Exemplo n.º 1
function wpr_articlepost($keyword,$num,$start,$optional="",$comments="") {
	global $wpdb,$wpr_table_templates;
	if($keyword == "") {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'article'");
	if($template == false || empty($template)) {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No template";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options"));
 	$posts = array();
	$keyword2 = $keyword;	
	$keyword = str_replace( " ","+",$keyword );	
	$keyword = urlencode($keyword);
	$blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/4.0.80 (like Gecko)";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.92; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/3.92.0 (like Gecko)";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Windows-Media-Player/; InfoPath.2";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; Dealio Deskball 3.0)";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; NeosBrowser; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)";
    $ua = $blist[array_rand($blist)];	

	$page = $start / 15;
	$page = (string) $page; 
	$page = explode(".", $page);	

	if($page == 0) {$page = 1;}
	$prep = floor($start / 15);
	$numb = $start - $prep * 15;

	$lang = $options['wpr_eza_lang'];
	if($lang == "en") {
		$search_url = "http://www.articlesbase.com/find-articles.php?q=$keyword&page=$page";
	} elseif($lang == "fr") {
		$search_url = "http://fr.articlesbase.com/find-articles.php?q=$keyword&page=$page";	
	} elseif($lang == "es") {
		$search_url = "http://www.articuloz.com/find-articles.php?q=$keyword&page=$page";
	} elseif($lang == "pg") {
		$search_url = "http://www.artigonal.com/find-articles.php?q=$keyword&page=$page";
	} elseif($lang == "ru") {
		$search_url = "http://www.rusarticles.com/find-articles.php?q=$keyword&page=$page";

	// make the cURL request to $search_url
	if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) {
		$ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox (WindowsXP) - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/');
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$search_url);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45);
		$html = curl_exec($ch);
		if (!$html) {
			$return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
			$return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
			$return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ","wprobot").curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch);	
			return $return;
	} else { 				
		$html = @file_get_contents($search_url);
		if (!$html) {
			$return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
			$return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
			$return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!","wprobot");	
			return $return;		

	// parse the html into a DOMDocument  

	$dom = new DOMDocument();

	// Grab Product Links  

	$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
	$paras = $xpath->query("//div//h3/a");
	$x = 0;
	$end = $numb + $num;
		if($paras->length == 0) {
			$posts["error"]["module"] = "Article";
			$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
			$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) articles found.","wprobot");	
			return $posts;		
	if($end > $paras->length) { $end = $paras->length;}
	for ($i = $numb;  $i < $end; $i++ ) {
		$para = $paras->item($i);
		if(empty($para)) {
			$posts["error"]["module"] = "Article";
			$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
			$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) articles found.","wprobot");	
			return $posts;		
		} else {
			$target_url = $para->getAttribute('href'); // $target_url = "http://www.articlesbase.com" . $para->getAttribute('href');		
			// make the cURL request to $search_url
			if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) {
				$ch = curl_init();
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox (WindowsXP) - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/');
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$target_url);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45);
				$html = curl_exec($ch);
				if (!$html) {
					$return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
					$return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
					$return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ","wprobot").curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch);	
					return $return;
			} else { 				
				$html = @file_get_contents($target_url);
				if (!$html) {
					$return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
					$return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
					$return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!","wprobot");	
					return $return;		

			// parse the html into a DOMDocument  

			$dom = new DOMDocument();
			// Grab Article Title 			
			$xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom);
			$paras1 = $xpath1->query("//div/h1");
			$para1 = $paras1->item(0);
			$title = $para1->textContent;	

			// Grab Article	Syndicate Box
			//$xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom);			
			//$paras2 = $xpath2->query("//textarea[@id='texttocopy']"); 
			//$para2 = $paras2->item(0);	
			//echo strip_tags($dom->saveXml($para2),'<p><strong><b><a><br>');			
			// Grab Article	
			$xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom);
			//$paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@class='KonaBody']"); 
			$paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@class='article_cnt']/div[@class='KonaBody']"); 
			$para2 = $paras2->item(0);		
			$string = $dom->saveXml($para2);	
			$string = strip_tags($string,'<p><strong><b><a><br>');
			$string = str_replace('<div class="KonaBody">', "", $string);	
			$string = str_replace("</div>", "", $string);
			$string = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $string);	
			if ($options['wpr_eza_striplinks']=='yes') {$string = wpr_strip_selected_tags($string, array('a','iframe','script'));}	
			//if($lang == "es") {$string = utf8_decode  (  $string  );	}		
			$articlebody .= $string . ' ';			

			// Grab Ressource Box	

			$xpath3 = new DOMXPath($dom);
			$paras3 = $xpath3->query("//div[@class='author_details']/p");		//$para = $paras->item(0);		
			$ressourcetext = "";
			for ($y = 0;  $y < $paras3->length; $y++ ) {  //$paras->length
				$para3 = $paras3->item($y);
				$ressourcetext .= $dom->saveXml($para3);	
			$ressourcetext .= '<br/>Article from <a href="'.$target_url.'">articlesbase.com</a>';
			$title = utf8_decode($title);
			// Split into Pages
			if($options['wpr_eza_split'] == "yes") {
				$articlebody = wordwrap($articlebody, $options['wpr_eza_splitlength'], "<!--nextpage-->");
			$post = $template;
			$post = wpr_random_tags($post);
			$post = str_replace("{article}", $articlebody, $post);			
			$post = str_replace("{authortext}", $ressourcetext, $post);	
			$noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword2);
			$post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post);
			$post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post);				
			$post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post);	
			$post = str_replace("{url}", $target_url, $post);
					if(function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) {
						$post = wpr_translate_partial($post);
			$posts[$x]["unique"] = $target_url;
			$posts[$x]["title"] = $title;
			$posts[$x]["content"] = $post;				
	return $posts;
Exemplo n.º 2
function wpr_youtubepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $getcomments)
    global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates;
    if ($keyword == "") {
        $return["error"]["module"] = "Youtube";
        $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword";
        $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot");
        return $return;
    $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'youtube'");
    if ($template == false || empty($template)) {
        $return["error"]["module"] = "Youtube";
        $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template";
        $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot");
        return $return;
    $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options"));
    $pxml = wpr_youtuberequest($keyword, $num, $start);
    if (!empty($pxml["error"])) {
        return $pxml;
    $videos = array();
    $x = 0;
    if ($pxml === False) {
        $videos["error"]["module"] = "Youtube";
        $videos["error"]["reason"] = "API fail";
        $videos["error"]["message"] = __("Youtube API request did not work.", "wprobot");
        return $videos;
    } else {
        if (isset($pxml->entry)) {
            foreach ($pxml->entry as $entry) {
                $media = $entry->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
                $title = $media->group->title;
                $description = $media->group->description;
                $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes();
                $thumbnail = '<img alt="' . $title . '" src="' . $attrs['url'] . '" />';
                $thumbnailurl = $attrs['url'];
                //$yt = $entry->children('http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007');
                //$attrs = $yt->statistics->attributes();
                //$viewCount = $attrs['viewCount'];
                $yt = $media->children('http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007');
                $videoid = $yt->videoid;
                $gd = $entry->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005');
                if ($gd->rating) {
                    $attrs = $gd->rating->attributes();
                    $rating = round($attrs['average'], 2);
                } else {
                    $rating = 0;
                $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes();
                $playerUrl = $attrs['url'];
                $gd = $entry->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005');
                if ($gd->comments->feedLink) {
                    $attrs = $gd->comments->feedLink->attributes();
                    $commentsUrl = $attrs['href'];
                    $commentsCount = $attrs['countHint'];
                if (empty($options['wpr_yt_width'])) {
                    $options['wpr_yt_width'] = "425";
                if (empty($options['wpr_yt_height'])) {
                    $options['wpr_yt_height'] = "355";
                // 425 // 355
                $video = '
				<object width="' . $options['wpr_yt_width'] . '" height="' . $options['wpr_yt_height'] . '">
				<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/' . $videoid . '?fs=1"></param>
				<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
				<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/' . $videoid . '?fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="' . $options['wpr_yt_width'] . '" height="' . $options['wpr_yt_height'] . '" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
                //$video ='<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:'.$options['wpr_yt_width'].'px;height:'.$options['wpr_yt_height'].'px;" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$videoid.'">
                //<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$videoid.'" />
                if ($options['wpr_yt_striplinks_desc'] == 'yes') {
                    $description = wpr_strip_selected_tags($description, array('a', 'iframe', 'script'));
                $vid = $template;
                $vid = wpr_random_tags($vid);
                // Comments
                $commentspost = "";
                preg_match('#\\{comments(.*)\\}#iU', $vid, $rmatches);
                if ($rmatches[0] != false || $getcomments == 1) {
                    $comments = wpr_yt_getcomments($commentsUrl, $commentsCount);
                if ($rmatches[0] != false && !empty($comments)) {
                    $cnum = substr($rmatches[1], 1);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $commentsCount; $i++) {
                        if ($i == $cnum) {
                        } else {
                            $commentspost .= "<p><b>Comment by " . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</b><br/>" . $comments[$i]["content"] . "</p>";
                    $vid = str_replace($rmatches[0], $commentspost, $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{description}", $description, $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $vid);
                //$vid = str_replace("{viewcount}", $viewCount, $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{rating}", $rating, $vid);
                $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword);
                $vid = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{video}", $video, $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{title}", $title, $vid);
                $vid = str_replace("{url}", "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" . $videoid, $vid);
                if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) {
                    $vid = wpr_translate_partial($vid);
                if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) {
                    $vid = wpr_rewrite_partial($vid, $options);
                $customfield = array();
                $customfield["youtubetitle"] = $title;
                $customfield["video"] = $videoid;
                $customfield["youtubethumbnail"] = $thumbnailurl;
                $customfield["youtuberating"] = $rating;
                $videos[$x]["unique"] = $videoid;
                $videos[$x]["title"] = $title;
                $videos[$x]["content"] = $vid;
                $videos[$x]["comments"] = $comments;
                $videos[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield;
            if (empty($videos)) {
                $videos["error"]["module"] = "Youtube";
                $videos["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
                $videos["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Youtube videos found.", "wprobot");
                return $videos;
            } else {
                return $videos;
        } else {
            $videos["error"]["module"] = "Youtube";
            $videos["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
            $videos["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Youtube videos found.", "wprobot");
            return $videos;
Exemplo n.º 3
function wpr_yahooanswerspost($keyword,$num,$start,$yapcat,$getcomments) {
	global $wpdb,$wpr_table_templates;
	if($keyword == "") {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo Answers";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options"));	
	$template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'yahooanswers'");	
	if($template == false || empty($template)) {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo Answers";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No template";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$pxml = wpr_yahooanswersrequest($keyword,$num,$start,$yapcat);
	if(!empty($pxml["error"])) {return $pxml;}
	$x = 0;
	$posts = array();
	if ($pxml === False) {
		$posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers";
		$posts["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail";
		$posts["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.","wprobot");	
		return $posts;		
	} else {
		if (isset($pxml->Question)) {
			foreach($pxml->Question as $question) {
				$attrs = $question->attributes();
				$qid = $question['id']; 			
				$title = $question->Subject;
				$content = $question->Content;
				$url = $question->Link;
				$user = $question->UserNick;
				$answercount = $question->NumAnswers;
				if ($options['wpr_ya_striplinks_q']=='yes') {$content = wpr_strip_selected_tags($content, array('a','iframe','script'));}
				$post = $template;				
				$post = wpr_random_tags($post);
				// Answers
				$answerpost = "";
				preg_match('#\{answers(.*)\}#iU', $post, $rmatches);			
				if ($rmatches[0] != false || $getcomments == 1) {
					$answers = wpr_yap_getanswers($qid,$answercount);				
				if ($rmatches[0] != false && !empty($answers)) {
					$answernum = substr($rmatches[1], 1);
					for ($i = 0; $i < $answercount; $i++) {
						if($i == $answernum) {break;} else {	
							$answerpost .= "<p><i>Answer by ".$answers[$i]["author"]."</i><br/>".$answers[$i]["content"]."</p>";
							// Remove posted answer from comments array
					$answers = array_values($answers);
					$post = str_replace($rmatches[0], $answerpost, $post);				
				} else {
					$post = str_replace($rmatches[0], "", $post);					
				$content = str_replace("$", "$ ", $content); 
				$post = str_replace("{question}", $content, $post);							
				$noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword);
				$post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post);
				$post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post);					
				$post = str_replace("{url}", $url, $post);	
				$post = str_replace("{user}", $user, $post);	
				$post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post);	
					if(function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) {
						$post = wpr_translate_partial($post);
				$posts[$x]["unique"] = $qid;
				$posts[$x]["title"] = $title;
				$posts[$x]["content"] = $post;	
				$posts[$x]["comments"] = $answers;	
			if(empty($posts)) {
				$posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers";
				$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
				$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo Answers content found.","wprobot");	
				return $posts;			
			} else {
				return $posts;	
		} else {
			if (isset($pxml->Message)) {
				$message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error Yahoo returned:',"wprobot").' <b>'.$pxml->Message.'</b>';	
				$posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers";
				$posts["error"]["reason"] = "API fail";
				$posts["error"]["message"] = $message;	
				return $posts;				
			} else {
				$posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers";
				$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
				$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo Answers content found.","wprobot");	
				return $posts;						
Exemplo n.º 4
function wpr_rsspost($keyword="",$num,$start,$url,$comments="") {
   global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates;

	$template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'rss'");
	if($template == false || empty($template)) {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No template";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options"));	

	$kw = $keyword;
	$url = trim($url);
	$url2 = urldecode($url);
	$start = 0;
	$found = 0;

	if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) {
		$ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/4.0.80 (like Gecko)");
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
		$response = curl_exec($ch);
		if (!$response) {
			$return["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
			$return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
			$return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ","wprobot").curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch);	
			return $return;
	} else { 				
		$response = @file_get_contents($url2);
		if (!$response) {
			$return["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
			$return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
			$return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!","wprobot");	
			return $return;		
    $therss = @simplexml_load_string($response);
	if (!$therss){
		$therss = @simplexml_load_file($url);
	//echo "<pre>".print_r($therss)."</pre>";	
	if (empty($therss)) {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "RSS Error";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("RSS Feed could not be loaded or is empty!","wprobot");	
		return $return;		

	$posts = array();

	if(isset($therss->entry)) {$fee = $therss->entry;$ffr="blogger";} 
	elseif(isset($therss->channel->item)) {$fee = $therss->channel->item;} 
	elseif(isset($therss->item)) {$fee = $therss->item;} 
	else {$fee = "stop";}

	if($ffr=="blogger") {
	$ctitle = $therss->title;			
	} else {
	$ctitle = $therss->channel->title;
	$clink = $therss->channel->link;
	$cdesc = $therss->channel->description;			

	if($fee == "stop") {
		$return["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "Invalid Feed";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("Invalid Feed","wprobot");	
		return $return;			
	} else {
		foreach ($fee as $item) {

			$allabort = 0;	
			$abort = 0;		
			$title = $item->title;
			$title = preg_replace('/[\r\n\s]+/xms', ' ', trim($title));
			$title = strip_tags($title);
			$guid = $item->guid;	

			$gattr = $guid->attributes();			
			if($gattr['isPermaLink'] != "false" && !empty($guid)) {$unguid = $guid;} else {$unguid = "";}

			if($ffr=="blogger") {
				$link = $item->link;
				$descr = $item->summary;
				$fullcontent = $item->content; 
				$date = $item->published;

				if($kw != "" && $options['wpr_rss_filter']=='yes') {
					$kw = str_replace('"', '', $kw);
					$kws = explode(" AND ", $kw);
					foreach($kws as $kwx) {
						$kw2 = " ".$kwx." ";
						//echo $kw2."<br>";
						$c1 = stripos($fullcontent, $kw2);
						$c2 = stripos($descr, $kw2);
						$c3 = stripos($title, $kw2);
						if($c1 != false || $c2 != false || $c3 != false) {
							//echo "keyword was found<br>";
							$abort = 0;
						} else {
							//echo "keyword was not found<br>";			
							$abort = 1;
							$allabort = 1;
				foreach ($item->link as $link) {
					$attr = $link->attributes();
					if($link['rel'] == "replies" && $link['type'] == "application/atom+xml") {$commentRss = $link['href'];}
					if($link['rel'] == "alternate") {$sourcelink = $link['href']; }		
//echo $sourcelink . "<br><br>";			print_r($link);		

			} else {
				$sourcelink = $item->link;	

				$descr = $item->description;
				$date = $item->pubDate;	

				$dc  = $item->children("http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/");
				$creator = (string) $dc->creator;
				$ccc = $item->children("http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/");
				$fullcontent = (string)trim($ccc->encoded);
				if($kw != "" && $options['wpr_rss_filter']=='yes') {
					$kw = str_replace('"', '', $kw);
					$kws = explode(" AND ", $kw);
					foreach($kws as $kwx) {
						$kw2 = " ".$kwx." ";
						//echo $kw2."<br>";
						$c1 = stripos($fullcontent, $kw2);
						$c2 = stripos($descr, $kw2);
						$c3 = stripos($title, $kw2);
						if($c1 != false || $c2 != false || $c3 != false) {
							//echo "keyword was found<br>";
							$abort = 0;
						} else {
							//echo "keyword was not found<br>";			
							$abort = 1;
							$allabort = 1;
				$wfw = $item->children("http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/");
				$commentRss = $wfw->commentRss;	
				$enclosure = $item->enclosure["url"];
				$media = $item->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
				if($media->player) {
					$attrs = $media->player->attributes();
					$mediaplayer = $attrs['url']; 					  
				if($media->content) {							
					$attrs = $media->content->attributes();
					$mediacontent = $attrs['url']; 
					$mediatype = $attrs['type']; 
					$mediaheight = $attrs['height']; 
					$mediawidth = $attrs['width'];  
					$video ='
					<object width="'.$mediawidth.'" height="'.$mediaheight.'">
					<param name="movie" value="'.$mediacontent.'"></param>
					<embed src="'.$mediacontent.'" type="'.$mediatype.'" width="'.$mediawidth.'" height="'.$mediaheight.'"></embed>
				if($media->thumbnail) {								  
					$attrs = $media->thumbnail[0]->attributes();
					$mediathumbnail = $attrs['url']; 
			if(!empty($unguid)) {$uid = $unguid;} else {$uid = $sourcelink;}	

			if($abort == 0 && $allabort == 0 && !wpr_check_unique($uid)) {
				$source = '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.$sourcelink.'">'.$ctitle.'</a>';						
				if($fullcontent != "" && $options['wpr_rss_content']=='full') {$content = $fullcontent;} else {$content = $descr;}
				if ($options['wpr_rss_striplinks']=='yes') {$content = wpr_strip_selected_tags($content, array('a','iframe','script'));}
				if($options['wpr_rss_content']=='trunc') {$content = substr($content,0,350). "...";}
				$post = $template;	
				$post = wpr_random_tags($post);
				$content = str_replace("$", "$ ", $content); 
				$content = str_replace("\n\r", " ", $content); 				
				$content = str_replace("\n", " ", $content); 
				$post = str_replace("{content}", $content, $post);			
				$post = str_replace("{source}", $source, $post);	
				$post = str_replace("{author}", $creator, $post);
				$noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword);
				$post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post);
				$post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post);			
				$post = str_replace("{url}", $sourcelink, $post);	
				$post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post);	
				$post = str_replace("{mediacontent}", $video, $post);
				$post = str_replace("{mediathumbnail}", $mediathumbnail, $post);							
				$post = str_replace("{enclosure}", $enclosure, $post);					
					if(function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) {
						$post = wpr_translate_partial($post);
					if(function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) {
						$post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post,$options);
				if(!empty($mediathumbnail)) {$customfield = $mediathumbnail;} elseif(!empty($enclosure)) {$customfield = $enclosure;} else {$customfield = "";}	
					$customfield2 = array();
					$customfield2["rsstitle"] = $title;
					$customfield2["rssmediacontent"] = $video;
					$customfield2["rssenclosure"] = $enclosure;
					$customfield2["rsssource"] = $sourcelink;
					$customfield2["rssimage"] = $customfield;						
				$posts[$found]["unique"] = $uid;
				$posts[$found]["title"] = $title;
				$posts[$found]["content"] = $post;	
				$posts[$found]["customfield"] = $customfield2;
			if ($found==$num){break;}

	if($found > 0) {
		return $posts;		
	} elseif($abort == 1) {
		// error: no posts found for keywords
		$posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
		$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No post found in RSS feed for keyword $kw","wprobot");	
		return $posts;					
	} elseif($found == 0) {
		// error: no posts found
		$posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
		$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No unposted RSS items found!","wprobot");	
		return $posts;	
	} elseif(empty($posts)) {
		// error: no posts found
		$posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
		$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No items found in this feed!","wprobot");	
		return $posts;		
	} else {
		// error: no posts found
		$posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS";
		$posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
		$posts["error"]["message"] = __("No items found in this feed!","wprobot");	
		return $posts;			
Exemplo n.º 5
function wpr_twitterpost($keyword,$num,$start,$optional="",$comments="") {
	global $wpdb,$wpr_table_templates;
	$options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options"));
	if($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error
		$return["error"]["module"] = "Twitter";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'twitter'");
	if($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error
		$return["error"]["module"] = "Twitter";
		$return["error"]["reason"] = "No template";
		$return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.","wprobot");
		return $return;	
	$x = 0;
	$itemcontent = array();
	$pxml = wpr_twitterrequest($keyword,$num,$start); // Send API request
	if(!empty($pxml["error"])) {return $pxml;}
	if ($pxml === False) {
		$itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter";
		$itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail";
		$itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.","wprobot");	
		return $itemcontent;	
	} else {
		if (isset($pxml->entry)) {
			foreach($pxml->entry as $news) {		

				$title = $news->title;					
				$summary = $news->content;		
				if ($options['wpr_twitter_striplinks']=='yes') {$summary = wpr_strip_selected_tags($summary, array('a','iframe','script'));}	
				$authorurl = $news->author->uri;				
				$authorname = $news->author->name;
				$date = $news->published;
				$author = "<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"$authorurl\">$authorname</a><br/><br/>";
				$content = $template;
				$content = wpr_random_tags($content);
				$content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content);
				$content = str_replace("{tweet}", $summary, $content);
				$content = str_replace("{author}", $author, $content);
				$content = str_replace("{authorname}", $authorname, $content);
				$content = str_replace("{authorurl}", $authorurl, $content);	
				$content = str_replace("{date}", $date, $content);				
				$noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword);
				$content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content);
				$content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content);					

				$itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $news->id;
				$itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title;
				$itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content;	
			if(empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found.
				$itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter";
				$itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
				$itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Twitter items found.","wprobot");	
				return $itemcontent;		
			} else {
				return $itemcontent;	
		} else {
			if (isset($pxml->Message)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them.
				$message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:',"wprobot").' <b>'.$pxml->Message.'</b>';	
				$itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter";
				$itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail";
				$itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message;	
				return $itemcontent;			
			} else { // Return error if no content has been found.
				$itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter";
				$itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
				$itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Twitter items found.","wprobot");	
				return $itemcontent;				
Exemplo n.º 6
function wpr_articlepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "")
    global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates;
    if ($keyword == "") {
        $return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
        $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword";
        $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot");
        return $return;
    $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'article'");
    if ($template == false || empty($template)) {
        $return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
        $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template";
        $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot");
        return $return;
    $posts = array();
    $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options"));
    $proxy == "";
    if ($options["wpr_trans_use_proxies"] == "yes") {
        $proxies = str_replace("\r", "", $options["wpr_trans_proxies"]);
        $proxies = explode("\n", $proxies);
        $rand = array_rand($proxies);
        list($proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser) = explode("|", $proxies[$rand]);
    $keyword2 = $keyword;
    $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword);
    $keyword = urlencode($keyword);
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/4.0.80 (like Gecko)";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.92; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/3.92.0 (like Gecko)";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Windows-Media-Player/; InfoPath.2";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; Dealio Deskball 3.0)";
    $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; NeosBrowser; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)";
    $ua = $blist[array_rand($blist)];
    // SOURCE
    $source = array();
    if ($options['wpr_eza_source_ab'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "ab" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") {
        $source[] = "ab";
    if ($options['wpr_eza_source_goa'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "goa" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") {
        $source[] = "goa";
    if ($options['wpr_eza_source_buk'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "buk" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") {
        $source[] = "buk";
    if ($options['wpr_eza_source_ezm'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "ezm" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") {
        $source[] = "ezm";
    $rand_key = array_rand($source);
    if ($source[$rand_key] == "ab") {
        $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "ab";
    } elseif ($source[$rand_key] == "goa") {
        $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "goa";
    } elseif ($source[$rand_key] == "buk") {
        $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "buk";
    } elseif ($source[$rand_key] == "ezm") {
        $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "ezm";
    //print_r($source);echo "source: ".$rand_key . " ". $options['wpr_eza_source'] . "\n";
    /*if($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "rand") {
    		$rand = rand(0,3);
    		if($rand == 0) {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "buk";
    		} elseif($rand == 1) {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "goa";
    		} elseif($rand == 2) {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "ezm";		
    		} else {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "ab";}	
    if ($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "buk") {
        return wpr_bukisapost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional, $comments, $options, $template, $ua, $proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser);
    } elseif ($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "goa") {
        return wpr_goarticlepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional, $comments, $options, $template, $ua, $proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser);
    } elseif ($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "ezm") {
        return wpr_ezinemarkpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional, $comments, $options, $template, $ua, $proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser);
    if (empty($start)) {
        $start = 0;
    $search_url = "http://ezinearticles.com/search/?q={$keyword}&index={$start}";
    // make the cURL request to $search_url
    if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua);
        if ($proxy != "") {
            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
            if ($proxyuser) {
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyuser);
            if ($proxytype == "socks") {
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $search_url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45);
        $html = curl_exec($ch);
        if (!$html) {
            $return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
            $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
            $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch);
            return $return;
    } else {
        $html = @file_get_contents($search_url);
        if (!$html) {
            $return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
            $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
            $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot");
            return $return;
    // parse the html into a DOMDocument
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    // Grab Product Links
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $paras = $xpath->query("//div/h3/a");
    $x = 0;
    $end = $num;
    if ($paras->length == 0) {
        $posts["error"]["module"] = "Article";
        $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
        $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) articles found.", "wprobot");
        return $posts;
    if ($end > $paras->length) {
        $end = $paras->length;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $end; $i++) {
        $para = $paras->item($i);
        if (empty($para)) {
            $posts["error"]["module"] = "Article";
            $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content";
            $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) articles found.", "wprobot");
            return $posts;
        } else {
            $target_url = "http://ezinearticles.com" . $para->getAttribute('href');
            // $target_url = "http://www.articlesbase.com" . $para->getAttribute('href');
            // make the cURL request to $search_url
            if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
                $ch = curl_init();
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua);
                if ($proxy != "") {
                    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1);
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
                    if ($proxyuser) {
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyuser);
                    if ($proxytype == "socks") {
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target_url);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45);
                $html = curl_exec($ch);
                if (!$html) {
                    $return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
                    $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
                    $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch);
                    return $return;
            } else {
                $html = @file_get_contents($target_url);
                if (!$html) {
                    $return["error"]["module"] = "Article";
                    $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error";
                    $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot");
                    return $return;
            // parse the html into a DOMDocument
            $dom = new DOMDocument();
            // Grab Article Title
            $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom);
            $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//div/h1");
            $para1 = $paras1->item(0);
            $title = $para1->textContent;
            // Grab Article
            $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom);
            $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@id='article-content']");
            $para2 = $paras2->item(0);
            $string = $dom->saveXml($para2);
            //$string = preg_replace('#<div class="articles">(.*)</div>#smiU', '', $string);
            //$string = preg_replace('#<a title="(.*)" href="/authors/(.*)</a>#smiU', '', $string);
            //$string = preg_replace('#<strong>(.*)</strong>#smiU', '', $string);
            $string = strip_tags($string, '<p><strong><b><a><br>');
            $string = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $string);
            $string = str_replace("]]>", "", $string);
            $string = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $string);
            if ($options['wpr_eza_striplinks'] == 'yes') {
                $string = wpr_strip_selected_tags($string, array('a', 'iframe', 'script'));
            $articlebody .= $string . ' ';
            // Grab Ressource Box
            $xpath3 = new DOMXPath($dom);
            $paras3 = $xpath3->query("//div[@id='article-resource']");
            //$para = $paras->item(0);
            $ressourcetext = "";
            for ($y = 0; $y < $paras3->length; $y++) {
                $para3 = $paras3->item($y);
                $ressourcetext .= $dom->saveXml($para3);
            $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom);
            $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@id='article-body']/p");
            $para2 = $paras2->item(0);
            $ressourcetext .= str_replace('href="', 'href="http://ezinearticles.com', $dom->saveXml($para2));
            $title = utf8_decode($title);
            // Split into Pages
            if ($options['wpr_eza_split'] == "yes") {
                $articlebody = wordwrap($articlebody, $options['wpr_eza_splitlength'], "<!--nextpage-->");
            $post = $template;
            $post = wpr_random_tags($post);
            $post = str_replace("{article}", $articlebody, $post);
            $post = str_replace("{authortext}", $ressourcetext, $post);
            $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword2);
            $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post);
            $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post);
            $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post);
            $post = str_replace("{url}", $target_url, $post);
            if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) {
                $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options);
            if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) {
                $post = wpr_translate_partial($post);
            $posts[$x]["unique"] = $target_url;
            $posts[$x]["title"] = $title;
            $posts[$x]["content"] = $post;
    return $posts;