config["Wordfilter"]["Wordlist"] = $_POST["Wordfilter"]["Wordlist"]; if ($_POST["Wordfilter"]["Case"] == "True") { $WordfilterCase = True; } else { $WordfilterCase = False; } $config["Wordfilter"]["Case"] = $WordfilterCase; $config["Wordfilter"]["Replace"] = $_POST["Wordfilter"]["Replace"]; writeConfigFile("config/Wordfilter.php", '$config["Wordfilter"]', $config["Wordfilter"]); $this->esoTalk->message("changesSaved"); } // Generate settings html if ($config["Wordfilter"]["Case"]) { $CaseValue = " checked"; } else { $CaseValue = ""; } $settingsHtml = "<form action='" . curLink() . "' method='post'>\n\t<ul class='form'>\n\t<li><label>{$language["List of filtered words"]}</label> <textarea name='Wordfilter[Wordlist]' class='textarea' rows=10 cols=40>{$config["Wordfilter"]["Wordlist"]}</textarea></li>\n\t<li><label></label><font style='color:#666666;size=6pt;'>{$language["Enter each word on a new line"]}</font></li>\t\n\t<li><label>{$language["Make filter case sensitive?"]}</label> <input name='Wordfilter[Case]' type='checkbox' class='checkbox' value='True'" . $CaseValue . "/></li>\n\t<li><label>{$language["Replace each letter with this"]}</label> <input type='text' name='Wordfilter[Replace]' class='text' value='{$config["Wordfilter"]["Replace"]}' size='1' maxlength='1'/></li>\t\n\t<li><label></label> " . $this->esoTalk->skin->button(array("value" => $language["Save changes"], "name" => "Wordfilter[submit]")) . "</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</form>"; return $settingsHtml; }
function changeSkin($skin) { // Initial checks if (!array_key_exists($skin, $this->skins)) { return false; } // Write the skin file writeConfigFile("config/skin.php", '$config["skin"]', $skin); redirect("skins"); }
function init() { // Make sure the versions file is writable. if (!is_writeable("../config/versions.php")) { $this->fatalError("<code>config/versions.php</code> is not writeable. Try <code>chmod</code>ing it to <code>777</code>, or if it doesn't exist, <code>chmod</code> the folder it is contained within."); } // Connect to the database. global $config; if (!$this->connect($config["mysqlHost"], $config["mysqlUser"], $config["mysqlPass"], $config["mysqlDB"])) { $this->fatalError($this->error()); } // Perform the upgrade, depending on what version the user is currently at. global $versions; // 1.0.0 alpha 5 -> 1.0.0 beta 1 if ($versions["esoTalk"] == "1.0.0a5") { $this->upgrade_100b1(); $versions["esoTalk"] = "1.0.0b1"; writeConfigFile("../config/versions.php", '$versions', $versions); } // Finish the upgrade if ($versions["esoTalk"] != ESOTALK_VERSION) { $versions["esoTalk"] = ESOTALK_VERSION; writeConfigFile("../config/versions.php", '$versions', $versions); } // Display a success message. $messageTitle = "You're good to go!"; $messageBody = "<p>esoTalk has successfully been upgraded. Here's some stuff you should do now:</p>\n\t<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Delete the <code>upgrade</code> directory</strong> to prevent your forum from being hacked!</li>\n\t<li><a href='{$config["baseURL"]}'>Visit your forum</a> and make sure everything is working - if not, get help at the <a href=''>esoTalk support forum</a>.</li>\n\t<li>If you're interested, <a href='javascript:toggleAdvanced()'>see advanced information</a> about what happened during the upgrade process.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t<div id='advanced'>"; // Advanced information... // Warnings. if (isset($_SESSION["warnings"]) and is_array($_SESSION["warnings"])) { $messageBody .= "<strong>Warnings</strong><ul>"; foreach ($_SESSION["warnings"] as $msg) { $messageBody .= "<li>{$msg}</li>"; } $_SESSION["warnings"] = array(); $messageBody .= "</ul>"; } // Queries run. if (isset($_SESSION["queries"]) and is_array($_SESSION["queries"])) { $messageBody .= "<strong>Queries run</strong><pre style='overflow:auto'>"; foreach ($_SESSION["queries"] as $query) { $messageBody .= sanitize($query) . ";<br/><br/>"; } $_SESSION["queries"] = array(); $messageBody .= "</pre>"; } $messageBody .= "</div>\n\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tfunction toggleAdvanced() {\n\t\tdocument.getElementById(\"advanced\").style.display = document.getElementById(\"advanced\").style.display == \"none\" ? \"\" : \"none\";\n\t}\n\ttoggleAdvanced();\n\t</script>"; include "../views/message.php"; exit; }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('allowBlogVisibility' => array('bool'), 'requireLogin' => array('bool'), 'encoding' => array('string'), 'faviconDailyTraffic' => array('int'), 'flashClipboardPoter' => array('bool'), 'flashUploader' => array('bool'), 'language' => array('string'), 'serviceurl' => array('string'), 'cookieprefix' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false, 'default' => ''), 'skin' => array('string'), 'timeout' => array('int'), 'autologinTimeout' => array('int'), 'timezone' => array('string'), 'useDebugMode' => array('bool'), 'useEncodedURL' => array('bool'), 'useNumericRSS' => array('bool'), 'usePageCache' => array('bool'), 'useCodeCache' => array('bool'), 'useReader' => array('bool'), 'useRewriteDebugMode' => array('bool'), 'useSessionDebugMode' => array('bool'), 'useSkinCache' => array('bool'), 'useMemcached' => array('bool'), 'useExternalResource' => array('bool'), 'externalResourceURL' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false, 'default' => ''))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; importlib(''); requireStrictRoute(); $matchTable = array('timeout' => 'timeout', 'autologinTimeout' => 'autologinTimeout', 'skin' => 'skin', 'language' => 'language', 'timezone' => 'timezone', 'encoding' => 'encoding', 'serviceurl' => 'serviceURL', 'cookieprefix' => 'cookie_prefix', 'usePageCache' => 'pagecache', 'useCodeCache' => 'codecache', 'useSkinCache' => 'skincache', 'useMemcached' => 'memcached', 'useReader' => 'reader', 'useNumericRSS' => 'useNumericRSS', 'useEncodedURL' => 'useEncodedURL', 'useExternalResource' => 'externalresources', 'externalResourceURL' => 'resourcepath', 'allowBlogVisibility' => 'allowBlogVisibilitySetting', 'requireLogin' => 'requirelogin', 'flashClipboardPoter' => 'flashclipboardpoter', 'flashUploader' => 'flashuploader', 'useDebugMode' => 'debugmode', 'useSessionDebugMode' => 'debug_session_dump', 'useRewriteDebugMode' => 'debug_rewrite_module', 'faviconDailyTraffic' => 'favicon_daily_traffic'); $description = array('server' => 'Database server location. Can be socket or address.', 'database' => 'Database name.', 'username' => 'Database username.', 'password' => 'Database password.', 'dbms' => 'Database engine.', 'prefix' => 'Table prefix in database.', 'type' => 'Service type. [single|path|domain] e.g. [ | |].', 'domain' => 'Service domain. (', 'path' => 'Service path. (e.g. /blog)', 'timeout' => 'Session timeout limit (sec.)', 'autologinTimeout' => 'Automatic login timeout (sec.)', 'skin' => 'Default blog skin name.', 'language' => 'Server language', 'timezone' => 'Server timezone', 'encoding' => 'Character encoding', 'serviceURL' => 'Specify the default service URL. Useful if using other web program under the same domain.', 'cookie_prefix' => 'Service cookie prefix. Default cookie prefix is Textcube_[VERSION_NUMBER].', 'pagecache' => 'Use pagecache function.', 'codecache' => 'Use codecache function.', 'skincache' => 'Use skin pre-fetching.', 'memcached' => 'Use memcache to handle session and cache', 'reader' => 'Use Textcube reader. You can set it to false if you do not use Textcube reader, and want to decrease DB load.', 'useNumericRSS' => 'Can force permalink to numeric format on RSS output.', 'useEncodedURL' => 'URL encoding using RFC1738', 'externalresources' => 'Loads resources from external CDN from resourceURL.', 'resourcepath' => 'Specify the full URI of external resource.', 'useSSL' => 'Use SSL connection. Every http:// will be replaced with https://', 'allowBlogVisibilitySetting' => 'Allow service users to change blog visibility.', 'requirelogin' => 'Force log-in process to every blogs. (for private blog service)', 'flashclipboardpoter' => 'Use Flash clipboard copy to support one-click trackback address copy.', 'flashuploader' => 'Use Flash uploader to upload multiple files.', 'debugmode' => 'Textcube debug mode. (for core / plugin debug or optimization)', 'debug_session_dump' => 'session info debuging.', 'debug_rewrite_module' => 'rewrite handling module info debuging.', 'favicon_daily_traffic' => 'Set favicon traffic limitation. default is 10MB.'); /* Exception handling */ $config = array(); foreach ($matchTable as $abs => $real) { if ($_POST[$abs] === 1) { $config[$real] = true; } else { if ($_POST[$abs] === 0) { $config[$real] = false; } else { $config[$real] = $_POST[$abs]; } } } $result = writeConfigFile($config, $description); if ($result === true) { Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 0)); } else { Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => $result)); }
function installMain(&$s) { global $lll; global $hostName, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName, $dbPort, $dbSocket; global $scriptName; global $cookiePath; global $phpVersionMin, $mySqlVersionMin; $s = ""; showInstallHeader($s1); $s .= $s1; // Ezt azert kommentezem ki, mert gyakran ujrainstallalok ugy hogy elozoleg // john-kent be voltam jelentkezve. Ilyen esetben mindig john // id-jevel hozta letre eloszor az admint, majd amikor john // letrehozasara kerult a sor, akkor hibat adott az install mondvan, // hogy ilyen id-ju juzer mar letezik: //if (!isset($_COOKIE["globalUserId"])) //{ mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); global $randIdMax, $randIdMin; if (!isset($randIdMin)) { $randIdMin = 0; } if (!isset($randIdMax)) { $randIdMax = getrandmax(); } $randomId = (int) mt_rand($randIdMin, $randIdMax); setcookie("globalUserId", $randomId, Loginlib_ExpirationDate, $cookiePath); $_COOKIE["globalUserId"] = $randomId; //} if (isset($_POST["edit"])) { $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return; } //if( isset($_POST["submit"]) && // $_POST["submit"]==$lll["install"] ) //{ //check file creation $ret = checkFileCreate(); if ($ret == ok) { iPrint($lll["create_file_ok"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; $createconf = TRUE; } else { if (!isset($_POST["confirm"])) { iPrint($lll["create_file_nok_ext"], "warn", $sp); } else { iPrint($lll["create_file_nok"], "warn", $sp); } $s .= $sp; $createconf = FALSE; } //check mysql connection $db->hostName = $hostName; $db->user = $dbUser; $db->password = $dbUserPw; $db->port = $dbPort; $db->socket = $dbSocket; $connectRet = checkMysql($db, $s1); $s .= $s1; if ($connectRet == ok) { iPrint($lll["mysql_found"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; $connectok = TRUE; $pwok = TRUE; } elseif ($connectRet == mysql_access_denied) { iPrint($lll["mysql_found"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; if ($dbUserPw == "") { iPrint(sprintf($lll["need_pw"], $dbUser), "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return ok; } else { iPrint(sprintf($lll["incorr_pw"], $dbUser), "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return ok; } } else { iPrint($lll["mysql_not_found"] . " (" . mysql_error() . ")", "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return ok; } if (!DbInstall::checkComponentVersions($mySqlVersion, $phpVersion)) { iPrint(sprintf($lll["versionTooLow"], $mySqlVersionMin, $mySqlVersion, $phpVersionMin, $phpVersion), "err", $sp); $s .= $sp; return ok; } if (!isset($_POST["confirm"])) { $s .= showAskConfirm(); return ok; } if (isset($_COOKIE["globalUserId"])) { iPrint($lll["cookieok"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; } else { iPrint($lll["cookienok"], "err", $sp); $s .= $sp; return; } //check if db exists $ret = mysql_select_db($dbName); if ($ret) { iPrint(sprintf($lll["db_installed"], $dbName), "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; } else { $ret = createDb(); if ($ret != ok) { $s1 = sprintf($lll["cantcreatedb"], $dbUser); iPrint($s1, "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; return ok; } else { iPrint(sprintf($lll["db_created"], $dbName), "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; //select db $ret = mysql_select_db($dbName); } } $ret = DbInstall::installCreateTables(); if ($ret != ok) { iPrint($lll["inst_create_table_err"], "err", $sp); $s .= $sp; return $ret; } else { iPrint($lll["tables_installed"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; } createFirstAdmin(); appFillTables(); iPrint($lll["tables_filled"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; if ($createconf) { //config file can be generated $ret = writeConfigFile($s1); if ($ret != ok) { $s .= $s1; return; } } else { //config can't be created iPrint($lll["compare_conf"], "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; showConfFileHtml($s1); $s .= $s1; iPrint($lll["afterwrconf"], "warn", $s1); $s .= $s1; } iPrint($lll["move_inst_file"], "warn", $s1); $s .= $s1; iPrint(sprintf($lll["congrat"], "Noah's Classifieds"), "hurra", $s1); $s .= $s1; iPrint($lll["inst_ch_pw"], "warn", $s1); $s .= $s1; //send him to the application: $s .= "<a href='{$scriptName}'>" . sprintf($lll["inst_click"], "Noah's Classifieds") . "</a>"; return ok; }
$errmsg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strConfigNotWritable"]); } else { copy($configfile, $configfile . ".ori"); $stat = writeConfigFile($configfile); if (!$stat) { $errno = 1; $errmsg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strConfigRewriteError"]); } else { $errno = 0; $link_o = "<a href=?>"; $link_c = "</a>"; $okmsg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strConfigRewrited"]); } } } else { $stat = writeConfigFile($configfile); if (!$stat) { $errno = 1; $errmsg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strConfigRewriteError"]); } else { $errno = 0; $link_o = "<a href=?>"; $link_c = "</a>"; $okmsg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strConfigWrited"]); //header("Location:?"); } } } } include "installer/lib/"; ?>
function doInstall() { // Make sure the base url has a trailing slash. if (substr($_SESSION["install"]["baseURL"], -1) != "/") { $_SESSION["install"]["baseURL"] .= "/"; } global $config; // Prepare the config settings $config = array("mysqlHost" => desanitize($_SESSION["install"]["mysqlHost"]), "mysqlUser" => desanitize($_SESSION["install"]["mysqlUser"]), "mysqlPass" => desanitize($_SESSION["install"]["mysqlPass"]), "mysqlDB" => desanitize($_SESSION["install"]["mysqlDB"]), "tablePrefix" => desanitize($_SESSION["install"]["tablePrefix"]), "forumTitle" => $_SESSION["install"]["forumTitle"], "baseURL" => $_SESSION["install"]["baseURL"], "salt" => generateRandomString(rand(32, 64)), "emailFrom" => "do_not_reply@{$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]}", "cookieName" => preg_replace(array("/\\s+/", "/[^\\w]/"), array("_", ""), desanitize($_SESSION["install"]["forumTitle"])), "useFriendlyURLs" => !empty($_SESSION["install"]["friendlyURLs"]), "useModRewrite" => !empty($_SESSION["install"]["friendlyURLs"]) and function_exists("apache_get_modules") and in_array("mod_rewrite", apache_get_modules())); $this->connect($config["mysqlHost"], $config["mysqlUser"], $config["mysqlPass"], $config["mysqlDB"]); // Get the list of queries that we need to run and run them include "queries.php"; foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!$this->query($query)) { return array(1 => "<code>" . sanitize($this->error()) . "</code><p><strong>The query that caused this error was</strong></p><pre>" . sanitize($query) . "</pre>"); } } // Write the config file writeConfigFile("../config/config.php", '$config', $config); // Write the versions.php file include "../config.default.php"; writeConfigFile("../config/versions.php", '$versions', array("esoTalk" => ESOTALK_VERSION)); // Write a .htaccess file if ($config["useModRewrite"]) { $handle = fopen("../.htaccess", "w"); fwrite($handle, "# Generated by esoTalk\n<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteRule ^(.*)\$ index.php/\$1 [QSA,L]\n</IfModule>"); fclose($handle); } // Write a robots.txt file $handle = fopen("../robots.txt", "w"); fwrite($handle, "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /search/\nDisallow: /online/\nDisallow: /join/\nDisallow: /forgotPassword/\nDisallow: /conversation/new/\nSitemap: {$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.php"); fclose($handle); // Prepare to log in the administrator // This won't actually log them in due to different session names. But we do that later. $_SESSION["user"] = array("memberId" => 1, "name" => $_SESSION["install"]["adminUser"], "account" => "Administrator", "color" => $color, "emailOnPrivateAdd" => false, "emailOnStar" => false, "language" => "English", "avatarAlignment" => "alternate", "avatarFormat" => "", "disableJSEffects" => false); }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('allowBlogVisibility' => array('int'), 'requireLogin' => array('int', 0, 1), 'disableEolinSuggestion' => array('int', 0, 1), 'encoding' => array('string'), 'faviconDailyTraffic' => array('int'), 'flashClipboardPoter' => array('int', 0, 1), 'flashUploader' => array('int', 0, 1), 'language' => array('string'), 'serviceurl' => array('string'), 'skin' => array('string'), 'timeout' => array('int'), 'autologinTimeout' => array('int'), 'timezone' => array('string'), 'useDebugMode' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useEncodedURL' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useNumericRSS' => array('int', 0, 1), 'usePageCache' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useReader' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useRewriteDebugMode' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useSessionDebugMode' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useSkinCache' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useMemcached' => array('int', 0, 1), 'useExternalResource' => array('int', 0, 1), 'externalResourceURL' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false, 'default' => ''))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireModel('blog.service'); requireStrictRoute(); $matchTable = array('timeout' => 'timeout', 'autologinTimeout' => 'autologinTimeout', 'skin' => 'skin', 'language' => 'language', 'timezone' => 'timezone', 'encoding' => 'encoding', 'serviceurl' => 'serviceURL', 'usePageCache' => 'pagecache', 'useSkinCache' => 'skincache', 'useMemcached' => 'memcached', 'useReader' => 'reader', 'useNumericRSS' => 'useNumericRSS', 'useEncodedURL' => 'useEncodedURL', 'useExternalResource' => 'externalresources', 'externalResourceURL' => 'resourceURL', 'disableEolinSuggestion' => 'disableEolinSuggestion', 'allowBlogVisibility' => 'allowBlogVisibilitySetting', 'requireLogin' => 'requirelogin', 'flashClipboardPoter' => 'flashclipboardpoter', 'flashUploader' => 'flashuploader', 'useDebugMode' => 'debugmode', 'useSessionDebugMode' => 'debug_session_dump', 'useRewriteDebugMode' => 'debug_rewrite_module', 'faviconDailyTraffic' => 'favicon_daily_traffic'); /* Exceptional handling */ $config = array(); foreach ($matchTable as $abs => $real) { if ($_POST[$abs] === 1) { $config[$real] = true; } else { if ($_POST[$abs] === 0) { $config[$real] = false; } else { $config[$real] = $_POST[$abs]; } } } $result = writeConfigFile($config); if ($result === true) { Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 0)); } else { Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => $result)); }
function init() { // Compare the version of the code ($this->version) to the installed one (config/versions.php) // If it's different, run the upgrade() function, and write the new version to config/versions.php global $versions; if (!isset($versions[$this->id]) or $versions[$this->id] != $this->version) { $this->upgrade(@$versions[$this->id]); $versions[$this->id] = $this->version; writeConfigFile("config/versions.php", '$versions', $versions); } }
$mailValues = "NONE"; break; case "VALUES": $mailValues = "VALUES"; break; case "IFRAME": $mailValues = "IFRAME"; break; default: $mailValues = "IFRAME"; break; } //Substitute Person vars $strMySP_Unit = $_REQUEST['strIN_Subtitute_Person_Unit']; $nMySP_Hours = $_REQUEST['strIN_Subtitute_Person_Value']; if ($_REQUEST["IN_UnencryptedRequest"]) { $_REQUEST["IN_UnencryptedRequest"] = 1; } else { $_REQUEST["IN_UnencryptedRequest"] = 0; } $strQuery = "UPDATE `cf_config` SET \t`strCF_Server` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_CF_Server"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSMTP_use_auth` \t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["bRB_SMTP_use_auth"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSMTP_server` \t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_SMTP_Server"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSMTP_port` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_SMTP_port"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSMTP_userid` \t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_SMTP_userid"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSMTP_pwd` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_SMTP_pwd"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strDefLang` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST['strIN_DefLang'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSysReplyAddr` \t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_SysReplyAddr"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strMailAddTextDef` \t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_MailAddTextDef"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bDetailSeperateWindow` \t= '" . $_REQUEST["bOpenInSeperateWin"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bShowPosMail` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["bShowPosInMail"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bFilter_AR_Wordstart` \t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["bAutoRegWordStart"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strEmail_Values` \t\t\t= '{$mailValues}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strEmail_Format` \t\t\t= '{$mailFormat}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nDelay_norm` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["nIN_Delay_norm"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nDelay_interm` \t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["nIN_Delay_interm"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nDelay_late` \t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["nIN_Delay_late"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nSubstitutePerson_Hours` \t= '{$nMySP_Hours}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSubstitutePerson_Unit` \t= '{$strMySP_Unit}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strDefSortCol` \t\t\t= '{$mySort}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strCirculation_cols` \t\t= '{$myOrder}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSortDirection`\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_SortDirection"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nShowRows`\t\t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["IN_strShowRows"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`nAutoReload`\t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["strIN_AutoReload"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bAllowUnencryptedRequest`\t= '" . $_REQUEST["IN_UnencryptedRequest"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`UserDefined1_Title`\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["IN_userdefined1_title"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`UserDefined2_Title`\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["IN_userdefined2_title"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strDateFormat`\t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["IN_Date_Format"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strMailSendType`\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["mail_send_type"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strMtaPath`\t\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["mta_path"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSlotVisibility` \t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["slot_visibility"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`strSmtpEncryption`\t\t\t= '" . $_REQUEST["SMTP_encryption"] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bSendWorkflowMail`\t\t\t= '" . ($_REQUEST["IN_SendWorkflowMail"] ? 1 : 0) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bSendReminderMail`\t\t\t= '" . ($_REQUEST["IN_SendReminderMail"] ? 1 : 0) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `nConfigID` = 1 LIMIT 1 ;"; mysql_query($strQuery, $nConnection); //Get all LDAP Values and write them to the config file //$passedArray = $_POST; $passedArray = array('auth_method' => $_POST["auth_method"], "ldap_host" => $_POST["ldap_host"], "ldap_domain" => $_POST["ldap_domain"], "ldap_binddn" => $_POST["ldap_binddn"], "ldap_bindpwd" => $_POST["ldap_bindpwd"], "ldap_rootdn" => $_POST["ldap_rootdn"], "ldap_searchattr" => $_POST["ldap_searchattr"], "ldap_fname" => $_POST["ldap_fname"], "ldap_lname" => $_POST["ldap_lname"], "ldap_uname" => $_POST["ldap_uname"], "ldap_email_add" => $_POST["ldap_email_add"], "ldap_office" => $_POST["ldap_office"], "ldap_phone" => $_POST["ldap_phone"], "ldap_context" => $_POST["ldap_context"], "default_level" => $_POST["default_level"]); writeConfigFile($passedArray, "../config/"); ?> </div> </body> </html>
function checkForUpdates() { if ($this->ajax) { return; } writeConfigFile("config/lastUpdateCheck.php", '$lastUpdateCheck', time()); if (($handle = @fopen("", "r")) === false) { return; } $latestVersion = fread($handle, 8192); fclose($handle); if (version_compare(ESOTALK_VERSION, $latestVersion) == -1) { $this->message("updatesAvailable", false, $latestVersion); } }